"slide84" - читать интересную книгу автора (George R. R. Martin - (A Song Of Ice And Fire 03) - A Storm of Swords (v4)...)THE KING ON THE IRON THRONEJOFFREY BARATHEON, the First of His Name, a boy of thirteen
years, the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei
of House Lannister, — his mother, QUEEN CERSEI, of House Lannister, Queen Regent and
Protector of the Realm, — Cersei’s sworn swords: — SER OSFRYD KETTLEBLACK, younger brother to Ser Osmund
Kettleblack of the Kingsguard, — SER OSNEY KETTLEBLACK, youngest brother of Ser Osmund and Ser
Osfryd, — his sister, PRINCESS MYRCELLA, a girl of nine, a ward of
Prince Doran Martell at Sunspear, — his brother, PRINCE TOMMEN, a boy of eight, next heir to the
Iron Throne, — his grandfather, TYWIN LANNISTER, Lord of Casterly Rock,
Warden of the West, and Hand of the King, — his uncles and cousins, paternal, — his father’s brother, STANNIS BARATHEON, rebel Lord of
Dragonstone, styling himself King Stannis the First, — Stannis’s daughter, SHIREEN, a girl of eleven, — his father’s brother, (RENLY BARATHEON), rebel Lord of
Storm’s End, murdered in the midst of his army, — his grandmother’s brother, SER ELDON ESTERMONT, — Ser Eldon’s son, SER AEMON ESTERMONT, — Ser Aemon’s son, SER ALYN ESTERMONT, — his uncles and cousins, maternal, —his mother’s brother, SER JAIME LANNISTER, called THE
KINGSLAYER, a captive at Riverrun, —his mother’s brother, TYRION LANNISTER, called THE IMP, a
dwarf, wounded in the Battle of the Blackwater, — Tyrion’s squire, PODRICK PAYNE, — Tyrion’s captain of guards, SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER,
a former sellsword, — Tyrion’s concubine, SHAE, a camp follower now serving as
bedmaid to Lollys Stokeworth, — his grandfather’s brother, SER KEVAN LANNISTER, — Ser Kevan’s son, SER LANCEL LANNISTER, formerly squire
to King Robert, wounded in the Battle of the Blackwater, near
death, —his grandfather’s brother, {TYGETT LANNISTER), died of a
pox, — Tygett’s son, TYREK LANNISTER, a squire, missing since
the great riot, — Tyrek’s infant wife, LADY ERMESANDE HAYFORD, —his baseborn siblings, King Robert’s bastards: —MYA STONE, a maid of nineteen, in the service of Lord Nestor
Royce, of the Gates of the Moon, —GENDRY, an apprentice smith, a fugitive in the riverlands; and
ignorant of his heritage, —EDRIC STORM, King Robert’s only acknowledged bastard son,
a ward of his uncle Stannis on Dragonstone, —his Kingsguard: —SER JAIME LANNISTER, Lord Commander, —SER MERYN TRANT, —SER BALON SWANN, —SER OSMUND KETTLEBLACK, —SER LORAS TYRELL, the Knight of Flowers, —SER ARYS OAKHEART, —his small council: —LORD TYWIN LANNISTER, Hand of the King, —SER KEVAN LANNISTER, master of laws, —LORD PETYR BAELISH, called LITTLEFINGER, master of coin, —VARYS, a eunuch, called THE SPIDER, master of whisperers, —LORD MACE TYRELL, master of ships, —GRAND MAESTER PYCELLE, —his court and retainers: —SER ILYN PAYNE, the King’s Justice, a headsman, —LORD HALLYNE THE PYROMANCER, a Wisdom of the Guild of
Alchemists, —MOON BOY, a jester and fool, —ORMOND OF OLDTOWN, the royal harper and bard, —DONTOS HOLLARD, a fool and a drunkard, formerly a knight called
SER DONTOS THE RED, —JALABHAR XHO, Prince of the Red Flower Vale, an exile from the
Summer Isles, —LADY TANDA STOKEWORTH, — her daughter, FALYSE, wed to Ser Balman Byrch, — her daughter, LOLLYS, thirty-four, unwed, and soft of wits,
with child after being raped, — her healer and counselor, MAESTER FRENKEN, —LORD GYLES ROSBY, a
sickly old man, —SER TALLAD, a promising young knight, —LORD MORROS SLYNT, a squire, eldest son of the former Commander
