"Peters, Ellis - Brother Cadfael 15 - Confession of Brother Haluin, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Peters Ellis)The Confession of
Brother Haluin Winter arrived early in 1142, bringing with it a heavy snowfall.
The safety of the guest-hall roof at the Benedictine Abbey of St. Peter and St.
Paul comes into jeopardy, and the brothers are called upon to effect repairs.
But the icy and treacherous conditions are to prove near fatal for Brother
Haluin. He slips from the roof and crashes to the ground, sustaining terrible
injuries—grave enough for him to want to make his deathbed confession. The
confession is heard by the Abbot and Brother Cadfael, a wicked story of
trespasses hard for God or man to forgive. But Haluin does not die. On his
recovery, he determines to make a journey of expiation, with Cadfael as his
sole companion. It is an arduous journey, physically and emotionally, and one
that leads to shocking discoveries of young lovers thwarted, of deceit and
betrayal, of bitter revenge, and of murder. The Confession of Brother Haluin The Fifteenth Chronicle of Brother
Cadfael, of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury By Ellis PetersChapter One THE WORST OF THE WINTER CAME EARLY, that
year of 1142. After the prolonged autumn of mild, moist, elegiac days, December
came in with heavy skies and dark, brief days that sagged upon the rooftrees
and lay like oppressive hands upon the heart. In the scriptorium there was
barely light enough at noon to form the letters, and the colors could not be
used with any certainty, since the unrelenting and untimely dusk sapped all
their brightness. The weather-wise had predicted heavy snows, and in midmonth
they came, not with blizzard winds, but in a blinding, silent fall that
continued for several days and nights, smoothing out every undulation,
blanching all color out of the world, burying the sheep in the hills and the
hovels in the valleys, smothering all sound, climbing every wall, turning roofs
into ranges of white, impassable mountains, and the very air between earth and
sky into an opaque, drifting whirlpool of flakes large as lilies. When the fall
finally ceased, and the heavy swags of cloud lifted, the Foregate lay half
buried, so nearly smoothed out into one white level that there were scarcely
any shadows except where the tall buildings of the abbey soared out of the pure
pallor, and the eerie, reflected light made day even of night, where only a
week before the ominous gloom had made night of day. These December snows, which covered most
of the west, did more than disrupt the lives of country people, starve some
isolated hamlets, bury not a few hill shepherds with their flocks, and freeze
all travel into enforced stillness; they overturned the fortunes of war, made
sport of the preoccupations of princes, and sent history spinning off-course
into the new year of 1143. They also brought about a strange cycle of
events in the abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury. In the five years that King Stephen and
his cousin, the Empress Maud, had fought for the throne of England, fortune had
swung between them like a pendulum many times, presenting the cup of victory to
each in erratic turn, only to snatch it away again untasted, and offer it
tantalizingly to the other contender. Now, in the white disguise of winter, it
chose to turn probability topsy-turvy once again, and deliver the empress out of
the king’s mailed hands as by a miracle, just as his fist seemed closing
securely on his prisoner, and his warfare triumphantly ending. Back to the
beginning of the five-year struggle, and all to do again. But that was in
Oxford, far away beyond the impassable snows, and some time would elapse before
the news reached Shrewsbury. What was happening in the abbey of Saint
Peter and Saint Paul was no more than a small annoyance by comparison, or
seemed so at first. An envoy from the bishop, lodged in one of the upper
chambers of the guest hall, and already irritated and displeased at being
halted here perforce until the roads were passable again, was unpleasantly
awakened in the night by the sudden descent of a stream of icy water onto his
head, and made very sure that everyone within range of his powerful voice
should hear of it without delay. Brother Denis the hospitaler made haste to
placate him, and move him to a dry bed elsewhere, but within the hour it became
clear that while the first drenching soon slackened, a steady drip continued,
and was soon joined by half a dozen more, spanning a circle some yards across.
The great weight of snow on the southern roof of the guest hall had somehow
worked a passage through the lead and filtered in between the slates, perhaps
even caved in a number of them. Pockets of the driven snow had felt the
comparative warmth within, and with the mute malice of inanimate things had
chosen to baptize the bishop’s emissary. And the leak was rapidly getting
worse. There was urgent conference at chapter
that morning over what should and could be done. Perilous and unpleasant work
on roofs was certainly to be avoided if possible during such weather, but on
the other hand, if repairs were delayed until the thaw came, they were in for a
flood, and the damage, limited at this point, might be greatly aggravated. There were several among the brothers who
had worked on the building of additions to the enclave, barns and stabling and
storehouses, and Brother Conradin, who was still in his fifties and robust as a
bull, had been one of the first child oblates, and worked as a boy under the
monks of Seez, brought over by the founding earl to supervise the building of
his abbey. Where the fabric was concerned, Brother Conradin’s advice carried the
greatest weight, and having viewed the extent of the leak in the guest hall, he
stated firmly that they could not afford to wait, or they might have to replace
half the southern slope of the roof. They had timber, they had slates, they had
lead. That southern slope overhung the drainage channel drawn off from the mill
leat, frozen hard at present, but there would be no great difficulty in raising
a scaffolding. True, it would be bitterly cold work up there, shifting the
mountain of snow first, to ease away the deforming weight, and then replacing
broken or displaced slates and repairing the lead flashings. But if they worked
in short spells, and were allowed a fire in the warming room all day as long as
the work lasted, the job could be done. Abbot Radulfus listened, nodded his
formidable head with his usual prompt comprehension and decision, and said,
“Very well, do it!” As soon as the long snowfall ceased, and
the skies lifted, the tough inhabitants of the Foregate sallied forth from
their houses, well muffled and armed with shovels and brooms and long-handled
rakes, and began to clear their way out to the highroad, and between them dig
out a passage to the bridge and the town, where no doubt the stout burgesses
within the walls were tackling the same seasonal enemy. The frost still held,
and day by day fretted away mysteriously into the air the surface fringes of
every drift, by infinitely slow degrees lessening the load. By the time a few
of the main highways were again passable, and a few travelers, either foolhardy
or having no choice, were laboriously riding them, Brother Conradin had his
scaffolding up, his ladders securely braced up the slope of the roof, and all
hands taking their turn aloft in the withering cold, cautiously shifting the
great burden of snow, to get at the fractured lead and broken slates. A moraine
of crumpled, untidy snow hills formed along the frozen drainage channel, and
one unwary brother, who had failed to hear or heed the warning shout from
above, was briefly buried by a minor avalanche, and had to be dug out hurriedly
and dispatched to the warming room to thaw out. By then the way was open between town and
Foregate, and news, however hampered and slow its passage, could be carried
from Winchester even to Shrewsbury in time to reach the castle garrison and the
sheriff of the shire some days before Christmas. Hugh Beringar came down from the town
hotfoot to share it with Abbot Radulfus. In a country debilitated by five years
of desultory civil war it behooved state and church to work closely together,
and where sheriff and abbot were of like mind they could secure for their
people a comparatively calm and orderly existence, and fend off the worst
excesses of the times. Hugh was King Stephen’s man, and held the shire for him
loyally enough, but with even greater goodwill he held it for the folk who
lived in it. He would welcome, and this autumn and winter had certainly been
expecting, the king’s triumph at last, but his chief preoccupation was to hand
over to his lord a county relatively prosperous, contented, and intact when the
last battle was over. He came looking for Brother Cadfael as
soon as he had left the abbot’s lodging, and found his friend busy stirring a
bubbling pot over his brazier, in his workshop in the herb garden. The inevitable
coughs and colds of winter, the chilblained hands and heels, kept him busy
replenishing the medicine cupboard in the infirmary, and thanks to the
necessary brazier his timber workshop was somewhat warmer to work in than the
carrels of the scriptorium. Hugh came bursting in upon him in a gust
of cold air and a wave of what was for him perceptible excitement, though its
outward signs would have escaped anyone who knew him less well than Cadfael
did. Only the crisp exasperation of his movements and the abruptness of his
greeting caused Cadfael to cease his stirring and fix attentively on the young
sheriff’s face, the pointed brilliance of his black eyes and the little pulse
in his cheek. “It’s all overturned!” said Hugh. “All to
do again from the beginning!” And whatever that meant, and Cadfael did not
trouble to ask, since he was certainly about to be told, there was no saying
whether exasperation and frustration were not outmatched in Hugh’s voice and
face by amused relief. He flung himself down on the bench against the timber
wall, and dangled his hands between his knees in a gesture of helpless
resignation. “A courier got through from the south this
morning,” he said, raising his eyes to his friend’s attentive face. “She’s
gone! Out of the trap, and fled away to join her brother at Wallingford. The
king’s lost his prize. Even when he has her between his hands he lets her slip
through his fingers. I wonder, I wonder,” said Hugh, opening his eyes wide at a
new thought, “whether he did not turn a blind eye and let her go, when it came
to the point! It would be like him. God knows he wanted her badly enough, but
he may have taken fright when it came to puzzling what he could do with her
when he had her. It’s one question I’d love to ask him—but never shall!” he
concluded with an oblique grin. “Are you telling me,” asked Cadfael
cautiously, eyeing him across the brazier, “that the empress is escaped out of
Oxford, after all? With the king’s army all round her, and stores down to
starvation level in the castle, from what we last heard? And how did even she
contrive it? Tell me next she’s grown wings and flown over the king’s lines to
Wallingford! She could hardly walk through his siege vallations on foot, even
if she managed to get out of the castle unseen.” “Ah, but she did, Cadfael! She did both!
She got out of the castle unseen, and passed through some part at least of
Stephen’s lines. To the best they can guess, she must have been let down by a
rope from the rear of the tower towards the river, she and two or three of her
men with her. There could not have been more. They muffled themselves all in
white to be invisible against the snow. Indeed by all accounts it was snowing
then, to hide them the better. They crossed the river on the ice, and walked
the six miles or so to Abingdon, for it was there they got horses to take them
on to Wallingford. Give her her due, Cadfael, this is a rare woman. From all
accounts there’s no living with her when she’s in high feather, but by God I
can see how a man could follow her when she’s down.” “So she’s back with FitzCount, after all,”
said Cadfael on a long, marveling breath. Barely a month ago it had seemed
certain that the empress and her most faithful and devoted ally were
irrevocably cut off from each other, and might never meet again in this world.
Ever since September the lady had been under close siege in Oxford castle, the
king’s armies drawn tightly round her, the town in his hands, and he content to
sit back and starve out her battered garrison. And now, all in one bold bid and
one snowy night, she was out of her chains, free to remuster her forces and
take up the fight again on equal terms. Surely there never had been such a king
as Stephen for conjuring defeat out of victory. But it was a quality they
shared, perhaps native to their blood, for the empress, too, when she was
gloriously installed in Westminster, and her coronation but a few days away,
had borne herself so arrogantly and harshly towards the obstinate burgesses of
her capital that they had risen in fury and driven her out. It seemed that as
often as either of them got within touch of the crown, fortune took fright at
the prospect of being in the service of either, and hurriedly snatched the
prize away. “So after all,” said Cadfael more placidly
as he lifted his bubbling pot to the grid at the side of the brazier, to simmer
in peace, “at least Stephen has got rid of his problem. He need worry no longer
what to do with her.” “True,” agreed Hugh wryly, “he’d never
have had the iron in him to put her in chains, as she did to him when she had
him prisoner after Lincoln, and she’s proved it would take more than stone
walls to hold her. I fancy he’s been bunking the issue all these months,
looking no further than the moment when he would force her surrender. He’s
eased of all the troubles that would have been no more than beginning the day
he made her prisoner. Better, perhaps, if he could winnow away her hopes so far
that she’d be forced to go back to Normandy. But we’ve come to know the lady
better,” he acknowledged ruefully. “She never gives up.” “And how has King Stephen stomached his
loss?” asked Cadfael curiously. “As I’ve come to expect of him by this
time,” said Hugh, with resigned affection. “As soon as the lady was well out of
it, Oxford castle surrendered to him. Without her, he’d lost interest in the
rest of the starved rats within. Most men would have taken out their rage on
the garrison. Once, as you’ll remember all too well, he let himself be
persuaded to take such a revenge, here at Shrewsbury, God knows against his
nature. Never again! As like as not, it was the memory of Shrewsbury that kept
Oxford safe. He let them march out untouched, on condition they dispersed to
their homes. He’s left the castle well garrisoned and supplied for his own cause,
and made off to Winchester with his brother the bishop, to keep Christmas. And
he’s sent to call all his midland sheriffs there to keep it with him. It’s long
since he was in these parts, no doubt he’s anxious to look us over afresh, and
make sure that all his defenses hold fast.” “Now?” said Cadfael, surprised. “To
Winchester? You’ll never make the journey in time.” “Yes, we shall. We have four days, and
according to the courier the thaw’s well forward, farther south, and the roads
clear. I’ll be away tomorrow.” “And leave Aline and your boy to keep the
feast without you! And Giles just past his third birthday, too!” Hugh’s son was
a Christmas babe, and had entered the world in the most extreme of winters, in
frost and snow and bitter gales. Cadfael was his godfather and most devoted
admirer. “Ah, Stephen won’t keep us long,” said
Hugh confidently. “He needs us where he placed us, to keep an eye on his shire
revenues. I shall be home by the year’s end, if all goes well. But Aline will
be glad if you could pay her a visit or two while I’m gone. Father Abbot won’t
grudge you leave now and then, and that long lad of yours—Winfrid, is it?—he’s
getting handy enough with the salves and medicines to be left on his own for an
hour or two.” “Very gladly I’ll mind your flock for you
at home,” said Cadfael heartily, “while you’re strutting at court. But you’ll
be missed, all the same. What a turnabout this has been! Five years of it now,
and nothing gained on either part. And with the new year, no doubt it must all begin
again. All that effort and waste, and nothing is changed.” “Oh, yes, there’s something changed, for
what it’s worth!” Hugh uttered a brief bark of laughter. “There’s a new
contender on the scene, Cadfael. Geoffrey could spare no more than a meager
handful of knights to his wife’s aid, but he’s sent her something it seems he
can part with more willingly. Either that or, as may very well be true, he’s
taken Stephen’s measure shrewdly enough to know past doubt what he dare wager
in safety. He’s sent over their son in Robert’s care, to see if the English
will rally to him rather than to his mother. Henry Plantagenet, nine years old—
or did they say ten? No more than that! Robert brought him to her at
Wallingford. By this time I fancy the boy’s been whisked away to Bristol or
Gloucester, out of harm’s way. But if Stephen laid hold of him, what could he
do with him? As like as not, put him on board ship at his own expense, and send
him well guarded back to France.” “Do you tell me so?” Cadfael’s eyes opened
wide in astonishment and curiosity. “So there’s a new star on the horizon, is
there? And starting young! It seems one soul at least has a blessed Christmas
assured, with her liberty won, and her son in her arms again. His coming will
give her heart, no question. But I doubt if he’ll do much more for her cause.” “Not yet!” said Hugh, with prophetic
caution. “We’ll wait and see what his mettle is. With his mother’s stomach and
Geoffrey’s wit he may give the king trouble enough in a few years’ time. We’d
best make better use of what time we have, and see to it the boy goes back to
Anjou and stays there, and best of all, takes his mother with him. I wish,”
said Hugh fervently, rising with a sigh, “Stephen’s own son promised better,
we’d have no need to fear what the empress’s sprig may have to show.” He shook
off present doubts with an impatient twitch of his lean shoulders. “Well, I’ll
be off and make ready for the road. We’ll be away at first light.” Cadfael lifted his cooling pot aside to
the earth floor, and went out with his friend through the walled stillness of
the herb garden, where all his small, neat beds slept warmly through the frosts
under deep snow. As soon as they let themselves out onto the path that skirted
the frozen pools, they could see distantly, beyond the glassy surface and the
broad gardens on the northern side, the long slope of the guest hall roof
overhanging the drainage channel, the dark timber cage of scaffolding and
ladders, and the two muffled figures working on the uncovered slates. “I see you have your troubles, too,” said
Hugh. “Who escapes them, in winter? It’s the
weight of the snow that’s shifted the slates, broken some of them, and found a
way through to douse the bishop’s chaplain in his bed. If we left it till the
thaw we’d have a flood, and far worse damage to repair.” “And your master builder reckons he can
make it good, frost or no frost.” Hugh had recognized the brawny figure halfway
up the long ladder, hefting a hodful of slates surely few of his younger
laborers could have lifted. “Bitter work up there, though,” said Hugh, eyeing
the highest platform of the scaffolding, stacked with a great pile of slates,
and the two diminutive figures moving with painful caution on the exposed roof. “We take it in short spells, and there’s a
fire in the warming room when we come down. We elders are excused the service,
but most of us take a turn, barring the sick and infirm. It’s fair, but I doubt
if it pleases Conradin. It irks him having foolhardy youngsters up there, and
he’d just as soon work only the ones he’s sure of, though I will say he keeps a
close watch on them. If he sees any blanch at being up so high, he soon has
them on solid earth again. We can’t all have the head for it.” “Have you been up there?” asked Hugh
curiously. “I did my stint yesterday, before the
light began to fail. Short days are no help, but another week should see it
finished.” Hugh narrowed his eyes against a sudden
brief lance of sunlight that reflected back dazzlingly from the crystalline
whiteness. “Who are those two up there now? Is that Brother Urien? The dark
fellow? Who’s the other one?” “Brother Haluin.” The thin, alert figure
was all but obscured by the jut of the scaffolding, but Cadfael had seen the
pair climb the ladders barely an hour earlier. “What, Anselm’s best illuminator? How
comes it you allow such abuse of an artist? He’ll ruin his hands in this bitter
cold. Small chance of him handling a fine brush for the next week or two, after
grappling with slates.” “Anselm would have begged him off,” Cadfael
admitted, “but Haluin would have none of it. No one would have grudged him the
mercy, seeing how valuable his work is, but if there’s a hair shirt anywhere
within reach Haluin will claim it and wear it. A lifelong penitent, that lad,
God knows for what imagined sins, for I never knew him so much as break a rule,
since he entered as a novice, and seeing he was no more than eighteen when he
took his first vows, I doubt if he’d had time to do the world much harm up to
then. But there are some born to do penance by nature. Maybe they, lift the
load for some of us who take it quite comfortably that we’re humankind, and not
angels. If the overflow from Haluin’s penitence and piety washes off a few of
my shortcomings, may it redound to him for credit in the accounting. And I
shan’t complain.” It was too cold to linger very long in the
deep snow, watching the cautious activities on the guest hall roof. They
resumed their passage through the gardens, skirting the frozen pools where
Brother Simeon had chopped jagged holes to let in air to the fish below, and
crossing the mill leat that fed the ponds by the narrow plank bridge glazed
over with a thin and treacherous crust of ice. Closer now, the piers of the
scaffolding jutted from the south wall of the guest hall across the drainage
channel, and the workers on the roof were hidden from sight. “I had him with me among the herbs as a
novice, long ago,” said Cadfael as they threaded the snowy beds of the upper
garden and emerged into the great court. “Haluin, I mean. It was not long after
I ended my own novitiate. I came in at past forty, and he barely turned
eighteen. They sent him to me because he was lettered and had the Latin at his
finger ends, and after three or four years I was still learning. He comes of a
landed family, and would have inherited a good manor if he hadn’t chosen the
cloister. A cousin has it now. The boy had been put out to a noble household,
as the custom is, and was clerk to his lord’s estate, being uncommonly bright
at learning and figuring. I often wondered why he changed course, but as every
man within here knows, there’s no questioning a vocation. It comes when it
will, and there’s no refusal.” “It would have been simpler to plant the
lad straight into the scriptorium, if he came in with so much learning,” said
Hugh practically. “I’ve seen some of his work, he’d be wasted on any other
labor.” “Ah, but his conscience would have him
pass through every stage of the common apprenticeship before he came to rest. I
had him for three years among the herbs, then he did two years more at the
hospital of Saint Giles, among the sick and crippled, and two more laboring in
the gardens at the Gaye, and helping with the sheep out at Rhydycroesau, before
he’d settle to do what we found he could do best. Even now, as you saw, he’ll
have no privilege because he has a delicate hand with the brushes and pens. If
others must slither perilously on a snowy roof, so will he. A good fault, mind
you,” admitted Cadfael, “but he takes it to extremes, and the Rule disapproves
extremes.” They crossed the great court towards the
gatehouse, where Hugh’s horse was tethered, the tall, rawboned grey that was
always his favorite mount, and could have carried twice or three times his
master’s light weight. “There’ll be no more snow tonight,” said
Cadfael, eyeing the veiled sky and sniffing the light, languid wind, “nor for a
few days more, I fancy. Nor hard frost, either, we’re on the edge of it. I pray
you’ll have a tolerable ride south.” “We’ll be away at dawn. And back, God
willing, by the new year.” Hugh gathered his bridle and swung himself into the
high saddle, “May the thaw hold off until your roof’s weatherproof again! And
don’t forget Aline will be expecting you.” He was off out of the gate, with a sharp
echo of hooves ringing from the cobbles, and a single brilliant spark that had
come and gone almost before the iron shoe left the frozen ground. Cadfael
turned back to the door of the infirmary, and went to check the stores in
Brother Edmund’s medicine cupboard. Another hour, and the light would be
already dimming, in these shortest days of the year. Brother Urien and Brother
Haluin would be the last pair up on the roof for this day. Exactly how it happened no one ever
clearly established. Brother Urien, who had obeyed Brother Conradin’s order to
come down as soon as the call came, pieced together what he thought the most
probable account, but even he admitted there could be no certainty. Conradin,
accustomed to being obeyed, and sensibly concluding that no one in his right
senses would wish to linger a moment longer than he must in the bitter cold,
had simply shouted his command, and turned away to clear the last of the day’s
broken slates out of the way of his descending workmen. Brother Urien let
himself down thankfully to the boards of the scaffolding, and fumbled his way
carefully down the long ladder to the ground, only too happy to leave the work.
He was strong and willing, and had no special skills but a wealth of hard
experience, and what he did would be well done, but he saw no need to do more
than was asked of him. He drew off some yards to look up at what had been
accomplished, and saw Brother Haluin, instead of descending the short ladder
braced up the slope of the roof on his side, mount several rungs higher, and
lean out sidelong to clear away a further sweep of snow and extend the range of
the uncovered slates. It appeared that he had seen reason to suspect that the
damage extended further on that side, and wished to sweep away the snow there
to remove its weight and prevent worse harm. The rounded bank of snow shifted, slid
down in great folds upon itself, and fell, partly upon the end of the planks
and the stack of slates waiting there, partly over the edge and sheer to the
ground below. No such avalanche had been intended, but the frozen mass loosed
its hold of the steep slates and dropped away in one solid block, to shatter as
it struck the scaffolding. Haluin had leaned too far. The ladder slid with the
snow that had helped to keep it stable, and he fell rather before than with it,
struck the end of the planks a glancing blow, and crashed down without a cry to
the frozen channel below. Ladder and snowfall dropped upon the planks and
hurled them after him in a great downpour of heavy sharp-edged slates, slashing
into his flesh. Brother Conradin, busy almost beneath his
scaffolding, had leaped clear only just in time, spattered and stung and half
blinded for a moment by the blown drift of the fall. Brother Urien, standing
well back, and arrested in the very act of calling up to his companion to stop,
for the light was too far gone, uttered instead a great cry of warning, too
late to save, and sprang forward, to be half buried by the edge of the fall.
Shaking off snow, they reached Brother Haluin together. It was Brother Urien who came in haste and
grim silence looking for Cadfael, while Conradin ran out the other way into the
great court, and sent the first brother he encountered to fetch Brother Edmund
the infirmarer. Cadfael was in his workshop, just turfing over his brazier for
the night, when Urien erupted into the doorway, a dark, dour man burning with
ill news. “Brother, come quickly! Brother Haluin has
fallen from the roof!” Cadfael, no less sparing of words, swung
about, clouted down the last turf, and reached for a woolen blanket from the
shelf. “Dead?” The drop must be forty feet at
least, timber by way of obstacles on the way down, and packed ice below, but if
by chance he had fallen into deep snow made deeper still by the clearance of
the roof, he might yet be lucky. “There’s breath in him. But for how long?
Conradin’s gone for more helpers, Edmund knows by now.” “Come!” said Cadfael, and was out of the
door and running for the little bridge over the leat, only to change his mind
and dart along the narrow neck of causeway between the abbey pools, and leap
the leat at the end of it, to come the more quickly to where Haluin lay. From
the great court the gleam of two torches advanced to meet them, and Brother
Edmund with a couple of helpers and a hand litter, hard on Brother Conradin’s
heels. Brother Haluin, buried to the knees under
heavy slates, with blood staining the ice beneath his head, lay still in the
middle of the turmoil he had caused. Chapter Two WHATEVER THE RISKS OF MOVING HIM, to leave
him where he was for a moment longer than was necessary would have been to
consent to and abet the death that already had a fast hold on him. In mute and
purposeful haste they lifted aside the fallen planks and dug out with their
hands the knife-edged slates that crushed and lacerated his feet and ankles
into a pulp of blood and bone. He was far gone from them, and felt nothing that
was done to him as they eased him out of the icy bed of the drain enough to get
slings under him, and hoisted him onto the litter. In mourne procession they
bore him out through the darkened gardens to the infirmary, where Brother
Edmund had prepared a bed for him in a small cell apart from the old and infirm
who spent their last years there. “He cannot live,” said Edmund, looking
down at the remote and pallid face. So Cadfael thought, too. So did they all.
But still there was breath in him, even if it was a harsh, groaning breath that
spoke of head injuries perhaps past mending; and they went to work on him as
one who could and must live, even against their own virtual certainty that he
could not. With infinite, wincing care they stripped him of his icy garments,
and padded him round with blankets wrapped about heated stones, while Cadfael
went over him gently for broken bones, and set and bound the left forearm that
grated as he handled it, and still brought never a flicker to the motionless
face. He felt carefully about Haluin’s head before cleaning and dressing the
bleeding wound, but could not determine whether the skull was fractured. The bitter,
snoring breathing indicated that it was, but he could not be sure. As for the
broken feet and ankles, Cadfael labored over them for a long time after they
had covered the rest of Brother Haluin with warmed brychans against simple
death of cold, his body laid straight and shored securely every way to guard
against the shock and pain of movement should he regain his senses. As no one
believed he would, unless it was an obstinate, secret remnant of belief that
caused them so to exert themselves to nourish even the failing spark. “He will never walk again,” said Brother
Edmund, shuddering at the shattered feet Cadfael was laboriously bathing. “Never without aid,” Cadfael agreed
somberly. “Never on these.” But for all that, he went on patiently putting together
again, as best he could, the mangled remains. Long, narrow, elegant feet Brother Haluin
had had, in keeping with his slender build. The deep and savage cuts the slates
had made penetrated to the bone in places, here and there had splintered the
bone. It took a long time to clean away the bloody fragments, and bind up each
foot at least into its human shape, and encase it in a hastily improvised
cradle of felt, well padded within, to hold it still and let it heal as near as
possible to what it had once been. If, of course, there was to be healing. And all the while, Brother Haluin lay
snoring painfully and oblivious of all that was done to him, very far sunk
beneath the lights and shadows of the world, until even his breathing subsided
gradually into a there shallow whisper, no more than the stirring of a solitary
leaf in a scarcely perceptible breeze, and they thought that he was gone. But
the leaf continued to stir, however faintly. “If he comes to himself, even for a
moment, call me at once,” said Abbot Radulfus, and left them to their watch. Brother Edmund was gone to get some sleep.
Cadfael shared the night watch with Brother Rhun, newest and youngest among the
choir monks. One on either side the bed, they stared steadily upon the unbroken
sleep beyond sleep of a body anointed and blessed and armed for death. It was many years since Haluin had passed
out of Cadfael’s care to go to manual labor in the Gaye. Cadfael reexamined
with deep attention linaments he had almost forgotten in their early detail, and
found now both changed and poignantly familiar. Not a big man, Brother Haluin,
but somewhat taller than the middle height, with long, fine, shapely bones, and
more sinew and less flesh on them now than when first he came into the
cloister, a boy still short of his full growth, and just hardening into
manhood. Thirty-five or thirty-six he must be now, barely eighteen then, with
the softness and bloom still on him. His face was a long oval, the bones of
cheek and jaw strong and clear, the thin, arched brows almost black, shades
darker than the mane of crisp brown hair he had sacrificed to the tonsure. The
face upturned now from the pillow was blanched to a clay-white pallor, the
hollows of the cheeks and deep pits of the closed eyes blue as shadows in the snow,
and round the drawn lips the same livid blueness was gathering even as they
watched. In the small hours of the night, when the life sinks to its frailest,
he would end or mend. Across the bed Brother Rhun kneeled,
attentive, unintimidated by another’s death any more than he would be, someday,
by his own. Even in the dimness of this small, stony room Rhun’s radiant
fairness, his face creamy with youth, his ring of flaxen hair and aquamarine
eyes, diffused a lambent brightness. Only someone of Rhun’s virgin certainty
could sit serenely by a deathbed, with such ardent loving-kindness and yet no
taint of pity. Cadfael had seen other young creatures come to the cloister with
something of the same charmed faith, only to see it threatened, dulled and
corroded gradually by the sheer burden of being human under the erosion of the
years. That would never happen to Rhun. Saint Winifred, who had bestowed on him
the physical perfection he had lacked, would not suffer the gift to be marred
by any maiming of his spirit. The night passed slowly, with no
perceptible change in Brother Haluin’s unrelenting stillness. It was towards
dawn when at last Rhun said softly, “Look, he is stirring!” The faintest quiver had passed over the
livid face, the dark brows drew together, the eyelids tightened with the first
distant awareness of pain, the lips lengthened in a brief grimace of stress and
alarm. They waited for what seemed a long while, unable to do more than wipe
the moist forehead, and the trickle of spittle that oozed from the corner of
the drawn mouth. In the first dim, reflected snowlight
before dawn Brother Haluin opened his eyes, onyx black in their blue hollows,
and moved his lips to emit a hair-fine thread of a voice that Rhun had to stoop
his young, sharp ear to catch and interpret. “Confession…” said the whisper from the
threshold between life and death, and for a while that was all. “Go and bring Father Abbot,” said Cadfael. Rhun departed silently and swiftly. Haluin
lay gathering his senses, and by the growing clarity and sharpening focus of
his eyes he knew where he was and who sat beside him, and was mustering what
life and wit remained to him for a purpose. Cadfael saw the quickening of pain
in the strained whiteness of mouth and jaw, and made to trickle a little of the
draught of poppies between his patient’s lips, but Haluin kept them tightly
clenched and turned his head away. He wanted nothing to dull or hamper his
senses, not yet, not until he had got out of him what he had to say. “Father Abbot is coming,” said Cadfael,
close to the pillow. “Wait, and speak but once.” Abbot Radulfus was at the door by then,
stooping under the low lintel. He took the stool Rhun had vacated, and leaned
down to the injured man. Rhun had remained without, ready to run errands if he should
be needed, and had drawn the door closed between. Cadfael rose to withdraw
likewise, and suddenly yellow sparks of anxiety flared in Haluin’s hollow eyes,
and a brief convulsion went through his body and fetched a moan of pain, as
though he had willed to lift a hand to arrest Cadfael’s going, but could not do
it. The abbot leaned closer, to be seen as well as heard. “I am here, my son. I am listening. What
is it troubles you?” Haluin drew in breath, hoarding it to have
a voice to speak with. “I have sins…” he said, “… never told.” The words came
slowly and with much labor, but clearly. “One against Cadfael… Long past… never
confessed…” The abbot looked up at Cadfael across the
bed. “Stay! He wishes it.” And to Haluin, touching the lax hand that was too
weak to be lifted: “Speak as you can, we shall be listening. Spare many words,
we can read between.” “My vows,” said the thread-fine voice
remotely. “Impure… not out of devotion… Despair!” “Many have entered for wrong reasons,”
said the abbot, “and remained for the right ones. Certainly in the four years
of my abbacy here I have found no fault in your true service. On this head have
no fear. God may have brought you into the cloister roundabout for his own good
reasons.” “I served de Clary at Hales,” said the
thin voice. “Better, his lady—he being in the Holy Land then. His daughter…” A
long silence while doggedly and patiently he renewed his endurance to deliver
more and worse. “I loved her… and was loved. But the mother… my suit was not
welcome. What was forbidden us we took…” Another and longer silence. The blue,
sunken lids were lowered for a moment over the burning eyes. “We lay together,”
he said clearly. “That sin I did confess, but never named her. The lady cast me
out. Out of despair I came here… at least to do no more harm. And the worst
harm yet to come!” The abbot closed his hand firmly on the
nerveless hand at Haluin’s side, to hold him fast by the grip, for the face on
the pillow had sunk into a mask of clay, and a long shudder passed through the
bruised and broken body, and left it tensed and chill to the touch. “Rest!” said Radulfus, close to the
sufferer’s ear. “Take ease! God hears even what is not said.” It seemed to Cadfael, watching, that
Haluin’s hand responded, however feeble its hold. He brought the drink of wine
and herbs with which he had been moistening the patient’s mouth while he lay
senseless, and trickled a few drops between the pained lips, and for the first
time the offering was accepted, and the strings of the lean throat made the
effort to swallow. His time was not yet. Whatever more he might have to heave
off his heart, there was yet time for it. They fed him sips of wine, and
watched the clay of his features again cohere into flesh, however pale and
feeble. This time, when he came back to them, it was very faintly and with eyes
still closed. “Father…?” questioned the remote voice
fearfully. “I am here. I will not leave you.” “Her mother came… I did not know till then
Bertrade was with child! The lady was in terror of her lord’s anger when he
came home. I served then with Brother Cadfael, I had learned… I knew the herbs…
I stole and gave her… hyssop, fleur-de-lis… Cadfael knows better uses for
them!” Yes, better by far! But what could help a
badly congested chest and a killing cough, in small doses, or fight off the
jaundice that turned a man yellow, could also put an end to the carrying of a
child, in an obscene misuse abhorrent to the Church and perilous even to the
woman it was meant to deliver. From fear of an angry father, fear of shame
before the world, fear of marriage prospects ruined and family feuds inflamed.
Had the girl’s mother entreated him, or had he persuaded her? Years of remorse
and self-punishment had not exorcised the horror that still wrung his flesh and
contorted his visage. “They died,” he said, harsh and loud with
pain. “My love and the child, both. Her mother sent me word—dead and buried. A
fever, they gave it out. Dead of a fever—nothing more to fear. My sin, my most
grievous sin… God knows I am sorry!” “Where true penitence is,” said Abbot
Radulfus, “God does surely know. Well, this grief is told. Have you done, or is
there more yet to tell?” “I have done,” said Brother Haluin. “But
to beg pardon. I ask it of God—and of Cadfael, that I abused his trust and his
art. And of the lady of Hales, for the great grief I brought upon her.” Now
that it was out he had better control of voice and words, the crippling tension
was gone from his tongue, and weak though his utterance was, it was lucid and
resigned. “I would die cleansed and forgiven,” he said. “Brother Cadfael will speak on his own
behalf,” said the abbot. “For God, I will speak as He give me grace.” “I forgive freely,” said Cadfael, choosing
words with more than his accustomed care, “whatever offense was done against my
craft under great stress of mind. And that the means and the knowledge were
there to tempt you, and I not there to dissuade, this I take to myself as much
as ever I can charge them to you. I wish you peace!” What Abbot Radulfus had to say upon God’s
behalf took longer. There were some among the brothers, Cadfael thought, who
would have been startled and incredulous if they could have heard, at finding
their abbot’s formidable austerity could also hold so much measured and
authoritative tenderness. A lightened conscience and a clean death were what
Haluin desired. It was too late to exact penance from a dying man, and deathbed
comfort cannot be priced, only given freely. “A broken and a contrite heart,” said
Radulfus, “is the only sacrifice required of you, and will not be despised.”
And he gave absolution and the solemn blessing, and so left the sickroom,
beckoning Cadfael with him. On Haluin’s face the ease of gratitude had darkened
again into the indifference of exhaustion, and the fires were dead in eyes
dulled and half closed between swoon and sleep. In the outer room Rhun was waiting
patiently, drawn somewhat aside to avoid hearing, even unwittingly, any word of
that confession. “Go in and sit with him,” said the abbot.
“He may sleep now, there will be no ill dreams. If there should be any change
in him, fetch Brother Edmund. And if Brother Cadfael should be needed, send to
my lodging for him.” In the paneled parlor in the abbot’s lodge
they sat together, the only two people who would ever hear of the offense with
which Haluin charged himself, or have the right in private to speak of his
confession. “I have been here only four years,” said
Radulfus directly, “and know nothing of the circumstances in which Haluin came
here. It seems one of his earliest duties here was to help you among the herbs,
and there he acquired this knowledge he put to such ill use. Is it certain this
draught he concocted could kill? Or may this truly have been a death from
fever?” “If the girl’s mother used it on her, she
could hardly be mistaken,” said Cadfael ruefully. “Yes, I’ve known hyssop to
kill. I was foolish to keep it among my stores, there are other herbs that
could take its place. But in small doses, both herb and root, dried and
powdered, are excellent for the yellow distemper, and useful with horehound
against chest troubles, though the blue-flowered kind is milder and better for
that. I’ve known women use it to procure abortion, in great doses that purge to
the extreme. Small wonder if sometimes the poor girl dies.” “And this was surely during his novitiate,
for he cannot have been here long if this child was his, as he supposes. He can
have been only a boy.” “Barely eighteen, and the girl no more, if
as old. It is some extenuation,” said Cadfael firmly, “if they were in the same
household, seeing each other daily, of equal birth, for he comes of a good
family, and as open to love as are most children. In fact,” said Cadfael,
kindling, “what I wonder at is that his suit should have been rejected out of
hand. He was an only son, there was a good manor would have been his if he had
not taken vows. And he was a very pleasing youth, as I recall, lettered and
gifted. Many a knight would have welcomed him as a match for his daughter.” “It may be her father already had other
plans for her,” said Radulfus. “He may have betrothed her to someone else in
childhood. And her mother would hardly venture to countenance a match in her
husband’s absence, if she went in such awe of him.” “She need not, however, have rejected the
boy utterly, if she had let him hope, he would have waited, surely, and not
tried to force her hand by forestalling marriage. Though it may be I do him
wrong there,” Cadfael relented. “It was not calculation, I fancy, that brought
him into the girl’s bed, but too rash affection. Haluin would never make a
schemer.” “Well, for better or worse,” said Radulfus
with a weary sigh, “it was done, and cannot be undone. He is not the first, and
will not be the last young man to fall into that error, nor she the first nor
the last poor child to suffer for it. At least she has kept her good name. Easy
to see why he feared to confide, for her sake, even under the seal of
confession. But it is long ago, eighteen years, his age when it befell. Let us
at least secure him a peaceful ending.” It was the general view that a peaceful
ending was the best that could be hoped for for Brother Haluin, and that
prayers for him ought not to presume to look towards any other outcome, all the
more as his brief return to his senses rapidly lapsed again into a deeper
unconsciousness, and for seven days, while the festival of the Nativity came
and passed, he lay oblivious of the comings and goings of his brethren round
his bed, ate nothing, uttered no sound but the hardly perceptible flutter of
his breath. Yet that breath, however faint, was steady and even, and as often
as drops of honeyed wine were presented to his lips, they were accepted, and
the cords of his throat moved of themselves, docilely swallowing, while the
broad, chilly brow and closed eyes never by the least quiver or contraction
revealed awareness of what his body did. “As if only his body is here,” said
Brother Edmund, soberly pondering, “and his spirit gone elsewhere until the
house is again furbished and clean and waiting to be lived in.” A sound biblical analogy, Cadfael
considered, for certainly Haluin had himself cast out the devils that inhabited
him, and the dwelling they vacated might well lie empty for a while, all the
more if there was to be that unlooked-for and improbable act of healing, after
all. For however this prolonged withdrawal might resemble dying, Brother Haluin
would not die. Then we had better keep a good watch, thought Cadfael, taking
the parable to its fitting close, and make sure seven devils worse than the
first never manage to get a foot in the door while he’s absent. And prayers for
Haluin continued with unremitting fervor throughout the festivities of
Christmas and the solemn opening of the new year. The thaw was beginning by that time, and
even then it was a slow thaw, wearing away each day, by slow degrees, the heavy
wastes of snow from the great fall. The work on the roof was finished without
further mishap, the scaffolding taken down, and the guest hall once again
weatherproof. All that remained of the great upheaval was this still and silent
witness in his isolated bed in the infirmary, declining either to live or die. Then, in the night of the Epiphany,
Brother Haluin opened his eyes and drew a long, slow breath like any other man
awaking without alarm, and cast his wondering gaze round the narrow room until
it rested upon Brother Cadfael, mute and attentive on the stool beside him. “I am thirsty,” said Haluin trustingly,
like a child, and lay passive on Cadfael’s arm to drink. They half expected him to sink again into
his unconscious state, but he remained languid but aware all that day, and in
the night his sleep was natural sleep, shallow but tranquil. After that he
turned his face to life, and did not again look over his shoulder. Once risen
from the semblance of death he came back to the territory of pain, and its
signature was on his drawn brow and set lips, but he bore it without complaint.
