"(novel) (ebook) - Perry Rhodan 0121 - (113a-114a) Heritage of the Lizard People" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

The ship circled over Azgola and began the harvest. And it finally began to make sense to Pucky.

* * * *

Rabotax 3 was little concerned about the intruders and left it to the Weapons Control Center to deal with them when Rab received a signal from its interspace receiver. It was a message from Rab's masters.
Rabotax registered the command and related information. Rab confirmed the message but the robot's answer got lost in space since Rhodan had no receiver to intercept it. Nobody else could pick it up with the possible exception of the robot receiver on Mechanica that wouldn't know what to do with it.
The message was repeated 3 times and then the impulses ceased to come in. Rab was told to stop work altho the automaton couldn't understand why it was interrupted prematurely. However it was not its job to analyze the instructions of its masters. They had directed it to a new destination and it stored the given coordinates in its memory.
Rabotax instructed the robot chief engineer to depart with the speed of light. The transition coordinates were to be relayed in time. Nothing happened. The motor failed to start and the ship kept circling as if no new orders had been handed down. The suction fields were not deactivated and continued to collect the spores which were processed in a nutrient mash as before. The silos kept filling up without interruption.
Rabotax repeated its orders altho it realized that the first futile attempt was a sign that its communication line with the propulsion system was defective. As expected, there was no response to the renewed command either.
While the defect could have been the result of an ordinary mechanical failure, the preceding events persuaded Rabotax that this was not the case. Rab requested a report from the Weapons Control Center and was informed of the narcosis gun breakdown which had already come to Rab's attention earlier. How this had come about remained a mystery because no external force had been used. Before Rabotax could figure out an answer another space disturbance occurred. A little rotund figure materialized in the Command Center, less than 4 meters from Rabotax. It had come from the 5th dimension without using mechanical aid. The memory bank of Rabotax contained no record that an organic being had the capability of performing such transitions by itself. Only spaceships could execute transitions, carrying with them organic beings who could never do it alone.
However this creature proved that it could be done. Rabotax quickly realized the enormous potential danger of the little creature and immediately instructed the Weapons Control Center to restrain the strangers before they could do more harm. Within a few seconds Tako and Ras were cornered and paralyzed. Pucky suffered the same fate when he rushed to their assistance.
Rabotax felt the kind of satisfaction its robotic nature permitted. The strangers were disabled and the flight could be resumed...
This was the problem!
Rabotax had recorded the received command 3 times and transmitted it twice. Only one more opportunity was left. If the next attempt failed, Rab would have to wait till the messages were repeated again - and this could take a long time. The robot was not allowed to initiate the flight on its own.
The defect had to be fixed at once! It was the little stranger who had done the damage and if he valued his life he would have to help them get started again.
Rabotax sent the videotranslator to the Weapons Control Center where the prisoners lay helplessly on the floor. Rab had already met humanoids before and they constituted no danger. However these were different. They possessed powers which made the exercise of extreme caution advisable.
The translator had to display a variety of pictures, some of which reflected the images in the mind of the prisoners themselves, before they finally grasped the idea. As soon as they had caught on, Rabotax demanded categorically: "Restore my communications to the propulsion system again!"

* * * *

"He's back again! I can receive him." Betty showed immense relief when she reported the message. A smile lit up her face. Rhodan and Bell breathed easier. They exchanged brief glances with joy in their eyes. "Are they alright?"
"They're alive. Pucky claims they had been paralyzed for some time by mysterious rays. Even his paramental powers were blocked. Now they have achieved some form of communication with the chief robot who is using a pictorial language gadget. The robot insists stubbornly that they repair the damage they have caused. What shall I reply?"
Rhodan murmured: "Our intention of operating secretly had unfortunately been foiled. The 3 teleporters were discovered and it would be a mistake to persist with this strategy. The robot seems to be much too shrewd and resourceful. But if they're on speaking terms, Pucky may have an excellent opportunity to stipulate conditions before he makes the repair."
Betty Toufry nodded. Do you hear, Pucky? First state your conditions, then fix the trouble! She paused. What conditions? Looking questioningly at Rhodan she interpreted the shrug of his shoulders. Anything! Just try to gain time!
She listened a moment, after which she said to Rhodan and Bell: "He got the point. He'll try to talk the robot into taking them to Arkon."
Rhodan was speechless for a second. "That's what he said?"
Betty chortled softly. "At least that's what he thought."

* * * *

The exchange of questions and answers between Rabotax and Pucky had taken considerable time since it was carried out by visual means. A few phrases required almost half an hour.
"Are you able to restore the function of the propulsion system in full order?"
"I've disrupted it," Pucky pressed his point, "and therefore I know how to put it back in order."
"Then do it!"
"And what are you going to do with us?" Pucky's question was superfluous. He knew that he would no longer depend on the mercy of the robot once he gave it its freedom of movement. He could teleport himself instantly to Azgola or to the Sirius and this was equally true for Tako and Ras who were still lying on the floor and watching the critical negotiations with wide open eyes.
"I'll take you to my masters as soon as I have finished my task. But if you refuse to obey my order you'll die." "And you can circle over Azgola for all eternity!" There was a pause. The picture faded from the screen.
Pucky took a deep breath and looked confidently at his 2 friends. "Don't worry, I'll soften him up."
"I'd like to see a soft robot," Ras commented, causing Tako to grin.
After a few minutes elapsed Rabotax returned with its next question. "How did you manage to get into the ship? You are capable of transporting yourself thru the 5th dimension. The logical conclusion is that you can leave again anytime you desire. Why don't you do it?"
"I also have a question. Did your masters make a law forbidding the abuse of all intelligent beings who might be detrimentally affected by your harvesting activities?"
The answer was unequivocal: "The growth of spores frequently takes place on planets which are populated. The inhabitants don't know how to regulate the intake of this food and become as fat as you. But I get there in sufficient time to make the harvest which eliminates all further danger. Yes, there is such a law."
Pucky sighed with relief. He knew that the robot had to observe the law whether it wanted to or not. It was empowered to defeat its attackers but was not permitted to destroy entire civilizations. This had to be avoided under any circumstances if possible. "Are you obligated to undertake the harvest of all planets which have been seeded by the planting ship of your masters?"
"Yes, if there is a civilization that is in peril of destruction."
"Very well then. I know of a distant planet whose natives are suffering from these spores. The harvest is overdue and each hour you spend here increases their danger. The planet Azgola where we're now is uninhabited. Under your laws this makes it of secondary importance to the other planet. Do you follow me?"
"I have received another order which takes precedence."
"Even if the world I have brought to your attention perishes?"
There was a long pause. Obviously Pucky's questions and arguments had created some confusion in the rational decisions of the robot commander. Unfortunately Pucky had not yet become aware that both of them had talked about the same planet, Arkon 2.
"If you don't restore the power of my propulsion system, I won't be able to help you."
"If I do, will you let me lead you to the endangered planet?"
"No, I can't do that. I'll interrupt my present work but only to carry out a new assignment I have received from my masters. I have no choice but to obey the command impulses."