"China Mieville - King Rat" - читать интересную книгу автора (Mieville China)


file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt (18 of 422) [10/15/2004 2:24:56 PM]

The slamming did not stop. He called out again,
and this time a voice was raised above the din.


Saul struggled to clear his head. With a sudden
panic he thought of the small stash of dope in his
drawer, but that was absurd. He was no drugs kingpin,
no one would waste a dawn raid on him. He was
reaching out to open the door, his heart still tearing,
when he suddenly remembered to check that they
were who they claimed, but it was too late now, the
door flew back and knocked him down as a torrent of
bodies streamed into the flat.

Blue trousers and big shoes all around him. Saul
was yanked to his feet. He started to flail at the
intruders. Anger waxed with his fear. He tried to yell
but someone smacked him in the stomach and he
doubled up. Voices were reverberating everywhere
around him, making no sense.

'... cold like a bastard ...'

'... cocky little cunt...'

'. .. fucking glass, watch yourself..."

'... his son, or what? High as a fucking kite, must
be ...'

And above all these voices he could hear a weather
forecast, the cheery tones of a breakfast television presenter.
Saul struggled to turn and face the men who
were holding him so tight.

'What the fuck's going on?' he gasped. Without