His broken arm had knitted while he lay ignorant of his injuries, and caused
him only the irritating aches of healing wounds, and it seemed both to Cadfael
and Edmund, after a day or two of keeping close watch on him, that whatever had
been shaken out of place within his head had healed as the outer wound had
healed, medicined by stillness and repose. For his mind was clear. He
remembered the icy roof, he remembered his fall, and once when he was alone
with Cadfael he showed that he recalled very clearly his confession, for he
said after a long while of silent thought: “I did shamefully by you, long ago, now
you tend and medicine me, and I have made no amends.” “I’ve asked none,” said Cadfael equably,
and began with patient care to unfold the wrappings from one maimed foot, to
renew the dressings he had been replacing night and morning all this time. “But I need to pay all that is due. How
else can I be clean?” “You have made full confession,” said
Cadfael reasonably. “You have received absolution from Father Abbot himself,
beware of asking more.” “But I have done no penance. Absolution so
cheaply won leaves me still a debtor,” said Haluin heavily. Cadfael had laid bare the left foot, the
worse mangled of the pair. The surface cuts and wounds had healed over, but
what had happened to the labyrinth of small bones within could never be put
right. They had fused into a misshapen clot, twisted and scarred, discolored in
angry dark reds and purples. Yet the seamed skin had knitted and covered all. “If you have debts,” said Cadfael bluntly,
“they bid fair to be paid in pain to the day you die. You see this? You will
never set this firmly to ground again. I doubt if you will ever walk again.” “Yes.” said Haluin, staring out through
the narrow chink of the window at the darkening wintry sky, “yes, I shall walk.
I will walk. If God allows, I will go on my own feet again, though I must
borrow crutches to help them bear me. And if Father Abbot gives me his
countenance, when I have learned to use what props are left to me I will go
myself to Hales, to beg forgiveness of Adelais de Clary, and keep a night’s
vigil at Bertrade’s tomb.” In his own mind Cadfael doubted if either
the dead or the living would take any great comfort from Haluin’s fondly
resolved atonement, or still be nursing any profound recollection of him, after
eighteen years. But if the pious intent gave the lad courage and determination
to live and labor and be fruitful again, why discourage him? So all he said
was: “Well, let’s first mend all that can be
mended, and put back some of that lost blood into you, for you’ll get no leave
to go anywhere as you are now.” And contemplating the right foot, which at
least still bore some resemblance to a human foot, and had a perceptible and
undamaged ankle-bone, he went on thoughtfully: “We might make some sort of
thick felt boots for you, well padded within. You might get one foot to the
ground yet, though you’ll need the crutches. Not yet—not yet, nor for weeks
yet, more likely months. But we’ll take your measure, and see what we can
fashion between us.” On reflection, Cadfael felt that it might
be wise to warn Abbot Radulfus of the expiation Brother Haluin had in mind, and
did so after chapter, in the privacy of the abbot’s parlor. “Once he had heaved the load off his
heart,” said Cadfael simply, “he would have died content if it had been his
fortune to die. But he is going to live. His mind is clear, his will is strong,
and if his body is meager it’s wiry enough, and now that he sees a life ahead
of him he’ll not be content to creep out of his sins by way of absolution
without penance. If he was of a lighter mind, and could be coaxed to forget
this resolve as he gets well, for my part I would not blame him, I’d be glad of
it. But penitence without penance will never be enough for Haluin. I’ll hold
him back as long as I can, but trust me, we shall hear of this again, as soon
as he feels able to attempt it.” “I can hardly frown upon so fitting a
wish,” said the abbot reasonably, “but I can forbid it until he is fit to
undertake it. If it will give him peace of mind I have no right to stand in his
way. It may also be of some belated comfort to this unhappy lady whose daughter
died so wretchedly. I am not familiar,” said Radulfus, pondering the proposed
pilgrimage warily, “with this manor of Hales, though I have heard the name of
de Clary. Do you know where it lies?” “Towards the eastern edge of the shire,
Father, it must be a matter of twenty-five miles or so from Shrewsbury.” “And this lord who was absent in the Holy
Land—he can have been told nothing of the true manner of his daughter’s death,
if his lady went in such awe of him. It is many years past, but if he is still
living this visit must not take place. It would be a very ill thing for Brother
Haluin to salve his own soul by bringing further trouble and danger upon the
lady of Hales. Whatever her errors, she has suffered for them.” “For all I know, Father,” Cadfael
admitted, “they may both be dead some years since. I saw the place once, on the
way from Lichfield on an errand for Abbot Heribert, but I know nothing of the
household of de Clary.” “Hugh Beringar will know,” said the abbot
confidently. “He has all the nobility of the shire at his finger ends. When he
returns from Winchester we may ask him. There’s no haste. Even if Haluin must
have his penance, it cannot be yet. He is not yet out of his bed.” Chapter Three HUGH AND HIS ESCORT CAME HOME four days
after Epiphany. Much of the snow was gone by then, the weather grey, the days
short and somber, the nights hovering on the edge of frost, so that the thaw
continued its gradual way, and there was no flooding. After such a heavy fall a
rapid thaw would have seen a great mass of water coming down the river and
draining from every drift, and the Severn would have backed up the Meole Brook
and flooded the lower part of the fields, even if the enclave itself escaped
inundation. This year they were spared that trouble, and Hugh, kicking off his
boots and shrugging off his cloak in his own house by Saint Mary’s Church, with
his wife bringing him his furred shoes and his son clinging to his sword belt
and clamoring to have his new, painted wooden knight duly admired, was able to
report an easy journey for the time of year, and a satisfactory reception at
court for his stewardship. “Though I doubt if this Christmas truce
will last long,” he said to Cadfael later, after acquainting the abbot with all
the news from Winchester. “He’s swallowed the failure at Oxford gallantly
enough, but for all that, he’s on his mettle for vengeance, he’ll not sit still
for long, winter or no. He wants Wareham back, but it’s well stocked, and manned
to the battlements, and Stephen never did have the patience for a siege. He’d
like a fortress more to the west, to carry the war to Robert’s country. There’s
no guessing what he’ll try first. But he wants none of me or my men there in
the south, he’s far too wary of the earl of Chester to keep me long out of my
shire. Thank God, for I’m of the same mind myself,” said Hugh blithely. “And
how have you been faring? Sorry I am to hear your best illuminator had a fall
that all but ended him. Father Abbot told me of it. I can hardly have left you
an hour, that day, when it happened. Is it true he’s mending well?” “Better than any of us ever expected,”
said Cadfael, “least of all the man himself, for he was certainly bent on
clearing his soul for death. But he’s out of the shadow, and in a day or two
we’ll have him out of his bed. But his feet are crippled for life, the slates
chopped them piecemeal. Brother Luke is cutting some crutches to his measure.
Hugh,” said Cadfael directly, “what do you know of the de Clarys who hold the
manor of Hales? There was one of them was a Crusader nearly twenty years back.
I never knew him, he was after my time in the east. Is he still living?” “Bertrand de Clary,” said Hugh promptly,
and looked up at his friend with quickening interest. “What of him? He died
years back, ten or more it must be. His son holds the honor now. I’ve had no
dealings with them, Hales is the only manor they hold in this shire, the caput
and most of their lands are in Staffordshire. Why, what’s put de Clary in your
mind?” “Why, Haluin has. He was in their service
before he took the cowl. It seems he feels he has left unpaid some debt he
still owes in that direction. It came to mind when he made what he took to be
his deathbed confession. In something he feels he offended, and has it on his
conscience still.” That was all that could be told, even to
Hugh, the confessional being sacred, and if nothing more was offered, Hugh
would ask for nothing more, however he might speculate on what had not been
said. “He’s set on making the journey to set the
account straight, when he’s fit to undertake it. I was wondering… If this
Bertrand’s widow is no longer in the land of the living, either, as well Haluin
should know it at once, and put it out of his mind.” Hugh was eyeing his friend with steady
interest and a tolerant smile. “And you want him to have nothing to trouble
about, body or mind, but getting back into the way of living as soon as may be.
I’m no help, Cadfael. The widow’s living still. She’s there at Hales, she paid
her dues last Michaelmas. Her son’s married to a Staffordshire wife, and has a
young son to succeed him, and from all accounts his mother is not of a nature
to share another woman’s household without meddling. Hales is her favorite
home, she keeps there from choice and leaves her son to rule his own roost,
while she makes sure of ruling hers. No doubt it suits them both very well. I
should not be even so well informed, “ he said by way of explanation, “if we
had not ridden some miles of the way from Winchester with a company of de
Clary’s men, dispersing from the siege of Oxford. The man himself I never saw,
he was still delayed at court when we left. He’ll be on his way home by now,
unless Stephen keeps him for whatever move he has next in mind.” Cadfael received this news philosophically
but without pleasure. So she was still living, this woman who had sought to
help her daughter to an abortion, and succeeded only in helping her to her
death. Not the first nor the last to come by such a death. But what must the
mother’s despair and guilt have been then, and what bitter memories must remain
even now, beneath the ashes of eighteen years? Better, surely, to let them lie
buried still. But Haluin’s self-torturing conscience and salvation-hungry soul
had their rights, too. And after all, he had been just eighteen years old! The
woman who had forbidden him any aspiration to her daughter’s affection must
have been double his age. She might, thought Cadfael almost indignantly, have
had the wisdom to see how things began to be between those two, and taken steps
to separate them in time. “Did you ever feel, Hugh, that it might be
better to let even ill alone,” wondered Cadfael ruefully, “rather than let
loose worse? Ah, well! He has not even tried his crutches yet. Who knows what
changes a few weeks may bring?” They lifted Brother Haluin out of his bed
in the middle of January, found him a corner near the infirmary fire, since he
could not move about freely like the others to combat the cold, and treated his
body, stiff from long lying, with oil and massage to get the sinews working
again. To occupy his hands and mind they brought him his colors and a little
desk to work on, and gave him a simpler page to adorn until his fingers should
regain their deftness and steadiness. His mangled feet had healed and fused
into misshapen forms, and there was no question as yet of letting him attempt
to stand on them, but Cadfael allowed him to try the crutches Brother Luke had
made for him, with support on either side, to get accustomed to the heft and
balance of them, and the shaped and padded props under his armpits. If neither
foot could ever be brought to support him again, even the crutches would not be
of any use, but both Cadfael and Edmund agreed that there was every hope of the
right foot being restored to use in time, and even the left might eventually
provide a grain of assistance, with a little ingenuity in shoeing the invalid. To that end Cadfael called in, at the end
of the month, young Philip Corviser, the provost’s son, and they put their
heads together over the problem, and between them produced a pair of boots as
ill-matched in appearance as were the feet for which they were intended, but
adapted as best they could devise to give strong support. They were of thick felt
with a leather sole, built up well above the ankles and laced close with
leather thongs to support and protect the damaged flesh and make full use of
the shinbones, which were intact. Philip was pleased with his work, but wary of
praise until the boots were tried on, and found to be wearable without pain,
and blessedly warm in this wintry weather. And all that was done for him Brother
Haluin accepted gratefully and humbly, and went on doggedly refreshing eye and
hand with his reds and blues and delicately laid gold. But as often as the
hours of leisure came round he would be precariously hoisting himself out of
his corner bench with shoulders braced upon his crutches, poised to reach for
the support of wall or bench if his balance was shaken. It took some time for
the sinews to recover their toughness in his wasted legs, but early in February
he could set his right foot firmly to the ground, and even stand on it briefly
without other support, and from that time on he began to use his crutches in
earnest, and to master them. He was seen again, dutiful and punctual, in his
stall at chapel, and in the choir at every office. By the end of February he
could even set the blocked toe of his left boot to the ground, to help hold him
steady and secure on his crutches, though never again would that foot be able
to support his weight, light though he was. In one thing he was fortunate, that the
winter, once that first early snowfall had thawed and vanished, was not a hard
one. There were occasional spells of frost, but none that lasted long, and
after January such snow showers as there were, were fitful and slight, and did
not lie long. When he had his balance and was used to his new gait he could
exercise his skills outdoors as well as in, and grew expert, fearful only of
the cobbles of the court when they were glazed with frost. At the beginning of March, with the days
lengthening, and the first cautious and reluctant signs of spring in the air,
Brother Haluin rose in chapter, when all the urgent business of the day was
over, and meekly but resolutely made a plea which only Abbot Radulfus and
Brother Cadfael could fully understand. “Father,” he said, his dark eyes fixed
unwaveringly on the abbot’s face, “you know that in my trouble I conceived a
desire to make a certain pilgrimage, if I should by God’s grace be restored.
Great mercy has been shown to me, and if you will give me leave, I wish now to
register my vow in heaven. I beg your sanction and the prayers of my brothers
that I may fulfill what I promise, and return in peace.” Radulfus regarded the petitioner in
silence for a disturbingly long time, his face revealing neither approval nor
disapproval, though the fixity of his gaze brought a surge of blood into
Haluin’s hollow cheeks. “Come to me after chapter,” said the abbot
then, “and I will hear what you intend, and judge whether you are yet fit to
undertake it.” In the abbot’s parlor Haluin repeated his
request in open terms, as to men before whom his spirit was naked and known.
Cadfael knew why he himself had been summoned to attend. Two reasons, indeed,
stood clear: he was the only other witness of Haluin’s confession, and might
therefore be admitted into his counsels; and he could speak as to Haluin’s
fitness to set out on such a journey. He had not yet guessed at a third reason,
but he was not quite easy in his mind as he listened. “I must not and will not hold you back,”
said the abbot, “from what is needful for your soul’s health. But I think you
ask too soon. You cannot yet have regained your strength. And it is not yet
spring, however well we happen to have fared these last weeks. There may still
be bitter weather to come. Think how recently you have been close to death, and
spare putting yourself in such hardship until you are fitter to bear it.” “Father,” said Haluin ardently, “it is
because I have been close to death that I must not delay. How if death should
reach for me again before I can expiate my sin? I have seen how it can lay its
hand on a man in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. I have had my warning. I
must heed it. If I die in paying the penance due from me, that I will embrace
as fitting. But to die and not have made any amend, that would be endless
reproach to me. Father,” he said, burning up like a stirred fire, “I truly
loved her, I loved her according to the way of marriage, I would have loved her
lifelong. And I destroyed her. I have hidden my sins too long. Now that I have
confessed them I long to complete the atonement.” “And have you thought of the miles you
must go and return? Are you in any case to ride?” Haluin shook his head vigorously at that.
“Father, I have vowed already in my heart and will repeat the vow on the altar,
to go on foot to the place where she is buried, and on foot return—on these
feet that brought me to the earth and made me to face the truth of my unshriven
offenses. I can go, I have learned how the innocent lame must go. Why should
not I, who am guilty of so much, suffer the same labors? I can endure it.
Brother Cadfael knows!” Brother Cadfael was none too pleased at
being called in witness, and none too happy about saying anything which could
promote this obsessed enterprise, but neither could he see any genuine peace of
mind for this tormented creature until the expiation was completed. “I do know he has the will and the
courage,” he said. “Whether he has the strength is another matter. And whether
he has the right to force his body to the death in order to cleanse his soul is
something on which I will not judge.” Radulfus pondered for some minutes in
somber silence, eyeing the petitioner with fixity which should have caused him
to stir uneasily and lower his gaze had there been anything false or
pretentious in his purpose, but Haluin’s wide, earnest eyes sustained the
encounter ardently. “Well, I acknowledge your desire to atone,
late though it comes,” said the abbot at last, “and I understand the better
since the delay of years has not been for your own sake. Go, then, make the
attempt. But I will not permit you to go alone. There must be someone with you
in case you founder, and should that happen, you must allow him to make such
dispositions for your safety as he sees fit. If you endure the journey well, he
need not do anything to impair your sacrifice, but if you fall by the wayside,
then he stands as my representative, and you must obey him as you obey me.” “Father,” said Haluin in anxious protest,
“my sin is mine alone, my confession sealed and sacred. How can I let another
man come so close, without myself breaking that seal? It would be a violation
even to cause wonder and question concerning this penance of mine.” “You shall have a companion who need
neither wonder nor question,” said the abbot, “since he already knows, at your
own telling. Brother Cadfael shall come with you. His company and his prayers
can only be of comfort and benefit to you. Your confidence and the lady’s
memory will be in no danger, and he is well qualified to care for you along the
way.” And to Cadfael, turning, he said, “Will you undertake this charge? I do
not believe he is fit to go alone.” Small choice, thought Cadfael, but not
altogether displeased at the instruction, either. There was still, somewhere
deep within him, a morsel of the vagus who had roamed the world from Wales to
Jerusalem and back to Normandy for forty years before committing himself to
stability within the cloister, and an expedition sanctioned, even ordered, by
authority could be welcomed as blessed, instead of evaded as a temptation. “If you so wish, Father,” he said, “I
will.” “This journey will take several days. I
take it that Brother Winfrid will be competent to dispense whatever may be
needed, with Edmund to guide him?” “For a few days,” agreed Cadfael, “they
should manage well enough. I have stocked the infirmary cupboard only
yesterday, and in the workshop there’s a good supply of all the common remedies
usually called for in the winter. Should something unforeseen be needed.
Brother Oswin could come back from Saint Giles to help for a while.” “Good! Then, son Haluin, you may prepare
for this journey, and set out when you are ready, tomorrow if you will. But you
will submit yourself to Brother Cadfael if your strength fails you, and do his
bidding as faithfully as within these walls you have always done mine.” “Father,” said Haluin fervently, “I will.” At the altar of Saint Winifred, Brother
Haluin recorded his solemn vow that same evening after Vespers, to leave
himself no way out, with a white-faced vehemence which indicated to Cadfael,
who witnessed it at Haluin’s own wish, that this implacable penitent in his
deepest heart knew and feared the labor and pain he was imposing on himself,
and embraced it with a passion and resolution Cadfael would rather have seen
devoted to a more practical and fruitful enterprise. For who would benefit by
this journey, even though it passed successfully, except the penitent himself,
at least partially restored to his self-respect? Certainly not the poor girl
who had committed no worse sin than to venture too much for love, and who
surely was long since in a state of grace. Nor the mother who must long ago
have put this evil dream behind her, and must now be confronted by it once
again after years. And Cadfael was not of the opinion that a man’s main
business in this world was to save his own soul. There are other ailing souls,
as there are ailing bodies, in need of a hoist towards health. But Haluin’s needs were not his needs.
Haluin’s bitter years of silent self-blame certainly called for a remedy. “On these most holy relics,” said Brother
Haluin, with his palm pressed against the drapings that covered the reliquary,
“I record my penitential vow: that I will not rest until I have gone on foot to
the tomb in which Bertrade de Clary lies, and there passed a night’s vigil in
prayer for her soul, and again on foot returned here to the place of my due
service. And if I fail of this, may I live forsworn and die unforgiven.” They set out after Prime, on the fourth
morning of March, out at the gate and along the Foregate towards Saint Giles
and the highroad due east. The day was cloudy and still, the air chill but not
wintry cold. Cadfael viewed the way ahead in his mind, and found it not too
intimidating. They would be leaving the western hills behind them, and with
every mile eastward the country about them would subside peaceably into a green
level. The road was dry, for there had been no recent rain, and the cloud cover
above was high and pale, and threatened none, and there was a grassy verge such
as could be found only on the king’s highways, wide on either side the track,
easy walking even for a crippled man. The first mile or two might pass without
grief, but after that the constant labor would begin to tell. He would have to
be the judge of when to call a halt, for Haluin was likely to grit his teeth
and press on until he dropped. Somewhere under the Wrekin they would find a
hospitable refuge for the night, for there were abbey tenants there among the
cottagers, and any hut along the way would willingly give them a place by the
fire for a midday rest. Food they had with them in the scrip Cadfael carried. In the brisk hopefulness of morning, with
Haluin’s energy and eagerness at their best, they made good speed, and rested
at noon very pleasurably with the parish priest at Attingham. But in the
afternoon the pace slowed somewhat, and the strain began to tell upon Haluin’s
hardworking shoulders, aching from the constant weight and endlessly repeated
stress, and the cold as evening approached numbed his hands on the grips of his
crutches, in spite of their mufflings of woolen cloth. Cadfael called a halt as
soon as the light began to fade into the windless March dusk, grey and without
distances, and turned aside into the village of Uppington, to beg a bed for the
night at the manor. Haluin had been understandably silent
along the road, needing all his breath and all his resolution for the effort of
walking. Fed and at ease in the evening, he sat watching Cadfael in accepting
silence still for a while. “Brother,” he said at last, “I take it
very kindly that you’ve come with me on this journey. With no other but you
could I speak without conceal of that old grief, and before ever we see
Shrewsbury again I may sorely need to speak of it. The worst of me you already
know, and I will never say word in excuse. But in eighteen years I have never until
now spoken her name aloud, and now to utter it is like food after starvation.” “Speak or be silent as the need takes
you,” said Cadfael, “and I’ll hear or be deaf according to your wish. But as
for tonight you should take your rest, for you’ve come a good third part of the
way, and tomorrow, I warn you, you’ll find some aches and pains you knew
nothing of, from laboring so hard and so long.” “I am tired,” admitted Haluin, with a
sudden and singularly touching smile, as brief as it was sweet. “You think we
cannot reach Hales tomorrow, then?” “Don’t think of it! No, we’ll get as far
as the Augustinian canons at Wombridge, and spend another night there. And
you’ll have done well to get so far in the time, so don’t grudge the one day
more.” “As you think best,” said Haluin
submissively, and lay down to sleep with the confiding simplicity of a child
charmed and protected by his prayers. The next day was less kind, for there was
a thin, spasmodic rain that stung at times with sleet, and a colder wind from
the northeast, from which the long, green, craggy bulk of the Wrekin gave them
no shelter as the road skirted it to the north. But they reached the priory
before dusk, though Haluin’s lips were fast clenched in determination by then,
and the skin drawn tight and livid over his cheekbones with exhaustion, and
Cadfael was glad to get him into the warmth, and go to work with oiled hands on
the sinews of his arms and shoulders, and the thighs that had carried him so
bravely all day long. And the third day, early in the afternoon,
they came to the manor of Hales. The manor house lay a little aside from
the village and the church, timber-built on the stone undercroft, in level,
well-drained fields, with gentle wooded slopes beyond. Within its wooden fence,
stable and barn and bakehouse were ranged along the pale, well maintained and
neat. Brother Haluin stood in the open gateway, and looked at the place of his
old service with a face fixed and still, only his eyes alive and full of pain. “Four years,” he said, “I kept the manor
roll here. Bertrand de Clary was my father’s overlord. I was sent here before I
was fourteen, to be page to his lady. Will you believe, the man himself I never
saw. Before I came here he was already in the Holy Land. This is but one of his
manors, the only one in these parts, but his son was already installed in his
place, and ruled the honor from Staffordshire. She always liked Hales best, she
left her son to his lordship and settled here, and it was here I came. Better
for her if I had never entered this house. Better far for Bertrade!” “It’s too late,” said Cadfael mildly, “to
do right whatever was done amiss then. This day is for doing aright what you
have pledged yourself to do now, and for that it is not too late. You’ll be
freer with her, maybe, if I wait for you without.” “No,” said Haluin. “Come with me! I need
your witness, I know it will be just.” A tow-haired youth came out of the stable
with a pitchfork in his hands, steaming gently in the chill air. At sight of
two black Benedictine habits in the gateway he turned and came towards them,
leisurely and amiable. “If you’re wanting a bed and a meal,
Brothers, come in, your cloth’s always welcome here. There’s good lying in the
loft, and they’ll feed you in the kitchen if you’ll please to walk through.” “I do remember,” said Haluin, his eyes
still fixed upon a distant past, “your lady kept always a hospitable house for
travelers. But I shall need no bed this night. I have an errand to the lady
Adelais de Clary herself, if she will give me audience. A few minutes of her
time is all I ask.” The boy shrugged, staring them over with
grey, unreadable Saxon eyes, and waved them towards the stone steps that led up
to the hall door. “Go in and ask for her woman Gerta, she’ll
see if the lady’ll speak with you.” And he stood to watch them as they crossed
the yard, before turning back to his labors among the horses. A manservant was just coming up the steps
from the kitchen into the passage as they entered the great doorway. He came to
ask their business, and being told, sent off a kitchen boy to carry word to the
lady’s woman of the chamber, who presently came out from the hall to see who
these monastic guests might be. A woman of about forty years, very brisk and
neat, plain in her dress and plain in her face, for she was pockmarked. But of
her confidence in office there was no question. She looked them over somewhat
superciliously, and listened to Haluin’s meekly uttered request without a
responsive smile, in no hurry to open a door of which she clearly felt herself
the privileged custodian. “From the abbey at Shrewsbury, you come?
And on the lord abbot’s business, I suppose?” “On an errand the lord abbot has
sanctioned,” said Haluin. “It is not the same,” said Gerta sharply.
“What other than abbey business can send a monk of Shrewsbury here? If this is
some matter of your own, let my lady know with whom she is dealing.” “Tell her,” said Haluin patiently, leaning
heavily on his crutches, and with eyes lowered from the woman’s unwelcoming
face, “that Brother Haluin, a Benedictine monk of Shrewsbury abbey, humbly begs
of her grace to receive him.” The name meant nothing to her. Clearly she
had not been in Adelais de Clary’s service, or certainly not in her confidence
or even close enough to guess at her preoccupations, eighteen years ago. Some
other woman, perhaps nearer her mistress’s years, had filled this intimate
office then. Close body servants, grown into their mistress’s trust and into
their own blood loyalty, carry a great treasury of secrets, often to their
deaths. There must somewhere, Cadfael thought, watching in silence, be a woman
who would have stiffened and opened her eyes wide at that name, even if she had
not instantly known the changed and time-worn face. “I will ask,” said the tirewoman, with a
touch of condescension still, and went away through the hall to a
leather-curtained doorway at the far end. Some minutes passed before she
appeared again, drawing back the hangings, and without troubling to approach
them, called from the doorway: “My lady says you may come.” The solar they entered was small and dim,
for the windward of the two windows was shuttered fast against the weather, and
the tapestries that draped the walls were old, and in rich dark colors. There
was no fireplace, but a stone hearth laid close to the most sheltered corner
carried a charcoal brazier, and between that and the one window that gave light
a woman was sitting at a little embroidery frame, on a cushioned stool. Against
the light from the window she showed as a tall, erect shape, dark-clothed,
while the glow of the brazier shone in copper highlights on her shadowed face.
She had left her needle thrust into the stretched cloth. Her hands were
clenched fast on the raised arms of the stool, and her eyes were on the doorway,
into which Brother Haluin lurched painfully on his crutches, his one
serviceable foot sore with use and bearing him wincingly at every step, the
blocked toe of his left foot barely touching the floor as a meager aid to
balance. Constant leaning into the crutches had hunched his shoulders and bent
his straight back. Having heard his name, she must surely have expected
something nearer to the lively, comely young man she had cast out all those
years ago. What could she make now of this mangled wreckage? He was barely within the room when she
rose abruptly to her feet, stiff as a lance. Over their heads she spoke first
to the waiting-woman, who had made to follow them in. “Leave us!” said Adelais de Clary, and to
Haluin, as the leather curtain swung heavily into place between solar and hall:
“What is this? What have they done to you?” Chapter Four SHE MUST, CADFAEL RECKONED, growing used
to the play of light and shadow within the room, be within ten years of his own
age, but she looked younger. The dark hair that was coiled in heavy braids on
either side of her head was bareiy touched with grey, and the imperious, fine
bones of her face had kept their imperishable elegance, though the flesh that
covered them was a little shrunken and sapless now, and her body had grown
angular and lean as the juices of youth dried up. Her hands, though shapely
still, betrayed her with swollen knuckles and seamed veins, and there was a
languor upon her pale skin at throat and wrist where once the rounded gloss of
youth had been. But for all that, in the oval face, the long, resolute lips,
and large eyes in their deep settings Cadfael saw the ashes of great beauty.
No, not ashes, embers, still alive and as hot at least as the coals burning in
the heart of the brazier. “Come nearer!” she said. And when Haluin
stood before her with the light upon his face, pale and cold light from the
window, flushed from the fire: “It is you!” she said. “I wondered. How have you
come to this?” Her voice was low-pitched, full and
authoritative, but the first implication of dismay and concern was gone. She
looked at him neither compassionately nor coldly, but with a kind of detached
indifference, a curiosity of no deep root. “This is no man’s blame but mine,” said
Haluin. “Don’t regard it! I have what I earned. I came by a great fall, but by
the grace of God I am alive, who by this time had thought to be dead. And as I
have eased my soul to God and my confessor for old sins, so I come to beg
forgiveness of you.” “Was that needful?” she said, marveling. “After
so many years, and all this way?” “Yes, it was needful. I do greatly need to
hear you say that you forgive me the wrong I did, and the grief I brought upon
you. There can be no rest for me now until the leaf is washed clear of every
last stain.” “And you have told over all the old
writing,” said Adelais with some bitterness, “all that was secret and shameful,
have you? To your confessor? And how many more? This good brother who bears you
company? The whole household at chapter? Could you not bear to be still a
sinner unshriven, rather than betray my daughter’s name to the world, and she
so long in her grave? I would have gone sinful into purgatory rather!” “And so would I!” cried Haluin, wrung.
“But no, it is not so. Brother Cadfael bears me company because he is the only
one who knows, excepting only Abbot Radulfus, who heard my confession. No other
will ever know from us. Brother Cadfael was also grossly wronged in what I did,
he had a right to give or withhold forgiveness. It was from his store and after
his teaching that I stole those medicines I gave to you.” She turned her gaze upon Cadfael in a
long, steady stare, and her face, for once seen clearly, was intent and still.
“Well,” she said, again turning away into indifference, “it was very long ago.
Who would remember now? And I am not dying yet. What do I know! I shall need a
priest myself someday, I could better have answered you then. Well, to put an
end to it… Have what you ask! I do forgive you. I would not add to what you
suffer. Go back in peace to your cloister. I forgive you as I hope for
forgiveness.” It was said without passion; the brief
spurt of anger was already gone. It cost her no effort to absolve him; she did
it as neutrally, it seemed, and with as little feeling as she would have handed
out food to a beggar. Of gentlewomen of her nobility alms could properly be
asked, and granting was a form of largesse, the due fulfillment of a rite of
lordship. But what she gave lightly came as relieving grace to Haluin. The
braced tension went out of his leaning shoulders and stiffly clenched hands. He
bent his head humbly before her, and uttered his thanks in a low and halting
voice, like a man momentarily dazed. “Madam, your mercy lifts a load from me,
and from my heart I am grateful.” “Go back to the life you have chosen and
the duties you have undertaken,” she said, again seating herself, though she
did not yet reach for her needle. “Think no more of what happened long ago. You
say you have a life spared. Use it as best you can, and so will I mine.” It was a dismissal, and as such Haluin
accepted it. He made her a deep reverence, and turned carefully upon his
crutches, and Cadfael reached a hand to steady him in the movement. She had not
so much as bidden them be seated, perhaps too shaken by so sudden and startling
a visit, but as they reached the doorway she called after them suddenly: “Stay if you will, take rest and meat in
my house. My servants will provide you everything you need.” “I thank you,” said Haluin, “but our leave
of absence enjoins a return as soon as my pilgrimage here is done.” “God hasten your way home, then,” said
Adelais de Clary, and with a steady hand took up her needle again. The church lay a short distance from the
manor, where two tracks crossed, and the huddle of village house plots gathered
close about the churchyard wall. “The tomb is within,” said Haluin, as they
entered at the gate. “It was never opened when I was here, but Bertrand’s
father is buried here, and surely it must have been opened for Bertrade. She
died here. I am sorry, Cadfael, that I refused hospitality also for you. I had
not thought in time. I shall need no bed tonight.” “You said no word of that to the lady,”
Cadfael observed. “No. I hardly know why. When I saw her
again my heart misgave me that I did ill to bring before her again that old
pain, that the very sight of me was an offense to her. Yet she did forgive. I
am the better for that, and she surely none the worse. But you could have slept
easy tonight. No need for two to watch.” “I’m better fitted for a night on my knees
than you,” said Cadfael. “And I am not sure the welcome there would have been
very warm. She wished us gone. No, it’s very well as it is. Most likely she
thinks we’re on the homeward way already, off her land and out of her life.” Haluin halted for a second with his hand
on the heavy iron ring latch of the church door, his face in shadow. The door
swung open, creaking, and he gripped his crutches to ease himself down the two
wide, shallow steps into the nave. It was dim and stonily chilly within.
Cadfael waited a moment on the steps till his eyes grew accustomed to the
changed light, but Haluin set off at once up the nave towards the altar.
Nothing here was greatly changed in eighteen years, and nothing had been
forgotten. Even the rough edges of the floor tiles were known to him. He turned
aside towards the right-hand wall, his crutches ringing hollowly, and Cadfael,
following, found him standing beside a stone table-tomb fitted between the
pillars. The carved image recumbent there was in crude chain mail, and had one
leg crossed over the other, and a hand on his sword hilt. Another Crusader,
surely the father of Bertrand, who in his turn had followed him to the Holy
Land. This one, Cadfael calculated, might well have been with Robert of
Normandy’s army in my time, at the taking of Jerusalem. Clearly the de Clary
men were proud of their warfare in the east. A man came through from the sacristy, and
seeing two unmistakable Benedictine habits, turned amicably to come towards
them. A man of middle age, in a rusty black cassock, advancing upon them with a
mildly inquiring expression and a welcoming smile, Haluin heard his steps, soft
as they were, and swung about gladly to greet a remembered neighbor, only to
recoil on the instant at seeing a stranger. “Good day, Brothers! God be with you!”
said the priest of Hales. “To travelers of your cloth my house is always open,
like this house of God. Have you come far?” “From Shrewsbury,” said Haluin, strongly
recovering himself. “Forgive me, Father, if I was taken aback. I had expected
to see Father Wulfnoth. Foolish of me, indeed, for I have not been here for
many years, and he was growing grey when I knew him, but to me in youth it
seemed he would be here forever. Now I dare hardly ask!” “Father Wulfnoth is gone to his rest,”
said the priest, “seven years ago now it must be. Ten years back I came here,
after he was brought to his bed by a seizure, and three years I looked after
him until he died. I was newly priest then, I learned much from Wulfnoth, his
mind was clear and bright if the flesh had failed him.” His good-natured round
face offered sympathetic curiosity. “You know this church and this manor, then?
Were you born in Hales?” “No, not that. But for some years I served
with the lady Adelais at the manor. Church and village I knew well, before I
took the cowl at Shrewsbury. Now,” said Haluin earnestly, observing how
brightly he was studied, and feeling the need to account for his return, “I
have good need to give thanks for escaping alive from a mishap that might have
caused my death, and I have taken thought to discharge, while I may, every debt
I have on my conscience. Of which number, one brings me here to this tomb.
There was a lady of the de Clary family whom I reverenced, and she died
untimely. I should like to spend the night here at her burial place, in prayers
for her. It was long before your time, eighteen years ago now. It will not
disturb you if I spend the night here within?” “Why, as to that, you’d be welcome,” said
the priest heartily, “and I could light a cresset for you. It gives some help
against the cold. But surely, Brother, you’re under some mistake. True, what
you say puts this before my time, but Father Wulfnoth told me much concerning
the church and the manor, he’d been in the service of the lords of Hales all
his life. It was they helped him to his studies and set him up here as priest.
There has been no burial here in this tomb since the old lord died, this one
who’s carved here on the stone. And that was more than thirty years back. It’s
his grandson rules now. A lady of the family, you say? And died young?” “A kinswoman,” said Haluin, low-voiced and
shaken, his eyes lowered to the stone which had not been raised for thirty
years. “She died here at Hales. I had thought she must be buried here.” He
would not name her, or betray more than he must of himself and what moved him,
even to this kindly man. And Cadfael stood back from them, watched, and held
his peace. “And only eighteen years ago? Then be
certain. Brother, she is not here. If you knew Father Wulfnoth, you know you
can rely upon what he told me. And I know his wits were sharp until the day he
died.” “I do believe it, “ said Haluin, quivering
with the chill of disappointment. “He would not be mistaken. So—she is not
here!” “But this is not the chief seat of the de
Clary honor,” the priest pointed out gently, “for that’s Elford, in
Staffordshire. The present lord, Audemar, took his father there for burial; the
family has a great vault there. If there are any close kin dead these last
years, that’s where they’ll be. No doubt the lady you speak of was also taken
there to lie among her kinsfolk.” Haluin seized upon the hope hungrily.
“Yes… yes, it could well be so, it must be so. There I shall find her.” “I have no doubt of it,” said the priest.
“But it’s a long way to go afoot.” He had sensed an urgency that was very
unlikely to listen to reason, but he did his best to temper it. “You’d be well
advised to go mounted, if you must go now, or put it off for longer days and
better weather. At least come inside, to my house, and take meat with me, and
rest overnight.” But that Haluin would not do, so much was
already clear to Brother Cadfael. Not while there was still an hour or more of
daylight left at the windows, and he had still the strength to go a mile
further. He excused himself with slightly guilty thanks, and took a restrained
leave of the good man, who watched them in wondering speculation until they had
climbed the steps to the porch, and closed the door after them. “No!” said Cadfael firmly, as soon as they
were clear of the churchyard, and passing along the track between the village
houses to reach the highroad. “That you cannot do!” “I can, I must!” Brother Haluin responded
with no less determination. “Why should I not?” “Because, in the first place, you do not
know how far it is to Etford. As far again as we have come, and half as far
after that. And you know very well how hard you have pushed yourself already.
And in the second place, because you were given leave to attempt this journey
in the belief that it would end here, and we two return from here. And so we
should. No, never shake your head at me, you know very well Father Abbot never
envisaged more than that, and would never have given you leave for more. We
should turn back here.” “How can I?” Haluin’s voice was implacably
reasonable, even tranquil. His way was perfectly clear to him, and he was
patient with dissent. “If I turn back, I am forsworn. I have not yet done what
I vowed to do, I should go back self-condemned and contemptible. Father Abbot
would not wish that, however little either he or I expected so long a penance.
