"Julian May - The Golden Torc" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)Finiah, source of the vital element barium, without which no
type of torc could be made. Richard tested the flyer successfully on the twenty-sixth. But Martha's old affliction had returned, and she weakened from heavy loss of blood. In spite of this, she and Richard made plans to flee together immediately after he had assisted in the bombardment of Finiah. Three days later, at dusk on the twenty-ninth of September, the flyer landed at Hidden Springs with the Spear ready for use. Martha was in shock from the file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/May,%20Julian...ene%20Exile%202%20-%20The%20Golden%20Torc.txt (7 of 232) [1/15/03 7:52:21 PM] file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/May,%20Julian%20-%20Pliocene%20Exile%202%20-%20The%20Golden%20Torc.txt hemorrhaging, and Amerie could only rush her away for trans-fusions, praying for a miracle. Down on the western bank of the Rhine, a Lowlife army waited in a secret camp opposite Finiah. The city, gorgeously illuminated with twinkling lights, was still undisturbed at dawn on the thirtieth. Chief Burke was ready, together with several hundred free humans, many of them armed with iron. The Firvulag army under Sharn the Younger was also on alertтАФ although still skepticalтАФpoised to attack on two fronts should the promised aerial bombardment materialize. Richard piloted the flyer to a position above the Tanu citadel. prepared to attack, with the photon weapon manned by the rock-cutting paleontologist. Claude fired twice and missed, but his third shot broke the Rhineside wall, allowing penetration by the Lowlives and a large unit of Firvulag. Changing targets, the old man demolished a wall on the other side of the city; Ayfa, general of the Warrior Ogresses, led in a second prong of attackers opposite the main strike. With power in the Spear running low, Claude knew that there only remained enough.energy for a single great blast at the strategic barium mine in the heart of Finiah. But now there came streaming up from the city a train of glowing knights mounted on chaliko chargers. Velteyn and his Flying Hunt had penetrated Madame's illusion and identified the enemy. The psychocreative lord sent balls of lightning soaring into the open hatch of the aircraft. Dodging, Claude fired, striking the mine squarely. Before Richard could get them away, the globes of psychic energy did their work: Claude was seriously burned, Richard lost an eye, and Madame lay on the floor of the smoldering flight deck, surrounded by toxic fumes. Half mad with pain, Richard crash-landed the flyer at Hid-den Springs. At the same time, a successful invasion of the Tanu city was being carried out by combined human and Fir-vulag forces. The battle of Finiah lasted twenty-four hours. At the end of that time the barium mine was destroyed, the city |