"(novel) (ebook) - Perry Rhodan 0088 - (80) The Columbus Affair" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

Atlan needed only a few moments to grasp the situation. Forty-five minutes after Rhodan's arrival on board the Drusus, the robot courier detail departed with input data. After it disappeared through the narrow opening in the defence screen, the period of waiting began within the superbattleship.
No full-scale discussions came up during that time. It was Rhodan's first opportunity to greet the members of his second unit team who had been picked up on Zalit. The mutant gave him a report on the false Admiral's startling sudden demise. Pucky, whose experiment with the mysterious honeycomb field of the robot's screen had misfired, was in the ship's hospital. He was still unconscious.
Capt. Hubert Gorlat had been playing with the idea of penetrating the Brain's screen with the help of the teleнtransmitter but decided not to bother Rhodan with such a suggestion. In a disgruntled mood he told the transmitter crew to shut down the equipment, which had been in operation readiness. His better judgment indicated that it might be out of place to harass an ally.
So far Atlan's actions had been beyond criticism. Arkon stood open to the human race.
Meanwhile Maj. Art Rosberg, the transmitter specialist of the Solar Fleet, brooded over the Druuf data from Intelligence. Mercant's original documents were now in Atlan's possession.
"Is this what all the excitement's about?" asked Rosberg in sudden dismay. "Do they think the Druufs are onto our location on the basis of this evidence? It doesn't amount to a hill of beans! Have those people over in Intelligence lost their minds?"
Biologist Costara assumed the question had been directed at him. He appeared to be helpless. "I'm afraid I'm at a loss. I'm more interested in the method of bio chemical preservation that's involved with these Druuf children-the ones they're supposed to have substituted for the sleeping humans in those strange containers. I can't figure that out, either."
Rosberg brushed back his greying hair with both hands. In some annoyance he shoved the report aside and turned his attention to the accompanying photographs. In a shortime he concluded that he couldn't do much with these either. The basic facts were just not sufficient.
"You should join the mathematical team," the biologist advised him. "I'd say by now half the crew must have been in the computer room. But I don't think that our relatively-limited equipment can handle the complex variables involved in the question at hand. Those machines are too specialized to be able to just quickly analyse..."
"What are you talking about!" Rosberg grumbled. "If it were up to me we'd be out there at our first transition point by now. If these monsters do break through and find us, what do you think. will happen back home? Have you ever actually seen the giant Druuf fleet? Were you ever close to the so-called discharge zone on the actual battle front? At last report there were supposed to be 40,000 heavy-class ships out there trying to break through the Arkonide blockade fleets. If such a massive force were to surprise us all of a sudden, with our few major class fighting ships we'd be rubbed out in a matter of minutes."
Rosberg shoved his light service cap onto his angular skull and trudged with heavy steps to the door.
Dr. Miguel Costara looked after him pensively. He was moved by a certain vision Rosberg had invoked by his remarks of moments before. "Back home," thought the scientist. Ah yes, back home... He could smell the subtle fragrance of a vast pine forest and savour the crystal clean air by a gushing waterfall and feel the spray on his face. Such things as these were 'back home'-on the blue, blue Earth.