He gave me leave until I had accomplished what I swore to do. If he were here
to be asked, he would tell me to go on. I said I would not rest until I had
gone on foot to the tomb where Bertrade lies buried, and there passed a night
in prayer and vigil, and that I have not done.” “Through no fault of yours,” said Cadfael
strenuously. “Does that excuse me? It is a just
judgment on me that I must go double the way. If I fail of this, I said, may I
live forsworn and die unforgiven! On the blessed relics of Saint Winifred, who
has been so good to us all, I swore it. How can I turn back? I would rather die
on the road, at least still faithfully trying to redeem my vow, than abandon my
faith and honor, and go back shamed.” And who was that speaking, Cadfael
wondered, the dutiful monk, or the son of a good Norman house, from a line at
least as old as King William’s when he came reaching for the crown of England,
and without the irregularity of bastardy, at that. No doubt but pride is a sin,
and unbecoming a Benedictine brother, but not so easily shed with the spurs and
title of nobility. Haluin, too, had caught the fleeting
implication of arrogance, and flushed at the recognition, but would not draw
back from it. He halted abruptly, swaying on his crutches, and detached a hand
in haste to take Cadfael by the wrist. “Don’t chide me! Well I know you could,
and your face shows me I deserve it, but spare to condemn. I can do no other.
Oh, Cadfael, I do know every argument you could justly use against me. I have
thought of them, I think of them still, but still I am bound. Bound by vows I
will not, dare not break. Though my abbot judge me rebellious and disobedient,
though my abbey cast me out, that I must bear. But to take back what I have
pledged to Bertrade that I will not bear.” The flush of blood mantling in his pale
cheeks became him, warmed away the faded look of emaciation from illness, and
even stripped some years from him. In stillness he stood upright, stretching
his bent back upward between the braced crutches. No persuasion was going to
move him. As well accept it. “But you, Cadfael,” he said, gripping the
wrist he held, “you have made no such vow, you are not bound. No need for you
to go further, you have done all that was expected of you. Go back now, and
speak for me to the lord abbot.” “Son,” said Cadfael, between sympathy and
exasperation, “I am fettered as fast as you, and you should know it. My orders
are to go with you in case you founder, and to take care of you if you do. You
are on your own business, I am on the abbot’s. If I cannot take you back with
me I cannot go back.” “But your work,” protested Haluin,
dismayed but unwavering. “Mine can well wait, but you’ll be missed. How will
they manage without you for so long?” “As best they can. There’s no man living
who cannot be done without,” said Cadfael sturdily, “and just as well, since
there’s a term to life for every man. No, say no more. If your mind’s made up,
so is mine. Where you go, I go. And since we have barely an hour of daylight
left to us, and I fancy you have no wish to seek a bed here in Hales, we had
better move gently on, and look for a shelter along the way.” Adelais de Clary rose in the morning and
went to Mass, as was her regular habit. She was meticulous in her religious
observances and in almsgiving, keeping up the old custom of her husband’s
household. And if her charity seemed sometimes a little cold and distant, at
least it was constant and reliable. Whenever the parish priest had a special
case in need of relief, he brought it to her for remedy. He walked with her to the gate after the
office, dutiful in attendance. “I had two Benedictines come visiting yesterday,
“ he said as she was drawing her cloak about her against a freshening March
wind. “Two brothers from Shrewsbury.” “Indeed!” said Adelais. “What did they
want with you?” “The one of them was crippled, and went on
crutches. He said he was once in your service, before he took the cowl. He
remembered Father Wulfnoth. I thought they would have come to pay their
respects to you. Did they not?” She did not answer that, but only observed
idly, gazing into distance as though only half her mind was on what was said,
“I remember, I did have a clerk once who entered the monastery at Shrewsbury.
What was his business here at the church?” “He said he had been spared by death, and
was about making up all his accounts, to be better prepared. I found them
beside the tomb of your lord’s father. They were in some error that a woman of
your house was buried there, eighteen years ago. The lame one had it in mind to
spend a night’s vigil there in prayers for her.” “A strange mistake,” said Adelais with the
same tolerant disinterest. “No doubt you undeceived him?” “I told him it was not so. I was not here
then, of course, but I knew from Father Wulfnoth that the tomb had not been
opened for many years, and what the young brother supposed could not be true. I
told him that all of your house now are buried at Elford, where the head of the
manor lies.” “A long, hard journey that would be, for a
lame man afoot,” said Adelais with easy sympathy. “I hope he did not intend to
continue his travels so far?” “I think, madam, he did. For they declined
to rest and eat with me, and sleep the night over, but set off again at once.
‘There I shall find her,’ the young one said. Yes, I am sure they will have
turned eastward when they reached the highroad. A long, hard journey, indeed,
but his will was good to perform it.” His relationship with his patroness was a
comfortable and easy one, and he did not hesitate to ask directly, “Will he
indeed find the gentlewoman he’s seeking at Elford?” “He well may,” said Adelais, pacing evenly
and serenely beside him. “Eighteen years is a long time, and I cannot enter
into his mind. I was younger then, I kept a bigger household. There were
cousins, some left without fortune. My lord kept a father’s hand on all of his
blood. In his absence and as his regent, so did I.” They had reached the churchyard gate, and
halted there. The morning was soft and green, but very still, and the cloud
cover hung heavy and low. “There will be more snow yet,” said the
priest, “if it does not turn to rain.” And he went on inconsequently: “Eighteen
years! It may be that this monk in his time with you was drawn to one of these
young cousins, after the way of the young, and her early death was greater
grief to him than ever he ventured to let you know.” “It may be so,” said Adelais distantly,
and drew up the hood of her cloak against a few infinitely fine spears of sleet
that drifted on the still air and stung her cheek. “Good day, Father!” “I will pray,” said the priest after her,
“that his pilgrimage to her grave may bring comfort and benefit to him living,
and to the lady dead.” “Do so, Father,” said Adelais without
turning her head. “And do not fail to add a prayer for me and all the women of
my house, that time may lie lightly on us when our day comes.” Cadfael lay awake in the hayloft of the
forester’s holding in the royal forest of Chenet, listening to the measured
breathing of his companion, too constant and too tense for sleep. It was the
second night since they had left Hales. The first they had spent with a
solitary cottar and his wife a mile or so beyond the hamlet of Weston, and the
day between had been long, and this second-shelter in the early reaches of the
forest came very warmiy and gratefully. They had gone early to their beds in
the loft, for Haluin, at whose insistence they had continued so far into the
evening, was close to exhaustion. Sleep, Cadfael noted, came to him readily and
peacefully, a restoring mercy to a soul very troubled and wrung when awake.
There are many ways by which God tempers the burden. Haluin rose every morning
refreshed and resolute. It was not yet light, there might still be
an hour to dawn. There was no movement, no rustling of the dry hay from the
corner where Haluin lay, but Cadfael knew he was awake now, and the stillness
was good, for it meant that he lay in the languor of ease of body, wherever the
wakeful mind within might have strayed. “Cadfael?” said a still, remote voice out
of the darkness. “Are you awake?” “I am,” he said as softly. “You have never asked me anything. Of the
thing I did. Of her…” “There is no need,” said Cadfael. “What
you wish to tell will be told without asking.” “I was never free to speak of her,” said
Haluin, “until now. And now only to you, who know.” There was a silence. He
bled words slowly and arduously, as the shy and solitary do. After a while he
resumed softly; “She was not beautiful, as her mother was. She had not that
dark radiance, but something more kindly. There was nothing dark or secret in
her, but everything open and sunlit, like a flower. She was not afraid of
anything, not then. She trusted everyone. She had never been betrayed—not then.
Only once, and she died of it.” Another and longer silence, and this time
the hay stirred briefly, like a sigh. Then he asked almost timidly: “Cadfael,
you were half your life in the world—did you ever love a woman?” “Yes,” said Cadfael, “I have loved.” “Then you know how it was with us. For we
did love, she and I. It hurts most of all,” said Brother Haluin, looking back
in resigned and wondering pain, “when you are young. There is nowhere to hide
from it, no shield you can raise between. To see her every day… and to know
that it was with her as it was with me…” Even if he had put it from him all these
years, and tried to turn hands and mind and spirit to the service he had
undertaken, of his own will, in his extremity, he had forgotten nothing; it was
there within him ready to quicken at a breath, like a sleeping fire when a door
is opened. Now at least it could escape into air, into the world of other men,
where it could touch other men’s sufferings and receive and give compassion.
From Cadfael there were no words needed, only the simple acknowledgment of
companionship, the assurance of a listening ear. Haluin fell asleep with a last lingering
word on his lips, murmured almost inaudibly after lengthening silences. It
might have been her name, Bertrade, or it might have been “buried.” No matter!
What mattered was that he had uttered it on the edge of sleep, and now would
blessedly sleep again after all his harsh labor along the way, perhaps long
past the coming of the light. So much the better! One day more spent on this
pilgrimage might grieve his impatient spirit, but it would certainly benefit
his harshly driven body. Cadfael arose very quietly, and left his
companion deeply asleep and virtually a prisoner in the loft, since he would
need help to get to his feet and descend the ladder. With the trapdoor left
open, a listener below would hear when the sleeper stirred, but by the look of
his relaxed body and the thin face smoothed of its tensions he would sleep for
some time. Cadfael went out into the clear, sharp
morning, to sniff the still air, redolent of the lingering winter scents of
forestland still half asleep. From the forester’s small assart among the trees
it was possible to see the cleared grey of the track in broken glimpses between
the old trunks, for the growth was close enough to keep the ground almost clear
of underbrush. A handcart trundled along the road, laden with kindling from the
fallen deadwood of the autumn, and the chattering flight of disturbed birds
accompanied it in a shimmer of fluttered branches and drifting leaves. The
forester was already up and about his morning tasks, his cow lumbering in to be
milked, his dog weaving busily about his heels. A dry day, the sky overcast but
lofty, the light good. A fine day for the road. By night they could be in
Chenet itself, and the manor, in the king’s holding, would take them in.
Tomorrow to Lichfield, and there Cadfael was determined they should halt for another
long night’s rest, however ardently Haluin might argue for pressing on the
remaining few miles to Elford. After a proper sleep in Lichfield Haluin should
be in better condition to endure the next night’s vigil pledged in Bertrade’s
memory, and face the beginning of the return journey, during which, God be
praised, there need be no haste at all, and no cause to drive himself to the
limits of endurance. Sounds came muffled and soft along the
beaten earth of the track, but Cadfael caught rather the vibration of hooves
than the impact. Horses coming briskly from the west, two horses, for their
gaits quivered in counterpoint, coming at a brisk trot, fresh from a night’s
rest and ready for the day. Travelers heading, perhaps, for Lichfield, after
spending the night at the manor of Stretton, two miles back along the road.
Cadfael stood to watch them pass. Two men in dun-colored gear,
leather-coated, easy in the saddle, their seats and the handling of their
mounts so strongly alike that either they had learned from childhood together
or the one had taught the other. And indeed, the one was double the bulk of the
other and clearly a generation the elder, and though they were too distant and
too briefly seen to have features, the whole shape of them indicated that they
were kin. Two privileged grooms to some noble house, each with a woman pillion
behind him. Women warmly cloaked for traveling look all much alike, and yet
Cadfael stared after the first of these with roused attention, and kept his
eyes on her until the horses and their riders had vanished along the road, and
the soft drumming of hooves faded into distance. She was still within his eyelids as he
turned back into the hay hut, pricking uneasily at his memory, urging, against
all his dismissal of the possibility as folly, that he had seen her before, and
further, that if he would but admit it he knew very well where. But whether that was true or not, and
whatever it augured if it was, there was nothing he could do about it. He
shrugged it into the back of his mind, and went in, to listen for the moment
when Haluin should awake and have need of him. They came through groves of trees into an
expanse of level meadows, a little bleached and grey as yet in the cold air,
but fertile and well cultivated, a rich little island in a shire otherwise
somewhat derelict still after the harsh pacification of fifty years back. There
before them lay the sleek curves of the River Tame, the steep-pitched roof of a
mill, and the close cluster of the houses of Elford, beyond the water. In the warm and welcoming hospitality of
the clerics of Lichfield they had spent a restful night, and received full
directions as to the best road to Elford, and with the first light of dawn they
had set off on the last four miles or so of this penitential journey. And here
before them lay the goal of Haluin’s pilgrimage, almost within reach, only an
expanse of peaceful fields and a wooden footbridge between him and his
absolution. A fortunate place, prosperous where much was impoverished, with not
one mill by the waterside, but two, for they could see the second one upstream,
with ample meadowland, and rich soil where the arable fields showed. A place
that might well promise blessing and peace of mind after labor and pain. The pale thread of the path led them
forward, and the roofs of Elford rose before them, circled with trees and
bushes still naked and dark at this distant view, not yet so far advanced in
bud as to show the first faint, elusive smoke of green. They crossed the
bridge, the uneven planks causing Haluin to watch carefully how he placed his
crutches, and came into the track between the houses. A neat village, with
housewives and husbandmen going cheerfully and confidently about their daily
business, alert to strangers but civil and welcoming to the Benedictine habit.
They exchanged greetings along the way, and Haluin, cheered and vindicated at
the successful completion of his journey, began to flush and brighten with
pleasure at being offered this spontaneous omen of acceptance and release. No need to ask how to reach the church,
they had seen its low tower before they crossed the bridge. It had been built
since the Normans came, sturdy in grey stone, with spacious churchyard very
well stockaded for sanctuary at need, and full of old and handsome trees. They
entered under the round-arched portico, and came into the familiar cool,
echoing gloom of all stone-built churches, smelling faintly of dust, and wax
candles, and strongly and reassuringly of home, the chosen abiding-place. Haluin had halted in the tiled silence of
the nave to get his bearings. Here there was no Lady Chapel to accommodate a
patron’s tomb between the altars. The lords of Elford must lie aside, built
into the stones of the walls they had raised. The red eye of light from the
altar lamp showed them where the tomb lay, a great table slab filling a niche
in the right-hand wall. Some dead de Clary, perhaps the first who came over
with King William, and got his reward later, showed as a sleeping figure in
relief on the sealing stone. Haluin had started forward towards it, only to
check and draw back after the first echoing step, for there was a woman on her
knees beside the tomb. They saw her only as a shadowy figure, for
the cloak she wore was dark grey like the stone in this dim light, and they
knew her for a woman and not a man because the hood of the cloak was thrown
back from her head, uncovering a white linen coif and a gauze veil over it.
They would have retired into the porch to let her complete her prayers in
peace, but she had heard the impact of the crutches on the tiled floor, and
turned her head sharply to look towards them. In a single graceful, abrupt
movement she rose to her feet, and coming towards them, stepped into the light
from a window, and showed them the proud, aging, beautiful face of Adelais de
Clary. Chapter Five “YOU?” SHE SAID, staring, and turning her
startled gaze from one face to the other, seeking, it seemed, some logic in
this unexpected visitation. Her voice was neutral, neither welcoming nor repelling
them. “I had not thought to see you again so soon. Is there something more you
have to ask of me, Haluin, that you have followed me here? You have only to
ask. I have said I forgive.” “Madam,” said Haluin, shaken and quivering
from the apparition of his former mistress in this unexpected place, “we have
not followed you. Indeed I never thought to find you here. For your forbearance
I’m grateful, and I would not for the world trouble you further. I have come
here only in fulfillment of a vow I made. I thought to spend a night in prayer
at Hales, believing that my lady your daughter must be buried there. But we
heard from the priest that it is not so. It’s here at Elford she lies, in the
tomb of her grandsires. So I have continued this far. And all I have to beg of
you is your leave to keep my vigil here through this coming night, in
deliverance of what I have sworn. Then we will depart, and trouble you no
more.” “I will not deny,” she said, but with a
softening voice, “that I shall be glad to have you gone. No ill will! But this
wound you have opened again for me I would willingly swathe away out of sight
until it heals. Your face is a contagion that makes it open and bleed afresh.
Do you think I should have taken horse and ridden here so fast if you had not
put that old grief in my mind?” “I trust,” said Haluin in a low and shaken
voice, “you may find, madam, as I hope to find, the wound cleansed of all its
rancors by this atonement. It is my prayer that for you this time the healing
may be sweet and wholesome.” “And for you?” she said sharply, and
turned a little away from him, with a motion of her hand that forbade any
answer. “Sweet and wholesome! You ask much of God, and more of me.” In the
sidelong light from the window her face was fierce and sad. “You have learned a
monk’s way with words,” she said. “Well, it is a long time! Your voice was
lighter once, so was your step. This at least I grant you, you are here at a
very heavy cost. Do not deny me the grace of offering you rest and meat this
time. I have a dwelling of my own here, within my son’s manor pale. Come within
and rest at least until Vespers, if you must punish your flesh on the stones
here through the night.” “Then I may have my night of prayer?”
asked Haluin hungrily. “Why not? Have you not just seen me
entreating God in the same cause?” she said. “I see you broken. I would not
have you forsworn. Yes, have your penitential vigil, but take food in my house
first. I’ll send my grooms to fetch you,” she said, “when you have made your
devotions here.” She was almost at the door, paying no
attention to Haluin’s hesitant thanks, and affording him no opportunity to
refuse her hospitality, when she suddenly halted and swung round to them again. “But say no word,” she said earnestly, “to
any other about your purpose here. My daughter’s name and fame are safe enough
under the stone, let them lie quiet there. I would not have any other reminded
as I have been reminded. Let it be only between us two, and this good brother
who bears you company.” “Madam,” said Haluin devoutly, “there
shall be no word said to any other soul but between us three, neither now nor
at any other time, neither here nor in any other place.” “You ease my mind,” she said, and in a
moment she was gone, and the door drawn quietly to after her. Haluin could not kneel without something
firm before him to which to cling, and Cadfael’s arm about him to ease his
weight down gently, sharing the burden with his companion’s one serviceable
foot. They offered their dutiful prayer at the altar side by side, and Cadfael,
open-eyed as Haluin kneeled long, traced with measured concern the worn lines
of the young man’s face. He had survived the hard journey afoot, but not
without a heavy cost. The night on the stones here would be cold, cramping, and
long, but Haluin would insist on the last extreme of self-punishment. And after
that, the long road back. As well, indeed, if the lady could persuade him to
remain for at least a second night, if only as a concession and grace to her
now that they had, in a fashion, come to terms with their shared and haunted
past. For it could certainly be true that
Haluin’s sudden visit had sent her on her own pilgrimage, hotfoot here to
confront her own part in that old tragedy. Passing by at a smart trot the
forester’s assart near Chenet, with only a maidservant and two grooms in her
train, and striking an elusive spark in Cadfael’s memory. It could well be
true. Or would such a seed have borne fruit so fast? The implication of haste
was there. Cadfael saw again the two double-laden horses passing in the early
morning, going steadily and with purpose. In haste to pay a half-forgotten debt
of affection and remorse? Or to arrive before someone else, and be ready and
armed to receive him? She wanted them satisfied and gone, but that was natural
enough. They had trespassed on her peace, and held up an old, flawed mirror
before her beautiful face. “Help me up!” said Haluin, and raised his
arms like a child to be lifted to his feet; and that was the first time that he
had asked for help, always before it had been proffered, and his acceptance
humble and resigned rather than grateful. “You did not speak one word throughout,”
he said suddenly, marveling, as they turned towards the church door. “I had not one word to speak,” said Cadfael.
“But I heard many words. And even the silences between them were not altogether
inarticulate.” Adelais de Clary’s groom was waiting for
them in the porch, as she had promised, leaning indolently with one shoulder
propped against the jamb of the door, as though he had been waiting for some
time, but with immovable patience. His appearance confirmed everything Brother
Cadfael had elaborated, in his own mind, from the few glimpses he had had of
the riders between the trees. The younger of the pair, this, a brawny young man
of perhaps thirty years, thickset, bullnecked, unmistakably in the Norman mold.
Perhaps the third or fourth generation from a progenitor who had come over as a
man at arms with the first de Clary. The strong original stock still prevailed,
though intermarriage with Englishwomen had tempered the fairness of his hair
into a straw brown, and somewhat moderated the brutal bones of his face. He
still wore his hair cropped into a close cap in the Norman manner, and his
strong jaw clean-shaven, and he still had the bright, light, impenetrable eyes
of the north. At their coming he sprang erect, more at ease in movement than in
repose. “My lady sends me to show you the way.” His voice was flat and clipped, and he
waited for no reply, but set off out of the churchyard before them, at a pace
Haluin could not well maintain. The groom looked back at the gate and waited,
and thereafter abated his speed, though it obviously chafed him to move slowly.
He said nothing of his own volition, and replied to question or simple civility
cordially enough, but briefly. Yes, Elford was a very fine property, good land
and a good lord. Audemar’s competent management of his honor was acknowledged
indifferently; this young man’s allegiance was to Adelais rather than to her
son. Yes, his father was in the same service, and so had his father been before
him. About these monastic guests he showed no curiosity at all, though he might
have felt some. Those pale grey alien eyes concealed all thought, or perhaps
suggested thought’s total absence. He brought them by a grassy way to the
gate of the manor enclosure, which was walled and spacious. Audemar de Clary’s
house sat squarely in the midst, the living floor raised well above a stone
undercroft, and to judge by the small windows above, there, were at least two
more chambers over the solar. And his ample courtyard was built round with
other habitable rooms, as well as the customary and necessary stables, armory,
bakehouse and brewhouse, stores and workshops, and was populous with the
activities of a large and busy household. The groom led them to a small timber
lodging under the curtain wall. “My lady has had this chamber made ready
for you. Use it as your own, she says, and the gateman will see to it you can
come and go freely, to go to the church.” Her hospitality, as they found, was
meticulous but remote and impersonal. She had provided them with water for
washing, comfortable pallets to rest on, sent them food from her own table, and
given orders to tell them to ask for anything they might need or want that had
been forgotten, but she did not receive them into her own presence. Perhaps
forgiveness did not reach so far as to render Haluin’s remorseful presence
agreeable to her. Nor was it her house servants who waited on them, but the two
grooms who had ridden with her from Hales. It was the elder of the two who
brought them meat and bread and cheese, and small ale from the pantry. Cadfael
had not been deceived in their relationship, for this one was clearly father to
the other, a tough, square-set man in his fifties, close-mouthed like his son,
broader in the shoulders, more bowed in the legs from years spent as much on
horseback as on his own two feet. The same cold, unconfiding eyes, the same
bold and powerful shaven jaws, but this one was tanned to a lasting bronze that
Cadfael recognized from his own past as having its origin very far from
England. His lord had been a crusader. This man had surely been with him there
in Holy Land, and got his burnished gloss there under the fierce, remembered
sun. The elder groom came again later in the
afternoon, with a message not for Haluin but for Cadfael. It so happened that
Haluin had fallen asleep on his pallet, and the man’s entrance, light and soft
as a cat for all his bulk, did not disturb his rest, for which Cadfael was
grateful. There was a long and unrestful night to come. He motioned to the
groom to wait, and went out into the courtyard to him, closing the door softly
after him. “Let him lie. He’ll need to be wakeful
later.” “My lady told us how he means to spend the
night,” said the groom. “It’s you she bids to her, if you’ll come with me now.
Let the other brother rest, she says, for he’s been mortal sick. I grant him a
man’s guts, or he’d never have come so far on those feet. This way, Brother!” Her dower dwelling was built into a corner
of the curtain wall, sheltered from the prevailing winds, small, but enough for
such occasional visits as she chose to make to her son’s court. A narrow hall
and chamber, and a kitchen built lean-to against the wall outside. The groom
strode in and through the hall with simple authority, as one having privilege
here, and entered his mistress’s presence much as a son or brother of hers
might have done, trusting and trusted. Adelais de Clary was well served, but
without subservience. “Here is Brother Cadfael from Shrewsbury,
my lady. The other one’s asleep.” Adelais was sitting at a distaff loaded
with deep blue wool, spinning the spindle with her left hand, but at their
entrance she ceased to turn it, and lodged it carefully against the foot of the
distaff to prevent the yarn from uncoiling. “Good! It’s what he needs. Leave us now,
Lothair, our guest will find his own way back. Is my son home yet?” “Not yet. I’ll be looking out for him when
he comes.” “He has Roscelin with him,” she said, “and
the hounds. When they’re all home and kenneled and stalled, take your ease,
it’s well earned.” He merely nodded by way of acknowledgment,
and departed, taciturn and uneffusive as ever, and yet there was a tone in
their exchange of invulnerable assurance, secure as rooted rock. Adelais said
no word until the door of her chamber had closed after her servant. She was
eyeing Cadfael with silent attention, and the faint shadow of a smile. “Yes,” she said, as if he had spoken.
“More than an old servant. He was with my lord all the years he fought in
Palestine. More than once he did Bertrand that small service, to keep him man
alive. It is another manner of allegiance, not a servant’s. As bound in fealty
as ever lord is to his overlord. I inherited what was my lord’s before me.
Lothair, he’s called. His son is Luc. Born and bred in the some mold. You’ll
have seen the likeness, God knows it can hardly be missed.” “I have seen it,” said Cadfael. “And I
knew where Lothair got that copper skin he wears.” “Indeed?” She was studying him with
concentrated interest now, having gone to the trouble to see him for the first
time. “I was some years in the east myself,
before his time. If he lives long enough his brown will fade as mine has faded,
but it takes a long while.” “Ah! So you were not given to the monks in
childhood? I thought you had not the look of such virgin innocents,” said
Adelais. “I entered of my own will,” said Cadfael,
“when it was time.” “So did he—of his own will, though I think
it was not time.” She stirred and sighed. “I sent for you only to ask if you
have everything you need—if my men have taken proper care of you.” “Excellent care. And for their kindness
and yours we are devoutly grateful.” “And to ask you of him—of Haluin. I have
seen in what sad case he is. Will it ever be better for him?” “He will never walk as he did before,”
said Cadfael, “but as his sinews gain time and strength he will improve. He
believed he was dying, so did we all, but he lives and will yet find much good
in life—once his mind is at peace.” “And will it be at peace after tonight? Is
this what he needs?” “I believe he will. I believe it is.” “Then it has my blessing. And then you
will take him back to Shrewsbury? I can provide you horses,” she said, “for the
way back. Lothair can fetch them to Hales when we return.” “That kindness he will surely refuse,”
said Cadfael. “He has sworn to complete this penance on foot.” She nodded understanding. “I will ask him,
nonetheless. Well—that is all, Brother. If he will not, I can do no more. Yes,
one thing I can! I am coming to Vespers tonight. I will speak to the priest,
and make certain that no one—no one!—shall question or trouble his vigil. You
understand, nothing must be let slip to any soul but us who already know all
too well. Tell him so. What remains is between him and God.” The master of the house was just riding in
at the gate as Cadfael walked back to the lodging where Haluin lay sleeping.
The ring of harness and hooves and voices entered ahead of the cavalcade, a
lively sound, bringing out grooms and servants like bees from a disturbed hive
to attend on their lord’s arrival. And here he came, Audemar de Clary, on a
tall chestnut horse, a big man in dark, plain, workmanlike riding clothes,
without ornament, and needing none to mark him out as having authority here. He
rode in with head uncovered, the hood of his short cloak flung back on his
shoulders, and his shock of crisp hair was as dark as his mother’s, but the
powerful bones of his face, high-bridged nose, thrusting cheekbones, and lofty
forehead he surely had from his Crusader father. He could not, Cadfael thought, be yet
forty years old. The vigor of his movements as he dismounted, the spring of his
step on the ground, the very gestures of his hands as he stripped off his
gloves, all were young. But the formidable features of his face and the mastery
that was manifest all about him, in the efficiency of his management here and
the prompt and competent service he expected and got, made him seem older in
dominance than he was in years. He had been master, Cadfael recalled, in his
father’s long absence, beginning early, probably before he was twenty, and the
de Clary honor was large and scattered. He had learned his business well. Not a
man to be crossed lightly, but no one here feared him. They approached him
cheerfully and spoke with him boldly. His anger, when justified, might be
withering, even perilous, but it would be just. He had a young fellow, page or squire,
riding close at his elbow, a youth of seventeen or eighteen, fresh-faced and
flushed with open air and exercise, and after them came two kennelmen on foot
with the hounds on leash after their run. Audemar handed over his bridle to the
groom who came running, and stood stamping his booted feet as he shed his cloak
into the young man’s ready hands. The brief flurry of activity was over in a
few minutes, the horses on their way across the court to the stables, the
hounds away to the kennels. The young groom Luc came out of the stableyard and
spoke to Audemar, apparently to deliver a message from Adelais, for Audemar at
once looked round toward the lady’s lodging, nodded understanding, and came
striding towards her door. His eyes fell on Cadfael, standing discreetly aside
from his path, and for an instant he checked as though to stop and speak, but
then changed his mind and went on, to vanish into the deep doorway. Judging by the time that she and her
grooms and her maid had passed by in the forest, Cadfael reckoned, Adelais must
have arrived here that same day, two days previously. They would have no need
to halt for a night between Chenet and Elford, for on horseback the distance
was easy. Therefore she must already have seen and talked with her son. What
she had to communicate to him now, as soon as he returned from riding, might
well have to do with whatever was news this day at the manor of Elford. And
what was new but the arrival of the two monks from Shrewsbury, and their reason
for being here, a reason she would interpret with discretion for his ears. For
he had been here at Elford when his sister died in Hales, for the world’s
ears—and her brother’s also?—of a fever. That must be all he had ever known of
it, a simple, sad death, such as may happen in any household, even to one in
the bloom of youth. No, that strong and resolute woman would never have let her
son into the secret. An old, trusted, confidential maidservant, maybe. She must
have needed such a one, now perhaps dead. But her young son, no, never. And if that was true, no wonder Adelais
was taking every precaution to smooth Haluin’s way to his atonement, and be rid
of him as quickly as possible, warding off all inquiry, even from the priest,
offering horses to hasten the departure, and pledging the two pilgrims not to
reveal anything of the past to any other being, not to say one word of the
import of their errand, or mention the name of Bertrade. Something, at least, I begin to
understand, thought Cadfael. Wherever we turn, there is Adelais between us and
all others. She houses us, she feeds us, it is her most loyal servants who
approach and wait on us, not any from her son’s household. My daughter’s name
and fame are safe enough under the stone, she had said, let them lie quiet
there. Small blame to her for making sure, and no wonder she had ridden in
haste to reach Elford beforehand and be ready for them. And go we will, he thought, tomorrow
morning if Haluin is fit to set out, and she can set her mind at rest. We can
find another halting place a mile or two from here, if we must, but at all
costs we’ll quit these walls, and she need never see or think of Haluin again. The young squire had remained standing to
watch his lord cross to the lady’s door, Audemar’s cloak flung over his
shoulder, his bare head almost flaxen against the dark cloth. He had still the
coltish, angular grace of youth. In a year or two his slenderness would fill
out into solid and shapely manhood, with every movement under smooth control,
but as yet he retained the vulnerable uncertainty of a boy. He looked after
Audemar with surprised speculation, stared at Cadfael in candid curiosity, and
turned slowly towards the door of Audemar’s hall. So this must be the Roscelin to whom
Adelais had referred, thought Cadfael, watching him go. Not a son of the house,
by the cut of him and the coloring, but not a servant, either. Doubtless a
youngster from the family of one of Audemar’s tenants, sent here to his
overlord to get his training in arms, and acquire the skills and practices of a
small court, in preparation for the wider world. Such apprentice lordlings
proliferated in every great barony, the de Clary honor might well be patron to
one or two of the same kind. The early evening had turned cold, and
there was a biting wind rising, with a few fine needles of sleet stinging in
its touch. The hour of Vespers was not far away. Cadfael went in thankfully
from the chill, to find Brother Haluin awake and waiting, silent and tense, for
his hour of fulfillment. Adelais had evidently made her
dispositions well. No one intruded upon their privacy, no one asked any
question or showed any curiosity. The young groom Luc brought them food before
Vespers, and at the end of the office they were left alone in the church to
conduct their vigil as they pleased. Doubtful if any among the household
wondered about them at all, being accustomed to random visitors of all kinds,
with differing needs, and the devotions of a pair of itinerant Benedictines
surprised no one. If monks of the abbey of Saint Peter elected to spend a night
in prayer in a church of Saint Peter, that was no special wonder, and concerned
no one else. So Brother Haluin had his will, and
redeemed his vow. He would have no softening of the stone, no extra cloak to
ward off the cold of the night, nothing to abate the rigors of his penance.
Cadfael helped him to his knees, within reach of the solid support of the tomb,
so that if faintness or dizziness came over him he could at least hold fast by
it to break his fall. The crutches were laid at the foot of the stone. There
was no more he would permit anyone to do for him. But Cadfael kneeled with him,
withdrawn into shadow to leave him solitary with his dead Bertrade and a God
doubtless inclining a compassionate ear. It was a long night, and cold. The altar
lamp made an eye of brightness in the gloom, at least ruddy like fire if it
gave no warmth. The silence carried hour by hour, like an infinitesimal ripple
vibrating through it, the gradual heave of Haluin’s breathing and the constant
whisper of his moving lips, felt in the blood and the bowels rather than
audible with the ear. From somewhere within him he drew an inexhaustible wealth
of words to be spent for his dead Bertrade. Their tension and passion kept him
erect and oblivious to pain, though pain took fast hold of him before midnight,
and never left him until his rapture and his ordeal ended together with the
coming of light. When he opened his eyes at last to the
full light of a frosty morning, and laboriously unlocked his cold, clasped
hands, the sounds of the customary early activity were already audible from the
outside world. Haluin stared dazedly upon the waking day, returning from some
place very far off, very deep within. He essayed to move, to grip the rim of
the stone, and his fingers were so numbed they could not feel, and his arms so
stiff they could give him no help to raise himself. Cadfael wound an arm about
him to lift him, but Haluin could not straighten his stiff knees to set his
better foot to the ground, but hung a dead weight on the encircling arm. And
suddenly there was a flurry of light footsteps, and another arm, young and
strong, embraced the helpless body from the other side, a fair head stooped to
Haluin’s shoulder, and between his two supporters he was hauled upright, and
held so as the blood flowed back achingly into his numbed legs. “In God’s name, man,” said the young man
Roscelin impatiently, “must you use yourself so hardly when you have already
enough for any sane man to carry?” Haluin was too startled, and his mind
still too far away, to be capable of grasping that, much less answering it. And
if Cadfael privately considered it a perfectly sensible reaction, aloud he said
practically, “Keep firm hold of him so, while I pick up his crutches. And God
bless you for appearing so aptly. Spare to scold him, you’d be wasting your
breath. He’s under vow.” “A foolish vow!” said the boy with the
arrogant certainty of his years. “Who’s the better for this?” But for all his
disapproval he held Haluin warmly and firmly, and looked at him sidelong with a
frown at least as anxious as it was exasperated, “He is,” said Cadfael, propping the
crutches under Haluin’s armpits, and setting to work to chafe life back into
the cold hands that could not yet grip the staves. “Hard to believe, but you
had better credit it. There, you can let him lean on his props now, but hold
him steady. Well for you at your years, you can sleep easy, with nothing to
regret and nothing to ask pardon for. How did you come to look in here so
timely?” he asked, eyeing the young man with fresh interest, thus at close
quarters. “Were you sent?” For this boy seemed an unlikely instrument
for Adeiais to use in shepherding her inconvenient guests in and out of
Elford—too young, too blunt, too innocent. “No,” said Roscelin shortly, and relented
to add with better grace, “I was plain curious.” “Well, that’s human,” admitted Cadfael,
recognizing his own besetting sin. “And this morning Audemar has no immediate
work for me, he’s busy with his steward. Had we not better get this brother of
yours back to his lodging, where it’s warmer? How shall we do? I can fetch a
horse for him if we can get him mounted.” Haluin had come back from his distant
place to find himself being discussed and handled as if he had no mind of his
own, and no awareness of his surroundings. He stiffened instinctively against
the indignity. “No,” he said, “I thank you, but I can go now. I need not
trespass on your kindness further.” And he flexed his hands and gripped the
staves of his crutches, and took the first cautious steps away from the tomb. They followed closely, one at either elbow
in case he faltered, Roscelin going before up the shallow steps and through the
doorway to prevent a possible stumble, Cadfael coming close behind to support
him if he reeled backward. But Haluin had gathered to his aid a will refreshed
and strengthened by achievement, and was resolute to manage this walk alone, at
whatever cost. And there was no haste. When he felt the need he could rest on
his crutches to draw breath, and so he did three times before they reached
Audemar’s courtyard, already populous and busy about bakery and mews and
wellhead. It said much for young Roscelin’s quickness and delicacy of mind,
Cadfael reflected, that he waited without comment or impatience at every pause,
and refrained from offering a hand in help until help should be invited. So
Haluin came back to the lodging in Audemar’s courtyard as he would have wished,
on his own misshapen feet, and could feel that he had earned the ease of his
bed. Roscelin followed them in, still curious,
in no haste to go in search of whatever duties awaited him. “Is that all,
then?” he said, watching Haluin stretch out his still-numbed limbs gratefully,
and draw the brychan over them. “Then where do you go when you leave us? And when?
You’ll not set out today?” “We go back to Shrewsbury,” said Cadfael.
“Today—that I doubt. A day’s rest would be wisdom.” By the weary ease of
Haluin’s face, and the softened gaze turned inward, it would not be long before
he fell asleep, the best and best-earned sleep since he had made confession. “I saw you ride in with the lord Audemar
yesterday,” said Cadfael, studying the youthful face before him. “The lady
mentioned your name. Are you kin to the de Clarys?” The boy shook his head. “No. My father is
tenant and vassal to him, they’ve always been good friends, and there’s a
marriage tie, a while back now. No, I’m sent here to Audemar’s service at my
father’s order.” “But not at your wish,” said Cadfael,
interpreting the tone rather than the words, “No! Much against my wish!” said Roscelin
abruptly, and scowled at the floorboards between his booted feet. “Yet to all appearances as good a lord as
you could hope for,” suggested Cadfael mildly, “and better than most.” “He’s well enough,” the boy owned fairly.
“I’ve no complaint of him. But I grudge it that my father has sent me away here
to be rid of me out of the house, and that’s the truth of it.” “Now, why,” wondered Cadfael, curious but
not quite asking, “why should any father want to be rid of you?” For here was
undoubtedly the very picture of a presentable son, upstanding, well formed,
well conducted, and decidedly engaging in his fair-haired, smooth-cheeked
comeliness, a son any father would be glad to parade before his peers. Even in
sullenness his face was pleasing, but it was certainly true that he had not the
look of one happy in his service. “He has his reasons,” said Roscelin
moodily. “You’d say good reasons, too, I know that. And I’m not so estranged
from him that I could refuse him the obedience due. So I’m here, and pledged to
stay here unless lord and father both give me leave to go. And I’m not such a
fool as not to admit I could be in far worse places. So I may as well get all
the good I can out of it while I’m here.” It seemed that his mind had veered into
another and graver quarter, for he sat for some moments silent, staring down
into his clasped hands with a frowning brow, and looked up only to measure
Cadfael earnestly, his eyes dwelling long upon the black habit and the tonsure. “Brother,” he said abruptly, “I wondered,
now and then—about the monkish life. Some men have taken to it, have they not,
because what they most wanted was forever impossible—forbidden them! Is that
true? Can it provide a life, if… if the life a man wants is out of reach?” “Yes,” said Brother Haluin’s voice, gently
and quietly out of a waking dream now very close to sleep. “Yes, it can!” “I would not recommend entering it as a
second-best,” said Cadfael stoutly. Yet that was what Haluin had done, long
ago, and he spoke now as one recording a revelation, the opening of his inward
eyes just as they were heavy and closing with sleep. “The time might be long, and the cost
high,” said Haluin with gentle certainty, “but in the end it would not be
second-best.” He drew in a long breath, and spent it in
a great healing sigh, turning his head away from them on the pillow. They were
both so intent on him, doubting and wondering, that neither of them had noted
the approach of brisk footsteps without, and they started round in surprise as
the door was thrown wide open to admit Lothair, carrying a basket of food and a
pitcher of small ale for the guests. At sight of Roscelin seated familiarly
upon Cadfael’s pallet, and apparently on good terms with the brothers, the
groom’s weathered face tightened perceptibly, almost ominously, and for an
instant a deeper spark flashed and vanished again in his pale eyes. “What are you doing here?” he demanded
with the bluntness of an equal, and the uncompromising authority of an elder.
