"China Mieville - King Rat" - читать интересную книгу автора (Mieville China)

file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt (20 of 422) [10/15/2004 2:24:56 PM]

shouted at them, begging to know what was going on,
pleading, threatening and railing.

'Where's my dad? What's going on?'

'Shut up.'

'What's going on?'

Something slammed into his kidneys, not hard but
with the threat of greater force. 'Shut up.' The lift
door closed behind them.

'What's happened to my fucking dad!'

As soon as he had seen the broken window a voice
inside Saul had spoken quietly. He had not been able
to hear it clearly until now. Inside the flat the brutal
crunch of boots and the swearing had drowned it out.
But here where he had been dragged, in the relative
silence of the lift, he could hear it whispering.

Dead, it said. Dad's dead.

Saul's knees buckled. The men behind him held him
upright, but he was utterly weak in their arms. He

'Where's my dad?' he pleaded.

The light outside was the colour of the clouds. Blue
strobes swirled on a mass of police cars, staining the
drab buildings. The frozen air cleared Saul's head. He
tugged desperately at the arms holding him as he
struggled to see over the hedges that ringed Terragon
Mansions. He saw faces staring down from the hole
that was his father's window. He saw the glint of a
million splinters of glass covering the dying grass. He
saw a mass of uniformed police frozen in a threatening