" Perry Rhodan 0021 - (2c) Menace of Atomigeddon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

very much, Freyt!тАЭ
Freyt didnтАЩt have time to enjoy the praise. Rhodan had more orders. тАЬNotify the governments
of the Power Blocs thatтАжтАЭ he winked at Freyt, тАЬhow shall we put it? тАжI would be happy to
welcome their representatives at the earliest possible date at Galacto City.тАЭ
Freyt took notes.
тАЬEmphasize earliest!тАЭ Rhodan recommended. тАЬI have in mind tomorrow or the day after
tomorrow. You might add that I consider the situation extremely serious despite the averted war
and that the negotiations are considered indispensable.тАЭ
Freyt made a note of this as well.
тАЬFurthermore I want you to assign a dependable man to the hyper-radio monitor. I wish to
relieve the radio technician aboard the Stardust. The man has watched it for a long time. We
didnтАЩt arrange any specific time for Maj. DeringhouseтАЩs calls. He can report whenever itтАЩs
convenient for him.тАЭ
тАЬDeringhouse?тАЭ Freyt asked, amazed.
тАЬYes, Deringhouse. IтАЩve dropped him off over Karaganda. His mission is to facilitate the
second phase of my plan. You know that the Eastern Bloc will be antagonistic as long as the
present government remains in office.тАЭ
тАЬOf course, sir.тАЭ
тАЬWellтАж one of these days weтАЩre going to put a stop to them and Deringhouse will smooth
the way for their apprehension.тАЭ
Col. Freyt made a conscientious attempt to analyse the impression RhodanтАЩs words made on
him. They were bound to make world history and made him realize the width of the gap that
separated him from Rhodan. There had been times during the past 4┬╜ years when he believed
that he could handle the affairs of state as well as Perry Rhodan and that it was not such a great
feat to rule the Earth with the tremendous might at his fingertips.
But he suddenly knew better. It was essential that one could judge how far one could go by
using these means. A man in such an exposed position could not afford to break a promise. In a
wordтАФit was necessary to play with 10 balls at the same time like a juggler to take advantage of
the multitude of opportunities.


A secret agent has to do many things that would be anathema to other people not only for
moral reasons. On the other hand he is often not allowed to act in a way that seems perfectly
normal to the average citizen.
Maj. Deringhouse wore an Arkonide transportsuit which could make him invisible if he so
desired but it would also have attracted suspicion if he suddenly became visible. It was his
intention to begin his work in Karaganda because it seemed to be the best place for his purpose
since its inhabitants and soldiers were already put under post-hypnotic influence by Rhodan.
However he couldnтАЩt doubt that even men under such hypnotic sway would make the
connection with the Stardust if a stranger in unusual clothes would suddenly appear among
them. Therefore he considered it prudent to let a few hours lapse before he entered the city of
It would not have been too difficult for Rhodan to direct the citizens of Karaganda to receive
an agent of the New Power with open arms. But such behaviour would have created so much
consternation in Moscow that the Secret Service would have responded with the greatest
caution and as a result DeringhouseтАЩs task would have been complicated unnecessarily.
Consequently Deringhouse landed unseen in the vicinity of the village Plachowskoje, about
120 kilometres away from Karaganda. As he looked around in the villageтАФstill in his state of
invisibilityтАФhe had an experience which later made him think that fate had taken a hand that