" Perry Rhodan 0021 - (2c) Menace of Atomigeddon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)the landing. The mass of spectators crowded the borders of the landing field.
Perry Rhodan left the gigantic ship, accompanied by Reginald Bell, his co-pilot, and the two Arkonides Khrest and Thora. Freyt looked relieved but not particularly happy when Rhodan shook his hand. They got into FreytтАЩs car and Rhodan inquired: тАЬAnything wrong, Colonel?тАЭ Freyt hesitated. The car had almost reached its destination when he finally got it off his chest. тАЬIтАЩve been accused,тАЭ he revealed, тАЬof failing to recognize the political developments in the Eastern Bloc in time and frustrating them. The assumption is that this would have been in the realm of my possibilities and my critics donтАЩt understand why I neglected to take the necessary steps.тАЭ тАЬIs that all?тАЭ Rhodan asked. Freyt looked peeved. тАЬItтАЩs bad enough, sir.тАЭ Rhodan was aware of FreytтАЩs troubles since the time the Stardust had completed the transition from the artificial planet Wanderer beyond the orbit of Pluto. тАЬIтАЩll have to make a confession, Freyt,тАЭ Rhodan finally replied. тАЬPlease believe me that IтАЩve acted with a good conscience.тАЭ Freyt gazed at him in astonishment. тАЬIтАЩve never doubted it, sir.тАЭ тАЬWait a minute, Freyt. I hope you understand that I had to make absolutely sure that nobody would misuse the power of the government during my absence for unlawful reasons, be it to satisfy his ambition or whatever. Do you follow me?тАЭ Freyt nodded. He began to see why his hands had been tied. He didnтАЩt like it particularly but he was objective enough to grant his commander the point. тАЬYou had instructions,тАЭ Rhodan continued, тАЬto intervene in global politics only in case the New Power was threatened with an attack. I could not rely on it that you would comply with my orders under all circumstances. The pressures to which you were exposed in this city were much depend only on giving you my orders. Therefore I was compelled to put you under a hypnotic block which bound you to my command. You were thus deterred from taking action against the Eastern Bloc except when they encroached on our territory.тАЭ He put his hand on FreytтАЩs shoulder and looked at him earnestly. тАЬI realized that youтАЩd hold it against me, Freyt, but I had to do it. Next time it wonтАЩt be necessary and for the past 4 years the hypnoblock gives you a perfect alibi.тАЭ He smiledтАФto make an attempt at conciliationтАФand felt relieved that Col. Freyt smiled back. **** The city was a beehive of activity. Its population had grown to 800,000 persons during the past 4 years. Col. Freyt had fostered the immigration of scientists and experts. He had supervised the building of manufacturing plants by the General Cosmic Company and the assembly of spaceships and fighter crafts constructed according to Arkonide methods. By now the New Power had two heavy space cruisers available whose spheres measured 200 meters in diameter. There were two more cruisers that would be finished very shortly. The fleet of space fighters had grown to 10 squadrons. This armada of 1080 machines, capable of operating in outer space, was enough to assure the supremacy of the New Power on Earth. The army consisted of 10,000 soldiers. They were equipped with Arkonide weapons and were doubtlessly the equivalent of a conventional army at least 20 times as large in numbers. Rhodan perused FreytтАЩs reports. His trained mind required less than half an hour to digest the new data. Everything had followed his preconceived plans. тАЬI donтАЩt like to use grandiose language,тАЭ he told Col. Freyt, тАЬbut I have to admit you were a magnificent deputy. Thank you |