"slide73" - читать интересную книгу автора (George R. R. Martin - (A Song Of Ice And Fire 02) - A Clash Of Kings (v4) (HTML))THE KING IN THE NARROW SEASTANNIS BARATHEON, the First of His Name, the older of King
Robert’s brothers, formerly Lord of Dragonstone, secondborn
son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana of House
Estermont, —his wife, LADY SELYSE of House Florent, —SHIREEN, their only child, a girl of ten, —his uncle and cousins: —SER LOMAS ESTERMONT, an uncle, —his son, SER ANDREW ESTERMONT, a cousin, —his court and retainers: —MAESTER CRESSEN, healer and tutor, an old man, —MAESTER PYLOS, his young successor, —SEPTON BARRE, —SER AXELL FLORENT, castellan of Dragonstone, and uncle to Queen
Selyse, —PATCHFACE, a lackwit fool, —LADY MELISANDRE OF ASSHAI, called the RED WOMAN, a priestess of
R’hllor, the Heart of Fire, —SER DAVOS SEAWORTH, called the ONION KNIGHT and sometimes
SHORTHAND, once a smuggler, captain of Black Betha, —his wife MARYA, a carpenter’s daughter, —their seven sons: —DALE, captain of the Wraith, —ALLARD, captain of the Lady Marya, —MATTHOS, second of Black Betha, —MARIC, oarmaster of Fury, —DEVAN, squire to King Stannis, —STANNIS, a boy of nine years, —STEFFON, a boy of six years, —BRYEN FARRING, squire to King Stannis, —his lords bannermen and sworn swords, —ARDRIAN CELTIGAR, Lord of Claw Isle, an old man, —MONFORD VELARYON, Lord of the Tides and Master of
Driftmark, —DURAM BAR EMMON, Lord of Sharp Point, a boy of fourteen
years, —GUNCER SUNGLASS, Lord of Sweetport Sound, —SER HUBARD RAMBTON, —SALLADHOR SAAN, of the Free City of Lys, styled Prince of the
Narrow Sea, —MOROSH THE MYRMAN, a sellsail admiral. King Stannis has taken for his banner the fiery heart of the
Lord of Light; a red heart surrounded by orange flames upon a
bright yellow field. Within the heart is pictured the crowned stag
of House Baratheon, in black. THE KING IN THE NARROW SEASTANNIS BARATHEON, the First of His Name, the older of King
Robert’s brothers, formerly Lord of Dragonstone, secondborn
son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana of House
Estermont, —his wife, LADY SELYSE of House Florent, —SHIREEN, their only child, a girl of ten, —his uncle and cousins: —SER LOMAS ESTERMONT, an uncle, —his son, SER ANDREW ESTERMONT, a cousin, —his court and retainers: —MAESTER CRESSEN, healer and tutor, an old man, —MAESTER PYLOS, his young successor, —SEPTON BARRE, —SER AXELL FLORENT, castellan of Dragonstone, and uncle to Queen
Selyse, —PATCHFACE, a lackwit fool, —LADY MELISANDRE OF ASSHAI, called the RED WOMAN, a priestess of
R’hllor, the Heart of Fire, —SER DAVOS SEAWORTH, called the ONION KNIGHT and sometimes
SHORTHAND, once a smuggler, captain of Black Betha, —his wife MARYA, a carpenter’s daughter, —their seven sons: —DALE, captain of the Wraith, —ALLARD, captain of the Lady Marya, —MATTHOS, second of Black Betha, —MARIC, oarmaster of Fury, —DEVAN, squire to King Stannis, —STANNIS, a boy of nine years, —STEFFON, a boy of six years, —BRYEN FARRING, squire to King Stannis, —his lords bannermen and sworn swords, —ARDRIAN CELTIGAR, Lord of Claw Isle, an old man, —MONFORD VELARYON, Lord of the Tides and Master of
Driftmark, —DURAM BAR EMMON, Lord of Sharp Point, a boy of fourteen
years, —GUNCER SUNGLASS, Lord of Sweetport Sound, —SER HUBARD RAMBTON, —SALLADHOR SAAN, of the Free City of Lys, styled Prince of the
Narrow Sea, —MOROSH THE MYRMAN, a sellsail admiral. King Stannis has taken for his banner the fiery heart of the
Lord of Light; a red heart surrounded by orange flames upon a
bright yellow field. Within the heart is pictured the crowned stag
of House Baratheon, in black. |