"Oates, Joyce Carol - We Were the Mulvaneys" - читать интересную книгу автора (Oates Joyce Carol)

And how mysteriously Jesus answered him-Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

Once I thought I understood this exchange but no longer.

In setting forth this story of the Mulvaneys, of whom I happen to be the youngest son, yet, I hope, a neutral observer, at least one whose emotions have been scoured and exorcised with time, I want to set down what is truth. Everything recorded here happened and it's my task to suggest how, and why; why what might seem to be implausible or inexplicable at a distance-a beloved child's banishment by a loving father, like something in a Grimm fairy tale-isn't implausible or inexplicable from within. I will include as many "facts" as I can assemble, and the rest is conjecture, imagined but not invented. Much is based upon memory and conversations with family members about things I had not experienced firsthand nor could possibly know except in the way of the heart.

As Dad used to say, in that way of his that embarrassed us, it was so direct, you had to respond immediately and dared not even glance away-"We Mulvaneys arejoined at the heart."


Like whispering the furtive rustle. Judd. Judd. Judd.

I must have been eleven years old, that night I was wakened by the deer, and followed them back to the pasture pond.

Wakened not by hooves outside my window (I had no idea the sound was hooves) but by a rustling in the tall dry grasses. Judd. Oh Judd!

Judd sleeps so hard, Mom used to tease, when he was a baby his dad and I would lean over the crib every few minutes, to check of he was breathing!

It was so: up to the age of about thirteen, I'd sleep so hard, I mean-hard. Sunk to the bottom of a deep, deep well.

Wonder why? Weekdays at High Point Farm never began later than 6 A.M. when Mom hollered up the stairs, "WAKE UP! RISE `N' SHINE, KIDDOS!" And maybe whistled, or banged a pot. Barn chores before breakfast (my God it could take as long as an hour to wash the cows' filth-encrusted milk-swollen udders, hook up the milking machine to each cow, drain their heavy milk bags dry, empty the milkers into pails) and barn chores after school (horses, mainly-as much work, but at least I loved our horses), approximately 4:30 P.M. to 6 P.M. And then supper-in our family, intense. Just to hold my own around our table, for a kid like me, the youngest of the Mulvaneys, used up energy, and staying power, like keeping on your toes through twelve rounds of a featherweight boxing match-it might look almost easy to outsiders but it isn't easy, for sure. And after supper an hour or so of homework, also intense (Mom insisted that Patrick or Marianne oversee my efforts: worrying I wasn't the high-nineties student it was her conviction I should be) and more excitement among the family, watching TV for a while if something "worthwhile, educational" was on: history, science and biography documentaries on public television were favored by our parents. And we'd discuss them during, and afterward-we Mulvaneys were a family who talked. So when around 10 P.M. I staggered upstairs to bed it was with the gravity of a stone sinking slowly through deep, dark water. Sometimes I fell asleep half in my pajamas, lying sideways on my bed, and Little Boots curled up happily beside me. Sometimes I fell asleep in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. "Oh, Judd! Goodness! Wake up, honey!" Mom might cry, having pushed open the door I'd neglected to lock.

No privacy at High Point Farm.

What with the six of us, and the dogs and cats and frequent visitors and overnight guests (my parents were what's called hospitable, and Marianne was always inviting girlfriends to stay the night-"The more, the merrier!" Mom believed)-privacy just wasn't an option.

Patrick was the self-declared loner of the family. He'd read Henry David Thoreau's Walden at the age of twelve and often camped out overnight on Alder Creek, in the woods-even so, he'd have one of the dogs with him, or more than one. In his room, there was always a dog or a cat and I'd peek in on him sometimes (the kind of dumb-adniinng thing a kid brother does) to see him asleep twisted in his bedclothes with a heavy furry shape slung across his chest, both of them snoring softly.

God, did I sleep hard as a kid! Everything in those days was stark and intense and almost hurtful-I mean, it had the power to make me so happy, so excited. I'd fall into bed and a switch in my brain turned off and I was gone, out. And if anything suddenly woke me in the night (you'd be surprised, it was never the wind: High Point Farm was buffeted constantly by wind that made the oak limbs creak, rattled windowpanes and whined under the eaves and down the chimneys, but we never heard it, only if the wind died down we'd get a little anxious) it was like someone shone a flashlight into my face. My eyes would fly open and I'd lie in bed with my heart pounding, covered in sweat. The time of quick terror when you don't know who you are, or where.

