" Perry Rhodan 0021 - (2c) Menace of Atomigeddon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)no longer required to attack the superior battleship.
At 15:04 Chandikarh explained to his officers: тАЬLetтАЩs be sensible, gentlemen! What can we throw against such an enemy who has spread devastation and horror throughout the landтАФall this with a single ship as far as we can tell. What if they have 2 or 3 such ships? Or even a fleet of them?тАЭ A young major interjected in a high voice. тАЬWe can count it on our 10 fingers, sir! WeтАЩll all be obliterated before we can fire the first shot.тАЭ Other officers voiced their approval and Chandikarh agreed. тАЬLetтАЩs vote on a resolution,тАЭ he proposed. тАЬWe, the entire officer corps of the Airbase Karaganda-East, submit that the Supreme Council of the Eastern Bloc cease at once all resistance and enter into negotiations with the enemy. Our experience has taught us that it would be irresponsible to continue resistance and thereby invite further retaliations. WeтАЩve become convinced that the Supreme Council will share our opinionтАФhowever reluctantlyтАФthat we are facing an opponent who cannot be conquered with our present military methods.тАЭ Chandikarh received unanimous applause. He had worded the resolution rather mildly although his state of mind was extremely agitated. Make peace with the New Power, you blockheads! He would have liked to tell them. But he was not sure that his officers had changed their opinions as radically as himself and he therefore preferred to use a more polite formulation. The text of the resolution became public knowledge in the city within half an hour and caused vociferous jubilation among the population. Chandikarh was surprised by the vehement reaction and overcame his reluctance to send the resolution to Moscow. At 2:00 Moscow time the General Staff and the Supreme Council at the capital of the Eastern Bloc were informed of the opinion prevalent at Karaganda. Harsh words were bandied and the accusation of mutiny was raised. It was decided to disregard the resolution and to send several Amazingly, nobody seemed to have grasped the seriousness of the situation. None of the responsible leaders denied that the opponent had superior technical means at his beck and call. ButтАФso went the argumentтАФa single enemy ship could be only at one place at a time and if the New Power believed it could force the Eastern Bloc, which was armed to its teeth, to its knees by letting a lonely spaceship cruise over its sovereign area, causing all sorts of tricks, it was badly mistaken. **** Perry Rhodan kept track of the events at Karaganda and Moscow to the full extent his surveillance instruments allowed. Nothing that happened there was a surprise to him. The change of mind that occurred in Karaganda was inevitable after the psycho-beamer raked the region of the city and the General Staff at Moscow wouldnтАЩt have been good soldiers if they had thrown in the towel already. At 4:00 p.m. Karaganda-time Maj. Deringhouse, a lanky young man with great derring-do and one of RhodanтАЩs bestтАФleft the Stardust equipped with an Arkonide transportsuit and in full command of the Russian language acquired by hypno-training. The deflector field of the suit made Deringhouse invisible and the strong neutralization generator helped him descend smoothly to the ground. He dropped from the height of 40 kilometres to the ground in 20 minutes and sent back the arranged signal by hyperradio in order to avoid any unnecessary risk. Then the Stardust started to move again and let the sun shine once more in the sky over the city after an hour-long interruption but not before the psycho-beamer had made sure that the change of mind experienced by the citizens and soldiers of Karaganda was permanent. Posthypnotic suggestion required only 40% more power than direct and instantaneous hypnotic |