"slide86" - читать интересную книгу автора (George R. R. Martin - (A Song Of Ice And Fire 03) - A Storm of Swords (v4)...)THE KING IN THE NARROW SEASTANNIS BARATHEON, the First of His Name, second son of Lord
Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana of House Estermont, formerly
Lord of Dragonstone, —his wife, QUEEN SELYSE of House Florent, —PRINCESS SHIREEN, their daughter, a girl of eleven, —PATCHFACE, her lackwit fool, —his baseborn nephew, EDRIC STORM, a boy of twelve, bastard son
of King Robert by Delena Florent, —his squires, DEVAN SEAWORTH and BRYEN FARRING, —his court and retainers: —LORD ALESTER FLORENT, Lord of Brightwater Keep and Hand of the
King, the queen’s uncle, —SER AXELL FLORENT, castellan of Dragonstone and leader of the
queen’s men, the queen’s uncle, —LADY MELISANDRE OF ASSHAI, called THE RED WOMAN, priestess of
R’hllor, the Lord of Light and God of Flame and Shadow, —MAESTER PYLOS, healer, tutor, counselor, —SER DAVOS SEAWORTH, called THE ONION KNIGHT and sometimes
SHORTHAND, once a smuggler, —Davos’s wife, LADY MARYA, a carpenter’s
daughter, —their seven sons: —{DALE}, lost on the Blackwater, —{ALLARD}, lost on the Blackwater, —{MATTHOS}, lost on the Blackwater, —{MARIC}, lost on the Blackwater, —DEVAN, squire to King Stannis, —STANNIS, a boy of nine years, —STEFFON, a boy of six years, —SALLADHOR SAAN, of the Free City of Lys, styling himself Prince
of the Narrow Sea and Lord of Blackwater Bay, master of the
Valyrian and a fleet of sister galleys, —MEIZO MAHR, a eunuch in his hire, —KHORANE SATHMANTES, captain of his galley Shayala’s Dance, —“PORRIDGE” and “LAMPREY,” two
gaolers, —his lords bannermen, —MONTERYS VELARYON, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark, a
boy of six, —DURAM BAR EMMON, Lord of Sharp Point, a boy of fifteen
years, —SER GILBERT FARRING, castellan of Storm’s End, —LORD ELWOOD MEADOWS, Ser Gilbert’s second, —MAESTER JURNE, Ser Gilbert’s counselor and healer, —LORD LUCOS CHYTTERING, called LITTLE LUCOS, a youth of
sixteen, —LESTER MORRIGEN, Lord of Crows Nest, —his knights and sworn swords, —SER LOMAS ESTERMONT, the king’s maternal uncle, —his son, SER ANDREW ESTERMONT, —SER ROLLAND STORM, called THE BASTARD OF NIGHTSONG, a baseborn
son of the late Lord Bryen Caron, —SER PARMEN CRANE, called PARMEN THE PURPLE, held captive at
Highgarden, —SER ERREN FLORENT, younger brother to Queen Selyse, held
captive at Highgarden, —SER GERALD GOWER, —SER TRISTON OF TALLY HILL, formerly in service to Lord Guncer
Sunglass, —LEVVYS, called THE FISHWIFE, —OMER BLACKBERRY. King Stannis has taken for his banner the fiery heart of the
Lord of Light: a red heart surrounded by orange flames upon a
yellow field. Within the heart is the crowned stag of House
Baratheon, in black. THE KING IN THE NARROW SEASTANNIS BARATHEON, the First of His Name, second son of Lord
Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana of House Estermont, formerly
Lord of Dragonstone, —his wife, QUEEN SELYSE of House Florent, —PRINCESS SHIREEN, their daughter, a girl of eleven, —PATCHFACE, her lackwit fool, —his baseborn nephew, EDRIC STORM, a boy of twelve, bastard son
of King Robert by Delena Florent, —his squires, DEVAN SEAWORTH and BRYEN FARRING, —his court and retainers: —LORD ALESTER FLORENT, Lord of Brightwater Keep and Hand of the
King, the queen’s uncle, —SER AXELL FLORENT, castellan of Dragonstone and leader of the
queen’s men, the queen’s uncle, —LADY MELISANDRE OF ASSHAI, called THE RED WOMAN, priestess of
R’hllor, the Lord of Light and God of Flame and Shadow, —MAESTER PYLOS, healer, tutor, counselor, —SER DAVOS SEAWORTH, called THE ONION KNIGHT and sometimes
SHORTHAND, once a smuggler, —Davos’s wife, LADY MARYA, a carpenter’s
daughter, —their seven sons: —{DALE}, lost on the Blackwater, —{ALLARD}, lost on the Blackwater, —{MATTHOS}, lost on the Blackwater, —{MARIC}, lost on the Blackwater, —DEVAN, squire to King Stannis, —STANNIS, a boy of nine years, —STEFFON, a boy of six years, —SALLADHOR SAAN, of the Free City of Lys, styling himself Prince
of the Narrow Sea and Lord of Blackwater Bay, master of the
Valyrian and a fleet of sister galleys, —MEIZO MAHR, a eunuch in his hire, —KHORANE SATHMANTES, captain of his galley Shayala’s Dance, —“PORRIDGE” and “LAMPREY,” two
gaolers, —his lords bannermen, —MONTERYS VELARYON, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark, a
boy of six, —DURAM BAR EMMON, Lord of Sharp Point, a boy of fifteen
years, —SER GILBERT FARRING, castellan of Storm’s End, —LORD ELWOOD MEADOWS, Ser Gilbert’s second, —MAESTER JURNE, Ser Gilbert’s counselor and healer, —LORD LUCOS CHYTTERING, called LITTLE LUCOS, a youth of
sixteen, —LESTER MORRIGEN, Lord of Crows Nest, —his knights and sworn swords, —SER LOMAS ESTERMONT, the king’s maternal uncle, —his son, SER ANDREW ESTERMONT, —SER ROLLAND STORM, called THE BASTARD OF NIGHTSONG, a baseborn
son of the late Lord Bryen Caron, —SER PARMEN CRANE, called PARMEN THE PURPLE, held captive at
Highgarden, —SER ERREN FLORENT, younger brother to Queen Selyse, held
captive at Highgarden, —SER GERALD GOWER, —SER TRISTON OF TALLY HILL, formerly in service to Lord Guncer
Sunglass, —LEVVYS, called THE FISHWIFE, —OMER BLACKBERRY. King Stannis has taken for his banner the fiery heart of the
Lord of Light: a red heart surrounded by orange flames upon a
yellow field. Within the heart is the crowned stag of House
Baratheon, in black. |