"Andre Norton - Witch World - Lore of the Witch World" - читать интересную книгу автора (Norton Andre) "What lies before me?"
"The captain's bed, lady." Step by step she approached in that direction. The sniff of evil was stronger. What it might be she had no idea, for though Ingvarna had taught her to distinguish that which was of the shadow, she knew little more. The fetid odor of some black sorcery was rank. "The bed," she ordered now, "do you strip off its coverings. If you find aught which is strange, be sure you do not touch it with your hand. Rather, use something of iron, if you can, to pluck it forth. And then throw it quickly into the sea." He asked no questions, but she could hear his hurried movements. And menтАФ "There is aтАФa root, most misshapen. It lies under the pillow, lady." "Wait!" Perhaps the whole of that bed place was now impregnated by what evil had been introduced. To destroy its source might not be enough. "Bundle allтАФpillow, coveringsтАФgive them to the sea!" she ordered. "Let me back then into the treasure cubby, and if there be time, make the bed anew. I do not know what manner of ensorcelment has been wrought here. But it is of the Shadow, not of the Power. Take care that you keep yourself "That will I do of a certainty, lady!" His answer was fervent. "Stand well back, I will get rid of this." She retreated, hearing the click of his sea boots on the planking as he passed her toward the source of the sea wind. "Now"тАФhe was back at her sideтАФ"I shall see you safe, lady. Or as safe as you can be until the captain comes to his mind once more and Vidruth be removed from command." His hands closed upon her, lowered her back down into the cubby. She listened intently. But if he closed that trap door, and she was sure that he had, it had fallen into place without a sound. 3 She had not long to wait, for the opening on the floor level of the cubby was opened and she recognized Vidruth's step. "Listen well, girl," he commanded. "Usturt is an island, one of a string of islands, reaching from the shore. At one time, they may all have been a part of the coast. But now some are only bare rock with such a wash of sea around them as no man can pass. So think not that you have any way of |