Metamorphoses (Books I-XIV)
The Fate of Pyreneus
5:411 Then one replies: O Goddess, fit to guide
5:412 Our humble works, and in our
choir preside,
5:413 Who sure wou'd wisely to these
fields repair,
5:414 To taste our pleasures, and our
labours share,
5:415 Were not your virtue, and superior
5:416 To higher arts, and nobler deeds
5:417 Justly you praise our works,
and pleasing seat,
5:418 Which all might envy in this
soft retreat,
5:419 Were we secur'd from dangers,
and from harms;
5:420 But maids are frighten'd with
the least alarms,
5:421 And none are safe in this licentious
5:422 Still fierce Pyreneus, and his
daring crime,
5:423 With lasting horror strikes my
feeble sight,
5:424 Nor is my mind recover'd from
the fright.
5:425 With Thracian arms this bold
usurper gain'd
5:426 Daulis, and Phocis, where he
proudly reign'd:
5:427 It happen'd once, as thro' his
lands we went,
5:428 For the bright temple of Parnassus
5:429 He met us there, and in his artful
5:430 Hiding the faithless action he
5:431 Confer'd on us (whom, oh! too
well he knew)
5:432 All honours that to Goddesses
are due.
5:433 Stop, stop, ye Muses, 'tis your
friend who calls,
5:434 The tyrant said; behold the rain
that falls
5:435 On ev'ry side, and that ill-boding
5:436 Whose lowring face portends more
storms are nigh.
5:437 Pray make my house your own,
and void of fear,
5:438 While this bad weather lasts,
take shelter here.
5:439 Gods have made meaner places
their resort,
5:440 And, for a cottage, left their
shining court.
5:441 Oblig'd to stop, by the united force
5:442 Of pouring rains, and complaisant
5:443 His courteous invitation we obey,
5:444 And in his hall resolve a-while
to stay.
5:445 Soon it clear'd up; the clouds
began to fly,
5:446 The driving north refin'd the
show'ry sky;
5:447 Then to pursue our journey we
5:448 But the false traitor to his
portal ran,
5:449 Stopt our escape, the door securely
5:450 And to our honour, violence prepar'd.
5:451 But we, transform'd to birds,
avoid his snare,
5:452 On pinions rising in the yielding
5:453 But he, by lust and indignation fir'd,
5:454 Up to his highest tow'r with
speed retir'd,
5:455 And cries, In vain you from my
arms withdrew,
5:456 The way you go your lover will
5:457 Then, in a flying posture wildly
5:458 And daring from that height himself
to cast,
5:459 The wretch fell headlong, and
the ground bestrew'd
5:460 With broken bones, and stains
of guilty blood.
Metamorphoses (Books I-XIV)
The Fate of Pyreneus
5:411 Then one replies: O Goddess, fit to guide
5:412 Our humble works, and in our
choir preside,
5:413 Who sure wou'd wisely to these
fields repair,
5:414 To taste our pleasures, and our
labours share,
5:415 Were not your virtue, and superior
5:416 To higher arts, and nobler deeds
5:417 Justly you praise our works,
and pleasing seat,
5:418 Which all might envy in this
soft retreat,
5:419 Were we secur'd from dangers,
and from harms;
5:420 But maids are frighten'd with
the least alarms,
5:421 And none are safe in this licentious
5:422 Still fierce Pyreneus, and his
daring crime,
5:423 With lasting horror strikes my
feeble sight,
5:424 Nor is my mind recover'd from
the fright.
5:425 With Thracian arms this bold
usurper gain'd
5:426 Daulis, and Phocis, where he
proudly reign'd:
5:427 It happen'd once, as thro' his
lands we went,
5:428 For the bright temple of Parnassus
5:429 He met us there, and in his artful
5:430 Hiding the faithless action he
5:431 Confer'd on us (whom, oh! too
well he knew)
5:432 All honours that to Goddesses
are due.
5:433 Stop, stop, ye Muses, 'tis your
friend who calls,
5:434 The tyrant said; behold the rain
that falls
5:435 On ev'ry side, and that ill-boding
5:436 Whose lowring face portends more
storms are nigh.
5:437 Pray make my house your own,
and void of fear,
5:438 While this bad weather lasts,
take shelter here.
5:439 Gods have made meaner places
their resort,
5:440 And, for a cottage, left their
shining court.
5:441 Oblig'd to stop, by the united force
5:442 Of pouring rains, and complaisant
5:443 His courteous invitation we obey,
5:444 And in his hall resolve a-while
to stay.
5:445 Soon it clear'd up; the clouds
began to fly,
5:446 The driving north refin'd the
show'ry sky;
5:447 Then to pursue our journey we
5:448 But the false traitor to his
portal ran,
5:449 Stopt our escape, the door securely
5:450 And to our honour, violence prepar'd.
5:451 But we, transform'd to birds,
avoid his snare,
5:452 On pinions rising in the yielding
5:453 But he, by lust and indignation fir'd,
5:454 Up to his highest tow'r with
speed retir'd,
5:455 And cries, In vain you from my
arms withdrew,
5:456 The way you go your lover will
5:457 Then, in a flying posture wildly
5:458 And daring from that height himself
to cast,
5:459 The wretch fell headlong, and
the ground bestrew'd
5:460 With broken bones, and stains
of guilty blood.