"Ardath Mayhar - Khi to Freedom" - читать интересную книгу автора (Mayhar Ardath)reading monitors, checking readouts on the survival-scopes, and hoping.
Then we hit, that sturdy little boat and I, and it wasnтАЩt a clean landing at all. II. The Hril Who Watches Amid the long work of watching physical suns and planets, energies and material things, living and almost-living things, there came a spark of unusual interest. I focused my thought upon that phase of time and space and held myself ready. The one we waited for was moving within his own skein of time toward the point at which we must take part in his life and education. Some among the Hril have asked why we trouble ourselves concerning the happenings among those who are, after all, only figments of our thoughts. That is not asked by those of us who watch, for we can see the shadow of ourselves in these creatures we have made. They, too, in their small ways, are groping toward enlightenment. Only the fact that we have been far longer upon the road has given us the power to make and unmake their kind. And we know dangers. Such a peril is there, in its spot in the weft of time that is in the future of this one for whom we wait. We, in our present forms, would be unable to control it and to return it to its own place. It focused into purposes. Nearer at hand there is the problem of the Ginli. One who had not scanned that physical future carefully enough conceived of them. Now all must quease at their doings among their fellows in that small corner of all that is. They must be taught or unmade. There is no third alternative. This task, too, awaits our pupil. Outside time, we can see all possibilities. If this one who even now approaches Khi-Ash is able enough, strong enough, he may make the correct decisions at the proper times. We do notтАФperhaps cannotтАФcompel him or any of our creations along the ways we would have them go. Chance and individual choice seem inextricably woven into the weft of all that is. As we grow nearer and nearer to the Total Enlightenment, we see even more clearly that only through free choice is any good thing made or done. That has been made clear to us, with many other matters that were obscure, by those who instructed us upon our way. For we are not the last nor the ultimate dwellers along the interdimensional layering. Beyond us, there are still greater Others. III. Hale Enbo |