"L. E. Modesitt - Recluce 08 - Colors of Chaos" - читать интересную книгу автора (Modesitt L E)

Cerryl- Mage of Fairhaven
Sterol- High Wizard of Fairhaven
Kinowin- Overmage of Fairhaven
Jeslek- Overmage of Fairhaven
Anya- Chief aide to Jeslek, niece of the factor Muneat
Broka- Master of anatomie
Esaak- Master of mathematicks
Eliasar- Armsmaster of Fairhaven
Gorsuch- Mage adviser in Hydolar (Hydlen)
Huroan- Assistant chief Patrol mage, Fairhaven
Isork- Chief Patrol mage, Fairhaven

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Myral- Master of sewers
Sedelos- Mage adviser in Lydiar
Shyren- Mage adviser in Jellico (Certis)
Sverlik- Mage adviser in Fenard (Gallos), killed by Prefect Lyam
Leyladin- Black healer, daughter of Layel
Bealtur- Apprentice mage
Faltar- Former apprentice mage with Cerryl
Heralt- Former apprentice mage with Cerryl
Lyasa- Former apprentice mage with Cerryl

Berofar- Duke of Hydlen
Estalin- Duke of Lydiar
Lyam- Former prefect of Gallos, killed by Cerryl
Syrma- Prefect of Gallos
Rystryr- Viscount of Certis

Layel- Leyladin's father, factor and trader in scarcities
Muneat- Richest factor in Fairhaven, Anya's uncle
Jiolt- One of the five wealthiest factors in Fairhaven, son Uleas is consort of Anya's sister,
Scerzet- One of the five wealthiest factors in Fairhaven
Chorast- One of the five wealthiest factors in Fairhaven
Felemsol- One of the five wealthiest factors in Fairhaven
Loboll- Wealthy Fairhaven trader

Part I - Colors of White