"Brian Lumley - Titus Crow 1 - The Burrowers Beneath" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lumley Brian)we'll have to fix it for you to read the whole book! It's a dangerous task,
though, Henri. I've read it myself, some time ago, and was obliged to forget most of what I learned - it was that or madness! In fact, I think we'd better limit your research to selected sections from Henrietta Montague's translation. Are you willing to help me in this?' 'Of course, Titus,' I answered. 'Just pass on your orders. I'll carry them out as best I can, you know that.' 'Good, then that's to be your special task in this,' he told me. 'You can save me a lot of time by correlating and summing up the whole Cthulhu Cycle, with special reference to Shudde-M'ell in the mythology. I'll list certain other books which I think might be helpful later. Right now, though, let's see what Feery has to say on it.' We were hardly to know it at that time, but things were not to be in any way as Crow planned, for events yet to come would surely have confounded any plans he might have made. As it was, we could not know this, and so my haggard friend flipped the leaves of Feery's often fanciful reconstruction of Alhazred's dreadful book until he found the page he was looking for. 'Here we are,' he eventually declared, 'the passage entitled: "Ye Power in ye Five-Pointed Star".' He settled himself in his chair and began to read: '"Armour against Witches & Daemons, Against ye Deep Ones, ye Dools, ye Voormais, ye Tacho-Tacho, ye Mi-Go, ye Shog-gaoths, ye Ghasts, ye Valusians, & all such Peoples & Beings that serve ye Great Olde Ones & ye Spawn of Them, lies within ye Five-Pointed Star carven of grey Stone from ancient Mnar; which is less strong against ye Great Olde Ones Themselves. Ye Possessor of ye Stone or fly even to ye Source from which there is no returning. In Yhe as in Great R'lyeh, in Y'ha-nthlei as in Yoth, in Yuggoth as in Zothique, in N'kai as in Naa-Hk & K'n-yan, in Carcosa as in G'harne, in ye twin Cities of Ib and Lh-yib, in Kadath in ye Cold Waste as at ye Lake of Hali, it shall have Power; yet even as Stars wane & grow cold, even as Suns die & ye Spaces between Stars grow more wide, so wanes ye Power of all things - of ye Five-Pointed Star-Stone as of ye Spells put upon ye Great Olde Ones by ye benign Elder Gods, & that Time shall come as once was a Time when it shall be known: That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange Aeons even Death may die.' "In Carcosa as in G'harne," I repeated when Crow had done. 'Well, there we seem to have it!' 'Yes,' he answered drily, frowning at the open book, 'but I'm pretty sure that this is a different version from the one in the Museum copy of the Necronomicon. I wish to God Feery was still alive! I've often pondered his knowledge regarding the Necronomicon - to say nothing of many another rare book. Still' - he tapped with his fingernail on the page with the relevant passage - 'there's part of your answer at least.' 'So it appears that Shudde-M'ell was prisoned at G'harne.' I frowned. 'Which means that somehow he managed to escape! But how?' 'That's something we may never know. Henri, unless - ' Crow's eyes widened and his face went grey. 'Yes, what is it, Titus?' |