“Master Roger’s looking for you, and my lord wants you in attendance as soon as
he’s broken his fast. You’d best be off, and sharp about it, too.” It could not be said that Roscelin showed
any alarm at this intelligence, or resentment at the manner in which it was
delivered; rather the man’s assurance seemed to afford him a little tolerant
amusement. But he rose at once, and with a nod and a word by way of farewell
went off obediently but without haste to his duty. Lothair stood narrow-eyed in
the doorway to watch him go, and did not come fully into the room with his
burdens until the boy had reached the steps to the hall door. Our guard dog, thought Cadfael, has his
orders to ward off any others who come too close, but he had not reckoned with
having to do as much for young Roscelin. Now, could there, I wonder, be some
reason why that contact in particular should cause him consternation? For
that’s the first spark I’ve seen struck from his steel! Chapter Six ADELAIS HERSELF PAID A GRACIOUS VISIT to
her monastic guests after Mass, with solicitous inquiries after their health
and well-being. It was possible, Cadfael reflected, that Lothair had reported
back to her the inconvenient and undesirable incursion of the young man
Roscelin into a preserve she clearly wished to keep private. She appeared in
the doorway of their small chamber, prayer book in hand, alone, having sent her
maid on ahead to her dower house. Haluin was awake, and made to rise from his
pallet in respectful acknowledgment of her coming, reaching in haste for his
crutches, but she motioned him back with a wave of her hand. “No, be still! No ceremony is needed
between us. How do you find yourself now—now that your vow is accomplished? I
hope you have experienced grace, and can return to your cloister in peace. I
wish you that mercy. An easy journey and a safe arrival!” And above all, thought Cadfael, an early
departure. And small blame to her. It’s what I want, too, and so must Haluin.
To have this matter finished, neatly and cleanly, with no more harm to any creature,
with mutual forgiveness, once spoken, and thereafter silence. “You have had little rest,” she said, “and
have a long journey back to Shrewsbury. My kitchen shall supply you with food
for the first stages of the way. But I think you should also accept horses. I
have said so to Brother Cadfael already. The stables here can spare you mounts,
and I will send for them to Hales when I return there. You should not attempt
to go back all that way on foot.” “For the offer, and for all your kindness,
we are grateful,” said Haluin in instant and hasty protest. “But this I cannot
accept. I undertook both to go and to return on foot, and I must make good what
I vowed. It is a pledge of faith that I am not so crippled as to be utterly
useless and unprofitable hereafter, to God and man. You would not wish me to go
home shamed and forsworn.” She shook her head over his obstinacy with
apparent resignation. “So your fellow here warned me you would argue, when I
spoke of it to him, but I hoped you would see better reason. Surely you are
also pledged to return to your duty at the abbey as soon as may be. Has that no
force? If you insist on going afoot you cannot set out at least until tomorrow,
after so hard a night on the stones.” To Haluin, no doubt, that sounded like
true solicitude, and an invitation to delay until he was fully rested. To
Cadfael it had the sound of a subtle dismissal. “I never thought that it would be easy,”
said Haluin, “to perform what I swore. Nor should it be. The whole virtue, if
there is any virtue in it at all, is to endure the hardship and complete the
penance. And so I can and shall. You are right, I owe it to my abbot and my
brothers to get back to my duty as soon as I may. We must set out today. There
are still hours of daylight left, we must not waste them.” To do her justice, she did seem to be
taken aback at such ready compliance with what she wished, even if she had not
expressed the wish. She urged, though without warmth, the necessity of rest,
but gave way pliantly before Haluin’s stubborn insistence. Things had gone as
she wished, and at the last moment she could afford one brief convulsion of
pity and regret. “It must be as you wish,” she said. “Very
well, Luc shall bring you food and drink before you go, and fill your scrip for
you. As for me, I part from you in goodwill; Now and hereafter, I wish you
well.” When she was gone, Haluin sat silent for a
while, shivering a little in the recoil from the finality of this ending. It
was as he had hoped, and yet it left him shaken. “I have made things needlessly hard for
you,” he said ruefully. “You must be weary as I am, and I have committed you to
leaving thus, without sleep. She wanted us gone, and for my part I heartily
wish to be gone. The sooner severed, the better for us all.” “You did right,” said Cadfael. “Once out
of here we need not go far. You are in no case to attempt it today. But to be
out of here is all we need. They left Audemar de Clary’s manor gates
in midafternoon, under a sky heavy with grey cloud, and turned westward along
the track through Elford village, with a chill, insidious wind in their faces.
It was over. From this point on, with every step taken they were returning to
normality and safety, to the monastic hours and the blessed daily round of
work, worship, and prayer. From the highroad Cadfael looked back
once, and saw the two grooms standing in the gateway to watch the guests
depart. Two solid, sturdy figures, taciturn and inscrutable, following the
withdrawal of the interlopers with light, fierce northern eyes. Making sure,
thought Cadfael, that the disquiet we brought to that lady departs with us, and
leaves no shadow behind. They did not look back a second time. The
need now was to put at least one safe, alienating mile between themselves and
the dower house of Elford, and after that they could look for a night’s shelter
early, for in spite of his resolution it was clear that Haluin was haggard and
grey with exhaustion, and would not get far without danger of collapse. His
face was set to endure, he went steadily but heavily on his crutches, his eyes
dilated and dark in their deep hollows. Doubtful if even now he enjoyed the
peace he should have found at Bertrade’s tomb, but perhaps it was not Bertrade
who still haunted his thoughts. “I shall never see her again,” said
Haluin, to God, himself, and the gathering dusk rather than to Cadfael. And it
was hard to say whether he spoke in relief or regret, as at leaving something
unfinished. The first snow of a capricious March burst
upon them suddenly out of the lowering sky when they were some two miles from
Elford. The air was on the edge of frost, there would be no great or prolonged
fall, but while it lasted it was thick and blinding, stinging their faces and
confusing the path before them. The premature dusk closed down on them almost
abruptly, a murky darkness out of which whirling clouds of white flakes wound
about them bewilderingly, veiling even what landmarks they had on a stretch of
track open, windswept, and treeless. Haluin had begun to stumble, troubled by the
driven flakes filling his eyes, and unable to free a hand to draw the folds of
his cowl together against the assault. Twice he planted a crutch aside from the
trodden path, and all but fell. Cadfael halted and stood close, his back to the
wind, to give his companion breathing space and shelter for some moments, while
he considered where they were, and what he could recall of the surrounding
country from their outward journey. Any dwelling, however mean, would be
welcome until this squall blew over. Somewhere here, he calculated, there had
been a side path bearing north, and leading to what seemed to be a cluster of
small houses and the long pale of a manor fence, the only sign of occupation
within view of the road. His recollection was accurate. Going cautiously
before, with Haluin close at his back, he came to an isolated clump of bushes
and low trees which he remembered clearly in this sparsely treed plain, and a
little beyond these the path opened. There was even a flickering spark of
torchlight, seen fitfully through the whirling snowfall, to keep them in the
direct way towards the distant dwelling. Where the lord of the house showed a
beacon for benighted travelers there should be a warm welcome waiting. It took them longer to reach the hamlet
than Cadfael had expected, since Haluin was flagging badly, and it was
necessary to go very slowly, reaching back constantly to keep him close. Here
and there a solitary tree loomed suddenly out of the spinning whiteness on the
left hand or the right, only to be veiled again as abruptly. The flakes had
grown larger and wetter, the hint of frost was receding, and this fall would
not lie beyond the morning. Overhead the clouds were broken and torn in a
rising wind, with a scattering of stars showing through. The spark of torchlight had vanished,
hidden behind the manor fence. A solid timber gatepost heaved out of the dark,
the tall palisade running away from it on the left hand, the broad open gateway
on the right, and suddenly there was the torch again, across a wide courtyard
in a sconce jutting from under the eaves, to light the stair that climbed to
the hall door. The usual encrustation of service buildings lined the stockade.
Cadfael launched a shout ahead of their lurching entrance, and a man came
butting his way through the falling snow from a stable door, shouting to others
as he came. At the head of the steps the hall door opened on a welcome glimpse
of firelight. Cadfael brought Haluin stumbling in
through the open gate in his arm, and another willing arm took him about the
body on the other side, hoisting him vigorously into the comparative shelter
within the pale. A voice bellowed heartily through the snowfall: “Brothers, you
chose a bad night to be out on the roads. Hold up now, your troubles are over.
We never shut the gates on your cloth.” There were others coming forth by then to
bring in the benighted travelers, a young fellow darting out from the
undercroft with a sacking hood over head and shoulders, a bearded and gowned
elder emerging from the hall and coming halfway down the steps to meet them.
Haluin was lifted rather than led up the steep flight and into the hall, where
the master of the house came striding out of his solar to meet these unexpected
arrivals. A fair man, long-boned and sparsely fleshed,
with a short trimmed beard the color of wheat straw, and thick cap of hair of
the same shade. Perhaps in his late thirties, Cadfael thought, of a ruddy, open
countenance in which the blue Saxon eyes shone almost startlingly bright,
candid, and concerned. “Come in, come in, Brothers! Well that
you’ve found us! Here, bring him through here, close to the fire.” He had taken
in at once the Benedictine habits, the flurries of snow lodged in the folds,
and shaken off now hissing into the steady fire in the central hearth of the
hall, the crippled feet of his younger visitor, the drawn grey exhaustion of
his face. “Edgytha, have beds prepared in the end chamber, and tell Edwin to
mull more wine.” His voice was loud, solicitous, and warm.
Without seeming haste he had his servants running here and there on his
benevolent errands, and himself saw Haluin installed on a bench against the
wall, where the warmth of the fire could reach him. “This young brother of yours is in very
sad case,” said the host, aside to Cadfael, “to be traveling the roads so far
from home. There are none of your order round here—barring the sisters at
Farewell, the bishop’s new foundation. From which house do you come?” “From Shrewsbury,” said Cadfael, setting
Haluin’s crutches to lean against the bench, where he could reach them at will.
Haluin sat back with closed eyes, his grey cheeks slowly gaining a little color
in the warmth and ease. “So far? Could not your abbot have sent a
hale man on his errands, if he had business in another shire?” “This was Haluin’s own errand,” said
Cadfael. “No other could have done it. Now it’s done, and we’re on our way
home, and by stages we shall get there. Always with the help of hospitable
souls like you. Can I ask, what is this place? These are parts I hardly know. “My name is Cenred Vivers. From this manor
I take that name. This brother is called Haluin, you say? And yourself?” “Cadfael is my name. Born Welsh, and bred
up on the borders with a foot either side. I’ve been a brother of Shrewsbury
now more than twenty years. My business on this journey is simply to keep
Haluin company and see that he gets safely to where he’s going, and safely back
again.” “No easy matter,” agreed Cenred,
low-voiced, and eyeing Haluin’s deformed feet ruefully, “the state he’s in. But
if the work’s done and only the way home to venture, no doubt you’ll do it. How
did he come by such injuries?” “He fell from a roof. We had repairs to
do, in the hard weather before Christmas. It was the slates falling after him
that cut his feet to ribbons. Well that we kept him alive.” They were speaking of him softly, a little
aside, though he lay back as eased and still as if he had fallen asleep, his
eyes closed, the long dark lashes shadowing his hollow cheeks. The hall had
emptied about them, all the bustle of activity withdrawn elsewhere, busy with
pillows and brychans and the hospitable business of the kitchen. “They’re slow with the wine,” said Cenred,
“and you must both need some warmth inside you. If you’ll hold me excused.
Brother, I’ll go and hasten things in the pantry.” And he was off, the flurry and wind of his
passing causing Haluin’s closed eyelids to quiver. In a moment he opened his
eyes and looked slowly and dazedly about him, taking in the warm, high-roofed
dimness of the hall, the glow of the fire, the heavy hangings that screened two
alcoves withdrawn from the public domain, and the half-open door of the solar
from which Cenred had emerged. The pale, steady gleam of candlelight showed
from within. “Have I dreamed?” wondered Haluin, gazing.
“How did we come here? What place is this?” “Never fear,” said Cadfael. “On your own
feet you came here, only an arm to help you up the steps into the house. The
manor is called Vivers, and the lord of it is Cenred. We’ve fallen into good
hands.” Haluin drew deep breath. “I am not so
strong as I believed I was,” he said sadly. “No matter, you can rest now. We have left
Elford behind.” They were both speaking in low voices, a
little awed by the enfolding silence presiding even in the center of this
populous household. When both ceased speaking, the quietness seemed almost
expectant. And in the hush the half-open door of the solar opened fully upon
the pale gold candlelight within, and a woman stepped into the doorway. For
that one instant she was sharply outlined as a shadow against the soft light
within, a slender, erect figure, mature and dignified in movement, surely the
lady of the house and Cenred’s wife. The next moment she had taken two or three
light, swift steps into the hall, and the light of the nearest torch fell upon
her shadowy face and advancing form, and conjured out of the dim shape a very
different person. Everything about her was changed. Not a gracious chatelaine
of more than thirty years, but a rounded, fresh-faced girl, no more than
seventeen or eighteen, half her oval countenance two great startled eyes and
the wide, high forehead above them, white and smooth as pearl. Haluin uttered a strange, soft sound in
his throat, between gasp and sigh, clutched at his crutches, and heaved himself
to his feet, staring at this sudden glowing apparition as she, brought up
abruptly against the intrusion of strangers, had drawn back in haste, starring
at him. For one moment they hung so, mute and still, then the girl whirled
about and retreated into the solar, drawing the door to almost stealthily after
her. Haluin’s hands slackened their hold,
dangling inertly, the crutches slid and fell from under him, and he went down
on his face in a gradual, crumpled fall, and lay senseless in the rushes of the
floor. They carried him to a bed prepared for him
in a quiet chamber withdrawn from the hall, and bedded him there, still in a
deep swoon. “This is simple exhaustion,” said Cadfael
in reassurance to Cenred’s solicitous anxiety. “I knew he was driving himself
too hard, but that’s done with now. From this on we can take our time. Leave
him to sleep through this night, and he’ll do well enough. See, he’s coming
round. His eyes are opening.” Haluin stirred, his eyelids quivering
before they rose on the dark, sharply conscious eyes within, that looked up
into a circle of vague, concerned faces. He was aware of his surroundings, and
knew what had happened to him before he was carried here, for the first words
he spoke were in meek apology for troubling them, and thanks for their care. “My fault!” he said. “It was presumptuous
to attempt too much. But now all is well with me. All is very well!” Since his chief need was clearly of rest,
they were left to make themselves comfortable in their small chamber, though
the evening brought them a number of visits. The bearded steward brought them
hot, spiced wine, and sent in to them the old woman Edgytha, who brought them
water for their hands, food, and a lamp, and offered whatever more they might
need for their comfort. She was a tall, wiry, active woman
probably sixty years old, with the free manner and air of authority habitual in
servants who have spent many years in the confidence of lord or lady, and
earned a degree of trust that brings with it acknowledged privilege. The
younger maidservants deferred to her, if they did not actually go in awe of
her, and her neat black gown and stiff white wimple, and the keys jingling at
her waist bore witness to her status. Late in the evening she came again, in
attendance on a plump and pleasant lady, soft-voiced and gracious, who came to
inquire kindly whether the reverend brothers had all that they needed for the
night, and whether the one who had swooned was now comfortably recovered from
his faintness. Cenred’s wife was rosily pretty, brown-haired and brown-eyed, a
very different creature from the tall, slender, vulnerable young thing who had
stepped out of the solar, to be startled into recoil from the unexpected
apparition of strangers. “And have the lord Cenred and his lady any
children?” Cadfael asked when their hostess was gone. Edgytha was close-lipped, possessively
protective of her family and all that was theirs, to the point of rendering
every such inquiry suspect, but after a moment’s hesitation she answered
civilly enough: “They have a son, a grown son.” And she added, unexpectedly
reconsidering her reluctance to satisfy such uncalled-for curiosity: “He’s
away, in service with my lord Cenred’s overlord.” There was a curious undertone of reserve,
even of disapproval, in her voice, though she would never have acknowledged it.
It almost distracted Cadfael’s mind from his own preoccupation, but he pursued
delicately: “And no daughter? There was a young girl
looked into the hall for a moment, while we were waiting. Is she not a child of
the house?” She gave him a long, steady, searching
look, with raised brows and tight lips, plainly disapproving of such interest
in young women, coming from a monastic. But guests in the house must be treated
with unfailing courtesy, even when they fall short of deserving it. “That lady is the lord Cenred’s sister,”
she said. “The old lord Edric, his father, married a second time in his later
years. More like a daughter to him than a sister, with the difference in years.
I doubt you’ll see her again. She would not wish to disturb the retirement of
men of your habit. She has been well brought up,” concluded Edgytha with
evident personal pride in the product of her own devotion, and a plain warning
that black monks cast by chance into the household should deep their eyes
lowered in a young virgin’s presence. “If you had her in charge,” said Cadfael
amiably, “I make no doubt she does credit to her upbringing. Had you Cenred’s
boy in your care too?” “My lady would not have dreamed of
trusting her chick to any other.” The old woman had warmed into fond fervor in
thinking of the children she had nursed. “No one ever had the care of better
babes,” she said, “and I love them both like my own.” When she was gone Haluin lay silent for a
while, but his eyes were open and clear, and the lines of his face alert and
aware. “Was there indeed a girl who came in?” he
said at last, frowning in the effort to recall a moment which had become hazy
and uncertain in his mind. “I have been lying here trying to recall why I so
started up. I remember the crutches dropping away from under me, but yery
little besides. Coming into the warmth made my head go round.” “Yes,” said Cadfael, “there was a girl.
Half sister, it seems, to Cenred, but younger by some twenty years. If you were
thinking you dreamed her, no, she was no dream. She came into the hall from the
solar, all unaware of us, and perhaps not liking the look of us, she drew back
again in haste and closed the door between. Do you not remember that?” No, he did not remember it, or only as an
unconnected snatch of vision comes back out of a dream, and is gone again as
soon as glimpsed. He frowned after it anxiously, and shook his head as if to
clear eyes misted by weariness. “No… there’s nothing clear to me. I do recall
the door opening, I take your word for it she came in… but I can recall
nothing, no face… Tomorrow, perhaps.” “We shall see no more of her,” said
Cadfael, “if that devoted dragon of hers has any say in the matter. I think she
has no very high opinion of monks, Mistress Edgytha. Well, are you minded for
sleep? Shall I put out the lamp?” But if Haluin had no clear recollection of
the daughter of the house, no image left from that brief glimpse of her, first
a dark outline against candlelight, then lit from before by the ruddy glow of
the torch, Cadfael had a very clear image, one that grew even clearer when the
lamp was quenched and he lay in the dark beside his sleeping companion. And
beyond the remembrance he had a strange, disquieting sense that it bore for him
a special significance, if he could but put his finger on it. Why that should
be so was a mystery to him. Wakeful in the dark, he called up the features of
her face, the motion of her body as she stepped into the light, and could find
nothing there that should have been meaningful to him, no likeness to any woman
he had ever seen before, except as all women are sisters. Yet the sense of some
elusive familiarity about her persisted. A tall girl, though perhaps not so tall as
she gave the impression of being, for her slenderness contributed to the image,
but above the middle height for a girl just becoming woman. Her bearing was
erect and graceful, but still with the tentative and vulnerable springiness of
the child, the suddenness of a lamb or a fawn, alert to every sound and motion.
Startled, she had sprung back from them, and yet she had closed the door with
measured softness, not to startle in return. And her face—she was not
beautiful, except as youth and innocence and gallantry are always beautiful. An
oval face she had, tapered from broad brow and wide and wide-set eyes to the
firm, rounded chin. Her head was uncovered, her brown hair drawn back and
braided, still further emphasizing the high white brow and the great eyes under
their level dark brows and long lashes. The eyes consumed half the face. Not
pure brown, Cadfael thought, for in spite of their darkness they had a clarity
and depth and brightness perceptible even in that one glimpse of her. Rather a
dark hazel shot with green, and so clear and deep it seemed possible to plunge
into them and drown. Eyes utterly candid and vulnerable, and quite fearless.
Young, wild, mettlesome creatures of the woods never yet hunted or harmed, may
have that look. And the pure, fine lines of her cheekbones Cadfael remembered,
elegant and strong, after the eyes her chief distinction. And in all of this, sharply defined in his
mind’s eye, what was there to trouble him, to pierce him like an elusive memory
of some other woman? He found himself summoning up, one by one, the faces of
women he had known, half the population of a long and varied life, in case some
cast of features or carriage of head or gesture of hand should strike the chord
that would vibrate and sing for him. But there was no match, and no echo. Cenred’s
sister remained unique and apart, haunting him thus only because she had
appeared and vanished in a moment, and he would probably never see her again. Nevertheless, the last fleeting vision
within his eyelids as he fell asleep was of her startled face. By morning the air had lost its frosty
bite, and most of the snow that had fallen had already thawed and vanished,
leaving its tattered laces along the foot of every wall and under the bole of
every tree. Cadfael looked out from the hall door, and was inclined to wish
that the fall had persisted, to prevent Haluin from insisting on taking to the
road again immediately. As it turned out he need not have worried, for as soon
as the manor was up and about its daily business Cenred’s steward came looking
for them, with the request that they would come to his lord in the solar after
they had broken their fast, for he had something to ask of them. Cenred was alone in the room when they
entered, Haluin’s crutches sounding hollowly on the boards of the floor. The
room was lit by two deep, narrow windows with cushioned seats built into them,
and furnished with handsome bench-chests along one wall, a carved table, and
one princely chair for the lord’s use. Evidently the lady Emma ran a
well-regulated household, for hangings and cushions were of fine embroidery,
and the tapestry frame in one corner, with its half-finished web of bright
colors, showed that they were of home production. “I hope you have slept well, Brothers,”
said Cenred, rising to greet them, “Are you recovered fully from last night’s
indispostion? If there is anything my house has failed to offer you, you have
but to ask for it. Use my manor as you would your own dwelling. And you will, I
hope, consent to stay yet a day or two before you need set out again.” Cadfael shared the hope, but was all too
afraid that Haluin would rouse his overanxious conscience to find objections.
But he had no time to do more than open his mouth, for Cenred went on at once: “For I have something to ask of you… Is
either of you ordained a priest?” Chapter Seven “YES,” SAID HALUIN, after a moment of
blank silence. “I am a priest. I studied for minor orders
from the I time I entered the abbey, and became full priest when I reached
thirty years. We are encouraged to do so now, those who enter young and are
already lettered. As a priest, what is there I can do to serve you?” “I want you to conduct a marriage,” said
Cenred. This time the silence was longer, and
their concentration on him more wary and thoughtful. For if a marriage was
contemplated in this house, surely provision would already have been made for a
priest, and one who knew the circumstances and the parties, not a chance
Benedictine benighted here by a fall of snow. Cenred saw their doubts reflected
in Haluin’s attentive face. “I know what you would say. This must
surely be the proper business of my own parish priest. There is no church here
in Vivers, though I intend to build and endow one. And it so happens that our
nearest parish church is at this moment without a priest until it pleases the
bishop to name his choice, for the advowson is with him. I had meant to send
for a cousin of our house who is in orders, but if you are willing we may spare
him a wintry journey. I promise you there is nothing underhand in this matter,
and if it is being arranged in some haste, there are sound reasons. Sit down
with me, at least, and I’ll tell you freely all you need to know, and you shall
judge.” With the impulsive and generous vehemence
that seemed to be natural to him, he strode forward himself to support Haluin
by the forearms as he lowered himself to the cushioned bench built against the
paneled wall. Cadfael sat down beside his friend, content to watch and listen,
since he was no priest, and here had no hard decision to consider, and the
delay came gratefully to him for Haluin’s sake. “In his old age,” said Cenred, coming
bluntly to the business in hand, “my father married a second time, a wife
thirty years younger than he was. I was already married, with a son a year old,
when my sister Helisende was born. Those two children grew up in this house,
boy and girl together, like brother and sister, and close at that. And we,
their elders, have taken them for granted and been glad they should have each
other’s company. I have been much to blame. I never noticed when they began to
be more than playmates. I never thought how childish companionship and
affection could change so after years, into something more perilous by far. I
do not blink away facts, Brothers, once I have seen them, and been forced to
see them. Those two were left alone to play too long and too lovingly. They
have slipped into an inordinate affection under my very nose, and I stone-blind
to it until almost too late. They love each other in a fashion and to a degree
that is anathema between two so closely kin. Thanks be to God, they have not
sinned in the flesh, not yet. I hope I have awakened in time. God knows I want
what is best for them both, I would have them happy, but what happiness can
there be in a love which is an abomination? Better by far to tear them apart
now, and trust to time to take away the pain. I have sent my son away to serve
his apprenticeship to arms with my overlord, who is a good friend, and knows
the reason and the need. And sore as he is at being banished so, my son has
pledged himself not to return until I give him leave. Have I done right?” “I think,” said Haluin slowly, “you could
have done no other. But it is a pity it went so far unchecked.” “So it is. But when two grow up from babes
together as brother and sister, that in itself is commonly enough to put away
from them without grief all thought of affection after the way of marriage. I
have wondered sometimes how much Edgytha noticed that I did not. She indulged
them always. But never, never did she say word to me or to my wife, and whether
I have done well or not, I must go on.” “Tell me,” said Cadfael, speaking for the
first time “is not your son’s name Roscelin?” Cenred’s eyes flashed to Cadfael’s face,
astonished. “So it is. But how can you know that?” “And your overlord is Audemar de Clary.
Sir, we came hither directly from Elford, we have spoken with your son there,
he lent Brother Haluin here a strong arm to lean on when he needed it.” “You have talked with him! And what did my
son have to say, there at Elford? What had he to say of me?” He was alert and
ready to hear bitter rumor of complaint and estrangement, and to swallow that
grief if he must. “Very little, and certainly nothing you
could not have heard with a quiet mind. No word of your sister. He mentioned
that he had left home at his father’s wish, and that he could not refuse you
the obedience due. We had no more than a few minutes talk with him, by pure
chance. But I saw nothing there of which you should not be glad and proud.
Consider, he is barely three miles away, and against his own wish, but he keeps
true to his word. There is but one thing I remember him saying,” pursued
Cadfael with sudden probing intent, “that perhaps you have a father’s right to
hear. He asked us, very solemnly, whether our order could provide a worthwhile
life for a man—if the life he most longed for was forbidden to him.” “No!” cried Cenred in sharp protest. “Not
that! I would not for the world he should turn his back on arms and reputation
and hide himself away in the cloister. He is not made for that! A youth of such
promise! Brother, this does but confirm me in what I am asking. There is no
putting off what must be done. Once done, he will accept it. As long as the
loss is not final he will go on hoping and hankering after the impossible. It
is why I want her married, married and out of this house, before ever Roscelin
enters it again.” “I understand your reasons very well,”
said Haluin, opening his hollow eyes challengingly wide, “but it would not be
right to make them reasons for a marriage, if the lady is unwilling. However
hard your plight, you cannot sacrifice the one to preserve the other.” “You mistake the case,” said Cenred
without heat. “I love my young sister, I have talked with her openly and
fairly. She knows, she acknowledges, the enormity of what threatened them both,
the impossibility of such a love ever coming to fruit. She wants this terrible
knot severed, as truly as I do. She wants a career of honor for Roscelin
because she loves him, and rather than see it blighted through her she agrees
to seek refuge in marriage with another man. This has been no forced surrender.
And no wanton choice, either. I have done the best I could for her, it is a
match any family would welcome. Jean de Perronet is a well-endowed,
well-conditioned young man of good estate. He is due here today, so you may see
him for yourself. Helisende already knows him, and likes if she cannot yet love
him. That may come, for he is greatly drawn to her. She has fully consented to
this marriage. And de Perronet has this one inestimable advantage,” he added
grimly. “His seat is far away. He will take her home to Buckingham, out of
Roscelin’s sight. Out of sight, out of mind, I will not say, but at least the
lines of a remembered face may fade gradually over the years, as even stubborn
wounds heal.” He had become eloquent by reason of his
own deep disquiet and distress, a good man concerned for the best interests of
all his household. He had not remarked, as Cadfael did, the gradual blanching
of Haluin’s thin face, the tight and painful set of his lips, or the way his
linked hands gripped together in the lap of his habit until the bones shone
white through the flesh. The words Cenred had not deliberately chosen to pierce
or move had their own inspired force to reopen the old wound he had come all
this way to try and heal. The lines of a remembered face, surely somewhat
dimmed in eighteen years, were burning into vivid life again for him. And
wounds that have not ceased to fester within cannot heal until they have again
broken out and been cleansed, by fire if need be. “And you need not fear, and neither need
I,” said Cenred, “that she will not be cherished and held in high regard with
de Perronet. Two years back he asked for her, and for all she would have none
of him or any suitor then, he has waited his time.” “Your lady is in agreement in this
matter?” asked Cadfael. “We have all three talked of it together.
And we are agreed. Will you do it? I felt it a kind of blessing on what we
intend,” said Cenred simply, “when a priest came to my door unsummoned on the
eve of the bridegroom’s coming. Stay over tomorrow, Brother—Father!—and marry
them.” Haluin unlocked his contorted hands
slowly, and drew breath like a man awaking in pain. In low voice he said, “I
will stay. And I will marry them.” “I trust I have done right,” said Haluin
when they were back in their own quarters. But it did not seem that he was
asking to be confirmed in his decision, rather setting it squarely before his
own eyes as a responsibility he had no intention of hedging or sharing. “I know
only too well,” he said, “the perils of proximity, and their case is more
desperate than ever was mine. Cadfael, I feel myself listening to echoes I
thought had died out long ago. It is all for a purpose. Nothing is without
purpose. How if I fell only to show me how far I was already fallen, and force
me to make the assay to rise afresh? How if I came to life again as a cripple,
to make me undertake those journeys of body and spirit that I dreaded when I
was strong and whole? How if God put it into my mind to go on pilgrimage in
order to become some other needy soul’s miracle? Were we led to this place?” “Driven, rather,” said Cadfael
practically, remembering the blinding snow, and the small beckoning spark of
the torch in the drifting dark. “It’s true, to arrive on the eve of the
bridegroom’s coming is very apt timing. I can but go with the burden of the
day,” said Haluin, “and hope to be led aright. These second marriages in old age,
Cadfael, have sorry tangles to answer for. How can two babes playing together
in the rushes of the floor know that they are aunt and nephew, and fruit
forbidden? A pity that love should be spent to no end.” “I am not sure,” said Cadfael, “that love
is ever spent for no end. Well, at least now you can be still and rest for a
day or so, and all the better for it. That, at any rate, comes timely.” And that was plainly the best use Haluin
could make of this halt on the way home, since he had already tried himself
very near the end of his endurance. Cadfael left him in peace, and went out to
take a daylight look at this manor of Vivers. A cloudy day with a fitful wind,
the air free of frost, and occasional fine drifts of rain in the air, but none
that lasted long. He walked the width of the enclave to the
gate, to see the full extent of the house. There were windows in the steep roof
above the solar, probably two retiring rooms were available there. Haluin and
companion had been accommodated considerately on the living floor. No doubt one
of those upper chambers was being prepared at this moment for the expected
bridegroom. The daily bustle about the courtyard seemed everywhere to be in
hand without haste or confusion; things were well ordered here. Beyond the pale of the stockade the soft,
undulating landscape extended in field and copse and sparsely treed upland, all
the greens still bleached and dried with winter, but the black branches showed
here and there the first nodules of the leaf buds of spring. Faint frills of
snow outlined all the hollows and sheltered places, but a gleam of sun was
breaking through the low cloud, and by noon all the remnant of last night’s
fall would be gone. Cadfael looked into the stables and the
mews, and found both well supplied and proudly kept by servitors ready and
willing to show them off to an interested visitor. In a separate stall in the
kennels a hound bitch lay curled in clean straw with her six pups around her,
perhaps five weeks old. He could not resist going into the dim shed to take up
one of the young ones, and the dam was complacent, and welcomed admiration of
her brood. The soft warmth of the small body in his arms had a smell like new
bread. He was just stooping to lay the pup back among its siblings when a clear,
cool voice behind him said: “Are you the priest who is to marry me?” And there she was in the doorway, again a
shadowy form against the light, so composed, so assured that she might easily
be taken for a mature and stately woman of thirty, though the fresh, light
voice belonged to her proper age. The girl Helisende Vivers, not yet decked
out to receive her bridegroom, but in a plain housewifely gown of dark blue
wool, and with a gently steaming pail of meat and meal for the hounds in one
hand. “Are you the priest who is to marry me?” “No,” said Cadfael, slowly straightening
up from the wriggling litter and the crooning bitch. “That is Brother Haluin. I
never studied for orders. I know myself better.” “It’s the lame man, then,” she said with
detached sympathy. “I am sorry he suffers such hardship. I hope they have made
him comfortable, here in our house. You do know about my marriage—that Jean
comes here today?” “Your brother has told us,” said Cadfael,
watching the features of her oval face emerge softly from shadow, every
plaintive, ingenuous line testifying to her youth. “But there are things he
could not tell us,” he said, watching her intently, “except by hearsay. Only
you can tell us whether this match has your consent, freely given, or no.” Her brief silence at that did not suggest
hesitation so much as a grave consideration of the man who raised the question.
Her large eyes, dauntlessly honest, embraced and penetrated, quite unafraid of
being penetrated in return. If she had judged him so alien to her needs and
predicament as to be unacceptable, she would have closed the encounter there
and then, civilly but without satisfying what would then have been there
intrusive curiosity. But she did not. “If we do anything freely, once we are
grown,” she said, “then yes, this I do freely. There are rules that must be
kept. There are others in the world with us who have rights and needs, and we
are all bound. You may tell Brother Haluin—Father Haluin I must call him—that
he need have no qualms for me. I know what I am doing. No one is forcing my
hand.” “I will tell him so,” said Cadfael. “But I
think you do it for others, not for yourself.” “Then say to him that I choose—freely—to
do it for others.” “And what of Jean de Perronet?” said
Cadfael. For one instant her firm, full lips shook.
It was the one thing that still disrupted her resolute composure, that she was
not being fair to the man who was to be her husband. Cenred would certainly not
have told him that he was getting only a sad remainder after the heart was gone.
Nor could she tell him so. The secret belonged only to the family. The only
hope for this hapless pair was that love might come with time, a kind of love,
better, perhaps, than many marriages ever achieve, but still far short of the
crown. “I will try,” she said steadily, “to give
him all that he is asking, all that he wants and expects. He deserves well, he
shall have the best I can do.” There was no point in saying to her that
it might not be enough, she already knew that, and was uneasy about a degree of
deception she could not evade. It might even be that what had already been said
here in the dimness of the kennels had reopened a deep abyss of doubt which she
had almost succeeded in sealing over. Better let well alone, where there was no
possibility of rendering the load she carried any lighter. “Well, I pray you may be blessed in all
you do,” said Cadfael, and drew back out of her way. The bitch had uncoiled
herself from among her puppies and was nuzzling the pail, and waving a
feathered tail in hungry expectation. The ordinary business of the day goes on
through births, marriages, deaths, and festivals. When he looked back from the
doorway the girl Helisende was stooping to fill the bitch’s bowl, the heavy
braid of her brown hair swinging among the scrambling litter. She did not look
up, but for all that, he had the feeling that she was deeply and vulnerably
aware of him until he turned and walked softly away. “You’ll miss your nurseling,” said Cadfael
when Edgytha came at noon to serve food and drink for them. “Or will you be
going south with her when she’s married?” The old woman lingered, taciturn by nature
but visibly in need of unburdening a heart by no means reconciled to losing her
darling. Within the stiff folds of her wimple her withered cheek trembled. “What should I do at my age, in a strange
place? I am too old to be of much value now, I shall stay here. At least I know
the way of things here, and everyone knows me. What respect should I have in a
strange household? But she’ll go, I know that! She’ll go, I suppose, as go she
must. And the young man’s well enough—if my lamb had not another in her eye and
in her heart.” “And one placed so far out of reach,”
Haluin reminded her gently, but his face was pale, and when she turned and
looked at him in silence for a long moment he averted his eyes and turned away
his head. Her eyes were the pale, washed blue of
fading harebells. Once, shadowed by lashes now grown thin and meager, they
might have resembled more the color of periwinkles. “So my lord will have told
you,” she said. “So they all say. And if there’s no help, she might do much
worse, I know! I came here in attendance on her mother, all those years ago,
and that was no lovers’ match, her so young, and him nigh on three times her
age. A decent, kind man he was, but old, old! She had good need, poor lady, of
someone from home, someone she knew well and could trust. At least they’re
marrying my girl to somebody young.” Cadfael asked what had been preoccupying
his mind for some little while, since no word had been said on the matter: “Is
Helisende’s mother dead?” “No, not dead. But she took the veil at
Polesworth, it must be eight years ago now, after the old lord died. She’s
within your own order, a Benedictine nun. She had always a leaning towards it,
and when her husband died, and she began to be talked about and bargained about
as widow ladies are, and urged to marry again, rather than that she left the
world. It’s one way of escape,” said Edgytha, and set her lips grimly. “And left her daughter motherless?” said
Haluin, with more reproof in his voice than he had intended. “She left her daughter very well mothered!
She left her to the lady Emma and to me!” Edgytha smoldered for a moment, and
subdued the brief fire within lowered eyelids. “Three mothers that child has
had, and all fond. My lady Emma could never be harsh to any young thing. Too
soft, indeed, the pair of them could always get their will of her. But my own
lady was given to solitude and melancholy, and when it came to a new marriage,
no, she would not, she took the veil gladly rather than marry again.” “Helisende has never considered that
refuge?” asked Cadfael. “Not she, God forbid she ever should! My
girl was never of that mind. For those who take to it kindly it may be bliss,
but for those who are pressed into it, it must be a hell on earth! If you’ll
pardon my tongue, Brothers! You know your own vocation best, and no doubt you
took the cowl for the best of reasons, but Helisende… No, I would not want that
for her. Better by far this Perronet lad, if there has to be a second-best,”
She had begun to gather up the platters and dishes they had emptied, and took
up the pitcher to refill their cups. “I did hear say that you’ve been at
Elford, and seen Roscelin there. Is that true?” “Yes,” said Cadfael, “we left Elford only
yesterday. We did, by chance, have some brief talk with the young man, but
never knew until this morning that he came from this neighboring manor of
Vivers.” “And how did he look?” she asked
longingly. “Is he well? Was he down in spirits? I have not seen him for a month
or more, and I know how ill he took it that he should be sent away like some
offending page from his own home, when he had done no wrong, nor thought none.
As good a lad as ever stepped! What had he to say?” “Why, he was in excellent health at any
rate,” said Cadfael cautiously, “and very fair spirits, considering all. It’s
true he did complain of being banished, and was very ill-content where he is.
Naturally he said little about the circumstances, seeing we were chance comers
and unknown to him, and I daresay he would have said no more to anyone else who
had as little business in the matter. But he did say he had given his word to
abide by his father’s orders, and wait for leave before he’d venture home.” “But he does not know,” she said, between
anger and helplessness, “what’s being planned here. Oh, he’ll get leave to come
home fast enough as soon as Helisende is out of the house, and far away south
on her way to that young man’s manor. And what a homecoming that will be for
the poor lad! Shame to deal so behind his back!” “They think it for the best,” said Haluin,
pale and moved. “Even for his best interests, they believe. And this matter is
hard even for them. If they are mistaken in hiding this marriage from him until
it is over, surely they may be forgiven.” “There are those,” said Edgytha darkly,
“who never will be.” She picked up her wooden tray, and the keys at her girdle
chimed faintly as she moved towards the door. “I wish this had been honestly
done. I wish he had been told. Whether he could ever have her or not, he had a
right to know, and to give his blessing or his ban. How was it you were brought
in touch with him there, to know the half of his name but not the whole?” “It was the lady mentioned his name,” said
Cadfael, “when de Clary came in from riding, and the young man was with him.
