"Julian May - The Golden Torc" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)simple tores that compel obedience. (Ironically, these "ramas"
are part of the direct hominid line that climaxed in Homo sapiens six million years later.) Humans occupying positions of trust or engaged in vital occupations under the Tanu usually wear gray tores. These do not amplify the mind, but do allow telepathic communication between humans and exotics; the de-vices also incorporate pleasure-pain circuits, through which the Tanu reward or punish their minions. The tores are not easily made, requiring a rare barium component in their manufacture, and so they are not used on the majority of "normal" (that is, metaphysically nonlatent) humans, who are coerced into obe-dience by other means. If Tanu testing shows that an arriving time-traveler has significant latent metafunctions, the lucky person is given a silver torc. This is a genuine amplifier similar to the gold collars worn by the TanuтАФbut with control circuits. Silver-torc humans enjoy a privileged position; rarely, they may.even be granted golden torcs and full freedom as citizens of the Many-Colored Land. The eight members of Group Green, like all new arrivals, were taken for mind-testing to a Tanu fortress, Castle Gateway. Almost at once, the Group proved to be anything but typical. The starship captain, Richard, temporarily escaped and had a terrifying encounter with a Tanu slave-mistress, Epone, who administered the tests for latent metafunctions. Elizabeth, the former farsensor and metapsychic teacher, restoration of the awesome mental powers she feared had been lost forever. Her discovery was noted with excitement by an-other Tanu, Creyn, who promised Elizabeth that a "wonderful file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/May,%20Julian...ene%20Exile%202%20-%20The%20Golden%20Torc.txt (2 of 232) [1/15/03 7:52:21 PM] file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/May,%20Julian%20-%20Pliocene%20Exile%202%20-%20The%20Golden%20Torc.txt life" lay ahead of her in the Many-Colored Land. Stein Oleson, the huge driller, was driven temporarily insane by the trip back through time. Smashing the door of his de-tention cell, he was subdued only after killing a number of gray-torc bondsmen. To insure Stein's future docility, he was fitted with a gray torc of his own. His heroic physique made him a candidate for the Tanu-Firvulag ritual war, the Grand Combat. Still unconscious from his recapture, he was readied for a trip south to the Tanu capital city of Muriah. Also torcedтАФbut with silverтАФwas the trickster youth, Aiken Drum. The exotic testers had detected strong metapsychic la-tencies in him, which would be brought up to the operant level as he became accustomed to wearing the amplifier. The anthropologist, Bryan Grenfell, possessed no signifi-cant mental latencies. But his professional talents seemed strangely valuable to the Tanu, with the result that Bryan was |