" Perry Rhodan 0021 - (2c) Menace of Atomigeddon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)collective were razed.тАЭ
Sirow paused again. He noticed with dubious satisfaction that he was not the only one to be shocked by the information. All faces in the auditorium looked terrified and troubled. тАЬThe explanation for these incidents is probably contained in the fourth report,тАЭ Sirow continued in a harsh tone. тАЬThe radar station on the Taimyr Peninsula in Northern Siberia observed a spherical body, measuring about 800 meters in diameter, moving at various heights and directions but obviously guided by deliberate steering, across the territory of our union.тАЭ тАЬWe all are familiar with the phenomenon of sudden interference with the gravitational forces from the days when the New Power set itself up in the Gobi Desert. Therefore we know who our opponent is. Although we donтАЩt know all the weapons he is able to use, weтАЩre ready to repulse our foe with all arms at our disposal. тАЬThe time for debating has passed. Now we must take action!тАЭ **** Karaganda, 12th of June, 2:00 p.m. local time. The planes of the 23rd Fighter Squadron had been alerted half an hour ago. The pilots had been warned of a huge hostile ship that was reported to roam the skies at will, creating confusion as well as raising havoc at its pleasure. The fighter pilots sat in the open cockpits of their machines, waiting for the order to take off at the first sign of the enemy ship which seemed to move at extremely fast speeds. Their goal was the elimination of the intruder at all costs. **** on}Stardust{italic} manually according to the commands of Perry Rhodan. The picture screen of his console showed a relief map of the EarthтАЩs northern hemisphere and Rhodan gave his directions by arrows and red points. Rhodan made every effort to save human lives. He knew that only a few ambitious men had conspired to start the revolution in the Eastern Bloc which resulted in the reversal of the policy of detente sought by the other major powers. The more than 400 million people who inhabited the region were not responsible for the coup. Yet this was war and even the most humane of all soldiers was unable to spare each life. Rhodan knew the places where the enemy was most vulnerable. He had his agents all over Terra and he had taken prisoners on Venus who were willing to reveal this information. The Stardust had already obliterated a nuclear reactor station near Baku which generated the electricity for the military-industrial complex on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Now Rhodan moved the white arrow on the relief map to West Siberia and put a red dot on the city of Karaganda, causing Bell to change his course at once. **** тАЬEnemy object approaching from 210!тАЭ the headphones crackled. тАЬAltitude 13,000 meters. All machines go!тАЭ Cap. Welinski, who was of Polish descent, pressed the button to close his cockpit and revved up his engine. The wheel blocks were pulled away and the machines began to roll. They quickly gained speed and lifted off long before they reached the end of the runway. Welinski took over the command of his squadron. тАЬTurn to 210. Altitude 18,000 meters!тАЭ It wouldnтАЩt have been prudent for the pursuitships to attack a superior adversary at the same |