"Destroyer - 025 - Sweet Dreams" - читать интересную книгу автора (Murphy Warren)"Nothing but what they asked for," Chiun said. "Barging in here through a door that the perfect one had destroyed, a perfectly good door, and demanding to see wonderful Remo, and all the while, I am sitting here, minding my business, taking a few moments of pleasure from All My Offspring while you are out, gallivanting aroundЕ where were you while all this was going on?"
Remo refused to be sidetracked. "What'd you do to them?" he said, but before Chiun could answer, one of the girls moaned. Remo walked over to the sound. Looking closer, he realized the girl was not only alive, but smiling broadly. So were the other three, including Margie who held a copy of The Powerology Guide to Sexual Fulfillment in her dirty fist. "Take them out of here," Chiun said. "In a perfect manner, of course. Heh, heh, heh. Just as I always thought. You are perfect for taking out garbage." Remo, relieved to find that the four bodies weren't just bodies, did not even argue. He reached down to the hulk of Margie and grabbed her under the stomach. She arched slowly, muttered "Fantastic," then wrapped her body around Remo's hand, like a kitten if a kitten could be called sex-crazed. Remo lifted her like the handle of a Samsonite two-suiter and deposited her on her feet outside the suite. She seemed to float down the hall toward the elevator. Remo shot a leering look at Chiun. "Dirty old man," he said. "They are reliving their childhoods," Chiun said, "which all happen to be pleasant ones. Wipe that disgusting look off your lecherous muffin face. The Master of Sinanju is above such things." He turned his back and looked out the window as Remo deposited the other three girls in the hall and pushed them off, like walking dolls sold by sidewalk peddlers, in the direction of the elevators. When Remo went back in the room, he brought with him the remnants of the door, which he propped in place. "No one came to fix this door?" he asked. "They did. But I told them to come back when the Perfect One was here. Heh, heh, heh." "What did you do to those girls?" Remo asked. "They interrupted me. I put them to sleep and made them feel good. But what did you do today?" "I made a decision. I want a house," Remo said. "Good," said Chiun. "So do I. I will take the one in electrical Washington." "What?" Remo said. "It was you who explained it to me. About electricity, the different currents. Electrical Washington." "Washington, D.C., doesn't have anything to do with electricity," Remo said. "D.C. doesn't stand for direct current." "You told me it did," Chiun said petulantly. "Well, it does sometimes. But not this time." "I am glad you are perfect," Chiun said, "because you will always be able to tell me when it means direct current and when it doesn't. But I still want that big white house there." "The President lives there," Remo said. "How long will it take him to move?" Chiun asked. "He's not moving." "The President would deny us this?" Chiun asked. |