"Martin, Michael A - AtTheCavern" - читать интересную книгу автора (Martin Michael A)Other.
He laughed. "Of course not." "Me neither. We'll just have to hope he's sharp enough to figure it out on his own." "What the hell are you talking about?" my Other said, looking perplexed. The barmaid tried to charge past us, but I stopped her with a piercing whistle. She looked startled. So did my Other when I ordered six Guinnesses. "Two for you, two for me, two for John," I explained. Then I handed him the dead man's palmtop. "Read this. Then we're going to invite a guest to our table." John Lennon was smashed before he got halfway through the second pint. He didn't look half as thuggish and threatening as his stage persona, slumped as he was onto the cracked upholstery. He squinted first at my Other, then at me. His glasses were nowhere in sight. Nearly knocking his pint over, Lennon once again picked up the dead man's palmtop unit, turning it this way and that. "Gear toy,"' he slurred. "Sort of, you know, like magic. Always loved that. Magic, I mean." He pronounced loved like luvved, very scouse, very working class, and, I thought, very affected. it, then," I said. "It's yours. If you figure out how it works and what it does, you'll quite literally change the world." Lennon smiled disarmingly. "Got that covered already," he said. "No doubt," said my Other, also rising. looking a bit awed. "One way or another." Lennon stared up at him a little curiously, just for a second, before going back to his new toy. My Other and I backed away. After a trip to the men's room, we were outside again, watching the bits of trash blow across the cobbles as afternoon settled into evening. Some of the dock-worker types were evidently heading off for evening shifts. The nattily clothed office types had begun drifting away after the Beatles' last set and were now entirely gone. It was getting quiet. My Other looked troubled. "Do you think that was the smartest thing we could have done?" "How should I know? The Manual doesn't cover this. We had to improvise. All we know for sure is that our dead friend came here from some other timeline's version of Alternitech. From the Technology Division." |