"Brian Lumley - Titus Crow 1 - The Burrowers Beneath" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lumley Brian)time he shakily came back
into the room. His hands trembled as he lowered himself into an easy chair. 'It was the ground ... I thought for a minute that the ground . . .'He was mumbling, more to himself than to me, and visibly trembling from head to toe as the aftereffect of the shock hit him. Then he saw the concern on my face and tried to calm himself. 'The ground, Paul, I was sure I felt a tremor - but I was mistaken. It must be this place. All this open space. The moors. I fear I'll really have to make an effort and get away from here. There's altogether too much soil and not enough cement! Cement surroundings are the thing . . .' I had had it on the tip of my tongue to say that I too had felt the shock, but upon learning that he now believed himself mistaken I kept quiet. I did not wish to needlessly add to his already considerable disorders. That night, after Sir Amery had retired, I went through into his study - a room which, though he had never said so, I knew he considered inviolate - to have a look at the seismograph. Before I looked at the machine, however, I saw the notes spread out upon the table beside it. A glance was sufficient to tell me that the sheets of white foolscap were covered with fragmentary jottings in my uncle's heavy handwriting, and when I looked closer I was sickened to discover that they were a rambling jumble of seemingly disassociated - yet apparently linked -occurrences connected in some way with his weird delusions. These notes have since been delivered permanently into my possession and are as reproduced here: HADRIAN'S WALL. 122-128 a.d. Limestone Bank. (Gn'yah of the G'harne Fragments?) Earth tremors uncompleted ditch with wedge-holes ready for splitting. W'nyal Shash. (MITHRAS?) The Romans had their own deities - but it wasn't Mithras that the disciples of Commodus, the Blood Maniac, sacrificed to at Limestone Bank! And that was the same spot where, fifty years earlier, a great block of stone was unearthed and discovered to be covered with inscriptions and engraven pictures! Silvanus the Centurion defaced it and buried it again. A skeleton, positively identified as Silvanus' by the signet ring on one of its fingers, has been lately found beneath the ground (deep) where once stood a Vicus Tavern at Homesteads Fort - but we don't know how he vanished! Nor were Commodus' followers any too careful. According to Atullus and Caracalla they also vanished overnight - during an earthquake! AVEBURY. (Neolithic A'byy of the G'harne Fragments and Pnakotic Manuscript???) Reference Stukeley's book, A Temple to the British Druids - incredible! Druids, indeed! But Stukeley was pretty close when he said snake worship! Worms, more like it! COUNCIL OF NANTES. (9th Century.) The Council didn't know what it was doing when it ordered: 'Let the stones also which, deceived by the derision of the demons, they worship amid ruins and in wooded places, where they both make their vows and bestow their offerings, be dug up from the very foundations, and let them be cast into such places as never will their devotees be able to find them again . . .' I've read that paragraph so many times that it's become imprinted upon my mind! God only knows what happened to the poor devils who tried to carry out the Council's orders . . . ! DESTRUCTION OF GREAT STONES. In the 13th and 14th Centuries the Church also |