"Julian May - The Golden Torc" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)

which they had been traveling these past five days?
If he gave a hail, would anyone down there answer? Try!
There came a hard bright response, shocking in its eager-ness:
O shining boymind who?
Well... Aiken Drum that's who.
Hold still littlemind so far yet so glowing. Ah!
No. Stop thatтАФ!

file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/May,%20Julia...ne%20Exile%202%20-%20The%20Golden%20Torc.txt (10 of 232) [1/15/03 7:52:21 PM]

Do not pull away Shining One. What can you be?
Let go dammit!
Do not withdraw I think I know you...
Suddenly, he was overcome by an unprecedented fear. That
distant unknown was locking onto him, coming at him in some
manner down the pathway of his own mind's beam. He pulled
away from the grasp and discovered too late that it was going
to take almost all of his strength to sever the connection. He
tore free. He found himself falling through thin air, his dra-gonfly
shape shifted back to vulnerable humanity. Wind whis-tled
in his ears. He plunged toward the boat, mind and voice
screaming, and only managed to regain control and the insect
form a scant moment before disaster. Trembling and funked
out, he settled to the tip of the mast.
His projected panic had awakened the others. The boat be-gan
to rock, generating concentric ripples in the pale lagoon.
Elizabeth and Creyn emerged from the covered passenger com-partment
to stare at him; and Raimo, with an expression of
bleary incomprehension on his upturned face; and scowling
Stein, with worried little Sukey; and Highjohn, the skipper,
who yelled, "I know that's you up there, Aiken Drum! God
help you if you've been playing any of your tricks with my
The boatman's shout brought out the last passenger, the
torcless anthropologist, Bryan Grenfell, who was feeling testy
and was aware of none of the telepathic querying now being
hurled at the dragonfly by the others. "Is it necessary to rock
the boat quite so much?"
"Aiken, come down," Creyn said aloud.."Not bloody likely," the dragonfly replied. Wings abuzz,
the insect prepared to flee.
The Tanu raised one slender hand in an ironic gesture. "Fly away, then, you fool. But be sure you
understand what you're
renouncing. It makes no difference that you've escaped the
torc. We were expecting that. Allowances have been made.
Special privileges have been arranged for you in Muriah."
A doubting laugh. "I've already had a little hint of that."
"So?" Creyn was unconcerned. "If you'd kept your wits
about you, you'd know that you have nothing to fear from