of the City Watch, — JOTHOS SLYNT, his younger brother, a squire, — DANOS SLYNT, younger still, a page, —SER BOROS BLOUNT, a former knight of the Kingsguard, dismissed
for cowardice by Queen Cersei, —OSMYN PECKLEDON, a squire, and a hero of the Battle of the
Blackwater, —SER PHILIP FOOTE, made Lord of the Marches for his valor during
the Battle of the Blackwater, —SER LOTHOR BRUNE, named LOTHOR APPLE-EATER for his deeds during
the Battle of the Blackwater, a former freerider in service to Lord
Baelish, —other lords and knights at King’s Landing: —MATHIS ROWAN, Lord of Goldengrove, —PAXTER REDWYNE, Lord of the Arbor, — Lord Paxter’s twin sons, SER HORAS and SER HOBBER,
mocked as HORROR and SLOBBER, — Lord Redwyne’s healer, MAESTER BALLABAR, —ARDRIAN
SWANN, heir to Stonehelm, —SER RONNET CONNINGTON, called RED RONNET, the Knight of
Griffin’s Roost, —AURANE WATERS, the Bastard of Driftmark, —SER DERMOT OF THE RAINWOOD, a famed knight, —SER TIMON SCRAPESWORD, a famed knight, —the people of King’s Landing: — the City Watch (the “gold cloaks”), —{SER JACELYN BYWATER, called IRONHAND}, Commander of the City
Watch, slain by his own men during the Battle of the
Blackwater, — SER ADDAM MARBRAND, Commander of the City Watch, Ser
Jacelyn’s successor, — CHATAYA, owner of an expensive brothel, — ALAYAYA, her daughter, — DANCY, MAREI, JAYDE, Chataya’s girls, — TOBHO MOTT, a master armorer, — IRONBELLY, a blacksmith, — HAMISH THE HARPER, a famed singer, — COLLIO QUAYNIS, a Tyroshi singer, — BETHANY FAIR-FINGERS, a woman singer, — ALARIC OF EYSEN, a singer, far-traveled, — GALYEON OF CUY, a singer notorious for the length of his
songs, — SYMON SILVER TONGUE, a singer. King Joffrey’s banner shows the crowned stag of Baratheon,
black on gold, and the lion of Lannister, gold on crimson,
combatant. THE KING ON THE IRON THRONEJOFFREY BARATHEON, the First of His Name, a boy of thirteen
years, the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei
of House Lannister, — his mother, QUEEN CERSEI, of House Lannister, Queen Regent and
Protector of the Realm, — Cersei’s sworn swords: — SER OSFRYD KETTLEBLACK, younger brother to Ser Osmund
Kettleblack of the Kingsguard, — SER OSNEY KETTLEBLACK, youngest brother of Ser Osmund and Ser
Osfryd, — his sister, PRINCESS MYRCELLA, a girl of nine, a ward of
Prince Doran Martell at Sunspear, — his brother, PRINCE TOMMEN, a boy of eight, next heir to the
Iron Throne, — his grandfather, TYWIN LANNISTER, Lord of Casterly Rock,
Warden of the West, and Hand of the King, — his uncles and cousins, paternal, — his father’s brother, STANNIS BARATHEON, rebel Lord of
Dragonstone, styling himself King Stannis the First, — Stannis’s daughter, SHIREEN, a girl of eleven, — his father’s brother, (RENLY BARATHEON), rebel Lord of
Storm’s End, murdered in the midst of his army, — his grandmother’s brother, SER ELDON ESTERMONT, — Ser Eldon’s son, SER AEMON ESTERMONT, — Ser Aemon’s son, SER ALYN ESTERMONT, — his uncles and cousins, maternal, —his mother’s brother, SER JAIME LANNISTER, called THE
KINGSLAYER, a captive at Riverrun, —his mother’s brother, TYRION LANNISTER, called THE IMP, a
dwarf, wounded in the Battle of the Blackwater, — Tyrion’s squire, PODRICK PAYNE, — Tyrion’s captain of guards, SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER,
a former sellsword, — Tyrion’s concubine, SHAE, a camp follower now serving as
bedmaid to Lollys Stokeworth, — his grandfather’s brother, SER KEVAN LANNISTER, — Ser Kevan’s son, SER LANCEL LANNISTER, formerly squire