Roscelin, she called him. It was later we spoke with him. He saw my friend here
stiff from a night on his knees, and came to lend him an arm to lean on.” “So he would!” she said, warming. “To any
one he saw in need. The lady, you say? Audemar’s lady?” “No, our errand was not to him, we never
saw his wife and children. No, this was his mother, Adelais de Clary.” The dishes jangled momentarily on
Edgytha’s tray. With care she balanced it on one hand, and reached to the latch
of the door. “She is there? There at Elford?” “She is. Or she was when we left,
yesterday, and with the snow coming so shortly after, she is surely there
still.” “She visits very rarely,” said Edgytha,
shrugging. “They say there’s small love lost between her and her son’s wife.
That’s no uncommon thing, either, I suppose, so they’re just as well apart.”
She nudged the door open expertly with an elbow, and swung the large tray
through the doorway edgewise. “Do you hear the horses, outside there? That will
be Jean de Perronet’s party riding in.” There was nothing clandestine or
secretive, certainly, about Jean de Perronet’s arrival, though nothing
ceremonious or showy, either. He came with one body servant and two grooms, and
with two led horses for the bride and her attendant, and packhorses for the
baggage. The entire entourage was practical and efficient, and de Perronet
himself went very plainly, without flourishes in his dress or his manner, though
Cadfael noted with appreciation the quality of his horseflesh and harness. This
young man knew where to spend his money, and where to spare. They had gone out, Haluin and Cadfael
together, to watch the guests dismount and unload. The afternoon air was again
clearing towards a night frost, but there were scudding clouds in the upper
air, and might be further flurries of snow in the dark hours. The travelers
would be well content to be under a sound roof and out of the chilly wind. De Perronet dismounted from his flecked
roan horse before the door of the hall, and Cenred came striding down the steps
to meet him and embrace him, and lead him by the hand up to the doorway, where
the lady Emma waited to welcome him as warmly. Helisende, Cadfael noted, did not
appear. At supper at the high table she would have no choice but to attend, but
at this stage it was fitting that the honors of the house should rest with her
brother and his wife, the guardians of her person and the disposers of her
marriage. Host, hostess, and guest vanished within the great hall. Cenred’s
servants and de Perronet’s grooms unloaded baggage and stabled horses, and went
about the business so practically that within a matter of minutes the courtyard
was empty. So that was the bridegroom! Cadfael stood
considering what he had seen, and so far could find no fault in it except that
it was, as Edgytha had said, a second-best. And a second-best was all that boy
would gain. A young man of perhaps twenty-five or twenty-six, already
accustomed to authority and responsibility by his bearing, and well capable of
handling them. His men, these favored ones at least, were easy with him. He
knew his business as they knew theirs, and there was an air of mutual respect
between them. Moreover, he was a good-looking young man, tall and shapely, of
open, amiable countenance, and, by the look of him, in the happiest possible
humor on the eve of his marriage. Cenred had done his best for his young
sister, and his best promised to turn out very well. A pity it could not have
been what her heart desired. “But what else could he have done?” said
Haluin, betraying in few words the depth of his own dismay and doubt. Chapter Eight IN THE LATE AFTERNOON Cenred sent his
steward to ask the two Benedictine brothers if they felt able to join his
household at supper in hall, or if Father Haluin preferred to continue his rest
in retirement, and be waited on in his own chamber. Haluin, who had withdrawn
into a dark, inward meditation, would certainly rather have remained apart, but
felt it discourteous to absent himself any longer, and made the effort to
emerge from his anxious silence, and do honor to the company at the high table.
They had given him a place close to the bridal pair, by virtue of his office as
the priest who was to marry them. Cadfael, seated a little apart, had them all
in view. And below, in the body of the hall, the whole household assembled in
its due ranks, under the glow of the torches. It occurred to Cadfael, watching Haluin’s
grave face, that this would be the first time his friend had ever been called
upon to be go-between for God. It was true that the young brothers were being
encouraged to aim at orders, more now than ever in the past, but many of them
would be, as Haluin was, priests without pastoral cares, who in a long life
would probably never christen, never marry, never bury, never ordain others to
follow them in the same sheltered paths. It is a terrible responsibility,
thought Cadfael, who had never aspired to ordination, to have the grace of God
committed to a man’s hands, to be privileged and burdened to play a part in
other people’s lives, to promise them salvation in baptism, to lock their lives
together in matrimony, to hold the key to purgatory at their departing. If I
have meddled, he thought devoutly, and God knows I have, when need was and
there was no better man to attempt it, at least I have meddled only as a fellow
sinner, tramping the same road, not as a viscount of heaven, stooping to raise
up. Now Haluin faces this same terrible demand, and no wonder if he is afraid. He looked along the array of faces which
Haluin, being so close beside them, could see only as overlapping profiles,
each briefly seen as the ripple of movement flowed along the high table, and
lit deceptively by the falling glow of the torches. Cenred’s broad, open,
blunt-featured countenance a little drawn and taut with strain, but resolutely
jovial, his wife presiding over the table with determined amiability and a
somewhat anxious smile, de Perronet in happy innocence, shining with evident
pleasure at having Helisende seated beside him and all but his already. And the
girl, pale and quiet and resolutely gracious at his side, doing her gallant
best to respond to his brightness, since this grief was no fault of his, and
she had acknowledged that he deserved better. Seeing them thus together, there
was no question of the man’s attachment, and if he missed the like radiance in
her, perhaps he accepted that as the common ground on which marriages begin,
and was ready and willing to be patient until the bud came to flower. This was the first time Haluin had seen
the girl since she had startled him to his feet here in the hall, and brought
him down in that crashing fall, half dazed as he already was by the stinging
wind and the blinding snow. And this stiff young figure in her best, gilded by
the torchlight, might have been a stranger, never before seen. He looked at
her, when chance brought her profile into clear view, with doubt and
bewilderment, burdened by a responsibility new to him, and heavy to bear. It was late when the women withdrew from
the high table, leaving the men to their wine, though they would not sit here
in the hall much longer. Haluin looked round to catch Cadfael’s eye, agreeing
in a glance that it was time for them to leave host and guest together, and
Haluin was already reaching for his crutches and bracing himself for the effort
of rising when Emma came in again from the solar with a flustered step and an
anxious face, a young maidservant at her heels. “Cenred, here’s something strange
happened! Edgytha is gone out and has not returned, and now it’s beginning to
snow again, and where should she be going, thus in the night? I sent for her to
attend me to bed, as always, and she’s nowhere to be found, and now Madlyn here
says that she went out hours ago, as soon as it was dusk.” Cenred was slow to turn his mind from his
hospitable duty towards his guest to an apparently small domestic problem,
surely the women’s business rather than his. “Why, Edgytha may surely go out if she so
chooses,” he said good-humoredly,” and will come back when she chooses no less.
She’s a free woman, knows her own mind, and can be trusted to mind her duties.
If she’s once missing when she’s called for, that’s no great matter. Why should
you worry over it?” “But when does she ever do so without
saying? Never! And now it’s snowing again, and she’s been gone four hours or
more, if Madlyn says true. How if she’s come to harm? She would not stay away
so long of her own will. And you know how I value her. I would not for the
world that any harm should come to her.” “No more would I,” said Cenred warmly,
“nor to any of my people. If she’s gone astray we’ll look for her. But no need
to fret before we know of any mishap. Here, girl, speak up, what is it you know
of the matter? You say she went out some hours ago?” “Sir, so she did!” Madlyn came forward
willingly, wide-eyed with half-pleasurable excitement. “It was after we’d made
all ready. I was coming in from the dairy, and I saw her come forth from the
kitchen with her cloak about her, and I said to her that this was like to be a
busy night, and she’d be missed, and she said she would be back before she was
called for. It was just beginning to get dark then. I never thought she’d be
gone so long.” “And did you not ask her where she was
going?” demanded Cenred. “I did,” said the girl, “though it was
little enough she was ever likely to tell about her own business, and I should
have known she’d make a sour answer if she made any at all. But there’s no
sense to be made of it. She said she was going to find a cat,” said Madlyn in
baffled innocence, “to put among the pigeons.” If it meant nothing to her, it had meaning
for Cenred and for his wife, who plainly heard it now for the first time.
Emma’s startled gaze flew to her husband’s face as he came abruptly to his
feet. The look they exchanged Cadfael could read as if he had the words ringing
in his ears. He had been given clues enough to make the reading easy. Edgytha
was nurse to them both, indulged them, loved them like her own, resents even
their separation, whatever the church and the ties of blood may say, and much
more this marriage that makes the separation final. She is gone to enlist help
to prevent what she deplores, even at this last moment. She is gone to tell
Roscelin what is being done behind his back. She is gone to Elford. None of which could be said aloud, here in
front of Jean de Perronet, who stood now at Cenred’s side, looking from face to
face round the circle, puzzled and sympathetic in a domestic trouble which was
none of his business. An old servant gone missing in the evening, with night
coming on and snow falling, called for at least a token search. He made the
suggestion ingenuously, filling a silence which at any moment might have caused
him to look more narrowly at what was happening here. “Should we not look for her, if she’s been
gone so long? The ways are not always safe at night, and for a woman venturing
alone…” The diversion came as a blessing, and
Cenred seized on it gratefully. “So we will. I’ll send out a party by the most
likely way. It may be she’s only been delayed by the snow, if she intended a
visit in the village. But this need not give you any concern, Jean. I would not
wish your stay to be marred. Leave this matter to my men, we have enough in the
household. And rest assured she cannot be far, we shall soon find her and see
her safe home.” “I will gladly come out with you,” de
Perronet offered. “No, no, I will not have it. Let all
things here go as we have planned them, and nothing spoil the occasion. Use my
house as your own, and take your night’s rest with a quiet mind, for tomorrow
this small flurry will be over and done.” It was not difficult to persuade the
helpful guest to abandon his generous intention. Perhaps it had been made only
as a courteous gesture. A man’s household affairs are his, and best left to
him. It is civil to offer help, but wise to give way gracefully. Cenred knew
very well now where Edgytha had set out to go, there would be no question of
which road to take in hunting for her. Moreover, there was some genuine call
for concern, for in four hours she could have been there and back even in snow.
Cenred quit his supper table purposefully, driving the men of his following
before him to muster within the hall door. He bade de Perronet an emphatic
good-night, which was accepted plainly as dismissal even from this domestic
conference, and issued brisk orders to those of his servants whom he chose to
go with the search party, six of the young and vigorous and his steward with
them. “What must we do?” Brother Haluin wondered
half aloud, standing with Cadfael a little apart. “You,” said Cadfael, “must go to your bed,
like a sensible man, and sleep if you can. And a prayer or two will not come
amiss. I am going with them.” “Along the nearest road to Elford,” said
Haluin heavily. “To find a cat to put among the pigeons.
Yes, where else? But you stay here. There is nothing you could do or say, if
there has to be speech, that I cannot.” The hall door was opened, the party
tramped down the steps into the courtyard, two of them carrying torches.
Cadfael, following last, looked out upon a glittering, frosty night. The ground
was covered but meagerly, small, needle-sharp flakes out of an almost clear
sky, brittle with stars and too cold for a heavy fall. He looked back from the
doorway, and saw the women of the house, gentlefolk and servants alike, drawn
together in mutual uneasiness in the far corner of the hall, all eyes following
their departing menfolk, the maids huddling close, Emma with her smooth, gentle
face wrung in distress, and pulling nervously at her plump fingers. And Helisende standing a pace apart, the
only one not clinging to her kind for comfort. She was far enough back from one
of the sconces for the torchlight to show her face fully, without exaggerated
shadows. All that Emma had reported to her husband, all that Madlyn had told,
Helisende surely knew now. She knew where Edgytha was gone, she knew for what
purpose. She was staring wide-eyed into a future she could no longer foretell,
where the results of this night’s work hid themselves in bewilderment and
dismay and possible catastrophe. She had prepared herself for a willing
sacrifice, but she found herself utterly unprepared for whatever threatened
now. Her face seemed as still and composed as ever, yet it had lost all its
calm and certainty, her resolution had become helplessness, and her resignation
changed to desperation. She had arrived at an embattled ground she believed she
could hold, at whatever cost to herself, and now that ground shook and parted
under her feet, and she was no longer in control of her own fate. The image of
her shattered gallantry, disarmed and vulnerable, was the last glimpse Cadfael
carried out with him into the darkness and the frost. Cenred drew his cloak close about his face
against the wind, and set out from the gate of the manor on a path that was
strange to Cadfael. With Haluin he had turned in from the distant highway,
straight towards the gleam of light from the manor torches, but this way
slanted back to strike the road much nearer to Elford, and would probably cut
off at least half a mile of the distance. The night had its own lambent light,
partly from the stars, partly from the thin covering of snow, so that they were
able to go quickly, spread out in a line centered upon the path. The country
here was open, at first bare of trees, then threading a belt of woods and
scrubland. They heard nothing but their own footsteps and breath, and the soft
whining of the wind among the bushes. Twice Cenred halted them to have silence,
and called aloud to the night, but got no answer. For one who knew this path well, Cadfael
calculated, the distance to Elford would be roughly two miles. Edgytha could
have been back in Vivers long ago, and by what she had said to the maid Madlyn
she had intended to return in ample time to be at her mistress’s disposal after
supper. Nor could she have strayed from a known way on so bright a night, and
in barely more than a sprinkling of snow. It began to seem clear to him that
something had happened to prevent either her errand or her safe return from it.
Not the rigors of nature nor the caprice of chance, but the hand of man. And on
such a night those outcast creatures who preyed upon travelers, even if any
such existed here in this open country, were unlikely to be out and about their
dark business, since their prey would hardly be eager to venture out in such a
frost. No, if any man had intervened to prevent Edgytha from reaching her goal,
it was with deliberate intent. There was, perhaps, one better possibility, that
if she had reached Roscelin with her news, he had persuaded her not to return,
but to remain at Elford in safety and leave the rest to him. But Cadfael was
not sure that he believed in that. If it had happened so, Roscelin would
already have been striding indignantly into the hall at Vivers before ever
Edgytha had been missed from her place. Cadfael had drawn close alongside Cenred,
pressing forward in haste in the center of his line of hunters, and one dark,
sidelong glance saluted and recognized him, without great surprise. “There was
no need, Brother,” said Cenred shortly. “We are enough for the work.” “One more will do no harm,” said Cadfael. No harm, but possibly none too welcome. As
well if this matter could be kept strictly private to the Vivers household. Yet
it seemed that Cenred was not greatly troubled by the presence of a chance
Benedictine monk among his search party. He was intent on finding Edgytha, and
preferably before she reached Elford, or failing that, in time to negate
whatever mischief she had set afoot. Perhaps he expected to meet his son
somewhere along the way, coming in haste to prevent that marriage that would
destroy his last vain hopes. But they had gone somewhat more than a mile, and
the night remained empty about them. They were moving through thin, open
woodland, over tufted, uneven grass, where the frozen snow lay too lightly to
flatten the blades to earth, and they might have passed by the slight hummock
beside the path on the right hand but for the dark ground that showed through
the covering of white lace, darker than the bleached brown of the wintry turf.
Cenred had passed it by, but checked sharply when Cadfael halted, and stared
down as he was staring. “Quickly, bring the torch here close!” The yellow light outlined clearly the
shape of a human body lying sprawled, head away from the path, whitened over
with a crust of snow. Cadfael stooped and brushed away the crystalline veil
from an upturned face, open-eyed and contorted in astonished fright, and head
of grey hair from which the hood had fallen back as she fell. She lay on her
back but inclined towards her right side, her arms flung up and wide as if to
ward off a blow. Her black cloak showed darkly through the filigree of white.
Over her breast a small patch marred the veil, where her blood, in a meager
flow, had thawed the flakes as they fell. There was no telling immediately,
from the way she lay, whether she had been on her way outward or homeward when
she was struck down, but it seemed to Cadfael that at the last moment she had
heard someone stealing close behind her, and whirled about with hands flung up
to protect her head. The dagger her attacker had meant to slip between her ribs
from behind had missed its stroke, and been plunged into her breast instead.
She was dead and cold, the frost confounding all conjecture as to when she must
have died. “God’s pity!” said Cenred on a whispering
breath. “This I never thought to see! Whatever she intended, why this?” “Wolves hunt even in frost,” said his
steward heavily, “Though what rich traffic there can be for them here heaven
knows! And see, there’s nothing taken, not even her cloak. Masterless men would
have stripped her.” Cenred shook his head. “There are none
such in these parts, I swear. No, this is a different matter. I wonder, I
wonder which way she was bound when she was struck dead!” “When we move her,” said Cadfael, “we may
find out. What now? There’s nothing now can be done for her. Whoever used the
knife knew his grim business, it needed no second stroke. And whatever
footprints he left behind, the ground’s too hard to show, even where the snow
has not covered them.” “We must carry her home,” said Cenred
somberly. “And a sorry matter that will be for my wife and sister. They set
great store by the old woman. She was always loyal and trustworthy, all these
years since my young stepmother brought her into the household. This must not
pass without requital! We’ll send ahead to see if she ever came to Elford, and
what’s known of her there, and whether they have any word of chance marauders
haunting these ways, perhaps on the run from other regions. Though that’s hard
to believe. Audemar keeps a firm hand on his lands.” “Shall we send back and fetch a litter, my
lord?” asked the steward. “She’s but a light weight, we could make shift to
carry her back in her cloak.” “No, no need to make another journey. But
you, Edred, you take Jehan here with you, and go on to Elford, and find out
what’s known of her there, if anyone has met and spoken with her. No, take two
men with you. I would not have you in any danger on the road, if there are
masterless men abroad.” The steward accepted his orders, and took
one of the torches to light him the rest of the way. The small, resiny spark
dwindled along the pathway towards Elford, and vanished gradually into the
night. Those remaining turned to the body, and lifted it aside to unfasten and
spread out on the path the cloak she wore. As soon as she was raised one thing
at least was made plain. “There’s snow under her,” said Cadfael.
The shrunken shape of her was dark and moist where contact had been close
enough for her body’s lingering warmth to melt the flakes, but all round the
rim where the folds of her clothing had lain only lightly, a worn border of
lace remained, “It was after the snow began that she fell. She was on her way
home.” She was light and limp in their hands. The
chill of her body was from frost, not rigor. They wound her closely in her
cloak, and bound her safely with two or three belts and Cadfael’s rope girdle,
to give handholds for the servants who carried her, and so they bore her back
the mile or so they had come, to Vivers. The household was still awake and aware,
unable to rest until they knew what was happening. One of the maids saw the
lamentable little procession entering at the gate, and ran wailing to tell
Emma. By the time they brought Edgytha’s body up into the hall the whole
fluttered dovecote of maids was again assembled, huddled together for comfort.
Emma took charge with more resolution than might have been expected from her
soft and gentle person, and swept the girls into service with a briskness that
kept them from tears, preparing a trestle table in one of the small chambers for
a bier, composing the disordered limbs, heating water, bringing scented linen
from the chests in the hall to drape and cover the dead. The funereal
ceremonies do as much for the living as for the dead, in occupying their hands
and minds, and consoling them for things left undone or badly done during life.
Very shortly the murmur of subdued voices from the death chamber had softened
from distress and dismay into a gentle, almost soothing elegiac crooning. Emma came out into the hall, where her
husband and his men were warming their chilled feet at the fire, and rubbing
the sense back into their numbed hands. “Cenred, how is this possible? Who could
have done such a thing?” No one attempted to answer that, nor had
she looked for an answer. “Where did you find her?” That her husband did answer, scrubbing
wearily at his furrowed forehead. “Past the halfway to Elford by the short
road, lying beside the path. And she’d been there no long time, for there was
snow under her. It was on her way back here that someone struck her down.” “You think,” said Emma in a low voice,
“she had been to Elford?” “Where else by that path? I’ve sent Edred
on there, to find out if she came, and who has spoken with her. In an hour or
so they should be back, but whether with any news, God alone knows.” They were both of them moving delicately
about and about the heart of the matter, avoiding the mention of Roscelin’s
name, or any word of the reason why Edgytha should go rushing out alone in a
wintry night. True, word had gone round even in the kennels and mews by then,
and the entire household of Vivers was gathering uneasily, the indoor servants
hovering in an anxious group in the corners of the hall, those from without
prowling and peering over their shoulders, unable to withdraw to their own
proper business or their normal rest until something should happen within here
to scatter them. Few of all these, if any, could be in their lord’s confidence
in the matter of Roscelin’s outlawed love, but many of them might have guessed
at the undercurrents sweeping Helisende into this hasty marriage. Some reserve
in speech would have to be observed in front of all this clan. And here, to complicate matters further,
came Jean de Perronet from the chamber above, where he had retired out of
courtesy, but not to sleep, for he was still in his supper-table finery. And
here, too, was Brother Haluin from his bed, anxious and silent. All those under
the roof of Vivers that night had been drawn gradually and almost stealthily
into the hall. No, not quite all. Cadfael looked round
the assembly, and missed one face. Where all others forgathered, Helisende
absented herself. By the look on his face de Perronet had
been doing some serious thinking since he bowed to his host’s wish, and let the
search party go out into the night without him. He came into the hall with a
face composed and grave, revealing nothing of what went on in his mind, took
his time about looking all round the mute and dour circle of them, and looked
last and longest at Cenred, who stood with his boots steaming in the ashes of
the hearth, and his head bent to stare blankly into the embers of the fire. “I think,” said de Penonet with
deliberation, “this has not ended well. You have found your maidservant?” “We have found her,” said Cenred. “Misused? Dead? Do you tell me you have
found her dead?” “And not of cold! Stabbed to death,” said
Cenred bluntly, “and left by the wayside. And no sign of another soul have we
seen or heard along the road, though this befell no long time ago, after the
snow began to fall.” “Eighteen years she has been with us,”
said Emma, wringing her hands together wretchedly under her breast. “Poor soul,
poor soul, to end like this—struck down by some outlaw vagabond to die in the
cold. I would not for the world have had this happen!” “I am sorry,” said de Perronet, “that such
a thing should be, and at such a time as this. Can there be some link between
the occasion that brought me here and this woman’s death?” “No!” cried husband and wife together,
rather resisting the thought already in their minds than lying to deceive the
guest. “No,” said Cenred more softly, “I pray
there is not, I trust there is not. It is of all chances the most unhappy, yet
surely no more than chance.” “There are such unblessed chances,”
admitted de Perronet, but with evident reserve. “And they do not spare to mar
festivals, even marriages. You do not wish to put off this one beyond
tomorrow?” “No, why so? It is our grief, not yours.
But it is murder, and I must send to the sheriff, and loose a hunt for the
murderer. She has no living kin that I know of, it is for us to bury her.
What’s needful we shall do. It need not cast a shadow upon you.” “I fear it already has,” said de Perronet,
“upon Helisende. The woman, I believe, was her nurse, and dear to her.” “The more reason you should take her away
from here, to a new home and a new life.” He looked round for her then for the
first time, startled not to find her there among the women, but relieved that
she was not there to complicate a matter already vexed enough. If she had
indeed been able to fall asleep, so much the better, let her sleep on, and know
nothing worse until morning. The maidservants were drifting back from the room
where they had been busy making Edgytha’s body seemly. There was nothing more they
could now do here, and their uneasy presence, mute and fearful in hovering
groups, became oppressive. Cenred stirred himself with an effort to be rid of
them. “Emma, send the women to their beds.
There’s no more to be done here, and they need not wait. And you, fellows, be
off and get your sleep. All’s done that can be done till Edred gets back from
Elford, no need for the whole household to wait up for him.” And to de Perronet
he said, “I sent him on with two others of my men to inform my overlord of this
death. Murder in these parts is within his writ, this will be his business no
less than mine. Come, Jean, with your leave we’ll withdraw to the solar, and
leave the hall to the sleepers.” Doubtless, thought Cadfael, watching the
harassed lines of Cenred’s face, he would be happier if de Perronet chose to
draw off once again from all involvement, and stand apart, but there’s no
chance of that now. And however he hedges round the truth of why his steward
has pushed on to Elford, the very name of that place has now assumed a
significance there’s no evading. And this is not a man who likes deception, or
practices it with pleasure or skill. The women had accepted their orders at
once, and dispersed, still whispering and fearful, to their quarters. The
menservants quenched the torches, leaving only two by the great door to light
the way in, and fed and damped down the fire to burn slowly through the night.
De Perronet followed his host to the door of the solar, and there Cenred,
turning, waved Cadfael to join them within. “Brother, you were a witness, you can
testify to how we found her. It was you showed how the snow had begun to fall
before she was struck down. Will you wait with us, and see what word my steward
brings back with him?” There was no word said as to whether
Brother Haluin should consider this invitation as applying equally to him, but
he caught Cadfael’s eye, deprecating rather than recommending such a move, and
chose rather to ignore it. Enough had already happened to exercise his mind, if
he was to join two people whose imminent marriage was at least suspect of
bringing about a death. He needed to know what lay behind these nocturnal
wanderings, and followed the company into the solar, his crutches heavy and
slow in the rushes, and starting a dull echo as he stepped onto the floorboards
within. He took his seat on a bench in the dimmest corner, an unobtrusive
listener, as Cenred sat down wearily at the table, and spread his elbows on the
board, propping his head between muscular hands. “Your men are on foot?” asked de Perronet. “Yes.” “Then we may have a long wait yet before
they can be here again. Had you other parties out on other roads?” Cenred said starkly, “No,” and offered no
further words by way of explanation or excuse. Not a quarter of an hour ago,
thought Cadfael, watching, he would have evaded that, or left it unanswered.
Now he is gone beyond caring for discretion. Murder brings out into the open
many matters no less painful, while itself still lurking in the dark. De Perronet shut his lips and clenched his
teeth on any further questioning, and set himself to wait in uncommitted
patience. The night had closed in on the manor of Vivers in hushed stillness,
ominous and oppressive. Doubtful if anyone in the hall slept, but if any of
them moved it was furtively, and if any spoke it was in whispers. Nevertheless, the wait was not to be as
long as de Perronet had prophesied. The silence was abruptly shivered by the
thudding of galloping hooves on the hard-frozen earth of the courtyard, a
furious young voice yelling peremptorily for service, the frantic running of
grooms without, and the hasty stirring of all the wakeful retainers within.
Feet ran blindly in the dark, stumbling and rustling in the rushes, flint and
steel spat sparks too brief and hasty to catch the tinder, the first torch was
plunged into the turfed-down fire, and carried in haste to kindle others.
Before the listeners in the solar could burst out into the hall a fist was
thumping at the outer door, and an angry voice demanding entry. Two or three ran to unbar, knowing the
voice, and were sent reeling as the heavy door was flung back to the wall, and
into the brightening flurry of torchlight burst the figure of Roscelin, head
uncovered, flaxen hair on end from the speed of his ride, blue eyes blazing.
The cold of the night blew in with him, and all the torches guttered and
smoked, as Cenred, erupting out of the solar, was halted as abruptly on the
threshold of the hall by his son’s fiery glare. “What is this Edred tells me of you?” demanded
Roscelin. “What have you done behind my back?” Chapter Nine FOR ONCE
PATERNAL AUTHORITY WAS CAUGHT at a disadvantage, and Cenred was all too aware
of it. Nor had he the past reputation of a family tyrant to fall back on, but
he did his best to wrest back the lost initiative. “What are you doing here?” he demanded
sternly. “Did I send for you? Did your lord dismiss you? Has either of us
released you from your bond?” “No,” said Roscelin, glittering. “I have
no leave from any man, and have not asked for any. And as for my bond, you
loosed me from it when you played me false. It’s not I who have broken faith.
And as for the duty I owe to Audemar de Clary, I’ll return to it if I must, and
abide whatever his displeasure visits on me, but not until you render me
account here openly of what you intended in the dark behind my back. I listened
to you, I owned you right, I obeyed you. Did you owe me nothing in return? Not
even honesty?” Another father might well have felled him
for such insolence, but Cenred had no such option. Emma was plucking anxiously
at his sleeve, troubled for both her menfolk. De Perronet, alert and grim,
loomed at his shoulder, eyeing the enraged boy confronting them, and already
apprised of an inevitable threat to his own plans. What else could have brought
this youngster haring through the night? And by all the signs he had come by
the shortest road, dangerous in the dark, or he could not have arrived so soon.
Nothing that had happened this night was accident or chance. The marriage of Helisende
Vivers had brought about all this coil of murder and search and pursuit, and
what more was to come of it there was as yet no knowing. “I have done nothing,” said Cenred, “of
which I need to be ashamed, and nothing for which I need account to you. Well
you know what your own part must be, you have agreed to it, do not complain
now. I am the master in my own house, I have both rights and duties towards my
family. I will discharge them as I see fit. And for the best!” “Without the courtesy of a word to me!”
flared Roscelin, burning up like a stirred fire. “No, I must hear it only from
Edred, after the damage has already begun, after a death that can surely be
laid at your own door. Was that for the best? Or dare you tell me Edgytha is
dead for some other cause, by some stranger’s hand? That’s mischief enough,
even if it’s no worse than that. But whose plans sent her out into the night?
Dare you tell me she was on some other errand? Edred says she was on her way to
Elford when someone cut her off. I am here to prevent the rest.” “Your son refers, as I suppose,” said de
Perronet, loudly and coldly, “to the marriage arranged between the lady
Helisende and me. In that matter, I think, I too have a say.” Roscelin’s wide blue stare swung from his
father’s face to the guest’s. It was the first time he had looked at him, and
the encounter held him silent for a long moment. They were not strangers to
each other, Cadfael recalled. The two families were acquainted, perhaps even
distant kin, and two years ago de Perronet had made a formal offer for He
lisende’s hand. There was no personal animosity in Roscelin’s glare, rather a
baffled and frustrated rage against circumstance than against this favored
suitor, to whom he could not and must not be a rival. “You are the bridegroom?” he said bluntly. “I am, and will maintain my claim. And
what have you to urge against it?” Animosity or not, they had begun to
bristle like fighting cocks, but Cenred laid a restraining hand on de
Perronet’s arm, and frowned his son back with a forbidding gesture. “Wait, wait! This has gone too far now to
be left in the dark. Do you tell me, boy, that you heard of this marriage, as
you heard of Edgytha’s death, only from Edred?” “How else?” demanded Roscelin. “He came
puffing in with his news and roused the household, Audemar and all. Whether he
meant me to hear when he blurted out word of this marriage I doubt, but I did
hear it, and here am I to find out for myself what you never meant me to
question. And we shall see if all is being done for the best!” “Then you had not seen Edgytha? She never
reached you?” “How could she if she was lying dead a
mile or more from Elford?” demanded Roscelin impatiently. “It was after the snow began that she
died. She had been some hours gone, long enough to have reached Elford and been
on her way back. Somewhere she had been, from somewhere she was certainly
returning. Where else could it have been?” “So you thought she had indeed reached
Elford,” said Roscelin slowly. “I never heard but that she was dead. I thought
it was on her way. On her way to me! Is that what you had in mind? To warn me
of what was being done here in my absence?” Cenred’s silence and Emma’s unhappy face
were answer enough. “No,” he said slowly, “I never saw hide or
hair of her. Nor did anyone in Audemar’s household as far as I know. If she
ever was there at all, I don’t know to whom she came. Certainly not to me.” “Yet it could have been so,” said Cenred. “It was not so. She did not come.
Nevertheless,” said Roscelin relentlessly, “here am I as if she had, having
heard it from another mouth. God knows I am grieved for Edgytha, but what is
there now to be done for her but bury her with reverence, and after, if we can,
find and bury her murderer? But it is not too late to reconsider what was intended
here for tomorrow, it is not too late to change it.” “I marvel,” said Cenred harshly, “that you
do not charge me outright with this death.” Roscelin was brought up short against an
idea so monstrous, and stood open-mouthed with shock, his unclenched hands
dangling childishly. Plainly such a notion had never entered his ingenuous
head. He stammered a furious, half-inarticulate disclaimer, and abandoned it
halfway to turn again upon de Perronet. “But you—you had cause enough to want her
stopped, if you knew she was on her way to warn me. You had good cause to want
her silenced, so that no voice should be raised against your marriage, as now I
raise mine. Was it you who did her to death on the way?” “This is foolery,” said de Perronet with
disdain. “Everyone here knows that I have been here in plain view all the
evening.” “So you may have been, but you have men
who may be used to do your work for you.” “Every man of whom can be vouched for by
your father’s household. Also, you have been told already it was not on the
outward way this woman was killed, but returning. What purpose would that have
served for me? And now may I ask of you, father and son both,” he demanded
sharply, “what interest has this boy in his close kinswoman’s marriage, that he
dares to challenge either her brother’s rights or her husband’s?” Now, thought Cadfael, it is all as good as
out, though no one will say it plainly. For de Perronet has wits sharp enough
to have grasped already what particular and forbidden passion really drives this
unhappy boy. And now it depends on Roscelin whether a decent face is kept on
the affair or not. Which is asking a lot of a young man torn as he is, and
outraged by what he feels as a betrayal. Now we shall see his mettle. Roscelin had blanched into a fixed and
steely whiteness, his fine bones of cheek and jaw outlined starkly in the
torchlight. Before Cenred could draw breath to assert his dominance, his son
had done it for him. “My interest is that of a kinsman close as
a brother lifelong, and desiring Helisende’s happiness beyond anything else in
the world. My father’s right I never have disputed, nor do I doubt he wishes
her well as truly as I do. But when I hear of a marriage planned in haste and
in my absence, how can I be easy in mind? I will not stand by and see her
hustled into a marriage that may not be to her liking. I will not have her
forced or persuaded against her will.” “This is no such matter,” protested Cenred
hotly. “She is not being forced, she has consented willingly.” “Then why was I to be kept in ignorance?
Until the thing was done? How can I believe what your own proceedings deny?” He
swung round upon de Perronet, his blanched face arduously controlled. “Sir,
against you I have no malice. I did not even know who was to be her husband.
But you must see how hard it is to believe that all has been done fairly, when
it has not been done openly. “It is in the open now,” said de Perronet
shortly. “What hinders but you should hear it from the lady’s own lips? Will
that content you?” Roscelin’s white face tightened yet more
painfully, and for a moment he struggled visibly against his fear of inevitable
rejection and loss. But he had no choice but to agree. “If she tells me this is her choice, then
I am silenced.” He did not say that he would therefore be content. Cenred turned to his wife, who all this
while had clung loyally to her husband’s side, while her troubled eyes never
left her son’s tormented face. “Go and call Helisende. She shall speak
for herself.” In the heavy and uneasy silence after Emma
had departed it was not clear to Cadfael whether any or all of this disturbed
household had found it as strange as he did that Helisende should not long ago
have come down, to discover for herself the meaning of all these nocturnal
comings and goings. He could not get out of his mind the last glimpse he had
had of her, standing solitary among so many, suddenly lost and confounded on a
road she had believed she could walk to the end with resolute dignity. In a
situation so grimly changed she had lost her bearings. A wonder, though, that
she had not, in defense of her own integrity, come down with the rest to
discover the best or the worst when the searchers returned. Did she even know
yet that Edgytha was dead? Cenred had advanced into the half-lit hall,
abandoning even the seclusion of the solar, since there was no longer any
privacy to be found behind a closed door. A woman of the household had been
killed. A lady of the family found her marriage the occasion of conflict and
death. There was no possibility here of any separation between master and man,
or mistress and maid. They waited with equal disquiet. All but Helisende, who
absented herself still. Brother Haluin had drawn back into the
shadows, and sat mute and still on a bench against the wall, hunched stiffly
between the crutches he hugged to his sides. His hollow dark eyes passed
intently from face to face, reading and wondering. If he felt weariness, he
gave no sign. Cadfael would have liked to send him away to his bed, but there
hung on everyone here a compulsion so strong that there could be no departure.
Only one had resisted the pull. Only one had escaped. “What keeps the women?” fretted Cenred as
the moments dragged by. “Does it take so long to pull on a gown?” But it was long minutes more before Emma
reappeared in the doorway, her round, gentle face full of consternation and
dismay, her linked hands plying agitatedly at her girdle. Behind her the maid
Madlyn peered warily, round-eyed. But of Helisende there was no sign. “She is gone,” said Emma, too shaken and
bewildered to make many words of it. “She is not in her bed, not in her
chamber, nowhere to be found in all this house. Her cloak is gone. Jehan has
been out to the stables. Her saddle horse and harness are gone with her. While
you were absent she has saddled up for herself and ridden away secretly,
alone.” For once they were all alike silenced,
brother, bridegroom, frustrated lover, and all. While they schemed and agonized
and wrangled over her fate she had taken action and fled them all. Yes, even
Roscelin, for he stood stricken and amazed, utterly at a loss like all the
rest. Cenred might stiffen and frown at his son, de Perronet swing round upon
him, in black suspicion, but plainly Roscelin had had no part in this panic
flight. Even before Edgytha’s death, thought Cadfael, her secret errand and
failure to return had shattered all Helisende’s arduously assembled certainty.
Yes, de Perronet was a decent man and an honorable match, and she had pledged
herself to him to remove herself from Roscelin’s path, and deliver herself and
him from an unbearable situation. But if that sacrifice was to bring only
anger, danger, and conflict, even short of death, then all was changed.
Helisende had drawn back from the brink, and cut herself free. “She has run!” said Cenred on a gusty
breath, not questioning, accepting. “How could she do it, all unseen? And when
can she have set out? Where were her maids? Was there never a groom about the
stable to question her going, or at least give us warning?” He passed a
helpless hand over his face, and looked round darkly at his son, “And where
would she run but to you?” It was out now, and there was no taking it
back. “Have you hidden her away somewhere in
secret, and ridden here with your false indignation to cover up the sin?” “You cannot believe that!” said Roscelin,
outraged. “I have not seen her, nor had any word from her, nor sent her any,
and you know it. I’m newly ridden from Elford by that same way your men came
there, and if she had been on that path we should have met. Do you think I
would then have let her go anywhere alone in the night, whether on to Elford or
back here? If we had met we should have been together now—wherever that might
be.” “There is a safer way by the highroad,”
said de Perronet. “Longer, but as fast on horseback, and safer going. If she
did indeed set out for Elford, she may have ridden that way. She would hardly
risk the same path your men had taken.” His voice was dry and cold, and his face
set in forbidding lines, but he was a practical man, and intended wasting no
energy or passion on a green boy’s mistaken affections. They did not threaten
his position. The match he desired was arranged and accepted, and need not and
would not be abandoned. What mattered now was to recover the girl unharmed. “So she may,” agreed Cenred, encouraged.
“So most likely she would. If she reaches Elford she’ll be safe enough there.
But we’ll send after her by the highroad, and leave nothing to chance.” “I’ll ride back by that way,” offered
Roscelin eagerly, and was off towards the door of the hall with a bound, if de
Perronet had not plucked him back sharply by the sleeve. “No, not you! What we might see of either
of you again, if once you met, I much mistrust. Let Cenred seek his sister, and
I’m content she’ll come back to speak her own mind when all this coil is over.