Then I would recall my name, my true name: Judson Andrew Mulvaney. Dad liked to hint I'd been named after a "rich, eccentric" relative of his, an "Irish landowner of County Kildare" but I guess that was some kind ofjoke, Dad hadn't any relatives at all in Ireland that he knew, nor any relatives in this country he'd acknowledge. But what a name for a little boy! What promise of dignity, worth! Just the sound of it, shaping the words aloud-it was like Dad's new overcoat, camel's hair, Mom's Christmas present for him she'd bought on sale the previous March in Yewville's best department store, that coat so many sizes larger than anything scrawny Ranger might wear yet a coat I might grow into one day. Like Dad's classy riding boots, another bargain-sale item, and Dad's fur-lined leather gloves. His Ford pickup, and Mom's Buick station wagon, and Mike's lipstick-red Olds Cutlass and the Jeep Wrangler and the John Deere tractor and other farm machinery and vehicles I might one day be capable of driving. All these, Judson Andrew Mulvaney summoned to mind.

Shivering with excitement I stood at my window staring down at the deer. Counting six, seven-eight?-cautiously making their way single file through our yard. They were white-tailed deer probably headed for our pasture pond where it extended twenty feet or so beyond the fence. Where by day our small herd of Holsteins drank, grazed, drowsed on their stolid feet slowly filling their enormous milk-bags, near-motionless as black-and-white papier-mache, beasts, only the twitching of their tails, warding off flies, to give you the idea they're alive.

It was 3:25 AM. A strange thrill, to think I was the only Mulvaney awake in the house.

There were many deer on our property, in the remoter wooded areas, but it was rare for any to pass so close to our house, because of the dogs. (Though our dogs never ran loose at night, like the dogs of certain of our neighbors and a small pack of semi-wild dogs that plagued the area. Mom was furious at the way people abandoned their pets in the country-"As if animals aren't human, too." And there were miserly farmers who didn't believe in feeding their dogs so the dogs had to forage the countryside.) Mulvaney dogs were well fed and thoroughly domesticated and not trained to be hunters though they were supposed to be watchdogs "guarding" the property.

I wanted to follow the deer Made my way barefoot Out of my room and to the stairs thinking None of them knows where lam, Ranger is invisible. Little Boots slept so hard on my bed, he hadn't even known I was gone.

Troy, sleeping somewhere downstairs, didn't seem to hear me, either.

You could do an inventory of the Mulvaney staircase and have a good idea what the family was like. Staircases in old farmhouses like ours were oddly steep, almost vertical, and narrow. Our lower stairs, though, were always cluttered at their edges, for here, as everywhere in the house, all sorts of things accumulated, set down "temporarily" and not picked up again, nor even noticed, for weeks. Unopened mail for Dad and Mom, including, sometimes, bills. L.L. Bean catalogues, Burpee's seed catalogues, Farm & Home Supplies circulars. Back issues of Farm Life, Time, Newsweek, Consumer Reports, The Evangelist: A Christian Family Weekly. Old textbooks. Single gloves, a single boot. Stiffened curry combs and brushes, thumbtacks, screws, stray buttons. Certain steps had been unofficially designated as lost-and-found steps so if you found a button, say, on the living room floor, you'd naturally place it on one of these steps and forget about it. And there it would stay for weeks, months. For a while there were two blue ribbons from the New York State Fair on the stairs, won by Patrick for his 4-H projects. There was a necktie of Mike's stained with spaghetti sauce and wadded up, he'd tossed down and forgotten. Every few weeks when the staircase got so congested there was only a narrow passageway at the bottom, Mom would declare a moratorium and organize whoever was around to clear it; yet within days, or hours, the drift would begin again, things accumulating where they didn't belong. Dad called this the fourth law of thermodynamics-"The propensity of objects at High Point Farm to resist any order imposed upon them."

At the bottom of the stairs I paused to get my bearings. Except for the rattling and creaking of the wind which I didn't hear, the house was silent.

I tiptoed through the dining room, pushed the swinging door open cautiously (it creaked!) and tiptoed through the kitchen hoping the canary wouldn't wake up and make a noise. Off the back hall was a small bathroom, and across from it Mike's room, his door closed of course. (Mike, the oldest child, was special, and had had special privileges for years. He didn't sleep upstairs with the rest of us but had his own large room downstairs, near the back door so he had virtually his own entrance, his privacy. Now he was twenty years old, working for Dad at Mulvaney Roofing, he wasn't a kid any longer but wanted to be considered an adult. Often he was out late at night, even on weekdays. I didn't know if he was home even now, at this hour.) The back door of the house wasn't locked, I smiled turning the knob it was so easy!-slipping from the house, and no one knew.

Ranger's the baby of the family but he's got some surprises for us. Wait and see.