" Perry Rhodan 0048 - (40) The Red Eye of Betelguese" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)of a considerable spaceship fleet. Topthor.
The second entity travelled aboard TopthorтАЩs flagship, the same space vessel with which he had attempted to attack Earth when it had been accidentally discovered many months previously. However, neither Topthor nor тАШthe otherтАЩ knew that Perry RhodanтАЩs mutants had long since altered the position co├╢rdinates data in the memory banks. тАШThe otherтАЩ was the positronic brain aboard the MounderтАЩs ship. Occupying the supposed position of the Earth now was the third planet of the giant star Betelgeuse, 272-light-years distant from the terrestrial solar system. This fact was to lead to a world-shattering mistakeтАФa carefully engineered error for 2 great stellar races, although their greatest adversary, a certain Terranian named Perry Rhodan was, as a result, to disappear forever from the scene along with his home planet. Exactly as plotted by Rhodan. * * * * Humanity had finally come of age. Man had made of his planet a near Utopia only dreamed of a few generations earlier by visionaries like Wells, Bellamy, Gernsback, Ernst von Loig. World government had long since ceased to be a social fantasy, the impossible dream of science fiction prophets and global-minded statesmen. Border lines and customs barriers had fallen. Homer G. Adams, the Finance Minister of Terra, had introduced a common unit of currency: the Solar. The former great powers and the small nations had their representative seats in the Great Council of the World The danger of war was now as dead as the dinosaur. Money which had previously been squandered insanely and incessantly on the senseless competition for national military тАШsecurityтАЩ now served to construct a gigantic spacefleet for the protection of mankind as a planetary unit. * * * * Located in the heart of the Gobi Desert, Terrania was the scene of great activity. As the central core of United Earth, the city of a million inhabitants awaited the report of its first citizen, finally home from space after an absence of half a year. No one knew what had transpired during those 6 months but everyone suspected that only events of critical importance could have kept Perry Rhodan so long away from Earth. Chief Engineer Kowalski and electronic technician Harper had their evening free and were seated expectantly before the TV screen in the common living quarters which they shared with 2 other colleagues who were on the night shift. The station identification picture showed interstellar space with the Milky Way in the background; in the foreground, the shadow outline of a torpedo-shaped ship. Only the single word Terrania identified the source of transmission. Every Earthman, Earthwoman and Earthchild was aware that an event of major importance was impending. Virtually no one would miss this broadcast for World Government was to speak to the population of the entire planet. Perhaps the most important man on Earth or off itтАФthe Administrator himselfтАФwould address the united natives of his home world personally. |