" Perry Rhodan 0089 - (81) Pucky's Grestest Hour" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

Thomas Cardif smiled wanly. тАЬWho are these Terrans, really? There is only
one race in the Galaxy and you belong to it as much as I do: the Arkonide! The
Robot Regent will recognize me and together with it and the clan of Cokaze weтАЩll
put the Terra System where it belongs. WeтАЩll make it a colony of Arkon and its
trade will be handled entirely by the Cokaze clan.тАЭ
тАЬWonderful, if it comes to pass,тАЭ said Tsathor, filled with apparent enthusiasm
at the vision the young man had called up, тАЬbut what are you going to get out of
тАЬRhodanтАЩs destruction! His death. That will be enough for me.тАЭ
The Springer gave a start. The answer he had just heard had contained the most
terrible words he had ever heard pronounced in his long life. The young man had
spoken them without passion or the slightest trace of excitement, as Tsathor
realized to his inner horror. тАЬIsnтАЩt Perry Rhodan your father, Terran?тАЭ
тАЬSpringer, I am a Terran just as little as RhodanтАЩs my father. The only thing I
canтАЩt deny is that he was indeed one of my parents. I suggest that we drop the
subject until Cokaze arrivesтАжтАЭ
TsathorтАЩs headshaking made CardifтАЩs eyes gleam again. тАЬWhat else is there to
ask?тАЭ With that arrogantly spoken remark, Cardif had clearly identified himself as
an Arkonide.
Tsathor was impressed by it against his will and, much less emphatically than
he had intended, he asked in reply: тАЬWhat reason do you have to hate Perry
Rhodan that much, Cardif?тАЭ
Thomas Cardif laid his well-groomed hands on the table. It was a more than
clear gesture that indicated he was ready to answer the question. тАЬGoing against
the advice of the doctors and even though she was deathly sick, Rhodan sent my
mother, the Arkonide Lady Thora, on a dangerous mission to Arkon 3! He wanted
to he rid of her because she was suddenly aging. He wanted to be a widower so
that he could marry a young woman. He sent my unsuspecting mother to Arkon,
and that she was unsuspectingтАФboth as to the state of her health as well as to how
dangerous the mission wasтАФwas proven by the fact she did not say goodbye to
me before she left.тАЭ
тАЬI saw her once more when she was dead, the only person who had ever loved
me. And dead is how IтАЩll see Rhodan againтАФthe one person IтАЩve hated ever since
the day I found out he was my parent!тАЭ
тАЬThereтАЩs room in space for only one of us. The universe is too small for both
Perry Rhodan and Thomas Cardif!тАЭ

* * * *

A portion of the press in the Solar Imperium took sides with Rhodan and
another portion came out as the irreconcilable enemy of the Administrator. The
not very large majority in the vote of confidence was used as a take-off point for
new attacks. The newspapers in the African sphere denounced Reginald Bell for
having brought up the Kimberley Iron scandal in the middle of the debate. They
were of the viewpoint that the results of the vote of confidence had been thereby
nullified, for the 21 representatives who were soon to be brought to trial had been
RhodanтАЩs opponents.
The surprising withdrawal of the Arkonide robot fleet was noted with
satisfaction. The New World Press, its star columnist Nicktown and his 30-line
lead article leading the parade, poured oil on the still seriously troubled waters of