"Julian May - Trillium 3 - Sky Trillium" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)

Trillium 03 - Sky Trillium by Julian May (v1.0) (html).html

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Sky Trillium by Julian

THE old madman had fallen unconscious at last, prone on the dining room table
amidst the remains of the meal. The prisoner let his glittering glass blade
descend until its point touched the dark, wrinkled skin of the Archimage's neck.

One thrust. A single movement of his arm and it would be ended.

Do it!

But the prisoner held back, cursing himself for a sentimental coward, his mind a
storm of conflicting emotion. The cup of poisoned wine lay upset near Denby's
flaccid brown hand. Dregs puddled on the shining gondawood surface, slowly
whitening the varnish beneath. The magnificent table, more than twelve
thousand years old, was probably ruined; but its insane owner would survive. At

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Trillium 03 - Sky Trillium by Julian May (v1.0) (html).html

the last, standing over the helpless form of the Archimage of the Firmament with
the razor-sharp fruitknife in his hand, the prisoner found it impossible to kill his

Why do I hesitate? he asked himself. Is it because of the old man's crotchety
good humor, or his awesome office, that he neglects so scandalously? Do I hold
back because Denby Varcour spared my life, even though he sentenced me to
share his grotesque exile? Or is magic at work here, protecting this ancient
meddler even though he lies vulnerable as a sleeping child before me?

Never mind all that. Do it. Kill him! The poison has only rendered him senseless.
Kill him now before it is too late!

But he could not. Not even the power of his Star sufficed to drive the blade