to King Robert, wounded in the Battle of the Blackwater, near
death, —his grandfather’s brother, {TYGETT LANNISTER), died of a
pox, — Tygett’s son, TYREK LANNISTER, a squire, missing since
the great riot, — Tyrek’s infant wife, LADY ERMESANDE HAYFORD, —his baseborn siblings, King Robert’s bastards: —MYA STONE, a maid of nineteen, in the service of Lord Nestor
Royce, of the Gates of the Moon, —GENDRY, an apprentice smith, a fugitive in the riverlands; and
ignorant of his heritage, —EDRIC STORM, King Robert’s only acknowledged bastard son,
a ward of his uncle Stannis on Dragonstone, —his Kingsguard: —SER JAIME LANNISTER, Lord Commander, —SER MERYN TRANT, —SER BALON SWANN, —SER OSMUND KETTLEBLACK, —SER LORAS TYRELL, the Knight of Flowers, —SER ARYS OAKHEART, —his small council: —LORD TYWIN LANNISTER, Hand of the King, —SER KEVAN LANNISTER, master of laws, —LORD PETYR BAELISH, called LITTLEFINGER, master of coin, —VARYS, a eunuch, called THE SPIDER, master of whisperers, —LORD MACE TYRELL, master of ships, —GRAND MAESTER PYCELLE, —his court and retainers: —SER ILYN PAYNE, the King’s Justice, a headsman, —LORD HALLYNE THE PYROMANCER, a Wisdom of the Guild of
Alchemists, —MOON BOY, a jester and fool, —ORMOND OF OLDTOWN, the royal harper and bard, —DONTOS HOLLARD, a fool and a drunkard, formerly a knight called
SER DONTOS THE RED, —JALABHAR XHO, Prince of the Red Flower Vale, an exile from the
Summer Isles, —LADY TANDA STOKEWORTH, — her daughter, FALYSE, wed to Ser Balman Byrch, — her daughter, LOLLYS, thirty-four, unwed, and soft of wits,
with child after being raped, — her healer and counselor, MAESTER FRENKEN, —LORD GYLES ROSBY, a
sickly old man, —SER TALLAD, a promising young knight, —LORD MORROS SLYNT, a squire, eldest son of the former Commander
of the City Watch, — JOTHOS SLYNT, his younger brother, a squire, — DANOS SLYNT, younger still, a page, —SER BOROS BLOUNT, a former knight of the Kingsguard, dismissed
for cowardice by Queen Cersei, —OSMYN PECKLEDON, a squire, and a hero of the Battle of the
Blackwater, —SER PHILIP FOOTE, made Lord of the Marches for his valor during
the Battle of the Blackwater, —SER LOTHOR BRUNE, named LOTHOR APPLE-EATER for his deeds during
the Battle of the Blackwater, a former freerider in service to Lord
Baelish, —other lords and knights at King’s Landing: —MATHIS ROWAN, Lord of Goldengrove, —PAXTER REDWYNE, Lord of the Arbor, — Lord Paxter’s twin sons, SER HORAS and SER HOBBER,
mocked as HORROR and SLOBBER, — Lord Redwyne’s healer, MAESTER BALLABAR, —ARDRIAN
SWANN, heir to Stonehelm, —SER RONNET CONNINGTON, called RED RONNET, the Knight of
Griffin’s Roost, —AURANE WATERS, the Bastard of Driftmark, —SER DERMOT OF THE RAINWOOD, a famed knight, —SER TIMON SCRAPESWORD, a famed knight, —the people of King’s Landing: — the City Watch (the “gold cloaks”), —{SER JACELYN BYWATER, called IRONHAND}, Commander of the City
Watch, slain by his own men during the Battle of the
Blackwater, — SER ADDAM MARBRAND, Commander of the City Watch, Ser
Jacelyn’s successor, — CHATAYA, owner of an expensive brothel, — ALAYAYA, her daughter, — DANCY, MAREI, JAYDE, Chataya’s girls, — TOBHO MOTT, a master armorer, — IRONBELLY, a blacksmith, — HAMISH THE HARPER, a famed singer, — COLLIO QUAYNIS, a Tyroshi singer, — BETHANY FAIR-FINGERS, a woman singer, — ALARIC OF EYSEN, a singer, far-traveled, — GALYEON OF CUY, a singer notorious for the length of his
songs, — SYMON SILVER TONGUE, a singer. King Joffrey’s banner shows the crowned stag of Baratheon,
black on gold, and the lion of Lannister, gold on crimson,
combatant. |