"Andre Norton - Witch World - Lore of the Witch World" - читать интересную книгу автора (Norton Andre)

humblest things.

If the Witch World had never been written, so many other worlds would
be the poorer.

And that brings me to Andre Norton herself.

There's been a great deal of fuss about women entering the science
fiction field lately. Oh, no. Not lately. Andre Norton has been there, long
before, doing things her way. I did some checking on publication dates
and I was stunned to realize that Andre was publishing in this field the
year this writer was a knobby-kneed kid in the third grade, struggling to
get a bicycle home in what (to that third-grader) was the blizzard of the
centuryтАж and I was too young to read the stories then, myself not one of
the youngest of this crop who keeps getting asked about "women breaking
into the field."тАж Andre's been there, writing her stories.

That skinned-knee kid with the pigtails didn't meet Andre Norton until
1977, although we'd corresponded a bit, because Andre out of the
goodness of her heart did the introduction for my first book, which is one
reason why I'd fight tigers to get the chance at this introduction. She
asked me, me, the stranger from Oklahoma, to drop in on her to visit after
Worldcon; and when that occasion turned into the chance for me to bring
her the Gandalf Award she'd won from the World Convention for Life's
Achievement in FantasyтАФoh, I was delighted! For one thing, I figured that
had to at least win me a welcome at the door. When I showed up at
Andre's door and had a time to catch my breath I found myself with one of
those people who do kindnesses as if it were nature's most logical process,
who is on the side of good books and living things, who has the kind of
definite ideas about what's right and what's just that might be expected of
the creator of worlds where people stand by each other.

I like Andre Norton. I knew that from the start.

And when people sit down and start talking about how they got into
this field in the first place, what writers were responsible for leading them
deeper and deeper into that attitude we call sense of wonder, and which
has to do with being really alive to this universe and all the possibilities of
itтАФthat most precious gift of learning how to see what we look atтАФ Andre
Norton's name is one that always comes to the front.

What has Andre Norton done for this field? She's written for all ages;
she's been the gateway through which so, so many of us have come into
this field in the first place. She created women who did things, such as
Jaelithe, and she sparked imagination in a host of young minds who had
rarely seen such a thing; she created heroes who were more than strong,
and touched the hearts of countless young people who could never be quite
the same afterward. There's a special look that comes into the eyes of
these folk when they talk about Andre Norton, and you know full well that
she has a very special place in their hearts, forever; that Andre's books are