"China Mieville - King Rat" - читать интересную книгу автора (Mieville China)bonfire, someone clearing his allotment. Saul set off
down the hill towards the library. He stopped at a takeaway and ate as he walked, moving slowly to avoid spilling soy sauce and vegetables down himself. Saul was sorry the sun had gone 10 file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt (16 of 422) [10/15/2004 2:24:56 PM] file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt down. Willesden lent itself to spectacular sunsets. On a day like today, when there were few clouds, its low skyline let the light flood the streets, pouring into the strangest crevices; the windows that faced each other bounced the rays endlessly back and forth between themselves and sent it hurtling in unpredictable directions; within. Saul turned into the backstreets. He wound through the cold until his father's house rose before him. Terragon Mansions was an ugly Victorian block, squat and mean-looking for all its size. It was fronted by the garden: a strip of dirty vegetation frequented only by dogs. His father lived on the top floor. Saul looked up and saw that the lights were on. He climbed the steps and let himself in, glancing into the darkness of the bushes and scrub on either side. He ignored the huge lift with its steel-mesh door, not wanting its groans to announce him. Instead he crept up the flights of stairs and gently unlocked his father's door. The flat was freezing. Saul stood in the hall and listened. He could hear the sound of the television from behind the sitting room door. He waited, but his father was silent. Saul shivered and looked around him. |