* * * *

"...be sending you the written evaluations over to the Drusus within a quarter of an hour." Atlan's voice sounded in the loudspeakers. "The bottom line is this: you can rely pretty much on what you've got."
"What does it look like?" Rhodan asked.
"Bad for the Earth, which means it's bad for all humanoid races in the Milky Way. Nobody wants an infiltration of these completely alien insect creatures, who ought to have enough living space in their own universe, anyway. The robot Brain reports there's a 99% certainty that the Earth's discovery is imminent I've checked out all of the robot's research data. This material has been obtained from our latest defensive engagements and are reliable. The Brain has made its deductions on the basis of thorough investigations made by Arkonide examination teams on board a number of captured Druuf ships. According to this, the science of these intelligences-especially in mathematics-is so highly developed that they are capable of drawing conclusions from their successful transmitter contact with the Earth. It is certain that whenever they have a mind to do so they will be able to find the Earth. There's nothing more I can tell you."
Rhodan stared a long time at the viewscreen. Atlan waited patiently. He knew what his friend must be experiencing, which led him to realize that he himself was identified with all of humanity.
"What are you going to do, Perry?" asked the Admiral.
Rhodan seemed to be startled from the depths of his broodings. He smiled uncertainly. "Fly home and keep my eyes open. At the moment I don't see any other alternative. Does the Brain give any particulars as to what means the Druufs might employ if they were set on making a specific attack inside the Einstein universe?"
"That's the 1% uncertainty factor the Robot came up with. Otherwise the calculations would stand at 100%. Whatever I can do to keep our blockade going will be done. That is my promise to the Earth."
Rhodan only nodded. Further words were useless.
"Maybe the Druufs' plan will never be carried out," said the Arkonide consolingly. "It's even questionable that they are intending an Earth invasion in the first place. You ought to get in touch with your agent you have in the Druuf universe. This... this..."
"Ernst Ellert."
"That's right, Ernst Ellert. Under the circumstances he might know more about it."
Again Rhodan nodded. At the same moment the detachment of robots arrived at the ground-lock with the computer analysis readouts. The officer of the guard advised the Control Central.
"Your messengers are here. I want to thank you, friend." Rhodan was weary. I'll be taking off now. Don't forget us entirely. We had good times together, although you once had the idea that you had to get rid of me."
Atlan laughed softly. "I have a small request, Perry. On Venus there's a girl named Marlis Centre. She was helpful to me when your specialists were on my track. Would you convey to her my kindest regards? Tell her I wouldn't have neglected her if your own mad schemes hadn't taken so much of my time. You remember the dark-haired student of cosmobiology with the strong sense of justice?"
Rhodan's smile became warmer. Yes, he remembered her. "I'll keep it in mind. By now she must have gotten her doctorate. Should I give her your message even if she's married?"
Atlan hesitated slightly before he answered. "Yes, even then. And now, farewell, my friend. Keep in mind that behind the Regent of Arkon is Atlan from the ruling family of Gonozal, and consider also that the human race carries a trace of Arkonide blood from long ago. When I landed on Terra 10,000 years ago, many marriages were consummated between my men and the native women there. Inkar, who was the commander of the battle cruiser Paito, has never been forgotten in South America. His son became the first Inca, the first god-king under the sun symbol of my venerable family house. I wish you safe journey, little barbarian."
The Drusus took off under escort of 10 fast cruisers of the Imperial Fleet. Close to the outer borders of the Arkon System the other ships veered off and the Terrestrial supergiant prepared for its first transition. There was no further message from Atlan.
There was a mood of depression on board. Everyone suddenly realized that a true friend had been left behind.


Maj. Untcher, Chief of the 4th Security Patrol Wing in the 16th Space Pursuit Force, was the first to detect the strange energy source.
His group consisted of the light cruiser Austria and 27 disc-shaped smaller ships of the ultra-fast space-jet class. The Austria was thus the lead ship of the 4th SPPF-16.
Untcher had just been issued exactly 32 litres of fresh water by the supply officer so that he could take a shower. As he was turning about in the pitiably faint stream of the shower spray, he received the emergency message from the tracking centre.
A viewscreen lighted up. He recognized the face of the Communications officer who was on watch at the time. All units of the security patrol group were presently located 102 light-hours beyond the orbit of Pluto in interstellar space. For the purpose of screening their movements, this stretch was only being traversed at normal light speed. Since the battle readiness mode of operation within the Solar System, the order was in effect that all hypertransitions should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Untcher was a lean-figured man with premature lines of aging in his face. He grumbled complainingly as he turned off the hot water. The meter registered a fresh water consumption of 23 litres, so far.
"Can't anybody be left in peace around here?" he yelled at the pickup mike. "Even here in the shower, for cripes sakes! I suppose I'm also on display in your viewscreen!"
"Yes sir," confirmed the 1st lieutenant insensibly. "I beg your pardon, sir. We are picking up a strange source of energy in Auriga near the giant star, Capella. Nothing on the screens yet but the hypersensors are going wild."