"Julian May - Boreal Moon 01 - Conqueror's Moon" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)

Finally Conrig said, тАЬGossy, is there something amiss?тАЭ

The alchymist had been sitting like a man frozen, his wine cup poised halfway to his lips. Now he gave a sudden start and set the drink down with a shaky hand. тАЬI donтАЩt know.тАЭ His
voice was fretful, but then Stergos had always been a worry-wart. тАЬI think I sense a presence somewhere close by, someone possessed of the talent. I said nothing earlier so as not to
spoil our dinner.тАЭ

тАЬPerhaps Snudge is watching us, trying to read our lips.тАЭ Conrig flashed an exasperated smile. тАЬDamn his impudence! But he means no harm. IтАЩll admonish him and box his ears

тАЬI wish youтАЩd left that boy behind at Brent Lodge,тАЭ Stergos complained. тАЬIt was unwise to bring him along on this crucial mission. Wild talents arenтАЩt to be trusted! He canтАЩt be
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Julian, May - Boreal Moon 01 - Conqueror's Moon

windwatched so I never know exactly what heтАЩs up to. DeveronтАЩs been badly spoiled by your overindulgence, Con. He needs discipline. At sixteen, heтАЩs quite old enough to enter the
novitiate at the abbeyтАФтАЭ

тАЬNo,тАЭ said the prince with a firmness that brooked no argument. тАЬDeveron Austrey is mine, not Saint ZethтАЩs, and I alone will command his loyalty, erratic though it sometimes may
be. You must never tell your mystical brethren or anyone else that the lad is not a common man. Is that understood?тАЭ

тАЬYes, butтАФтАЭ

тАЬI need my personal spy, my snudge. He sees things other talents do notтАФ not even you, reverend brother. Folk are wary in the presence of a professed alchymist and windvoice, but
who pays any attention to the youngest of the princeтАЩs footmen?тАЭ

тАЬHe still thinks of his aptitudes as playthings! One of these days heтАЩll make a slip and reveal what he is to the wrong person. IтАЩm only trying to protect you, Con.тАЭ

тАЬI know, Gossy. Search the wind one last time for intruders, then you must leave me while I gather my wits for the council.тАЭ The prince spoke evenly, hiding the concern that
suddenly touched him. There was someone watching. He felt it, too. Drinking down the last of his watered wine in a single pull, he arose from the table. тАЬThis cramped room is
depressing. Come. LetтАЩs go into the solar. IтАЩll look at the scenery while you exert your magic.тАЭ

They left the inner chamber and stood near the solarтАЩs huge leaded-crystal window, a marvelous thing made of hundreds of polished small panes, each one perfectly transparent. It
was Duke Tanaby VanguardтАЩs particular pride, facing westward so as to give an expansive view of Demon Seat and the lesser peaks in the Dextral Range, silhouetted now against a
glaring sunset sky that struck jewel-bright reflections from the collection of silver wine ewers, gilt flasks of ardent spirits, and glass cordial bottles set out by the window for the
council attendees.

Stergos cupped both hands over his eyes and stood still, ranging outward. He had been shaved bald for his ordination a moon ago on his thirtieth birthday, and now his head had
sprouted fine golden fuzz that gave him a childlike air, even in his imposing crimson robes. Slight of body and round-faced, he had always seemed younger than Conrig, although
five years separated them. The two brothers were devoted to one another, in spite of the differences in their temperament.

At length the doctor lowered his hands. тАЬIt canтАЩt be that knave Deveron riding the wind. ItтАЩs anotherтАФa mind far more adeptтАФbut God knows who it is. It seems that all of the noble
guests down in the great hall have done just as Duke Tanabybade them. None of their retinues include alchymists, windvoices, or other folk of talent, and Vra-Doman Carmorton and
the rest of the dukeтАЩs own magickers are temporarily exiled to the town. Their scrying powers are meager, and theyтАЩre much too far away to see into the castle. As far as I can tell, the
only practitioners in all of Vanguard are the young intelligencer Deveron and myself. And yet IтАЩm positive that someone oversees us!тАЭ Stergos smote his brow in vexation. тАЬAh, if
only I were not newly frocked, I might serve you more competently, Con. But overseeing is so much more difficult than windspeechтАФтАЭ

тАЬNever mind, Brother. All will be well.тАЭ The prince paused, turning away to stare at the spectacular vista outside the window. тАЬIt may be that I know who could be watching. If IтАЩm
right, she has no evil intent.тАЭ

The doctorтАЩs face stiffened in dismay. тАЬOf course! I didnтАЩt think of her. GodтАЩs Breath! If only there were another way for us toтАФтАЭ