And when she does, boy, you had best abide it, and keep your tongue within your
teeth.” Roscelin did not like being handled, nor
much savor being called “boy” by a man whose height and reach he could match,
if not his years and assurance. He wrenched his arm free strongly, and stood
off further affront with a blackly lowering brow. “So Helisende be found safe and well, and
let alone in very truth to speak her own mind, and not yours, sir, nor my
father’s, nor any other man’s, overlord or priest or king or whatever he may
be, I am content. And first,” he said, turning on his father between defiance
and pleading, “find her, let me see her whole and well and used with
gentleness. What else matters now?” “I am going myself,” said Cenred with
reviving authority, and strode back into the solar to reclaim the cloak he had
discarded. But there was to be no more riding out
from Vivers that night. Cenred had scarcely pulled on his boots again, and his
grooms were no more than hoisting down saddle and harness in the stables, when
there arose the purposeful stir of half a dozen horsemen riding into the
courtyard, the ring of challenge and answer at the gate, the jingle of harness
and dull tramping of hooves on the frozen earth. All those within came surging to open the
door and see what company this might be, so late in the night. Edred and his
companions had gone on foot, and might be expected to return on foot, and here
was a well-mounted troop arriving. Out went the torches into the darkness,
out went Cenred, with Roscelin and de Perronet hard on his heels, and several
of his menservants following. In the yard the flickering torchlight
flared and guttered and flared again on the strongly boned countenance and
massive body of Audemar de Clary, as he swung himself down from the saddle and
tossed his bridle to a scurrying groom. Behind him came Edred the steward and
the grooms who had been sent on with him to Elford, mounted now at de Clary’s
charge, along with three of Audemar’s own men. Cenred came hurrying down the steps to
welcome them. “My lord,” he said, for once formal with his friend and overlord,
“I never looked to see you tonight, but you come very timely and are more than
welcome. God knows we’re like to be causing you trouble enough, for we have
murder here, as Edred will have told you. Murder within your writ is hard to
believe, but so it is.” “So I’ve heard,” said Audemar. “Come
within, and let me hear the whole tale from you. There’s nothing to be done now
before morning.” As he entered the hall, his eye fell on the truant Roscelin,
recorded the boy’s grim and unrepentant countenance, and acknowledged
tolerantly: “You here, lad? That at least I expected.” Clearly the deeper
reason for Roscelin’s banishment was no secret from Audemar, and he had a
certain easy sympathy for the boy, short of indulging his folly. He clouted him
hard on the shoulder as he passed, and drew him with him into the solar.
Roscelin resisted the urging, gripping his lord’s sleeve urgently. “My lord, there’s more to be told. Sir,”
he appealed to his father passionately, “tell him! If she did make for Elford,
where can she be now? My lord, Helisende is gone, she has ridden out alone, my
father believes she must have set out for Elford—because of me! But I rode here
by the rough track and saw nothing of her. Has she indeed come safely to you?
Put me out of this anxiety—did she go by the highroad? Is she safe at Elford
now?” “She is not!” Brought up short against
this new vexation, Audemar looked sharply from son to father and back again,
well aware of the tensions that plagued them. “We have just come by the
highroad and never a sign of her or any woman have we seen. One road or the
other, one of us would have met with her. Come, now!” he said, sweeping Cenred
along with him in his free arm. “Let’s within, the few of us, and see what
knowledge we can put together, to be used with good sense tomorrow by daylight.
Madam, you should take some rest, all’s done that you can do before morning,
and I will make myself accountable from this on. No need for you to watch out
the night.” There was no question now as to who was
master here. At his bidding Emma folded her hands thankfully, shared a glance
of harried affection between her husband and her son, and departed docilely to
such rest as she could hope to get before dawn. Audemar looked round once from
within the solar, a sweeping glance amiable enough but unmistakable in its
dominance, that dismissed all further attendance. His eye lit upon the two
Benedictines, waiting unobtrusively on the edge of the scene, recognized them
with a nod of easy reverence for their habit, and smiled. “Good night, Brothers!” said Audemar, and
drew the solar door firmly closed at his back, shutting himself in with the
troubled Vivers household and their aspiring kinsman. Chapter Ten “HE IS RIGHT!” SAID BROTHER HALUIN,
stretched on his bed in the predawn twilight, wakeful still and loosed now from
his long silence on the fringe of other men’s chaos. “Good night. Brothers, and
goodbye! There will be no marriage. There can be no marriage, there is now no
bride. And even if she should come back, this match cannot now go forward as if
nothing had happened to cast it into such bitter doubt. When I accepted the burden—for
even so it was burdensome—there was no call to question that it was for the
best, grievous though it might be. There is good reason to question now.” “I think,” said Cadfael, listening to the
muted, deliberate voice, as Haluin felt his way towards a resolution, “you are
not sorry to be delivered from your promise.” “No, I am not sorry. Sorry enough, God
knows, that a woman has died, sorry that these children should suffer
unhappiness without remedy. But I could not now be answerable to God for joining
the girl to any man unless I could recover the certainty I have lost. As well
that she is gone, and I pray into some safe refuge. And now it only remains,”
said Brother Haluin, “for us to take our leave. We no longer have any part to
play here. De Clary has plainly told us so. And Cenred will be glad to see us
go.” “And you have a vow to complete, and no
further cause to delay. True!” said Cadfael, torn between relief and regret. “I have delayed too long already. It is
time I acknowledged,” said Haluin inflexibly, “how small are my own griefs, and
how great the part I have chosen. I made the choice for my own craven sake. Now
with what life I have left I will make it good for a worthier reason.” So this journey, thought Cadfael, has not
been in vain. For the first time since his flight from the world, sick with his
guilt and loss, he has ventured back into the world, and found it full of pain,
into which his own pain has fallen and been lost, like a raindrop in the sea.
All these years he has been outwardly dutiful, keeping every scruple of the
Rule, and agonized in solitude within. His true vocation begins now. Once
enlightened, Haluin may well prove the stuff of which saints are made. As for
me, I am unregenerate man. For in his heart he did not want to leave
Vivers thus, with nothing resolved. Everything Haluin said was true. The bride
was gone, there could be no marriage, they had no excuse for remaining here any
longer, nor had Cenred any further use for them. He would indeed be glad to see
them go. But Cadfael would not go gladly, turning his back upon a murder
unavenged, justice out of kilter, a wrong that might never be set right. True also, Audemar de Clary was overlord
here, a man of force and decision, and with such crimes as fell within his writ
he must deal. There was nothing Cadfael could tell him that Cenred would not
already have told him. And what, after all, did Cadfael really
know in this matter? That Edgytha had been absent several hours before she
died, since there was already snow on the ground when she fell. That she must
have been on her way back to Vivers, as she had intended. That she had had
ample time to go as far as Elford. That she had not been robbed. The murderer
had simply killed and left her, not the way of footpads living wild. If not to
stop her from warning Roscelin—for that would have been credible only on the
outward journey—then to stop her mouth for another reason, before ever she
could get back to Vivers. Yet what connection was there between Elford and
Vivers except young Roscelin’s banishment to Audemar’s service? What other
secret to fear betrayal but that of the planned marriage? But Edgytha had never reached Roscelin,
never had speech with him, nor had she gone to Audemar or any of his household.
So if she had been to Elford, why had no one there seen her? And if she had not
been to Elford, where had she been? So if it was not what he along with his
host and hostess had supposed, what was the cat Edgytha had gone to find, to
put among Cenred’s pigeons? And in all probability he would never
learn the answers to these questions, or learn what fortune awaited the lost
girl and the unhappy boy, and the elders distressed and torn with concern for
both of them. A pity! But no help for it, they could no longer trespass on Cenred’s
disrupted family and burdened hospitality. As soon as the household was astir
they must take their leave and set out for Shrewsbury. No one would miss them.
And it was high time they went home. The morning came greyly, under a sky
lightly clouded over but lofty, and threatening no further falls of snow. Only
a few threads and traceries of white lingered along the bases of walls and
under the trees and bushes, and the frost was yielding. It would not be a bad
day for travelers. The household was up and in ferment early.
Cenred’s servants rolled out of their brief sleep bleary-eyed and grim, well
aware that there would be no rest for them that day. Whatever else had been
decided in the solemn conference in the solar overnight, whatever possible
asylums had been suggested as safe havens for Helisende, it was certain that
Audemar would have patrols working every road in the countryside, and inquiring
at every cottage, in case someone, somewhere, had seen and spoken with Edgytha,
or seen anything of a solitary and furtive figure lurking along the path she
had taken. They were already gathering in the courtyard, saddling up,
tightening girths and waiting stoically for their orders, when Cadfael and
Haluin, booted and girded for the road, presented themselves before Cenred. He was deep in colloquy with his steward
in the middle of the bustle in the hall, when they approached him, and he
turned to them courteously but blankly for a moment, as if in these graver
preoccupations he had forgotten he had ever before set eyes on them.
Recollection came at once, but brought him no pleasure, only a gesture of
hospitable compunction. “Brothers, I ask your pardon, you have
been neglected. If we have troubles here to deal with, don’t let that disturb
you. Use my home as your own.” “My lord,” said Haluin, “we owe you thanks
for all your kindness, but we must be on our way. There is now no way I can
serve you. There is no more haste, since there is no more secrecy. And we have
duties waiting for us at home. We are come to take our leave.” Cenred was too honest to pretend any
reluctance to part with them, and made no demur. “I have delayed your return
for my own ends,” he said ruefully, “and all to no purpose. I am sorry I ever
drew you into so vexed a business. Believe me, at least, that my intent was
good. And go with my goodwill, I wish you a peaceful journey.” “And to you, sir, the safe recovery of the
lady, and the guidance of God through all perplexities,” said Haluin. Cenred did not offer horses for the first
stage of the journey, as Adelais had done for the whole of it. He had need here
of all the horses at his disposal. But he watched the two habited figures, the
hale and the lame, make their way slowly down the steps from the hall door,
Cadfael’s hand at Haluin’s elbow ready to support him at need, Haluin’s hands,
calloused now from gripping the staves of his crutches, braced and careful at
every tread. In the courtyard they threaded the bustle of preparation, and drew
near to the gate. Cenred took his eyes from them with relief at being rid of
one complication, and turned his face doggedly if wearily upon those remaining. Roscelin, chafing at delay, stood bridle
in hand at the gate, shifting restlessly from foot to foot, and peering
impatiently back for his father or Audemar to give the word to mount. He gave
the two monks a preoccupied glance as they drew near, and then, warming, bade
them a good-morning, and even smiled through the grey, distorting mask of his
own anxiety. “You’re away for Shrewsbury? It’s a good
step. I hope you’ll have easy traveling.” “And you a blessed end to your search,”
said Cadfael. “Blessed for me?” said the boy, again
clouding over. “I don’t look for it.” “If you find her safe and well, and no
man’s wife until she so pleases, that’s a fair measure of blessing. I doubt if
you may ask for more. Not yet,” said Cadfael cautiously. “Take the day’s
measure of good, and be thankful, and who knows but more may be added?” “You talk of impossibilities,” said
Roscelin implacably, “But you mean me well, and I take it as you mean it.” “Where will you ride first, to look for
Helisende?” asked Brother Haluin. “Some of us back to Elford, to make sure
she has not slipped between us and made her way there, after all. And to every
manor around, for any word of her, or of Edgytha. She cannot have gone far.” He
had truly grieved and been angry for Edgytha, but the “she” that drove all
others from his mind was Helisende. They left him chafing and agonizing, more
restless than the horse that shifted and stamped to be off. When they looked
back from outside the gate his foot was already in the stirrup, and behind him
the rest of the hunters were gathering the reins and mounting. Back to Elford
first, in case Helisende had slipped through their fingers, eluding the riders on
both tracks, and come safe to shelter. Cadfael and Haluin must go in the
opposite direction, towards the west. They had turned some way north from the
highroad to reach the lights of the manor. They did not return that way, but
turned due west at once, on a trodden path that skirted the manor fence. From
the limit of the enclave they heard Audemar’s hunters ride forth, and turned to
watch them stream out from the gate and lengthen out into a long, many-colored
thread, dwindling into the east and vanishing among the trees of the first belt
of woodland. “And is that the end of it?” wondered
Haluin, suddenly grieved. “And we shall never know what comes of it all! Poor
lad, and his own case beyond hope. All his comfort in this world must be to see
her happy, if that will ever be possible without him. I know,” said Brother
Haluin, in compassion untainted by any lingering self-pity, “what they suffer.” But it seemed that it was indeed over for
them, and there was no sense in looking back. They set their faces towards the
west, and went forward steadily on this untested path, with the rising sun
behind them, casting their elongated shadows along the moist grass. “By this way,” said Cadfael, taking his
bearings thoughtfully when they halted to eat their midday bread and cheese and
strip of salt bacon in the lee of a bushy bank, “I think we shall miss
Lichfield. I judge we’re already passing to the north of it. No matter, we
shall find a bed somewhere before nightfall.” Meantime, the day was clear and dry, and
the country through which they made their way was pleasant, but sparsely
populated, and afforded them fewer human encounters than they had met with on
the direct highway through Lichfield. Having had so little sleep they made no
haste, but went steadily, and took whatever rests offered along the way,
wherever a solitary assart provided the hospitality of a bench by the hearth,
and a few minutes of neighborly gossip in passing. A light wind sprang up with the approach
of evening, warning them it was time to look for a night’s shelter. They were
in country still wasted from harsh usage fifty years past. The people of these
parts had not taken kindly to the coming of the Normans, and had paid the price
for their obduracy. There were the relics of deserted holdings to be seen here
and there, collapsing into grass and brambles, and the ruins of a mill rotting
gently into its own overgrown stream. Hamlets were few and far between. Cadfael
began to scan the landscape round for any sign of an inhabited roof. An elderly man gathering firewood in a
stand of old trees straightened his bent back to answer their greeting, and
peered at them curiously from within his sacking hood. “Not half a mile on, Brothers, you’ll see
to your right the pale of a nunnery. They’re still building, it’s mostly timber
yet, but the church and the cloister are in stone, you can’t miss it. There’s
but two or three holdings in the hamlet, but the sisters take in travelers.
You’ll get a bed there.” And he added, eyeing their black habits: “They’re of your
own persuasion, it’s a Benedictine house.” “I knew of none in these parts,” said
Cadfael. “What is this house called?” “It’s like the hamlet, called Farewell.
It’s no more than three years old. Bishop de Clinton set it up. You’ll be made
welcome there.” They thanked him, and left him to bind up
and hoist his great bundle of wood, and make off for home in the opposite
direction, while they went on, encouraged, towards the west. “I remember,” said Haluin, “hearing
something of this place, or at least of the bishop’s plans for a new foundation
somewhere here, close to his cathedral. But I never heard the name Farewell
until—do you recall?—Cenred spoke of it, that night we first came to Vivers.
The only Benedictine house in these parts, he said, when he asked where we were
from. We’re fortunate, it’s well we came this way.” By this time, with the twilight closing
in, he was beginning to flag, in spite of the easy pace they had set. They were
both glad when the path brought them to a small open green flanked by three or
four cottages, and they saw beyond these the long pale fence of the new abbey,
and the roof of the church above it. The track led them to a modest timber
gatehouse. Both the stout gate and the grille set in it were closed, but a pull
at the bell sent a succession of echoes flying away into distance within, and
after a few moments brought light, flying footsteps skipping towards them from
within the gate. The grille slid open, and revealed a
round, rosy youthful face beaming through at them. Wide blue eyes surveyed
their habits and tonsures, and recognized kindred. “Good even, Brothers,” said a high,
girlish voice, joyously self-important. “You’re late on the road tonight. Can
we offer you a roof and a rest?” “We were about to ask it,” said Cadfael heartily.
“Can you lodge us overnight?” “And longer if you need,” she said
cheerfully. “Men of the Order will always be welcome here. We’re off the beaten
track, and not yet well known, and with the place still building we offer less
comfort, I daresay, than some older houses, but we have room for such guests as
you. Wait till I unbar the doors.” She was about it already, they heard the
bolt shot back and the latch of the wicket lifted, and then the door opened
wide in exuberant welcome, and the portress waved them in. She could not, Cadfael thought, be more
than seventeen, and new in her novitiate, one of those superfluous daughters of
poorly endowed small nobility for whom there was little to spare by way of
dowry, and little prospect of an advantageous marriage. She was small and
softly rounded, plain of face but fresh and wholesome as new bread, and
blessedly she glowed with enthusiasm in her new life, with no apparent regret
for the world she had left behind. The satisfaction of trusted office became her,
and so did the white wimple and black cowl framing her bright and candid face. “Have you traveled far?” she asked,
viewing Haluin’s labored gait with wide-eyed concern. “From Vivers,” said Haluin, quick in
reassurance, “It is not so far, and we have taken it gently.” “And have you very far still to go?” “To Shrewsbury,” said Cadfael, “where we
belong to the abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.” “It’s a long way,” she said, shaking her
head over them. “You’ll be needing your rest. Will you wait here in the lodge
for me, till I tell Sister Ursula she has guests? Sister Ursula is our
hospitaler. The lord bishop asked for two experienced elder sisters to come to
us from Polesworth for a season, to instruct the novices. We are all so new,
and there’s so much to learn, besides all the work we have to do in the
building and the garden. And they sent us Sister Ursula and Sister Benedicta.
Sit and warm yourselves but a few minutes, and I’ll be back.” And she was off,
with her light, dancing step, as blithe in her cloistered calling as any of her
secular sisters could have been in approaching a more worldly marriage. “She is truly happy,” said Brother Haluin,
wondering and pleased. “No, it is not a second-best. So I have found it in the
end, but she from the beginning. The sisters from Polesworth must be women of
wisdom and grace, if this is their work. Sister Ursula the hospitaler was a tall,
thin woman perhaps fifty years old, with a lined, experienced face at once
serene, resigned, and even mildly amused, as if she had seen and come to terms
with all the vagaries of human behavior, and nothing could now surprise or
disconcert her. If the other borrowed instructress measures up to this one,
Cadfael thought, these green girls of Farewell have been fortunate. “You’re warmly welcome,” said Sister
Ursula, sailing briskly into the lodge with the young portress beaming at her
elbow. “The lady abbess will be happy to receive you in the morning, but you
must be most in need now of food and rest and a bed, all the more if you have
such a long journey before you. Come with me, there’s a chamber prepared for
chance comers always, and our own brothers are all the more welcome.” She led them out from the lodge into a
narrow outer court, where the church lay before them, a modest building of
stone, with the traces of the continuing work, ashlar and timber, cords and
scaffolding boards, stacked neatly under its walls, in token that nothing here
was finished. But in only three years they had raised the church and the entire
frame of the cloister, but for the south range, where only the lower floor
which housed the refectory was completed. “The bishop has provided us the labor and
a generous endowment,” said Sister Ursula, “but we shall be building for some
years yet. Meantime we live simply. We want for nothing that’s needful, and
hanker after nothing beyond our needs. I suppose when all these timber housings
are replaced in stone my work here will be done, and I should be returning to
Polesworth, where I took my vows years ago, but I don’t know but I’d rather
stay here, if I’m offered a choice. There’s something about bringing a new
foundation to birth, you feel towards it as towards a child of your own body.” The enclave fence, doubtless, would
eventually be replaced by a stone wall, the wooden buildings that lined it,
infirmary, domestic offices, guest hall and storehouses, gradually rebuilt one
by one. But already the glimpse they had into the cloister in passing showed
that the garth had been grassed, and a shallow stone basin in the center held
water to attract the birds. “By next year,” said Sister Ursula, “we
shall have flowers. Sister Benedicta, our best gardener at Polesworth, came
here with me, the garth is her preserve. Things grow for her, birds come to her
hand. That gift I never had.” “And has Polesworth also provided you your
abbess?” asked Cadfael. “No, Bishop de Clinton brought Mother
Patrice from Coventry. We two must go back to our own house when we’re no
longer needed here, unless, as I say, they let us remain for life. We should
need the bishop’s dispensation, but who knows, he may see fit to grant it.” Beyond the cloister a small private court
opened, and the guest hall stood on the further side of it, close to the pale
fence. The small room that awaited the first travelers was dim and full of the
warmth and fragrance of wood, furnished simply with two beds and a little
table, with a crucifix on the wall and a prayer desk below it. “Use it as your domain,” said Sister
Ursula cheerfully, “and I’ll have supper brought to you here. You come too late
for Vespers, but if you please to join us at Compline later, you’ll hear the
bell. Use our church for prayer as you wish. It is but young yet, the more good
souls it harbors under its roof, the better. And now, if you have all you need,
I’ll leave you to your rest.” In the blessed virginal quiet of this new
abbey of Farewell, Brother Haluin fell rapturously asleep as soon as he
returned from Compline, and slept like a child all through the night and deep
into the dawn of a soft, clear morning, free of any touch of frost. He awoke to
find Cadfael already up, and preparing to go and recite the morning office and
offer his private prayers in the church. “Has the bell sounded for Prime?” asked
Haluin, rising in haste. “No, nor will for half an hour yet, by the
light. We can have the church to ourselves for a while, if you’re so minded.” “A good thought,” said Haluin, and went
with him gladly, out into the small court, and across it to the south door into
the cloister. The turf in the garth was moist and green, the bleached pallor of
winter vanished overnight. The shy mists of buds that had barely showed a few
days ago along the branches of the trees now had a positive color, grown into a
tender green veil. It wanted only a few more such mild days and a glimpse of
the sun, and suddenly it would be spring. In the clear shallow water in the
stone bowl small birds were fluttering and shrilling, aware of change. Brother
Haluin approached the little church of Farewell through evidences of hope. Certainly
this first church would be enlarged or replaced later, when the abbey’s
immediate building needs were met, its endowment assured, and its prestige
established. Yet this first edifice, small and plain as it was, would always be
remembered with affection, and its supplanting a matter of regret to those,
like Sister Ursula and Sister Benedicta, who had been present and served at its
birth. They said the office together in the dim,
stony quietness, kneeling before the small spark of the altar lamp, and made
their private prayers in silence afterward. The light softened and brightened
over them, the first veiled ray of the rising sun stole through the pales of
the enclave and touched the upper stones of the eastern wall into pale rose,
and still Brother Haluin kneeled, his crutches laid beside him. Cadfael was the first to rise. It could
not be long now to Prime, and it might be an inconvenient distraction to new
young sisters to have two men in evidence at their morning service, even two
monks of the same order. He crossed to the south door, and stood there looking
out into the garth, waiting until Haluin should need his help to rise. There was one of the sisters standing
beside the stone bowl in the center, very slender and erect and composed,
feeding the birds. She crumbled bread on the broad rim of the bowl, and held
fragments of it out on her open palm, and the flurry and vibration of hovering
wings span fearlessly about her. The black habit became her slenderness, and
her bearing had a youthful grace that stabbed piercingly into Cadfael’s memory.
The poise of the head on its long neck and straight shoulders, the narrow waist
and elegant, long hand offering alms to the birds, these he had surely seen
before, in another place, by another and deceptive light. Now she stood in open
air, with the soft morning light upon her, and he could not believe that he was
mistaken. Helisende was here at Farewell, Helisende
in a nun’s habit. The bride had fled her unbearable dilemma to take the veil
rather than marry anyone but her unfortunate lover Roscelin. True, she could
not have taken any vows as yet, but the sisters might well see fit, in her
stressful circumstances, to give her the instant protection of the habit, even
before she entered on her novitiate. She had quick hearing, or perhaps she had
been expecting and listening for a light footstep in the western range of the
cloister, where the sisters’ dortoir lay. For plainly she caught the sound of
someone approaching from that direction, and turned to meet the newcomer,
smiling. The very movement, measured and tranquil, in itself cast doubt on the
youth he had seen in her but a moment earlier, and showed him fully a face he
had never seen before. Not a young, unpracticed girl, but a
serene, worn, mature woman. The revelation in the hall at Vivers came about
full circle, from illusion to reality, from the girl to the woman, as then it
had spun headily backward from the woman to the girl. Not Helisende, not even
very like Helisende, but for the tall white ivory brow, and the sweet and
plaintive oval shape of the face, and wide-set, candid, gallant, and vulnerable
eyes. In figure and bearing, yes, the very same. If she had turned her back
again, she would again have become the image of her daughter. For who else could this be but the widowed
mother who had taken the veil at Polesworth rather than be harried into a
second marriage? Who else but Sister Benedicta, sent here to the bishop’s new
foundation to help to establish a secure tradition and a blessed example for the
fledgling nuns of Farewell? Sister Benedicta who could charm flowers to grow
and birds to come to her hand? Helisende must have known of her move, if the
rest of the household at Vivers had not. Helisende had known where to look for
refuge in her need. Where should she go but to her mother? He had been concentrating so intensely
upon the woman in the garth that he had heard nothing from within the church,
until he caught the tapping of crutches on the flagstones within the doorway,
and swung about almost guiltily to return to his bounden duty. Haluin had
somehow got to his feet unaided, and emerged now at Cadfael’s side, gazing out
with pleasure into the garth, where misty sunlight and moist shadow mingled. His eyes fell upon the nun, and he halted
abruptly, swaying on his crutches. Cadfael saw the dark eyes fix and widen,
their arrested stare burning hollowly into the glowing stillness of vision or
trance, and the sensitive lips move almost soundlessly, forming the slow
syllables of a name. Almost soundlessly, but not quite, for Cadfael heard it. In wonder and joy and pain, and all in
extremes, as one driven and wracked by religious ecstasy: “Bertrade!” whispered
Brother Haluin. Chapter Eleven THERE WAS NO MISTAKING THE NAME, and no
questioning the absolute certainty with which it was uttered. If Cadfael clung
to sane, sensible disbelief for one moment, he discarded it the next, and it
was swept away once for all in a great flood of enlightenment. In Haluin there
was no doubt or question at all. He knew what he saw, he gave it its true, its
unforgotten name, and stood lost in wonder, trembling with the intensity of his
knowledge. Bertrade! The first glimpse of her daughter had
struck him to the heart, the dimly seen copy outlined against the light was so
true to the original. But as soon as Helisende had stepped forward into the
torchlight the likeness had faded, the vision dissolved. This was a girl he did
not know. Now she came again, and turned towards him the remembered and
lamented face, and there was no more questioning. So she had not died. Cadfael grappled
silently with enlightenment. The tomb Haluin had sought was an illusion. She
had not died of the draught that robbed her of her child, she had survived that
peril and grief, to be married off to an elderly husband, vassal and friend to
her mother’s family, and to bear him a daughter the image of herself in build
and bearing. And she had done her best to be a faithful wife and mother as long
as her old lord lived, but after his death she had turned her back on the world
and followed her first lover into the cloister, choosing the same order, taking
to herself the name of the founder, binding herself once for all to the same
discipline into which Haluin had been driven. Then why, argued a persistent imp in
Cadfael’s mind, why did you—you, not Haluin!—find in the face of the girl at
Vivers something inexplicably familiar? Who was it hiding from you deep in the
caverns of memory, refusing to be recognized? You had never seen the girl
before, never in life set eyes on this mother of hers. Whoever looked out at
you from Helisende’s eyes, and then drew down a veil between, it was not
Bertrade de Clary. All this came seething through his mind in
the instant of revelation, the brief moment before Helisende herself emerged
from the shadows of the west range and came out into the garth to join her
mother. She had not donned the habit, she wore the same gown she had worn the
previous evening at her brother’s table. She was pale and grave, but had the
calm of the cloister about her, safe here from any compulsion, with time for
thought and for taking counsel. The two women met, the hems of their
skirts tracing two darker paths in the silver-green of the moist grass. They
turned back together at leisure towards the doorway from which Helisende had
come, to go in and join the rest of the sisterhood for Prime. They were going
away, they would vanish, and nothing be answered, nothing resolved, nothing
made plain! And still Haluin hung swaying on his crutches, stricken motionless
and mute. He would lose her again, she was all but lost already. The two women
had almost reached the west walk, the cords of deprivation were drawn out to
breaking point. “Bertrade!” cried Haluin, in a great shout
of terror and despair. That cry reached them, echoing startlingly
from every wall, and brought them about to stare in alarm and astonishment
towards the door of the church. Haluin tore himself out of his daze with a
great heave, and went hurtling forward recklessly into the garth, his crutches
goring the soft turf. At sight of an unknown man lurching
towards them the women had instinctively recoiled, but seeing at second glance
his habit, and how sadly he was crippled, in pure compassion they halted their
flight to permit his approach, and even came a few impulsive steps to meet him.
For a moment there was no more in it than that, pity for a lame man. Then
abruptly everything changed. He had been in too much haste to reach
them, he stumbled, and swayed out of balance for a moment, on the edge of a
fall, and the girl, quick to sympathy, sprang forward to support him in her
arms. His weight falling into her embrace swung them both about, to steady and
recover almost cheek to cheek, and Cadfael saw the two faces for a long moment
side by side, startled, bright, dazzled into wonder. So now at last he had his answer. Now he
knew everything there was to be known, everything except what fury of
bitterness could drive one human creature to do so base and cruel a thing to
another. And even that answer would not be far to seek. It was at that moment of total
enlightenment that Bertrade de Clary, staring earnestly into the stranger’s
face, knew him for no stranger, and called him by his name: “Haluin!” There was nothing more, not then, only the
meeting of eyes and the mutual recognition, and the understanding, on either
part, of past wrongs and agonies never before fully understood, bitter and
terrible for a moment, then erased by a great flood of gratitude and joy. For
in the moment when the three of them hung mute and still, staring at one
another, they all heard the little bell for Prime ringing in the dortoir, and
knew that the sisters would be filing down the night stairs to walk in
procession into the church. So there was nothing more, not then. The
women drew back, with lingering glances still wide with wonder, and turned to
answer the summons and join their sisters. And Cadfael went forward from the
porch to take Brother Haluin by the arm, and lead him gently, like a
sleepwalking child, back to the guest hall. “She is not dead,” said Haluin, rigidly
erect on the edge of his bed. Over and over, recording the miracle in a
repetition nearer incantation than prayer: “She is not dead! It was false,
false, false! She did not die!” Cadfael said never a word. It was not yet
time to speak of all that lay behind this revelation. For the moment Haluin’s
shocked mind looked no further than the fact, joy that she should be alive and
well and in safe haven whom he had lamented so long as dead, and dead by his
grievous fault, the bewilderment and hurt that he should have been left so long
mourning her. “I must speak with her,” said Haluin. “I
cannot go without having speech with her.” “You shall not,” Cadfael assured him. It was inevitable now, all must come out.
They had met, they had beheld each other, no one now could undo that, the
sealed coffer was sprung open, the secrets were tumbling out of it, no one now
could close the lid upon them ever again. “We cannot leave today,” said Haluin. “We shall not. Wait here in patience,”
said Cadfael. “I am going to seek an audience with the lady abbess.” The abbess of Farewell, brought by Bishop
de Clinton from Coventry to direct his new foundation, was a dumpy round loaf
of a woman, perhaps in her middle forties, with a plump russet face and shrewd
brown eyes that weighed and measured in a glance, and were confident of their
judgment. She sat uncompromisingly erect on an uncushioned bench in a small and
spartan parlor, and closed the book on the desk before her as Cadfael came in. “You’re very welcome. Brother, to whatever
service our house can offer you. Ursula tells me you are from the abbey of
Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury. I intended to invite you and your
companion to join me for dinner, and I cordially extend that invitation now.
But I hear you have asked for this interview, forestalling any move of mine. I
take it there is a reason. Sit down, Brother, and tell me what more you have to
ask of me.” Cadfael sat down with her, debating in his
mind how much he might tell, or how little. She was a woman quite capable of
filling in gaps for herself, but also, he judged, a woman of scrupulous
discretion, who would keep to herself whatever she read between the lines. “I come, Reverend Mother, to ask you to
countenance a meeting, in private, between my brother Haluin and Sister
Benedicta.” He saw her brows raised, but the small
bright eyes beneath them remained unperturbed and sharp with intelligence. “In youth,” he said, “they were well
acquainted. He was in her mother’s service, and being so close in the one
house, and of an age, boy and girl together, they fell into loving. But
Haluin’s suit was not at all to the mother’s mind, and she took pains to
separate them. Haluin was dismissed from her service, and forbidden all ado
with the girl, who was persuaded into a marriage more pleasing to her family.
No doubt you know her history since then. Haluin entered our house, admittedly
for a wrong reason. It is not good to turn to the spiritual life out of
despair, but many have done it, as you and I know, and lived to become faithful
and honorable ornaments to their houses. So has Haluin. So, I make no doubt,
has Bertrade de Clary.” He caught the glint of her eyes at hearing
that name. There was not much she did not know about her flock, but if she knew
more than he had said of this woman she showed no sign and made no comment,
accepting all as he had told it. “It seems to me,” she said, “that the
story you tell me bids fair to be repeated in another generation. The
circumstances are not quite the same, but the end well could be. It’s as well
we should consider in time how to deal with it.” “I have that in mind,” said Cadfael. “And
how have you dealt with it thus far? Since the girl came running to you by
night? For the whole household of Vivers is out by now for the second day,
scouring the roads for her.” “I think not,” said the abbess. “For I
sent yesterday to let her brother know that she is here and safe, and prays him
to be left in peace here for a while for thought and prayer. I think he will
respect her wish, in the circumstances.” “Circumstances which she has told you,”
said Cadfael with conviction, “in full. So far, that is, as she knows them.” “She has.” “Then you know of a woman’s death, and of
the marriage arranged for Helisende. And the reason for that marriage, you know
that, too?” “I know she is too close kin to the young
man she would liefer have. Yes, she has told me. More, I fancy, than she tells
her confessor. You need not fear for Helisende. As long as she remains here she
is safe from all harassment, and has the company and comfort of her mother.” “She could not be in a better place,” said
Cadfael fervently. “Then, as to these two who most concern us now—I must tell
you that Haluin was told that Bertrade was dead, and has believed her so all
these years, and moreover, taken her death to himself as blame. This morning by
God’s grace he has seen her before him alive and well. They have exchanged no
words but their names. But I think it would be well that they should, if you so
grant. They will serve better in their separate vocations if they have peace of
mind. Also they have a right to know, each one, that the other is whole,
blessed and content.” “And you think,” said the abbess with
deliberation, “that they will be blessed and content? After as before?” “More and better than before,” he said
with certainty. “I can speak for the man, if you know as much of the woman. And
if they part thus without a word, they will be tormented to the end of their
days.” “I would as soon not be answerable to God
for that,” said the abbess with a brief, bleak smile. “Well, they shall have
their hour and make their peace. It can do no harm, and may do much good. Do
you purpose to remain here some days longer?” “This one day at least,” said Cadfael.
“For I have one more prayer to make to you. Brother Haluin I leave to you. But
there is a thing I must do, before we set off for home. Not here! Will you let
me borrow a horse from your stable?” She sat studying him for a long moment,
and it seemed that she was guardedly satisfied with what she saw, for at length
she said, “On one condition.” “And that is?” “That when time serves, and all harm is
spent, you will tell me the other half of the story.” Brother Cadfael led out his borrowed horse
into the stableyard, and mounted without haste. The bishop had seen fit to
provide stabling adequate for his own visitations, and two stout cobs for
remounts should any of his envoys travel this way and make use of the abbey’s
hospitality. Having been given a free hand, Cadfael had naturally chosen the
more likely-looking of the two, and the younger, a lively, solid bay. It was no
very long ride he had in mind, but he might as well get out of it what pleasure
he could along the way. There would be little pleasure at the end of it. The sun was already high when he rode out
at the gate, a pale sun growing brighter and clearer as the air of the day
warmed into palpable spring. The fatal snow at Vivers would be the last snow of
the winter, appropriately completing Haluin’s pilgrimage, as the first snow had
begun it. The filigree green gauze of buds along the
branches of bush and tree had burst into the tender plumage of young leaves.
The moist grass shimmered, and gave off a faint, fragrant steam as the sun
reached it. So much beauty, and behind him as he rode lay a great mercy, a just
deliverance, and the renewal of hope. And before him a solitary soul to be
saved or lost. He did not take the road to Vivers. It was
not there he had urgent business, though he might well return that way. Once he
halted to look back, and the long line of the abbey fence had disappeared in
the folds of land, and the hamlet with it. Haluin would be waiting and
wondering, groping his way through a confused dream, beset with questions to which
he could have no answer, torn between belief and disbelief, fearful joy and
recollected anguish, until the abbess should send to summon him to the meeting
which would make all things plain at last. Cadfael rode on slowly until he should
encounter someone from whom he could ask directions. A woman leading sheep and
lambs out to pasture at the edge of the village stopped willingly to point him
to the most direct road. He need not go near Vivers, and that was well, for he
had no wish to meet Cenred or his men as yet. He had nothing at this moment to
tell them, and indeed it was not he who must tell what finally had to be told. Once on the track his informant had
indicated, he rode fast and purposefully, until he dismounted at the gate of
the manor of Elford. It was the young portress who tapped at
the door and entered Brother Haluin’s haunted solitude, later in the morning,
when the sun had shed its veil, and the grass of the garth was drying. He
looked round as she came in, expecting Cadfael, and gazed at her with eyes
still wide and blank with wonder. “I am sent by the lady abbess,” said the
girl, with solicitous gentleness, since it seemed he might be almost beyond
understanding, “to bid you to her parlor. If you will come with me, I’ll show,
you the way.” Obediently he reached for his crutches.
“Brother Cadfael went forth and has not returned,” he said slowly, looking
about him like a man awaking from sleep. “Is this bidding to him also? Should I
not wait for him?” “There is no need,” she said. “Brother Cadfael
has already spoken with Mother Patrice, and has an errand he says he must do
now. You should wait for his return here, and be easy. Will you come?” Haluin thrust himself to his feet and went
with her, across the rear court to the abbess’s lodging, confiding like a child
though half his mind was still absent. The little portress tempered her flying
steps to his labored gait, bringing him with considerate gentleness to the door
of the parlor, and turning upon him on the threshold a bright, encouraging
smile. “Go in, you are expected.” She held the door open for him, since he
had need of both hands for his crutches. He limped across the threshold into
the wood-scented, dimly lit room, and halted just within to make his reverence
to the mother superior, only to stand motionless and quivering as his eyes
adjusted to the subdued light. For the woman who stood waiting for him, braced
and still and wonderfully smiling in the center of the room, her hands extended
instinctively to aid his approach, was not the abbess, but Bertrade de Clary. Chapter Twelve THE GROOM WHO CAME UNHURRIEDLY ACROSS THE
COURTYARD to greet the visitor and inquire his business was neither Lothair nor
Luc, but a lanky lad not yet twenty, with a shock of dark hair. At his back the
courtyard seemed emptied of its usual lively activity, only a few maids and
manservants going back and forth about their work in a casual fashion, as if
all constraints were slackened. By the look of things, the master of the house
and most of his men were still out and about on the hunt for any word that
might lead to the murderer of Edgytha. “If you’re wanting the lord Audemar,” said
the boy at once, “you’re out of luck. He’s still away to Vivers about this
woman who was killed a couple of nights back. But his steward’s here. If you
want lodging you’d best see him.” “I thank you,” said Cadfael, surrendering
his bridle, “but it’s not the lord Audemar I’ve come to see. My errand is to
his mother. I know where her dower apartments are. If you’ll see to the horse I’ll
go myself and ask her woman to inquire if the lady will be good enough to see
me.” “As you please, then. You were here
afore,” said the lad, narrowing his eyes curiously at this vaguely familiar
visitor. “Only a few days back, with another black monk, one that went on
crutches and very lame.” “True,” said Cadfael. “And I had speech
with the lady then, and she will not have forgotten either me or that lame
brother. If she refuses me a hearing now, I will let her be—but I think she
will not refuse.” “Try for yourself, then,” agreed the groom
indifferently. “She’s still here with her maid, and I know she’s within. She
keeps within, these last days.” “She had two grooms with her,” said
Cadfael, “father and son. We were acquainted, when we stayed here, they had
come from Shropshire with her. I’d willingly pass the time of day with them,
afterward, if they’re not away to Vivers with the lord Audemar’s people.” “Oh, them! No, they’re her fellows, none
of his. But they’re not here, neither. They went off yesterday on some errand
of hers, very early. Where? How should I know where? Back to Hales, likely.
