"Lowell Howard Morrow - Islands in the Air" - читать интересную книгу автора (Morrow Lowell Howard)

Title: Islands In The Air
Author: Lowell Howard Morrow
* A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook *
eBook No.: 0602241h.htnl
Edition: 1
Language: English
Character set encoding: Latin-1(ISO-8859-1)--8 bit
Date first posted: June 2006
Date most recently updated: June 2006

This eBook was produced by: Richard Scott

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Islands in the Air

Lowell Howard Morrow
"Somehow the momentum of the islands could not be checked. Edge to edge they met. The detonation
was deafening. . . Blue, green and yellow fire enmeshed them for a moment before the great mass rushed

HERE is one of the most extraordinary air stories that we have read in a long while. It is sure to arouse
your wonder and excitement.

One of the important and most revolutionary inventions, which is sure to come about sooner or later, is
the control of gravitation. When we have conquered gravitation, man will be set free in earnest.

The slavery of weight, which chains us to this planet and to the ground, is far more serious than we
appreciate, simply because we have always been "earthbound". But, sooner or later, it will be possible to
bring about such conditions as our author describes so vividly in this excellent short story. When it does,
aviation will be helped tremendously, and indeed the conditions of our entire world will be revolutionized