"Sade, Marquis De - The 120 Days Of Sodom 1" - читать интересную книгу автора (Marquis de Sade)

come across miraculous specimens. But it was in vain one was honest or a
decent woman, one had to submit everything: our Lordships' libertinage, of
a variety that never brooks limits, would overwhelm with horrors and
infamies whatever, whether by Nature or social convention, ought to have
been exempt from such ordeals. Once one was there, one had to be ready for
anything, and as our four villains had every taste that accompanies the
lowest, most crapulous debauch, this fundamental acquiescence to their
desires was not by any means a matter of inconsequence.
The guests at the third supper were the vilest, foulest creatures that
can possibly be met with. To him who has some acquaintance with
debauchery's extravagances, this refinement will appear wholly
understandable; 'tis most voluptuous to wallow, so to speak, in filth with
persons of this category; these exercises offer the completest abandon, the
most monstrous intemperance, the most total abasement, and these pleasures,
compared with those tasted the evening before, or with the distinguished
individuals in whose company we have tasted them, have a way of lending a
sharp spice to earlier activities. At these third suppers, debauch being
more thorough, nothing was omitted that might render it complex and
piquant. A hundred whores would appear in the course of six hours, and only
too often something less than the full hundred would leave the games. But
there is nothing to be gained by hurrying our story or by broaching
subjects which can only receive adequate treatment in the sequel.
As for the fourth supper, it was reserved for young maids; only those
between the ages of seven and fifteen were permitted. Their condition in
life was of no importance, what counted was their looks: they had to be
charming; as for their virginity, authentic evidence was required. Oh,
incredible refinement of libertinage! It was not, assuredly, that they
wished to pluck all those roses, and how indeed could they have done so?
for those untouched flowers were always a score in number, and of our four
libertines only two were capable of proceeding to the act, one of the
remaining two, the financier, being absolutely incapable of an erection,
and the Bishop being absolutely unable to take his pleasure save in a
fashion which, yes, I agree, may dishonor a virgin but which, however,
always leaves her perfectly intact. No matter; the twenty maiden-heads had
to be there, and those which were not impaired by our quartet of masters
became, before their eyes, the prey of certain of their valets just as
depraved as they, whom they kept constantly at beck and call for more than
one reason.
Apart from these four supper parties there was another, a secret and
private one held every Friday, involving many fewer persons but surely
costing a great deal more. The participants were restricted to four young
and high-born damsels who, by means of strategy and money, had been
abducted from their parents' homes. Our libertines' wives nearly always had
a share in this debauch, and their extreme submissiveness, their docile
attentions, their services made it more of a success each time. As for the
genial atmosphere at these suppers, it goes without saying that even
greater profusion than delicacy reigned there; not one of these meals cost
less than ten thousand francs, and neighboring countries as well as all
France were ransacked so that what was of the rarest and most exquisite
might be assembled together. Fine and abundant wines and liqueurs were