"Antares - 03 - Antares Victory" - читать интересную книгу автора (McCollum Michael)that it tookthenovawavefront125 years to cross the gulf of space betweenthem.
When thefirst photonsfrom the explosionfinally reached the colony world, they burst forthin a phenomenonthatquickly became known as Antares dawnlight. However, aAntares Foldspace ClusterТsinterconnectingseries of interstellar pathways,had gone supernovain the year 2512. A century-and-a-quarter later, theexpanding shockwavefrom theeventhadfinally reachedValeria, AltaТs star. Having completed its long journey across the vacuum of space,Antares dawnlighthadfinally burst forth across DrakeТs world. As impressive as the giant starТs funeral pyrewasduring those first few weeks,in one important respect,its appearancelookedasithungabovetheColgateMountainrange,inoneimportantaspect,theactualarrivalofthehad beensupernovaТswave fronthad been anticlimactic. For while the photons thrown out by the explosion moved atthe virtual crawl that is light speed,the supernovahadmadeitsbirthknownonAltaalmostthesameinstantthatithadoccurred. Scientists have long known that thecataclysmictitanic flashof lightthat marksasupernovawithwhichsupernovaehavefascinatedhumanbeingsforsolongis merely a minor side effectof ofwhat isreallyactually taking place. In addition to outshining allofothertheother starsinin the galaxycombined, a supernova produces a titanic storm of particles across the subatomic spectrum. Neutrinosarethemostnumerousproductsofthesupernovareaction,racingfreeoftheexpandingballofplasmatheinstanttheycomeintobeingWhiletheseandmany. Every other form of energyisalsopresent inabundance. Andwhile manyotheroftheeffects are of interest only to astronomersand physicists,AntaresТ death had carried with ittheone consequencethat affected thelivesof Antaressupernovahadhadoneconsequencethatimpactedthelivesof everyoneon Altain the Valeria System . In addition to vaporizing everythingmaterial around it Ц systematthemomentofcataclysm Ц the supernova disruptedspace-timeanddefocusedinterstellarpathwaysallacrossnearbyspacedisruptedstar travel throughout the region,cuttingAltaofffrom therest of human space. . The invisiblepathwayspathways between the starswea re the result of long, intricatelines of folded space that emanate from the gigantic black hole that inhabits the central core of the Milky Way Galaxy Ц and indeed, all spiral galaxies. These УfoldlinesФ weave intricate webs of folded space as they sweep outward along the spiral arms, intersecting some stars while bypassing others. Where a foldline intersects a star,sometimes itis often isfocused by the starТs gravity well to produce a Уweak spotФ in the vacuum of space. Such weak spots are called Уfoldpoints,Ф and within their planet-sized volumes, it is possible to produce a hole in space-time. A ship that positions itself within a foldpoint and thengeneratesreleases aprecisely formedenergyfieldcomplexenergyfield will effectively drop out of the universe and be flung instantly along the foldline to the next weak point, where it returns tonormalreal space without having traversed the intervening distance. For half a thousand years, humanityТs ships had usedfoldpointsand foldlinestofindato circumventway around EinsteinТs universal speed limit. Slowly,meticulously,humanityhadexploredalongtheweboffoldlines,puttingdowncolonieswherevertheyfoundterrestrial-classplanets. ThefFoldlines were the superhighways to the stars, with most stars possessing at least twofoldpointsfoldpoints, and sometimes as many as four. Antares, in the days before its fiery death,had beenhadbeen the champion foldpoint producer in human space. Ithad possessed six of the gateways, making itthe majoran |