That’s where the old dame keeps, most of her time.” I wonder, thought Cadfael, as he turned
towards Adelais’s dwelling in the corner of the enclave wall, and the groom led
the cob away to the stable, truly I wonder how it would suit Adelais de Clary
to know that her son’s grooms speak of her as “the old dame.” Doubtless to that
raw boy she seemed ancient as the hills, but resolutely she cherished and
conserved what had once been great beauty, and from that excellence nothing and
no one must be allowed to detract. Not for nothing did she choose for her
intimate maid someone plain and pockmarked, surrounding herself with dull and
ordinary faces that caused her own luster to glow more brightly. At the door of Adelais’s hall he asked for
audience, and the woman Gerta came out to him haughtily, protective of her
mistress’s privacy and assertive of her own office. He had sent in no name, and
at sight of him she checked, none too pleased to see one of the Benedictines
from Shrewsbury back again so soon, and so unaccountably. “My lady is not disposed to see visitors.
What’s your business, that you need trouble her with it? If you need lodging
and food, my lord Audemar’s steward will take care of it.” “My business,” said Cadfael, “is with the
lady Adelais only, and concerns no one beside. Tell her that Brother Cadfael is
here again, and that he comes from the abbey of Farewell, and asks to have some
talk with her. That she shuns visitors I believe. But I think she will not
refuse me.” She was not so bold that she dared take it
upon herself to deny him, though she went with a toss of her head and a
disdainful glance, and would have been glad to bring back a dismissive answer.
It was plain by the sour look on her face when she emerged from the solar that
she was denied that pleasure. “My lady bids you in,” she said coldly,
and opened the door wide for him to pass by her and enter the chamber. And no
doubt she hoped to linger and be privy to whatever passed, but favor did not
extend so far. “Leave us,” said the voice of Adelais de
Clary, from deep shadow under a shuttered window. “And close the door between.” She had no seemly woman’s occupation for
her hands this time, no pretense at embroidering or spinning, she merely sat in
her great chair in semidarkness, motionless, her hands spread along the arms
and gripping the carved lion heads in which they terminated. She did not move
as Cadfael came in, she was neither surprised nor disturbed. Her deep eyes
burned upon him without wonder and, he thought, without regret. It was almost
as though she had been waiting for him. “Where have you left Haluin?” she asked. “At the abbey of Farewell,” said Cadfael. She was silent for a moment, brooding upon
him with a still face and glowing eyes, with an intensity he felt as a
vibration upon the air, before ever his eyes had grown accustomed to the dim
light, and watched her lineaments grow gradually out of darkness, the chosen
darkness in which she had incarcerated herself. Then she said with harsh
deliberation, “I shall never see him again.” “No, you will never see him again. When
this is done, we are going home.” “But you,” she said, “yes, I have had it
in mind all this time that you would be back. Sooner or later, you would be
back. As well, perhaps! Things have gone far beyond my reckoning now. Well, say
what you have come to say. I would as lief be silent.” “That you cannot do,” said Cadfael. “It is
your story.” “Then be my chronicler. Tell it! Remind
me! Let me hear how it will sound in my confessor’s ears, if any priest takes
my confession ever again.” She stretched out one long hand suddenly, waving him
imperiously to a seat, but he remained standing where he could see her most
clearly, and she made no move to evade his eyes, and no concessions to the
fixity of his regard. Her beautiful, proud face was composed and mute,
admitting nothing, denying nothing. Only the burning of her dark eyes in their
deep settings was eloquent, and even that in a language he could not quite
translate. “You know all too well what you did, all
those years ago,” said Cadfael. “You executed a fearful punishment upon Haluin
for daring to love your daughter and getting her with child. You pursued him
even into the cloister where your enmity had driven him—all too soon, but the
young are quick to despair. You forced him to provide you with the means of
abortion, and you sent him word, afterward, that it had killed both mother and
child. That awful guilt you have visited upon him all these years, to be his
torment lifelong. Did you speak?” “No,” she said. “Go on! You have barely
begun.” “True, I have barely begun. That draught
of hyssop and fleur-de-lis that you got from him—it never was used. Its purpose
was only to poison him, it did no harm to any other. What did you do with it?
Pour it away into the ground? No, long before ever you demanded the herbs of
him, as soon as you had driven him out of your house, I daresay, you had
hustled Bertrade away here to Elford, and married her to Edric Vivers. It must
have been so certainly it was done in time to give her child, when it was born,
a credible if unlikely father. No doubt the old man prided himself on still
being potent enough to get a child. Why should anyone question the birth date,
since you had acted so quickly?” She had not stirred or flinched, her eyes
never left his face, admitting nothing, denying nothing. “Were you never afraid,” he asked, “that
someone, somehow, should let fall within reach even of the cloister that Bertrade
de Clary was wife to Edric Vivers, and not safely in her grave? That she had
borne her old husband a daughter? It needed only a chance traveler with a
gossiping tongue.” “There was no such risk,” she said simply.
“What contact was there ever between Shrewsbury and Hales? None, until he
suffered his fall and conceived his pilgrimage. Much less likely there should
ever be dealings with manors in another shire. There was no such risk.” “Well, let us continue. You took her away
and gave her to a husband. The child was born. So much mercy at least you had
on the girl—why none for him? Why such bitter and vindictive hate, that you
should conceive so terrible a revenge? Not for your daughter’s wrongs, no! Why
should he not have been considered a suitable match for her in the first place?
He came of good family, he was heir to a fine manor, if he had not taken the
cowl. What was it you held so much against him? You were a beautiful woman,
accustomed to admiration and homage. Your lord was in Palestine. And I well
remember Haluin as he first came to me, eighteen years old, not yet tonsured. I
saw him as you had been seeing him for some few years in your celibate
solitude—he was comely…” He let it rest there, for her long,
resolute tips had parted on deliberate affirmation at last. She had listened to
him unwaveringly, making no effort to halt him, and no complaint. Now she
responded. “Too comely!” she said. “I was not used to
being denied, I did not even know how to sue. And he was too innocent to read
me aright. How such children offend without offense! So if I could not have
him,” she said starkly, “she should not. No woman ever should, but not she of
all women.” It was said, she let it stand, adding
nothing in extenuation, and having said it, she sat contemplating it, seeing
again as in another woman what she could now no longer feel with the same
intensity, the longing and the anger. “There is more,” said Cadfael, “much more.
There is the matter of your woman Edgytha. Edgytha was the one trusted
confidante you needed, the one who knew the truth. It was she who was sent to
Vivers with Bertrade. Utterly loyal and devoted to you, she kept your secret
and abetted your revenge all these years. And you trusted in her to keep it
forever. So all was well for you, until Roscelin and Helisende grew up, and
came to love each other no longer as playmates, but as man and woman. Knowing
but forgetting that the world would hold such a love as poisoned, guilty,
forbidden by the church. When the secret became a barrier between them, where
no barrier need have been, when Roscelin was banished to Elford, and marriage
with de Perronet threatened a final separation, then Edgytha could bear it no
longer. She came running here in the night—not to Roscelin, but to you! To beg
you to tell the truth at last, or to give her leave to tell it for you.” “I have wondered,” said Adelais, “how she
knew that I was here within her reach.” “She knew because I told her. All
unwitting I sent her out that night to plead with you to lift the shadow from
two innocent children. By merest chance it was mentioned that here in Elford we
had spoken with you. I sent her running to you and to her death, as it was
Haluin who caused you to come here, in haste to ward him off from any dangerous
discovery. We have been the instruments of your undoing, who never wished you
anything but well. Now you had better consider what is left to you that can be
saved.” “Go on!” she said harshly. “You have not
finished yet.” “No, not yet. So Edgytha came to plead
with you to do right. And you refused her! You sent her running back to Vivers
in despair. And what befell her on the way you know.” She did not deny it. Her face was bleak
and set, but her eyes never wavered. “Would she have come out with the truth,
even against your prohibition? Neither you nor I will ever know the answer to
that. But someone equally loyal to you overheard enough to understand the
threat to you if she did. Someone feared her, followed and silenced her. Oh,
not you! You had other tools to use. But did you speak a word in their ears?” “No!” said Adelais. “That I never did!
Unless my face spoke for me. And if it did, it lied. I never would have harmed
her.” “I believe you. But there are those who
made certain she should never say a word that could harm you. Your lord’s men
once, yours now, yours to the heart, yours to the death, father and son alike.
Which of them was it followed her? Lothair or Luc? Either one of them would die
for you without question, and without question one of them has killed for you. And
they are gone from here. Yesterday, on some errand of yours, very early! Back
to Hales? No, I doubt that, it is not far enough. How distant is your son’s
remotest manor?” “You will not find them,” said Adelais
with certainty. “As for which of them did the thing I might have prevented, I
do not know, I want never to know. I stopped their mouths when they would have
spoken. To what end? That guilt, like all the rest, is mine alone, I will not
cede any scruple of it. Yes. I sent them away. They will not pay my debts for
me. Burying Edgytha with reverence is poor atonement. Confession, penance, even
absolution cannot restore a life.” “There is one amend that can still be
made,” said Cadfael. “Moreover, I think a price has been exacted from you, no
less than from Haluin, all these years. Do not forget that I saw your face when
he presented his ruined body before you. I heard your voice as you cried out to
him: ‘What have they done to you!’ All that you did to him you did also to
yourself, and once done, it could not be undone. Now you may be free of it, if
you choose to deliver yourself.” “Go on!” said Adelais, though she knew
well enough what was to come. He recognized it by the composure with which she
had borne herself throughout. Surely she had been waiting here in her half-lit
room for the finger of God to point. “Helisende is not Edric’s daughter, but
Haluin’s. There is not a drop of Vivers blood in her veins. There is nothing to
stand in the way if she wishes to marry Roscelin. Whether those two would do well
to marry, who knows? But at least the shadow of incestuous affection can and
must be lifted from them. The truth must come out, since it is out already at
Farewell. Haluin and Bertrade are there together, making their peace, making
each the other’s peace, and Helisende their child is with them, and the truth
is already out of its grave.” She knew, she had known ever since the old
woman’s death, that it must come to that at last, and if she had deliberately
averted her eyes and refused to acknowledge it, she could no longer do so. Nor
was she the woman to delegate a hard thing to others, once her mind was made
up, nor to do things by halves, whether for good or ill. He would not prompt her. He drew back from
her to leave her space and time, and stood apart, watching her disciplined
stillness, and measuring in his mind the bitter toll of eighteen years of
silence, of pitilessly contained hate and love. The first words he had heard
from her now, even at this extreme, had been of Haluin, and still he heard the
vibration of pain in her voice as she cried aloud: “What have they done to
you?” Adelais got up abruptly from her chair and
crossed with long, fierce steps to the window, to fling back the shutter and
let in air and light and cold. She stood for a while looking out at the quiet
court, and the pale sky dappled with little clouds, and the green gauze veiling
the branches of the trees beyond the enclave wall. When she turned to him again
he saw her face in full, clear light, and saw as in a dual vision both her
imperishable beauty and the dust time had cast upon it, the taut lines of her
long throat fallen slack, the grey of ashes in her coiled black hair, the lines
that had gathered about mouth and eyes, the net of fine veins marring cheeks
which had once been smooth ivory. And she was strong, she would not lightly
relinquish her hold of the world and go gently out of it. She would live long,
and rage against the relentless assault of old age until death at once defeated
and released her. By her very nature Adelais’s penance was assured. “No!” she said with abrupt, imperious
authority, as though he had advanced some suggestion with which she was in
absolute disagreement. “No, I want no advocate, there shall no man rid me of
any part of what is mine. What now needs to be told, I will tell. No other!
Whether it ever would have been told, if you had never come near me—you with
your hand forever at Haluin’s elbow, and your temperate eyes that I could never
read—do I know? Do you? That is of no account now. What is left to be done, I
will do.” “Command me to go,” said Cadfael, “and I
will go. You do not need me.” “Not as advocate, no. As witness, perhaps!
Why should you be cheated of the ending? Yes!” she said, glittering, “you shall
ride with me, and see it ended. I owe you a fulfillment as I owe God a death.” He rode with her, as she had decreed. Why
not? He had to return to Farewell, and by way of Vivers was as good a road as
any. And once she had resolved upon action there could be no delay and no
denial. She rode astride, booted and spurred like
a man, she who in the common progressions of her recent years had been content
to go decorously pillion behind a groom, as was fitting for a dame of her age
and dignity. She rode with the lordly confidence of a man, erect and easy in
the saddle, her bridle hand held low. And she rode fast but steadily, advancing
upon her losses as vigorously as upon her gains. Cadfael, riding at her side, could not but
wonder whether she still felt tempted to hold back some part of the truth, to
cover herself from the last betrayal. But the smoldering calm of her face spoke
against it. There was no evasion, no appeal, no excuse. What she had done she
had done, and would as starkly declare. And if she repented of it, only God
would ever know. Chapter Thirteen THEY RODE IN AT THE GATE of Vivers an hour
after noon. The gate stood open, and the turmoil within had subsided, there was
no more than the normal to-and-froing in the court. Evidently the abbess’s
messenger had been received and believed, and whether gladly or reluctantly,
Cenred had fallen in with Helisende’s wish to be let alone for a while in her
sanctuary. With one search abandoned, Audemar’s men would be free to pursue a
murderer. One they would never find! In the night and the snow, who could have
been abroad to witness that knife stroke in the woods, and put a name or a face
to the slayer? Even if there had been a witness, who in these parts, apart from
Audemar’s own household, would recognize a groom from distant Hales? Cenred’s steward was crossing the court
when Adelais reined in, and he came in haste, recognizing the mother of his
lord’s overlord, to help her down, but she was out of the saddle before he
could reach her. She let down her kilted skirts, and looked about her for any
of her son’s people. Cadfael had seen for himself that the hunters had not
returned to Elford, nor were they in evidence here. For a moment she frowned,
impatient at the prospect of having to wait and contain still all that she had
to say. Once resolved, it displeased her to be balked. She looked beyond the
steward’s deep reverence towards the hall. “Is your lord within?” “He is, madam. Will you be pleased to
enter?” “And my son?” “He, too, my lady. He came back only some
minutes since. His men are still out with ours, questioning in every house for
miles around.” “Waste of time!” she said, rather to
herself than to him, and shut her lips grimly on the reason. “Well, so much the
better! They are both here. No, you need not tell them I have come. That I’ll
do for myself. As for Brother Cadfael, this time he comes in attendance on me,
not as a guest.” Doubtful if the steward had even cast a
glance at the second rider until this moment, but he did so now, speculating,
Cadfael supposed, what had brought one Benedictine visitor back so soon, and in
particular without his companion. But there was no time for inquiry. Adelais
had set off vigorously towards the steps that led up to the hall, and Cadfael
followed dutifully, as if he were indeed her domestic chaplain, leaving the
steward staring after them in doubt and wonder. In the hall the midday meal was past, and
the servants busy clearing away the dishes and stacking the tables aside.
Adelais walked through them without a word or a glance, straight to the curtained
door of the inner chamber. A murmur of voices, dulled by the hangings, came
from within, Cenred’s deep tones distinguishable beneath the lighter, younger
voice of Jean de Perronet. The suitor had not withdrawn, but intended to wait
out his time doggedly if not patiently. Just as well, Cadfael reflected. He had
a right to know how formidable an obstacle was now placed in his way. Fair is
fair. De Perronet had done nothing dishonorable; fair dealing was his due. Adelais swept the curtain aside and flung open
the door. They were all there, in muted conference over a situation which left
them frustrated and helpless, trapped in inaction, since even the gesture of
sending out men to try and trace Edgytha’s murderer was by this time foredoomed
to be fruitless. Had any man in the region known anything, it would have been
told already. And if Audemar ever thought to number over his mother’s household
servants, and level a suspicious finger at the missing, she would stand
immovably between him and them. Wherever Lothair and Luc might now be, however
confounded and chastened by her revulsion from what they had mistakenly done
for her, she would not let the price be charged against them which she held to
be her debt. At the sound of the door opening they had
all turned their heads sharply to see who came in, for her entrance was too
abrupt and confident by far for any of the servants. Her gaze swept round the
circle of surprised faces, Audemar and Cenred at the table with wine before
them, Emma apart at her embroidery frame, but paying no attention to the work,
rather waiting with strung nerves for events to unfold in some more comfortable
form, and life to return to its level course. And the stranger—Cadfael saw that
Adelais could never before have set eyes on Jean de Perronet. On him her glance
halted, considering and identifying the bridegroom. Very faintly and briefly
her long lips contorted in a dour smile, before her eyes passed to Roscelin. The boy sat withdrawn into a corner where
he could hold all the assembled company in his eye, as if he contemplated
imminent battle, and sat prepared and armed, stiff and erect on the bench
against the tapestried wall, head reared and lips tightly set. He had accepted,
it seemed, however much against his will, Helisende’s wish to be left in peace
at Farewell, but he had not forgiven any of these conspirators who had planned
to match her in secret, and cheat him of even the perverse hope he had to
sustain him. His grievance against his parents extended by contagion to de
Perronet, even to Audemar de Clary, to whose house he had been banished to
remove the obstacle to their plans. How could he be sure Audemar had not been a
party to more than that banishment? A face by nature open, good-humored, and
bright now stared upon them all closed, suspicious and inimical. Adelais looked
at him longer than at any. Another youth too comely for his own good,
attracting unfortunate love as the flower draws the bee. The moment of blank surprise was over.
Cenred was on his feet in hospitable haste, advancing with hand outstretched to
take the visitor by the hand, and lead her to a seat at the table. “Madam, welcome to my house! You do me
honor!” And Audemar, less pleased, half frowning:
“Madam, what brings you here? And unattended!” It suited him better that a
mother of so formidable a character should exile herself to the distant manor
of Hales, and keep her own court there. Seeing them thus face-to-face, Cadfael
found a strong likeness between the two. Doubtless there was affection between
them, but once the son was grown it would be hard for these two to live
together in one household. “There was no need,” said Audemar, “for you to ride
over here, there is nothing you can do that is not already being done.” Adelais had let Cenred’s attentive hand
persuade her into the center of the room, but there she resisted further
movement and stood to be seen clearly and alone, with an authoritative gesture
freeing her hand. “Yes,” she said, “there is need,” and
again cast a long glance round all the watching faces. “And I am not
unattended. Brother Cadfael is my escort. He comes from the abbey of Farewell,
and will be returning there when he leaves us.” She looked from one young man
to the other, from the favored bridegroom to the frustrated lover, both of them
eyeing her warily, conscious of impending revelations, but unable to hazard at
what might be coming. “I am glad,” said Adelais, “to find you
all assembled thus. I have that to say that I will say only once.” It could never have been a problem for
her, thought Cadfael, watching, to hold the attention of everyone about her,
wherever she went. In every room she entered she was at once the focal point,
the dominant in every company. Now they were silent every one, waiting on her
word. “As I have heard, Cenred,” she said, “you
intended, two days ago, to marry your sister—your half sister, I should say—to
this young gentleman. For reason enough, the church and the world would agree,
seeing she had become all too dear to your son Roscelin, and he to her, and a marriage
that would take her far away removed also the shadow of such an unholy
attachment from your house and from your heir. Pardon me if I use too plain
words, it’s late for any others. No blame to you, knowing only what you knew.” “What more was there to know?” said
Cenred, bewildered. “Plain words will do very well. They are close blood kin,
as you know well! Would not you have taken the same measures to ward off such
an evil from your grandchild, as I intended from my sister? She is as close a
charge to me as my own son, and as dear. She is your grandchild. I well
remember my father’s second marriage. I recall the day you brought the bride
here, and my father’s pride in the child she bore him. Since he is long gone, I
owe Helisende a father’s care no less than a brother’s. Certainly I sought to
protect both her and my son. I still desire the same. This is but a check on
the way. Messire de Perronet has not withdrawn his suit, nor I my sanction.” Audemar had risen from his place, and
stood eyeing his mother with close-drawn brows and an unrevealing face. “What
more is there to know?” he said levelly, and for all his voice was equable and
low, there was doubt and displeasure in it, and a woman of less implacable will
might have found it menacing. She stared back at him eye-to-eye, and was
unmoved. “This! That you trouble needless. There is
no barrier, Cenred, between your son and Helisende but the barrier you have
conjured up. There is no peril of incest if they were wedded and bedded this
very night. Helisende is not your sister, Cenred, she is not your father’s
daughter. There is no drop of Vivers blood in her veins.” “But this is foolishness!” protested
Cenred, shaking his head over so incredible a claim. “All this household has
known the child from birth. What you say is impossible. Why bring forth such a
story when all my people can bear witness she was born to my father’s lawful
wife, in their marriage bed, here in my house.” “And conceived in mine,” said Adelais. “I
can’t wonder if none of you thought to count the days, I had lost no time. My
daughter was already with child when I brought her here to her marriage.” Then they were all on their feet, all but
Emma, shrinking appalled behind her embroidery frame, shaken by the outcries of
anger and disbelief that clashed about her like contrary winds. Cenred was
stricken breathless, but de Perronet was clamoring that this was false, and the
lady out of her wits, and Roscelin had sprung to confront him, glittering, half
incoherent, swinging about from his rival to Adelais, pleading, demanding, that
what she said be truth. Until Audemar pounded the table thunderously with his
fist, and raised an imperious voice over all to demand silence. And throughout,
Adelais stood erect and unmoving as stone, and let the outcries whirl about her
unacknowledged. And then there was silence, no more
exclaiming, not a sound, hardly a breath, while they stared upon her intently
and long, as if the truth or falsity of what she said might be read in her face
if a man held still and unblinking long enough. “Do you fully know, madam, what you are
saying?” asked Audemar, his voice now measured and low. “Excellently well, my son! I know what I
am saying, I know it is truth. I know what I have done, I know it was foully
done. It needs none of you to say it, I say it. But I did it, and neither you
nor I can undo it. Yes, I deceived the lord Edric, yes, I compelled my
daughter, yes, I planted a bastard child in this house. Or, if you choose, I
took measures to protect my daughter’s good name and estate and ensure her
honorable status, as Cenred wills to do for a sister. Did Edric ever regret his
bargain? I think not. Did he get joy out of his supposed child? Surely he did.
All these years I have let well or ill alone, but now God has disposed
otherwise, and I am not sorry.” “If this is truth,” said Cenred, drawing
deep breath, “Edgytha knew of it. She came here with Bertrade, if you are
telling truth now, so late, then she must have known.” “She did know,” said Adelais. “And sorry
the day I refused her when she begged me to tell the truth earlier, and sorrier
still this day when she cannot stand here and bear me witness. But here is one
who can. Brother Cadfael is come from the abbey of Farewell, where Helisende
now is, and her mother is there with her. And by strange chance,” she said, “so
is her father. There is nowhere now to hide from the truth, I declare it in my
own despite.” “You have hidden from it long enough,
madam, it seems,” said Audemar grimly. “So I have, and make no virtue of revealing
it now, when it is already out of its grave.” There was a brief, profound silence before
Cenred asked slowly, “You say he is there now—her father? There at Farewell
with them both?” “From me,” she said, “it can only be
hearsay. Brother Cadfael will answer you.” “I have seen them there, all three,” said
Cadfael. “It is truth.” “Then who is he?” demanded Audemar. “Who
is her father?” Adelais took up her story, never lowering
her eyes. “He was once a young clerk in my household, of good birth, only a year
older than my daughter. He desired to be accepted as a suitor for her hand. I
refused him. They took measures to force my hand. No, perhaps I do them both
wrong. What they did may not have been calculated, but done in desperation, for
she was as lost in love as he. I dismissed him from my service, and brought her
away here in haste, to a match the lord Edric had mooted a year or more
earlier. And I lied, telling the lover that she was dead. Very blackly I lied
to him, saying both Bertrade and her child had died, when we tried to rid her
of her burden. He never knew until now that he had a daughter.” “Then how comes it,” demanded Cenred,
“that he has found her out now, and in so unlikely a place? This whole wild
story comes so strangely, thus out of nowhere, I cannot believe in it.” “You had better come to terms with it,”
she said, “for neither you nor I can escape the truth or amend it. He has found
her by the merciful dispensation of God. What more do you need?” Cenred swung upon Cadfael in irritated
appeal. “Brother, as you have been my guest in this house, tell what you know
of this matter. After so many years, is this indeed a true tale? And how came
these three to meet again now, at the end of all?” “It is a true tale,” said Cadfael. “And
truly they have met, by now they will have talked together. He has found them
both because, believing his love dead, and having touched hands with his own
death a few months ago, and been spared, he turned his thoughts to mortality,
and determined at least, since he could never see her again in this world, to
make a pilgrimage to her grave and pray for her peace in the next. And not
finding her at Hales, where he supposed she must be, he came here, my lord, to
your manor of Elford, where those of your line are buried. Now, on the way home
again, by the grace of God we asked lodging last night at the abbey of
Farewell. There the lady who was your sister is presently serving as
instructress to the novices of the bishop’s new foundation. And there Helisende
fled for sanctuary from too painful stresses. So they are all under one roof at
last.” After a moment of silence Audemar said
softly, “‘We asked lodging last night at the abbey of Farewell’—you have said
almost enough, yet add one thing more—name him!” “He entered the cloister long ago. He is a
brother with me in the abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury. You
have seen him, my lord, that same brother who came to Elford with me, on
crutches every step of the way. Monk and priest, the same, my lord Cenred, whom
you asked to marry Helisende to the man you had chosen for her. His name is
Haluin.” Now they had all begun dazedly to believe
what they could not yet fully grasp in all its implications. With glazed
glances they stared within at the slow realization of what this must mean to
them. To Roscelin, quivering and glowing like a newly lighted torch, the sudden
dizzy lightness and liberty of guilt and grief lifted from him, the very air of
the day intoxicating as wine, the world expanded into a vast brightness of hope
and joy that dazzled his eyes and muted his tongue. To de Perronet, the
stinging challenge of finding himself faced with a formidable rival where he
had looked for no conflict, and the instinctive stiffening of his pride and
determination to fight for the threatened prize with all his might. To Cenred
the overturning of all his family memories, a father made to seem belittled,
even senile, by his fond acceptance of such a deception, a sister abruptly
withdrawn into a stranger, an interloper without rights in his house. To Emma,
silent and fearful in her corner, the grief of an offense against her lord, and
the loss of one she had looked upon almost as her own daughter. “So she is no sister of mine,” said Cenred
heavily, rather to himself than to any other, and as quickly repeated it with
sudden anger to them all: “She is no sister of mine!” “None,” said Adelais. “But until now she
believed herself so. It is not her fault, never cast blame on her.” “She is no kin to me. I owe her nothing,
neither dowry nor lands. She has no claim on me.” He said it bitterly rather
than vengefully, lamenting the abrupt severance of a strong affection. “None. But she is kin to me,” said
Adelais. “Her mother’s dower lands went to Polesworth when she took the veil,
but Helisende is my granddaughter and my heiress. The lands I hold in my own
right will go to her. She will not be penniless.” She looked at de Perronet as
she spoke, and smiled, but wryly. No need to make the lovers’ path too smooth
by rendering the girl less profitable, and therefore less attractive in the
rival’s eyes. “Madam, you mistake me.” said Cenred with
muted fury. “This house has been her home, she will still think of it as home.
Where else is there for her? It is we here who are suddenly cut off, like topped
limbs. Her father and mother, both, are in the cloister, and what guidance,
what care has she ever had from you? Kin to us or not, she belongs here at
Vivers.” “But nothing prevents now,” cried Roscelin
triumphantly. “I may approach her, I may lawfully ask for her, there is no
barrier now. We’ve done no wrong, there’s no shadow over us, no ban between us.
I’ll go and bring her home. She’ll come, blithely she’ll come! I knew,” he
exulted, his blue eyes brilliant with vindicated joy, “I knew we did no wrong
in loving, never, never! It was you persuaded me I sinned. Sir, let me go and
fetch her home!” At that de Perronet took fire in his turn,
with a hiss like a sulphur match flaring, and took two rapid strides forward to
confront the boy. “You leap too soon and too far, my friend! Your rights are no
better than mine. I do not withdraw my suit, I urge it, I will pursue it with
my might.” “And so you may,” exulted Roscelin, too
drunk with relief and delight to be ungenerous or take easy offense. “I don’t
grudge any man his say, but on fair terms now, you and I and any who come, and
we shall see what Helisende replies.” But he knew what her reply would be, his
very certainty was offense, though it meant none, and de Perronet had his hand
on his dagger and hotter words mounting in his throat when Audemar smote the
table and bellowed them both into silence. “Hush your noise! Am I overlord here, or
no? The girl is not without kin, for she is niece to me. If there is anyone
here who has rights in her and a duty towards her—any who has not farmed out
both upon another man long since!—it is I, and I say that if Cenred so wishes,
then I place her here in his fosterage, with all the rights he has exercised as
her kinsman all these years. And in the matter of her marriage both he and I
will take good care what is best for her, but never against her will. But now,
let her be! She has asked for time untroubled, and she shall have it. When she
is ready to return, I will fetch her home.” “Content,” said Cenred, breathing deeply.
“I am content! I could ask no better.” “And, Brother…” Audemar turned to Cadfael.
He had the entire issue in his hands now, over all matters here his writ ran,
and what he ordained would be done. The least damage was his design, as his
mother’s had been the ultimate destruction. “Brother, if you are going back to
Farewell, tell them there what I have said. What’s done is done, all that waits
to be done shall be in daylight, openly. Roscelin,” he ordered sharply, turning
on the boy restless and glittering with the joy of his release, “have the
horses readied, we ride for Elford. You are still in my service until I please
to dismiss you, and I have not forgotten that you went forth without leave. Let
me have no further cause for displeasure.” But his voice was dry, and neither words
nor look cast the least shadow upon Roscelin’s exultant brightness. He bent his
knee in the briefest of reverences by way of acknowledging the order, and went
blithely to do his lord’s bidding. The wind of his flight swung the curtain at
the door, and sent a current of outer air floating across the chamber like a
sigh. Audemar looked last and longest at
Adelais, who stood with eyes steady and dark upon his face, waiting his
judgment. “Madam, you will ride back with me to
Elford. You have done what you came here to do.” Nevertheless, it was Cadfael who got to
horse first. No one was any longer in need of him here, and whatever natural
curiosity he might feel concerning the family adjustments still to be made, and
perhaps less easily accomplished than decreed, must be forever contained, since
he was unlikely to pass this way again. He reclaimed his horse without haste,
and mounted, and was ambling towards the gate when Roscelin broke away from the
grooms who were busy saddling Audemar’s horses, and came running to his
stirrup. “Brother Cadfael…”He was lost for a moment
for words, since his wonder and happiness were beyond words, and shook his head
and laughed over his own incoherence. “Tell her! Tell her we’re free, we need
not change, there’s no one can blacken us now…” “Son,” said Cadfael heartily, “by this she
knows it as well as you.” “And tell her soon, very soon, I shall
come for her. Oh, yes, I know,” he said confidently, seeing Cadfael’s raised
brows, “but it’s me he’ll send. I know him! He’d rather a kinsman he knows and
can rely on, his own man, with lands bordering his own, than any lordling from
distant parts. And my father won’t stand between us now. Why should he, when it
solves everything? What’s changed, except what needed changing?” And there was something in that, Cadfael
reflected, looking down from the saddle into the young, ardent face. What was
changed was the replacement of falsity by truth, and however hard the
assimilation might be, it must be for the better. Truth can be costly, but in
the end it never falls short of value for the price paid. “And tell him,” said Roscelin earnestly,
“the lame brother… her father…” His voice hung on the word with, wonder and
awe. “Tell him I’m glad, say I owe him more than ever can be repaid. And tell
him he need never fret for her happiness, for I’ll give my life to it.” Chapter Fourteen AT ABOUT THE SAME TIME that Cadfael
dismounted in the court of Farewell, Adelais de Clary sat with her son in his
private chamber at Elford. There had been a long and heavy silence between
them. The afternoon was drawing to its close, the light dimming, and he had
sent for no candles. “There is a matter,” he said at length,
stirring out of his moume stillness, “which has hardly been touched on yet. It
was to you, madam, that the old woman came. And you sent her away with a short
answer. To her death! Was that at your orders?” Without passion she said, “No.” “I will not ask what you know of it. To
what end? She is dead. But I do not like your manner of dealing, and I choose
to have no more ado with it. Tomorrow, madam, you shall return to Hales. Hales
you may have for your hermitage. But do not come back to this house, ever, for
you will not be admitted. The doors of every manor of mine except Hales are
henceforth closed to you.” Indifferently she said, “As you will, it
is all one to me. I need only a little space, and may not need it long. Hales
will do very well.” “Then, madam, take your leave when you
will. You shall have a safe escort on the road, seeing,” he said with bitter
meaning, “that you have parted with your own grooms. And a litter, if you
prefer to hide your face. Let it not be said that I left you to travel
defenseless, like an old woman venturing out alone by night.” Adelais rose from her stool and went out
from him without a word. In the hall the servants had begun to
kindle the first torches and set them in their sconces, but in every corner,
and in the smoky beams of the lofty roof, darkness gathered and clung, draped
cobwebs of shadow. Roscelin was standing over the central
fire on its flagged hearth, driving the heel of his boot into it to tease it
into life after the damped-down hours of the day. He still had Audemar’s cloak
over his arm, the capuchon dangling from one hand, The light from the reviving
flames gilded his stooping face into gold, smooth-cheeked, with elegant bones
and a brow as fair as a girl’s, and on his dreaming lips the softest and most
beguiling of smiles bore witness to his deep happiness. His flaxen hair swung against
his cheek, and parted above the suave nape of his neck, the most revealing
beauty of the young. For a moment she stood apart in the shadows to watch him,
herself unnoticed, for the pleasure and the pain of experiencing again the
irresistible attraction, the unbearable bliss and anguish of beholding beauty
and youth pass by and depart. Too sharp and sweet a reminder of things ended
long ago, and for years believed forgotten, only to burn up into new life, like
the phoenix, when a door opened, and confronted her with the ruin the years had
left of the beloved being. She passed by silently, so that he should
not hear, and turn upon her the too radiant, too exultant blue eyes. The dark
eyes that she remembered, deeply and delicately set beneath arched black brows,
had never looked so, never for her. Always dutiful, always wary, often lowered
in her presence. Adelais went out into the chill of the
evening, and turned towards her own apartments. Well, it was over. The fire was
ashes. She would never see him again. “Yes, I have seen her,” said Brother
Haluin. “Yes, I have spoken with her. I have touched her hand, it is warm
flesh, woman’s flesh, no illusion. The portress brought me into her presence
all unprepared, I could neither speak nor move. She had been so long dead to
me. Even that glimpse I had of her in the garth among the birds… Afterward,
when you were gone, I could not be sure I had not dreamed it. But to touch her,
to have her call me by my name… And she was glad… “Her case was not as mine, though God
knows I would not say her burden has been any lighter. But she knew I was man
alive, she knew where I was, and what I was, and for her there was no guilt,
she had done no wrong but in loving me. And she could speak. Such words she
offered me, Cadfael! ‘Here is one,’ she said, ‘who has already embraced you,
with good right. Now with good right embrace her. She is your daughter.’ Can
you conceive such a miracle? Giving the child to me by the hand, she said it.
Helisende, my daughter—not dead! Alive and young and kind and fresh as a
flower. And I thought I had destroyed her, destroyed them both! Of her own
sweet will the child kissed me. Even if it was only from pity—it must have been
pity, how could she love one she never knew?—but even if it was only from pity,
it was a gift beyond gold. “And she will be happy. She can love as it
best pleases her, and marry where her heart is. Once she called me, ‘Father,’
but I think it was as a priest, as first she knew me. Even so it was good to
hear and will be sweet to remember. “This hour we three have had together
repays all the eighteen years, even though there was so little said between us.
The heart could hold no more. She is gone to her duties now, Bertrade. So must
I to mine, soon… very soon… tomorrow…” Cadfael had sat silent through the long,
stumbling, eloquent monologue of his friend’s revelation, broken by long pauses
in which Haluin was rapt away again into a trance of wonder. Not one word of
the abominable thing that had been done to him, wantonly, cruelly, that was
washed clean away out of the mind by the joy of its undoing, without a
lingering thought of blame or forgiveness. And that was the last and most
ironic judgment on Adelais de Clary. “Shall we go to Vespers?” said Cadfael.
“The bell has gone, they’ll all be in their places by now, we can creep in
unnoticed.” From their chosen dim corner in the church
Cadfael scanned the young, clear faces of the sisters, and lingered long upon
Sister Benedicta, who had once been Bertrade de Clary. Beside him Haluin’s low,
happy voice intoned the responses and prayers, but what Cadfael was hearing in
his own mind was the same voice bleeding words slowly and haltingly, in the
darkness of the forester’s hayloft, before dawn. There in her stall, serene,
fulfilled, and content, stood the woman he had tried to describe. “She was not
beautiful, as her mother was. She had not that dark radiance, but something
more kindly. There was nothing dark or secret in her, but everything open and
sunlit, like a flower. She was not afraid of anything—not then. She trusted
everyone. She had never been betrayed—not then. Only once, and she died of it.” But no, she had not died. And certainly at
this moment, devout and dutiful, there was nothing dark or secret in her. The
oval face shone serene, as she celebrated with joy the mercy of God, after
years. Without any lingering regret; her contentment was without blemish. The
vocation she had undertaken unblessed, and labored at against the grain,
perhaps, all these years, surely reached its true wholeness only now, in the
revelation of grace. She would not have turned back now even for that first
love. There was no need. There are seasons of love. Theirs had passed beyond
the storms of spring and the heat of summer into the golden calm of the first
autumn days, before the leaves begin to fall. Bertrade de Clary looked as
Brother Haluin looked, confirmed and invulnerable in the peace of the spirit.
Henceforth presence was unnecessary, and passion irrelevant. They were eased of
the past, and both of them had work to do for the future, all the more eagerly
and thoroughly for knowing, each of them, that the other lived and labored in
the same vineyard. In the morning, after Prime, their
farewells made, they set out on the long journey home. The sisters were in chapter when Cadfael
and Haluin took scrip and crutches and went out from the guest hall, but the
girl Helisende went with them to the gate. It seemed to Cadfael that all these
faces about him had been washed clear of every shadow and every doubt; they had
all of them that stunned brightness, astonished by the good that had befallen
them. Now it could be seen more clearly how like were father and daughter, so
many of the marks of the years having been smoothed from Haluin’s face. Helisende embraced him without words at
parting, fervent but shy. However they had spent the previous day, whatever
confidences had been exchanged, she could not so quickly know him of her own
knowledge, only through her mother’s eyes, but she knew of him that he was gentle
and of pleasing person and address, and that his eruption into her life had
freed her from a nightmare of guilt and loss, and she would always remember and
think of him so, with pleasure and gratitude not so far distant from love.
Profit enough, even if he never saw her again. “God keep you, Father!” said Helisende. It was the first and the last time that
she gave him that title not as a priest but as a man, but it was a gift that
would last him a lifetime. They halted for the night at Hargedon,
where the canons of Hampton had a grange, in a countryside slowly being
recovered out of the waste that had followed the Norman settlement. Only now,
after sixty years, was ploughland being resurrected out of the scrub, and an
occasional hamlet being raised where tracks crossed, or rivers provided water
for a mill. The comparative security offered by the presence of the canons’
steward and servants had drawn others to settle close by, and there were now
assarts being hewn out of the neglected woods by enterprising younger sons. But
still it was sparsely populated territory, level, lonely, and in the evening
light melancholy. Yet with every labored step taken westward across this
mournful plain Brother Haluin’s brightness increased, his pace quickened, and
his color flushed into eagerness. From the narrow unshuttered window in the
loft he looked out westward into a night full of stars. Nearer to Shrewsbury,
where the hills began to heave their fleeces towards the mountains of Wales,
earth and sky balanced in harmony, but here the vault above looked immense, and
the earth of men suppressed and shadowy. The brilliance of the stars, the
blackness of the space between, spoke of a touch of frost in the air, but
promised a fine day for the morrow. “And you never feel,” said Cadfael
quietly, “any desire to look back over your shoulder?” “No,” said Haluin tranquilly. “No need.
