" Perry Rhodan 0089 - (81) Pucky's Grestest Hour" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

storm brewing for us but this time itтАЩs not out in space somewhere but right here
at home. WeтАЩre going to have some big trouble. HereтАж just listen to this
sentenceтАжтАЭ And before Perry could stop him, Bell was reading from the New
World Press:
тАЬIt is with much apprehension that we wonder what the First Administrator
intends with the expanded Emergency Powers Act. Does he wish to have a free
hand with which to make the Solar Imperium an Arkonide colony or to enter into
an even closer alliance with the Galactic Traders under the patriarch Cokaze?тАЭ
тАЬAnd,тАЭ Bell went on, тАЬitтАЩs from this question alone that the internal political
storm will come. In just these few words thereтАЩs enough fuel for 10
тАЬOptimist!тАЭ Rhodan interrupted.
Surprised, Bell looked at him. He did not understand Rhodan at first, then he
asked cautiously: тАЬYou see the danger as even worse than I see it?тАЭ
Rhodan only nodded. After a long pause, he spoke. тАЬIn the last years weтАЩve
made some serious errors. Today the seeds weтАЩve sown are ready for harvest.
Today weтАЩre no longer able to erase our mistakes. Today weтАЩve got to answer for
our mistakes and I donтАЩt have to be a prophet to predict that very soon now the
Solar Imperium is going to have its first parliamentary debateтАжтАЭ
тАЬBut the Emergency Powers ActтАжтАЭ Bell interrupted, immediately silenced by
an expressive gesture on RhodanтАЩs part.
тАЬEven the Emergency Powers Act doesnтАЩt close down the Parliament and IтАЩm
the last person interested in making it a collection of obedient marionettes rubber-
stamping my orders. If the representatives of the Upper House believe they should
make their thoughts known to the administration, then I wonтАЩt stop themтАжтАЭ
тАЬOh my stars and little comets!тАЭ Bell exclaimed. тАЬA debate like that, going out
over every radio transmitter, is only going to increase our troubles a hundred
times over. WeтАЩll be setting off the bomb ourselves, Perry!тАЭ
тАЬIs that bad, or would it be worse if someone else set the bomb off?тАЭ
тАЬItтАЩs a good comparison,тАЭ growled Bell, unsatisfied, тАЬbut it isnтАЩt very pretty. IтАЩd
just like to get my hands on that NicktownтАжтАЭ
тАЬLeave Nicktown out of this!тАЭ Rhodan told him sharply. тАЬWe are the ones who
have only sketchily in-formed the citizens of our little realm of whatтАЩs going on.
How often have dangerous situations been kept secret from them for weeks or
months? Have we ever let it be known what efforts weтАЩve undertaken to keep the
EarthтАЩs galactic position a secret from the Robot Regent? WeтАЩve published
nothing about that. We are the ones whoтАЩve kept mankind in the darkтАж and then
the Druufs came into the solar system with almost 10,000 spacersтАж and then
Arkon came with its robot fleet to help us and the Springer patriarch Cokaze with
4000 cylindrical spacers!
тАЬReggie. what do you think that meant to all the people shocked out of their
peaceful illusions? For many it was like the end of the world! Have you taken a
look at the latest population statistics? No? Well, since the Druuf attack the
suicide curve has soared by a huge percentage and itтАЩs still climbing!
тАЬFrom that perspective our actions have failed. It doesnтАЩt matter now what our
motives were for those actions. Nicktown regards himself as a prosecutor. HeтАЩs
right to charge us with incompetence.тАЭ
тАЬNow listen to me,тАЭ Bell rumbled. тАЬYou sound as if everything weтАЩve ever done
has been a mistake!тАЭ
тАЬNot even Nicktown is saying that. He may be charging us with treason but he