"Brian Lumley - Titus Crow 1 - The Burrowers Beneath" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lumley Brian)simply the size of the concept! I know that there are extramundane
occurrences, and I've had my share of experiences that can only be described as "supernatural", but they have always been the exception. You are asking me to believe that the Cthulhu Cycle of myth is nothing less than prehistoric fact -which means in effect that the very foundation of our entire sphere of existence is built on alien magic! If such is the case then "occult" is normal and Good grew out of Evil, as opposed to the doctrines of the Christian mythos!' 'I refuse to be drawn into a theological argument, Henri,' he answered. 'But that is my basic concept of things, yes. However, let's get one or two points quite clear, my friend. In the first place, for "Magic" read "Science".! 'I don't follow.' 'Brainwashing, Henri! The Elder Gods knew that they could never hope to imprison beings as powerful as the deities of the Cthulhu Cycle behind merely physical bars. They made their prisons the minds of the Great Old Ones themselves - perhaps even their bodies! They implanted mental and genetic blocks into the psyches and beings of the forces of evil and all their minions, that at the sight of - or upon sensing the presence of - certain symbols, or upon hearing those symbols reproduced as sound, those forces of evil are held back, impotent! This explains why comparatively simple devices such as the Mnaran star-stones are effective, and why, in the event of such stones being removed from their prisoning locations, certain chants or written symbols may still cause the escaped powers to retreat.' For a moment this explanation mazed me even more than before, but then I suspiciously asked: 'Titus, did you 'The theory has been my own personal opinion for quite a long while, Henri, and it explains so many hitherto "inexplicable" things. I believe, too, that it is alluded to in a certain somewhat less than cryptic passage in the Cthaat Aquadingen. As you know, the book has a short chapter dedicated to "Contacting Cthulhu in Dreams"! Mercifully the actual devices required to perform this monstrously dangerous feat are given only in code - in practically impossible ciphers - and concern themselves in some unknown way with Nyarlathotep. Still, in the same chapter, the author makes a statement very relevant towards proving my own beliefs regarding the Elder Gods as scientists. I have a note here somewhere that I copied for easy reference.' He searched atop his littered desk. 'Ah! Here it is. It has quite definite parallels with much that's rather better known in the Cthulhu Cycle, and certainly seems to lend itself well to the most recent Christian mythos. Anyway, listen: "Ye Science as practised by a Majority of ye Prime Ones was & is & always will be that of ye Path of Light, infinitely recognized throughout Time, Space & all ye Angels as beneficent to ye Great All's Continuation. Certain of ye Gods, however, of a rebellious Nature, chose to disregard ye Dictums of ye Majority, & in ye constant Gloom of ye Dark Path renounced their immortal Freedom in Infinity & were banished to suitable Places in Space & Time. But even in Banishment ye Dark Gods railed against ye Prime Ones, so that those Followers of ye Light Path must needs shut them Outside of all Knowledge, imposing upon their Minds certain Strictures & ye Fear of ye Light Path's Ways, & impressing into their Bodies a Stigma defying Generation; that ye Sins |