"Norton, Andre - Gryphon Saga 1 - Crystal Gryphon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Norton Andre)

Gifts came yearly from Ulmsdale on my name-day. Suppose that when they were brought this year, I sought out the leader of the party bringing them, asked of him a boon to be carried to bis lord: that we exchange our likenesses. I had my own picture, limned by uncle's scribe, who had such a talent. Yes, that was what I would do!

It seemed to me in that moment that perhaps the well had answered me by putting that thought into my head. So I sped, content, back to the hall, pleased that none there had marked my absence.

Now I set to work upon a project of my own. That was making a suitable case for the picture drawn on parchment. As deftly as I could, I mounted it on a piece of polished wood.

For it I then worked a small bag, the fore-part embroidered with the gryphon, the back with the broken sword. I hoped my lord could understand my subtle meaning: that I was dutifully looking forward to Ulmsdale; that Ithkrypt was my past, not my future. This I did in secret and in stolen moments of time, for I had no mind to let others know my plan. But I had no tune to hide it one late afternoon when Toross came upon me without warning.

The mounted picture lay before me in the open, as I had been using it to measure. When he saw it he said sharply, "There is one here, kinswoman, who sees you well as you are. Whose hand limned this?"

"Archan, my uncle's scribe."

"And for whom have you had it limned?"

Again there was that sharp note in his voice, as if he had a right to demand such an answer from me. I was more than a little surprised, and also displeased, that he would use such a tone, where before he had been all courtesy and soft speeches.

"It is to be a surprise for my Lord Kerovan. Soon he will send my name-day gifts. This I shall return to him." I disliked having to spread my plan before him, yet his question had been too direct to evade.

"Your lord!" He turned his face a little from me. "One forgets these ties exist, Joisan. Do you ever think what it will mean to go among strangers, to a lord you have never seen?" Again that roughness in his speech, which I could not understand. I did not think it kind of him to seize so upon a hidden fear this way and drag it out before my eyes.

I put aside my needle, took up the picture and the unfinished case, and wrapped them in the cloth wherein I kept them, without answering him. I had no intention of saying "yes" or "no" to that question which he had no right to ask. "Joisan - there is the right of bride - refusal!" The words burst from him as he stood there with his head still averted. His hands were laced upon his sword belt, and I saw his fingers tighten and press.

'To so dishonor his House and mine?" I returned. "Do you deem me such a nothing? What a poor opinion you carry of me, kinsman! What have I done to make you believe I would openly shame any man?"

"Man!" He swung around to face me now. There was a tautness to his mouth, an expression about his eyes I had never seen before. "Do you not know what they say of the heir of Ulmsdale? Man - what was your uncle thinking of when he agreed to such a match? Joisan, no one can hold a maid to such a bargain when she has been betrayed within its bonds! Be wise for yourself and think of refusal - now!"

I arose. In me anger grew warm. But it is in my nature that when I am most in ire I am also the most placid seeming outwardly. For which, perhaps, I should thank fortune, for many times has it given me good armor.

"Kinsman, you forget yourself. Such speech is unseemly, and I know shame that you could think me so poor a thing as to listen to it. You had better learn to guard your tongue." So saying I left him, not heeding his quick attempt to keep me there.

Then I climbed to my own small chamber and there stood by the northward window, gazing out into the dusk. I was shivering, but not with the cold; rather with that fear I thought I had overcome in the weeks since Yngilda had planted it in my mind.

Yngilda's spite, and now this strange outburst from Toross, who, I had not believed, could have said such a thing to me! The right of bride - refusal, yes, that existed. But the few times it had been invoked in the past had led to death feuds between the Houses so involved. Monster - Yngilda had said that. And now Toross - repeating the word "man" as if it could not be applied to my lord! Yet my uncle would not wish to use me ill, and surely he had considered very well the marriage proposal when it had first been made to him. I had also Dame Math's solemn oath.

I longed all at once for the garden of the Past-Abbess Malwinna. To her alone could I speak on this matter. Dame Math's stand I already knew: that my lord was a victim of misfortune. This I could believe more readily than that he was in any way not a man. For after sworn oaths between my uncle and his father, such a thing could not be. And I heartened myself by such sensible council, pinning additional hope on my plan to send Kerovan the picture.

But thereafter I avoided Toross as much as I could, though he made special attempts several times to have private conversation with me. I could claim duties enough to keep me aloof, and claim them I speedily did. Then there came a day when he had private conversation with my uncle, and before the day's end he and his men rode out of Ithkrypt. Dame Math was summoned to my uncle, and thereafter Archan came to bring me also.

My uncle was scowling as I had seen him do at times when he was crossed in some matter. And that scowl was turned blackly on me as I entered.

"What is this boil of trouble you have started, wench?" His voice was only slightly below a roar, aimed at me when I was scarcely within the doorway. "Are you so light of word that you - "

Dame Math arose from her chair. Her face was as anger-cast as his, but she looked at him, not me.

"We shall have Joisan's word before you speak so!" Her lower tone cut across his. "Joisan, this day Toross came to your uncle and spoke of bride-refusal - "

It was my turn to interrupt; my anger also heated by such an accusation from my uncle, before he had asked my position in the matter.

"So did he speak to me also. I told him I would not listen; nor am I an oath-breaker! Or do you, who know me well, also believe that?"