There behind me all is well. All is very well. There is nothing now for me to
do there, everything where I am bound. We are sister and brother now. We ask nothing
more, we want nothing more. Now I can bring a whole heart to God. I’m glad
beyond measure that he cast me down, to raise me renewed to his service.” There was a long, untroubled silence,
while he continued to stare out into the clear night with a kind of bright
hunger in his face. “I left a leaf half finished when we set out for Hales,” he
said meditatively. “I thought to be back to complete it long before this. I
hope Anselm has not given it to someone else. It was a capital N for the Nunc
Dimittis, still wanting half of the colors.” “It will be waiting for you,” Cadfael
assured him. “Aelfric is good, but he doesn’t know my
intent, he might overdo the gold.” His voice was soft and practical and young. “Leave fretting,” said Cadfael. “Possess
your soul three days more in patience, and you’ll have brush and pen in hand
again, and get back to work. And so must I to my herbs, for the medicine
cupboards will be running low by this time. Lie down, lad, and get your rest.
There are more miles waiting for you tomorrow.” A soft wind from the west blew in through
the open window, and Haluin lifted his head and sniffed the air like a
high-bred horse scenting his stable. “How good it is,” he said, “to be going
home!” About
the Author ELLIS PETERS is
the nom-de-crime of English novelist Edith Pargeter, author of scores of
books under her own name. She is the recipient of the Silver Dagger Award,
conferred by the Crime Writers Association in Britain, as well as the coveted
Edgar, awarded by the Mystery Writers of America. Miss Pargeter is also well
known as a translator of poetry and prose from the Czech and has been awarded
the Gold Medal and Ribbon of the Czechoslovak Society for Foreign Relations for
her services to Czech literature. She passed away in 1995, at the age of 82, at
home in her beloved Shropshire. The Confession of
Brother Haluin Winter arrived early in 1142, bringing with it a heavy snowfall.
The safety of the guest-hall roof at the Benedictine Abbey of St. Peter and St.
Paul comes into jeopardy, and the brothers are called upon to effect repairs.
But the icy and treacherous conditions are to prove near fatal for Brother
Haluin. He slips from the roof and crashes to the ground, sustaining terrible
injuries—grave enough for him to want to make his deathbed confession. The
confession is heard by the Abbot and Brother Cadfael, a wicked story of
trespasses hard for God or man to forgive. But Haluin does not die. On his
recovery, he determines to make a journey of expiation, with Cadfael as his
sole companion. It is an arduous journey, physically and emotionally, and one
that leads to shocking discoveries of young lovers thwarted, of deceit and
betrayal, of bitter revenge, and of murder. The Confession of Brother Haluin The Fifteenth Chronicle of Brother
Cadfael, of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury By Ellis PetersChapter One THE WORST OF THE WINTER CAME EARLY, that
year of 1142. After the prolonged autumn of mild, moist, elegiac days, December
came in with heavy skies and dark, brief days that sagged upon the rooftrees
and lay like oppressive hands upon the heart. In the scriptorium there was
barely light enough at noon to form the letters, and the colors could not be
used with any certainty, since the unrelenting and untimely dusk sapped all
their brightness. The weather-wise had predicted heavy snows, and in midmonth
they came, not with blizzard winds, but in a blinding, silent fall that
continued for several days and nights, smoothing out every undulation,
blanching all color out of the world, burying the sheep in the hills and the
hovels in the valleys, smothering all sound, climbing every wall, turning roofs
into ranges of white, impassable mountains, and the very air between earth and
sky into an opaque, drifting whirlpool of flakes large as lilies. When the fall
finally ceased, and the heavy swags of cloud lifted, the Foregate lay half
buried, so nearly smoothed out into one white level that there were scarcely
any shadows except where the tall buildings of the abbey soared out of the pure
pallor, and the eerie, reflected light made day even of night, where only a
week before the ominous gloom had made night of day. These December snows, which covered most
of the west, did more than disrupt the lives of country people, starve some
isolated hamlets, bury not a few hill shepherds with their flocks, and freeze
all travel into enforced stillness; they overturned the fortunes of war, made
sport of the preoccupations of princes, and sent history spinning off-course
into the new year of 1143. They also brought about a strange cycle of
events in the abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury. In the five years that King Stephen and
his cousin, the Empress Maud, had fought for the throne of England, fortune had
swung between them like a pendulum many times, presenting the cup of victory to
each in erratic turn, only to snatch it away again untasted, and offer it
tantalizingly to the other contender. Now, in the white disguise of winter, it
chose to turn probability topsy-turvy once again, and deliver the empress out of
the king’s mailed hands as by a miracle, just as his fist seemed closing
securely on his prisoner, and his warfare triumphantly ending. Back to the
beginning of the five-year struggle, and all to do again. But that was in
Oxford, far away beyond the impassable snows, and some time would elapse before
the news reached Shrewsbury. What was happening in the abbey of Saint
Peter and Saint Paul was no more than a small annoyance by comparison, or
seemed so at first. An envoy from the bishop, lodged in one of the upper
chambers of the guest hall, and already irritated and displeased at being
halted here perforce until the roads were passable again, was unpleasantly
awakened in the night by the sudden descent of a stream of icy water onto his
head, and made very sure that everyone within range of his powerful voice
should hear of it without delay. Brother Denis the hospitaler made haste to
placate him, and move him to a dry bed elsewhere, but within the hour it became
clear that while the first drenching soon slackened, a steady drip continued,
and was soon joined by half a dozen more, spanning a circle some yards across.
The great weight of snow on the southern roof of the guest hall had somehow
worked a passage through the lead and filtered in between the slates, perhaps
even caved in a number of them. Pockets of the driven snow had felt the
comparative warmth within, and with the mute malice of inanimate things had
chosen to baptize the bishop’s emissary. And the leak was rapidly getting
worse. There was urgent conference at chapter
that morning over what should and could be done. Perilous and unpleasant work
on roofs was certainly to be avoided if possible during such weather, but on
the other hand, if repairs were delayed until the thaw came, they were in for a
flood, and the damage, limited at this point, might be greatly aggravated. There were several among the brothers who
had worked on the building of additions to the enclave, barns and stabling and
storehouses, and Brother Conradin, who was still in his fifties and robust as a
bull, had been one of the first child oblates, and worked as a boy under the
monks of Seez, brought over by the founding earl to supervise the building of
his abbey. Where the fabric was concerned, Brother Conradin’s advice carried the
greatest weight, and having viewed the extent of the leak in the guest hall, he
stated firmly that they could not afford to wait, or they might have to replace
half the southern slope of the roof. They had timber, they had slates, they had
lead. That southern slope overhung the drainage channel drawn off from the mill
leat, frozen hard at present, but there would be no great difficulty in raising
a scaffolding. True, it would be bitterly cold work up there, shifting the
mountain of snow first, to ease away the deforming weight, and then replacing
broken or displaced slates and repairing the lead flashings. But if they worked
in short spells, and were allowed a fire in the warming room all day as long as
the work lasted, the job could be done. Abbot Radulfus listened, nodded his
formidable head with his usual prompt comprehension and decision, and said,
“Very well, do it!” As soon as the long snowfall ceased, and
the skies lifted, the tough inhabitants of the Foregate sallied forth from
their houses, well muffled and armed with shovels and brooms and long-handled
rakes, and began to clear their way out to the highroad, and between them dig
out a passage to the bridge and the town, where no doubt the stout burgesses
within the walls were tackling the same seasonal enemy. The frost still held,
and day by day fretted away mysteriously into the air the surface fringes of
every drift, by infinitely slow degrees lessening the load. By the time a few
of the main highways were again passable, and a few travelers, either foolhardy
or having no choice, were laboriously riding them, Brother Conradin had his
scaffolding up, his ladders securely braced up the slope of the roof, and all
hands taking their turn aloft in the withering cold, cautiously shifting the
great burden of snow, to get at the fractured lead and broken slates. A moraine
of crumpled, untidy snow hills formed along the frozen drainage channel, and
one unwary brother, who had failed to hear or heed the warning shout from
above, was briefly buried by a minor avalanche, and had to be dug out hurriedly
and dispatched to the warming room to thaw out. By then the way was open between town and
Foregate, and news, however hampered and slow its passage, could be carried
from Winchester even to Shrewsbury in time to reach the castle garrison and the
sheriff of the shire some days before Christmas. Hugh Beringar came down from the town
hotfoot to share it with Abbot Radulfus. In a country debilitated by five years
of desultory civil war it behooved state and church to work closely together,
and where sheriff and abbot were of like mind they could secure for their
people a comparatively calm and orderly existence, and fend off the worst
excesses of the times. Hugh was King Stephen’s man, and held the shire for him
loyally enough, but with even greater goodwill he held it for the folk who
lived in it. He would welcome, and this autumn and winter had certainly been
expecting, the king’s triumph at last, but his chief preoccupation was to hand
over to his lord a county relatively prosperous, contented, and intact when the
last battle was over. He came looking for Brother Cadfael as
soon as he had left the abbot’s lodging, and found his friend busy stirring a
bubbling pot over his brazier, in his workshop in the herb garden. The inevitable
coughs and colds of winter, the chilblained hands and heels, kept him busy
replenishing the medicine cupboard in the infirmary, and thanks to the
necessary brazier his timber workshop was somewhat warmer to work in than the
carrels of the scriptorium. Hugh came bursting in upon him in a gust
of cold air and a wave of what was for him perceptible excitement, though its
outward signs would have escaped anyone who knew him less well than Cadfael
did. Only the crisp exasperation of his movements and the abruptness of his
greeting caused Cadfael to cease his stirring and fix attentively on the young
sheriff’s face, the pointed brilliance of his black eyes and the little pulse
in his cheek. “It’s all overturned!” said Hugh. “All to
do again from the beginning!” And whatever that meant, and Cadfael did not
trouble to ask, since he was certainly about to be told, there was no saying
whether exasperation and frustration were not outmatched in Hugh’s voice and
face by amused relief. He flung himself down on the bench against the timber
wall, and dangled his hands between his knees in a gesture of helpless
resignation. “A courier got through from the south this
morning,” he said, raising his eyes to his friend’s attentive face. “She’s
gone! Out of the trap, and fled away to join her brother at Wallingford. The
king’s lost his prize. Even when he has her between his hands he lets her slip
through his fingers. I wonder, I wonder,” said Hugh, opening his eyes wide at a
new thought, “whether he did not turn a blind eye and let her go, when it came
to the point! It would be like him. God knows he wanted her badly enough, but
he may have taken fright when it came to puzzling what he could do with her
when he had her. It’s one question I’d love to ask him—but never shall!” he
concluded with an oblique grin. “Are you telling me,” asked Cadfael
cautiously, eyeing him across the brazier, “that the empress is escaped out of
Oxford, after all? With the king’s army all round her, and stores down to
starvation level in the castle, from what we last heard? And how did even she
contrive it? Tell me next she’s grown wings and flown over the king’s lines to
Wallingford! She could hardly walk through his siege vallations on foot, even
if she managed to get out of the castle unseen.” “Ah, but she did, Cadfael! She did both!
She got out of the castle unseen, and passed through some part at least of
Stephen’s lines. To the best they can guess, she must have been let down by a
rope from the rear of the tower towards the river, she and two or three of her
men with her. There could not have been more. They muffled themselves all in
white to be invisible against the snow. Indeed by all accounts it was snowing
then, to hide them the better. They crossed the river on the ice, and walked
the six miles or so to Abingdon, for it was there they got horses to take them
on to Wallingford. Give her her due, Cadfael, this is a rare woman. From all
accounts there’s no living with her when she’s in high feather, but by God I
can see how a man could follow her when she’s down.” “So she’s back with FitzCount, after all,”
said Cadfael on a long, marveling breath. Barely a month ago it had seemed
certain that the empress and her most faithful and devoted ally were
irrevocably cut off from each other, and might never meet again in this world.
Ever since September the lady had been under close siege in Oxford castle, the
king’s armies drawn tightly round her, the town in his hands, and he content to
sit back and starve out her battered garrison. And now, all in one bold bid and
one snowy night, she was out of her chains, free to remuster her forces and
take up the fight again on equal terms. Surely there never had been such a king
as Stephen for conjuring defeat out of victory. But it was a quality they
shared, perhaps native to their blood, for the empress, too, when she was
gloriously installed in Westminster, and her coronation but a few days away,
had borne herself so arrogantly and harshly towards the obstinate burgesses of
her capital that they had risen in fury and driven her out. It seemed that as
often as either of them got within touch of the crown, fortune took fright at
the prospect of being in the service of either, and hurriedly snatched the
prize away. “So after all,” said Cadfael more placidly
as he lifted his bubbling pot to the grid at the side of the brazier, to simmer
in peace, “at least Stephen has got rid of his problem. He need worry no longer
what to do with her.” “True,” agreed Hugh wryly, “he’d never
have had the iron in him to put her in chains, as she did to him when she had
him prisoner after Lincoln, and she’s proved it would take more than stone
walls to hold her. I fancy he’s been bunking the issue all these months,
looking no further than the moment when he would force her surrender. He’s
eased of all the troubles that would have been no more than beginning the day
he made her prisoner. Better, perhaps, if he could winnow away her hopes so far
that she’d be forced to go back to Normandy. But we’ve come to know the lady
better,” he acknowledged ruefully. “She never gives up.” “And how has King Stephen stomached his
loss?” asked Cadfael curiously. “As I’ve come to expect of him by this
time,” said Hugh, with resigned affection. “As soon as the lady was well out of
it, Oxford castle surrendered to him. Without her, he’d lost interest in the
rest of the starved rats within. Most men would have taken out their rage on
the garrison. Once, as you’ll remember all too well, he let himself be
persuaded to take such a revenge, here at Shrewsbury, God knows against his
nature. Never again! As like as not, it was the memory of Shrewsbury that kept
Oxford safe. He let them march out untouched, on condition they dispersed to
their homes. He’s left the castle well garrisoned and supplied for his own cause,
and made off to Winchester with his brother the bishop, to keep Christmas. And
he’s sent to call all his midland sheriffs there to keep it with him. It’s long
since he was in these parts, no doubt he’s anxious to look us over afresh, and
make sure that all his defenses hold fast.” “Now?” said Cadfael, surprised. “To
Winchester? You’ll never make the journey in time.” “Yes, we shall. We have four days, and
according to the courier the thaw’s well forward, farther south, and the roads
clear. I’ll be away tomorrow.” “And leave Aline and your boy to keep the
feast without you! And Giles just past his third birthday, too!” Hugh’s son was
a Christmas babe, and had entered the world in the most extreme of winters, in
frost and snow and bitter gales. Cadfael was his godfather and most devoted
admirer. “Ah, Stephen won’t keep us long,” said
Hugh confidently. “He needs us where he placed us, to keep an eye on his shire
revenues. I shall be home by the year’s end, if all goes well. But Aline will
be glad if you could pay her a visit or two while I’m gone. Father Abbot won’t
grudge you leave now and then, and that long lad of yours—Winfrid, is it?—he’s
getting handy enough with the salves and medicines to be left on his own for an
hour or two.” “Very gladly I’ll mind your flock for you
at home,” said Cadfael heartily, “while you’re strutting at court. But you’ll
be missed, all the same. What a turnabout this has been! Five years of it now,
and nothing gained on either part. And with the new year, no doubt it must all begin
again. All that effort and waste, and nothing is changed.” “Oh, yes, there’s something changed, for
what it’s worth!” Hugh uttered a brief bark of laughter. “There’s a new
contender on the scene, Cadfael. Geoffrey could spare no more than a meager
handful of knights to his wife’s aid, but he’s sent her something it seems he
can part with more willingly. Either that or, as may very well be true, he’s
taken Stephen’s measure shrewdly enough to know past doubt what he dare wager
in safety. He’s sent over their son in Robert’s care, to see if the English
will rally to him rather than to his mother. Henry Plantagenet, nine years old—
or did they say ten? No more than that! Robert brought him to her at
Wallingford. By this time I fancy the boy’s been whisked away to Bristol or
Gloucester, out of harm’s way. But if Stephen laid hold of him, what could he
do with him? As like as not, put him on board ship at his own expense, and send
him well guarded back to France.” “Do you tell me so?” Cadfael’s eyes opened
wide in astonishment and curiosity. “So there’s a new star on the horizon, is
there? And starting young! It seems one soul at least has a blessed Christmas
assured, with her liberty won, and her son in her arms again. His coming will
give her heart, no question. But I doubt if he’ll do much more for her cause.” “Not yet!” said Hugh, with prophetic
caution. “We’ll wait and see what his mettle is. With his mother’s stomach and
Geoffrey’s wit he may give the king trouble enough in a few years’ time. We’d
best make better use of what time we have, and see to it the boy goes back to
Anjou and stays there, and best of all, takes his mother with him. I wish,”
said Hugh fervently, rising with a sigh, “Stephen’s own son promised better,
we’d have no need to fear what the empress’s sprig may have to show.” He shook
off present doubts with an impatient twitch of his lean shoulders. “Well, I’ll
be off and make ready for the road. We’ll be away at first light.” Cadfael lifted his cooling pot aside to
the earth floor, and went out with his friend through the walled stillness of
the herb garden, where all his small, neat beds slept warmly through the frosts
under deep snow. As soon as they let themselves out onto the path that skirted
the frozen pools, they could see distantly, beyond the glassy surface and the
broad gardens on the northern side, the long slope of the guest hall roof
overhanging the drainage channel, the dark timber cage of scaffolding and
ladders, and the two muffled figures working on the uncovered slates. “I see you have your troubles, too,” said
Hugh. “Who escapes them, in winter? It’s the
weight of the snow that’s shifted the slates, broken some of them, and found a
way through to douse the bishop’s chaplain in his bed. If we left it till the
thaw we’d have a flood, and far worse damage to repair.” “And your master builder reckons he can
make it good, frost or no frost.” Hugh had recognized the brawny figure halfway
up the long ladder, hefting a hodful of slates surely few of his younger
laborers could have lifted. “Bitter work up there, though,” said Hugh, eyeing
the highest platform of the scaffolding, stacked with a great pile of slates,
and the two diminutive figures moving with painful caution on the exposed roof. “We take it in short spells, and there’s a
fire in the warming room when we come down. We elders are excused the service,
but most of us take a turn, barring the sick and infirm. It’s fair, but I doubt
if it pleases Conradin. It irks him having foolhardy youngsters up there, and
he’d just as soon work only the ones he’s sure of, though I will say he keeps a
close watch on them. If he sees any blanch at being up so high, he soon has
them on solid earth again. We can’t all have the head for it.” “Have you been up there?” asked Hugh
curiously. “I did my stint yesterday, before the
light began to fail. Short days are no help, but another week should see it
finished.” Hugh narrowed his eyes against a sudden
brief lance of sunlight that reflected back dazzlingly from the crystalline
whiteness. “Who are those two up there now? Is that Brother Urien? The dark
fellow? Who’s the other one?” “Brother Haluin.” The thin, alert figure
was all but obscured by the jut of the scaffolding, but Cadfael had seen the
pair climb the ladders barely an hour earlier. “What, Anselm’s best illuminator? How
comes it you allow such abuse of an artist? He’ll ruin his hands in this bitter
cold. Small chance of him handling a fine brush for the next week or two, after
grappling with slates.” “Anselm would have begged him off,” Cadfael
admitted, “but Haluin would have none of it. No one would have grudged him the
mercy, seeing how valuable his work is, but if there’s a hair shirt anywhere
within reach Haluin will claim it and wear it. A lifelong penitent, that lad,
God knows for what imagined sins, for I never knew him so much as break a rule,
since he entered as a novice, and seeing he was no more than eighteen when he
took his first vows, I doubt if he’d had time to do the world much harm up to
then. But there are some born to do penance by nature. Maybe they, lift the
load for some of us who take it quite comfortably that we’re humankind, and not
angels. If the overflow from Haluin’s penitence and piety washes off a few of
my shortcomings, may it redound to him for credit in the accounting. And I
shan’t complain.” It was too cold to linger very long in the
deep snow, watching the cautious activities on the guest hall roof. They
resumed their passage through the gardens, skirting the frozen pools where
Brother Simeon had chopped jagged holes to let in air to the fish below, and
crossing the mill leat that fed the ponds by the narrow plank bridge glazed
over with a thin and treacherous crust of ice. Closer now, the piers of the
scaffolding jutted from the south wall of the guest hall across the drainage
channel, and the workers on the roof were hidden from sight. “I had him with me among the herbs as a
novice, long ago,” said Cadfael as they threaded the snowy beds of the upper
garden and emerged into the great court. “Haluin, I mean. It was not long after
I ended my own novitiate. I came in at past forty, and he barely turned
eighteen. They sent him to me because he was lettered and had the Latin at his
finger ends, and after three or four years I was still learning. He comes of a
landed family, and would have inherited a good manor if he hadn’t chosen the
cloister. A cousin has it now. The boy had been put out to a noble household,
as the custom is, and was clerk to his lord’s estate, being uncommonly bright
at learning and figuring. I often wondered why he changed course, but as every
man within here knows, there’s no questioning a vocation. It comes when it
will, and there’s no refusal.” “It would have been simpler to plant the
lad straight into the scriptorium, if he came in with so much learning,” said
Hugh practically. “I’ve seen some of his work, he’d be wasted on any other
labor.” “Ah, but his conscience would have him
pass through every stage of the common apprenticeship before he came to rest. I
had him for three years among the herbs, then he did two years more at the
hospital of Saint Giles, among the sick and crippled, and two more laboring in
the gardens at the Gaye, and helping with the sheep out at Rhydycroesau, before
he’d settle to do what we found he could do best. Even now, as you saw, he’ll
have no privilege because he has a delicate hand with the brushes and pens. If
others must slither perilously on a snowy roof, so will he. A good fault, mind
you,” admitted Cadfael, “but he takes it to extremes, and the Rule disapproves
extremes.” They crossed the great court towards the
gatehouse, where Hugh’s horse was tethered, the tall, rawboned grey that was
always his favorite mount, and could have carried twice or three times his
master’s light weight. “There’ll be no more snow tonight,” said
Cadfael, eyeing the veiled sky and sniffing the light, languid wind, “nor for a
few days more, I fancy. Nor hard frost, either, we’re on the edge of it. I pray
you’ll have a tolerable ride south.” “We’ll be away at dawn. And back, God
willing, by the new year.” Hugh gathered his bridle and swung himself into the
high saddle, “May the thaw hold off until your roof’s weatherproof again! And
don’t forget Aline will be expecting you.” He was off out of the gate, with a sharp
echo of hooves ringing from the cobbles, and a single brilliant spark that had
come and gone almost before the iron shoe left the frozen ground. Cadfael
turned back to the door of the infirmary, and went to check the stores in
Brother Edmund’s medicine cupboard. Another hour, and the light would be
already dimming, in these shortest days of the year. Brother Urien and Brother
Haluin would be the last pair up on the roof for this day. Exactly how it happened no one ever
clearly established. Brother Urien, who had obeyed Brother Conradin’s order to
come down as soon as the call came, pieced together what he thought the most
probable account, but even he admitted there could be no certainty. Conradin,
accustomed to being obeyed, and sensibly concluding that no one in his right
senses would wish to linger a moment longer than he must in the bitter cold,
had simply shouted his command, and turned away to clear the last of the day’s
broken slates out of the way of his descending workmen. Brother Urien let
himself down thankfully to the boards of the scaffolding, and fumbled his way
carefully down the long ladder to the ground, only too happy to leave the work.
He was strong and willing, and had no special skills but a wealth of hard
experience, and what he did would be well done, but he saw no need to do more
than was asked of him. He drew off some yards to look up at what had been
accomplished, and saw Brother Haluin, instead of descending the short ladder
braced up the slope of the roof on his side, mount several rungs higher, and
lean out sidelong to clear away a further sweep of snow and extend the range of
the uncovered slates. It appeared that he had seen reason to suspect that the
damage extended further on that side, and wished to sweep away the snow there
to remove its weight and prevent worse harm. The rounded bank of snow shifted, slid
down in great folds upon itself, and fell, partly upon the end of the planks
and the stack of slates waiting there, partly over the edge and sheer to the
ground below. No such avalanche had been intended, but the frozen mass loosed
its hold of the steep slates and dropped away in one solid block, to shatter as
it struck the scaffolding. Haluin had leaned too far. The ladder slid with the
snow that had helped to keep it stable, and he fell rather before than with it,
struck the end of the planks a glancing blow, and crashed down without a cry to
the frozen channel below. Ladder and snowfall dropped upon the planks and
hurled them after him in a great downpour of heavy sharp-edged slates, slashing
into his flesh. Brother Conradin, busy almost beneath his
scaffolding, had leaped clear only just in time, spattered and stung and half
blinded for a moment by the blown drift of the fall. Brother Urien, standing
well back, and arrested in the very act of calling up to his companion to stop,
for the light was too far gone, uttered instead a great cry of warning, too
late to save, and sprang forward, to be half buried by the edge of the fall.
Shaking off snow, they reached Brother Haluin together. It was Brother Urien who came in haste and
grim silence looking for Cadfael, while Conradin ran out the other way into the
great court, and sent the first brother he encountered to fetch Brother Edmund
the infirmarer. Cadfael was in his workshop, just turfing over his brazier for
the night, when Urien erupted into the doorway, a dark, dour man burning with
ill news. “Brother, come quickly! Brother Haluin has
fallen from the roof!” Cadfael, no less sparing of words, swung
about, clouted down the last turf, and reached for a woolen blanket from the
shelf. “Dead?” The drop must be forty feet at
least, timber by way of obstacles on the way down, and packed ice below, but if
by chance he had fallen into deep snow made deeper still by the clearance of
the roof, he might yet be lucky. “There’s breath in him. But for how long?
Conradin’s gone for more helpers, Edmund knows by now.” “Come!” said Cadfael, and was out of the
door and running for the little bridge over the leat, only to change his mind
and dart along the narrow neck of causeway between the abbey pools, and leap
the leat at the end of it, to come the more quickly to where Haluin lay. From
the great court the gleam of two torches advanced to meet them, and Brother
Edmund with a couple of helpers and a hand litter, hard on Brother Conradin’s
heels. Brother Haluin, buried to the knees under
heavy slates, with blood staining the ice beneath his head, lay still in the
middle of the turmoil he had caused. Chapter Two WHATEVER THE RISKS OF MOVING HIM, to leave
him where he was for a moment longer than was necessary would have been to
consent to and abet the death that already had a fast hold on him. In mute and
purposeful haste they lifted aside the fallen planks and dug out with their
hands the knife-edged slates that crushed and lacerated his feet and ankles
into a pulp of blood and bone. He was far gone from them, and felt nothing that
was done to him as they eased him out of the icy bed of the drain enough to get
slings under him, and hoisted him onto the litter. In mourne procession they
bore him out through the darkened gardens to the infirmary, where Brother
Edmund had prepared a bed for him in a small cell apart from the old and infirm
who spent their last years there. “He cannot live,” said Edmund, looking
down at the remote and pallid face. So Cadfael thought, too. So did they all.
But still there was breath in him, even if it was a harsh, groaning breath that
spoke of head injuries perhaps past mending; and they went to work on him as
one who could and must live, even against their own virtual certainty that he
could not. With infinite, wincing care they stripped him of his icy garments,
and padded him round with blankets wrapped about heated stones, while Cadfael
went over him gently for broken bones, and set and bound the left forearm that
grated as he handled it, and still brought never a flicker to the motionless
face. He felt carefully about Haluin’s head before cleaning and dressing the
bleeding wound, but could not determine whether the skull was fractured. The bitter,
snoring breathing indicated that it was, but he could not be sure. As for the
broken feet and ankles, Cadfael labored over them for a long time after they
had covered the rest of Brother Haluin with warmed brychans against simple
death of cold, his body laid straight and shored securely every way to guard
against the shock and pain of movement should he regain his senses. As no one
believed he would, unless it was an obstinate, secret remnant of belief that
caused them so to exert themselves to nourish even the failing spark. “He will never walk again,” said Brother
Edmund, shuddering at the shattered feet Cadfael was laboriously bathing. “Never without aid,” Cadfael agreed
somberly. “Never on these.” But for all that, he went on patiently putting together
again, as best he could, the mangled remains. Long, narrow, elegant feet Brother Haluin
had had, in keeping with his slender build. The deep and savage cuts the slates
had made penetrated to the bone in places, here and there had splintered the
bone. It took a long time to clean away the bloody fragments, and bind up each
foot at least into its human shape, and encase it in a hastily improvised
cradle of felt, well padded within, to hold it still and let it heal as near as
possible to what it had once been. If, of course, there was to be healing. And all the while, Brother Haluin lay
snoring painfully and oblivious of all that was done to him, very far sunk
beneath the lights and shadows of the world, until even his breathing subsided
gradually into a there shallow whisper, no more than the stirring of a solitary
leaf in a scarcely perceptible breeze, and they thought that he was gone. But
the leaf continued to stir, however faintly. “If he comes to himself, even for a
moment, call me at once,” said Abbot Radulfus, and left them to their watch. Brother Edmund was gone to get some sleep.
Cadfael shared the night watch with Brother Rhun, newest and youngest among the
choir monks. One on either side the bed, they stared steadily upon the unbroken
sleep beyond sleep of a body anointed and blessed and armed for death. It was many years since Haluin had passed
out of Cadfael’s care to go to manual labor in the Gaye. Cadfael reexamined
with deep attention linaments he had almost forgotten in their early detail, and
found now both changed and poignantly familiar. Not a big man, Brother Haluin,
but somewhat taller than the middle height, with long, fine, shapely bones, and
more sinew and less flesh on them now than when first he came into the
cloister, a boy still short of his full growth, and just hardening into
manhood. Thirty-five or thirty-six he must be now, barely eighteen then, with
the softness and bloom still on him. His face was a long oval, the bones of
cheek and jaw strong and clear, the thin, arched brows almost black, shades
darker than the mane of crisp brown hair he had sacrificed to the tonsure. The
face upturned now from the pillow was blanched to a clay-white pallor, the
hollows of the cheeks and deep pits of the closed eyes blue as shadows in the snow,
and round the drawn lips the same livid blueness was gathering even as they
watched. In the small hours of the night, when the life sinks to its frailest,
he would end or mend. Across the bed Brother Rhun kneeled,
attentive, unintimidated by another’s death any more than he would be, someday,
by his own. Even in the dimness of this small, stony room Rhun’s radiant
fairness, his face creamy with youth, his ring of flaxen hair and aquamarine
eyes, diffused a lambent brightness. Only someone of Rhun’s virgin certainty
could sit serenely by a deathbed, with such ardent loving-kindness and yet no
taint of pity. Cadfael had seen other young creatures come to the cloister with
something of the same charmed faith, only to see it threatened, dulled and
corroded gradually by the sheer burden of being human under the erosion of the
years. That would never happen to Rhun. Saint Winifred, who had bestowed on him
the physical perfection he had lacked, would not suffer the gift to be marred
by any maiming of his spirit. The night passed slowly, with no
perceptible change in Brother Haluin’s unrelenting stillness. It was towards
dawn when at last Rhun said softly, “Look, he is stirring!” The faintest quiver had passed over the
livid face, the dark brows drew together, the eyelids tightened with the first
distant awareness of pain, the lips lengthened in a brief grimace of stress and
alarm. They waited for what seemed a long while, unable to do more than wipe
the moist forehead, and the trickle of spittle that oozed from the corner of
the drawn mouth. In the first dim, reflected snowlight
before dawn Brother Haluin opened his eyes, onyx black in their blue hollows,
and moved his lips to emit a hair-fine thread of a voice that Rhun had to stoop
his young, sharp ear to catch and interpret. “Confession…” said the whisper from the
threshold between life and death, and for a while that was all. “Go and bring Father Abbot,” said Cadfael. Rhun departed silently and swiftly. Haluin
lay gathering his senses, and by the growing clarity and sharpening focus of
his eyes he knew where he was and who sat beside him, and was mustering what
life and wit remained to him for a purpose. Cadfael saw the quickening of pain
in the strained whiteness of mouth and jaw, and made to trickle a little of the
draught of poppies between his patient’s lips, but Haluin kept them tightly
clenched and turned his head away. He wanted nothing to dull or hamper his
senses, not yet, not until he had got out of him what he had to say. “Father Abbot is coming,” said Cadfael,
close to the pillow. “Wait, and speak but once.” Abbot Radulfus was at the door by then,
stooping under the low lintel. He took the stool Rhun had vacated, and leaned
down to the injured man. Rhun had remained without, ready to run errands if he should
be needed, and had drawn the door closed between. Cadfael rose to withdraw
likewise, and suddenly yellow sparks of anxiety flared in Haluin’s hollow eyes,
and a brief convulsion went through his body and fetched a moan of pain, as
though he had willed to lift a hand to arrest Cadfael’s going, but could not do
it. The abbot leaned closer, to be seen as well as heard. “I am here, my son. I am listening. What
is it troubles you?” Haluin drew in breath, hoarding it to have
a voice to speak with. “I have sins…” he said, “… never told.” The words came
slowly and with much labor, but clearly. “One against Cadfael… Long past… never
confessed…” The abbot looked up at Cadfael across the
bed. “Stay! He wishes it.” And to Haluin, touching the lax hand that was too
weak to be lifted: “Speak as you can, we shall be listening. Spare many words,
we can read between.” “My vows,” said the thread-fine voice
remotely. “Impure… not out of devotion… Despair!” “Many have entered for wrong reasons,”
said the abbot, “and remained for the right ones. Certainly in the four years
of my abbacy here I have found no fault in your true service. On this head have
no fear. God may have brought you into the cloister roundabout for his own good
reasons.” “I served de Clary at Hales,” said the
thin voice. “Better, his lady—he being in the Holy Land then. His daughter…” A
long silence while doggedly and patiently he renewed his endurance to deliver
more and worse. “I loved her… and was loved. But the mother… my suit was not
welcome. What was forbidden us we took…” Another and longer silence. The blue,
sunken lids were lowered for a moment over the burning eyes. “We lay together,”
he said clearly. “That sin I did confess, but never named her. The lady cast me
out. Out of despair I came here… at least to do no more harm. And the worst
harm yet to come!” The abbot closed his hand firmly on the
nerveless hand at Haluin’s side, to hold him fast by the grip, for the face on
the pillow had sunk into a mask of clay, and a long shudder passed through the
bruised and broken body, and left it tensed and chill to the touch. “Rest!” said Radulfus, close to the
sufferer’s ear. “Take ease! God hears even what is not said.” It seemed to Cadfael, watching, that
Haluin’s hand responded, however feeble its hold. He brought the drink of wine
and herbs with which he had been moistening the patient’s mouth while he lay
senseless, and trickled a few drops between the pained lips, and for the first
time the offering was accepted, and the strings of the lean throat made the
effort to swallow. His time was not yet. Whatever more he might have to heave
off his heart, there was yet time for it. They fed him sips of wine, and
watched the clay of his features again cohere into flesh, however pale and
feeble. This time, when he came back to them, it was very faintly and with eyes
still closed. “Father…?” questioned the remote voice
fearfully. “I am here. I will not leave you.” “Her mother came… I did not know till then
Bertrade was with child! The lady was in terror of her lord’s anger when he
came home. I served then with Brother Cadfael, I had learned… I knew the herbs…
I stole and gave her… hyssop, fleur-de-lis… Cadfael knows better uses for
them!” Yes, better by far! But what could help a
badly congested chest and a killing cough, in small doses, or fight off the
jaundice that turned a man yellow, could also put an end to the carrying of a
child, in an obscene misuse abhorrent to the Church and perilous even to the
woman it was meant to deliver. From fear of an angry father, fear of shame
before the world, fear of marriage prospects ruined and family feuds inflamed.
Had the girl’s mother entreated him, or had he persuaded her? Years of remorse
and self-punishment had not exorcised the horror that still wrung his flesh and
contorted his visage. “They died,” he said, harsh and loud with
pain. “My love and the child, both. Her mother sent me word—dead and buried. A
fever, they gave it out. Dead of a fever—nothing more to fear. My sin, my most
grievous sin… God knows I am sorry!” “Where true penitence is,” said Abbot
Radulfus, “God does surely know. Well, this grief is told. Have you done, or is
there more yet to tell?” “I have done,” said Brother Haluin. “But
to beg pardon. I ask it of God—and of Cadfael, that I abused his trust and his
art. And of the lady of Hales, for the great grief I brought upon her.” Now
that it was out he had better control of voice and words, the crippling tension
was gone from his tongue, and weak though his utterance was, it was lucid and
resigned. “I would die cleansed and forgiven,” he said. “Brother Cadfael will speak on his own
behalf,” said the abbot. “For God, I will speak as He give me grace.” “I forgive freely,” said Cadfael, choosing
words with more than his accustomed care, “whatever offense was done against my
craft under great stress of mind. And that the means and the knowledge were
there to tempt you, and I not there to dissuade, this I take to myself as much
as ever I can charge them to you. I wish you peace!” What Abbot Radulfus had to say upon God’s
behalf took longer. There were some among the brothers, Cadfael thought, who
would have been startled and incredulous if they could have heard, at finding
their abbot’s formidable austerity could also hold so much measured and
authoritative tenderness. A lightened conscience and a clean death were what
Haluin desired. It was too late to exact penance from a dying man, and deathbed
comfort cannot be priced, only given freely. “A broken and a contrite heart,” said
Radulfus, “is the only sacrifice required of you, and will not be despised.”
And he gave absolution and the solemn blessing, and so left the sickroom,
beckoning Cadfael with him. On Haluin’s face the ease of gratitude had darkened
again into the indifference of exhaustion, and the fires were dead in eyes
dulled and half closed between swoon and sleep. In the outer room Rhun was waiting
patiently, drawn somewhat aside to avoid hearing, even unwittingly, any word of
that confession. “Go in and sit with him,” said the abbot.
“He may sleep now, there will be no ill dreams. If there should be any change
in him, fetch Brother Edmund. And if Brother Cadfael should be needed, send to
my lodging for him.” In the paneled parlor in the abbot’s lodge
they sat together, the only two people who would ever hear of the offense with
which Haluin charged himself, or have the right in private to speak of his
confession. “I have been here only four years,” said
Radulfus directly, “and know nothing of the circumstances in which Haluin came
here. It seems one of his earliest duties here was to help you among the herbs,
and there he acquired this knowledge he put to such ill use. Is it certain this
draught he concocted could kill? Or may this truly have been a death from
fever?” “If the girl’s mother used it on her, she
could hardly be mistaken,” said Cadfael ruefully. “Yes, I’ve known hyssop to
kill. I was foolish to keep it among my stores, there are other herbs that
could take its place. But in small doses, both herb and root, dried and
powdered, are excellent for the yellow distemper, and useful with horehound
against chest troubles, though the blue-flowered kind is milder and better for
that. I’ve known women use it to procure abortion, in great doses that purge to
the extreme. Small wonder if sometimes the poor girl dies.” “And this was surely during his novitiate,
for he cannot have been here long if this child was his, as he supposes. He can
have been only a boy.” “Barely eighteen, and the girl no more, if
as old. It is some extenuation,” said Cadfael firmly, “if they were in the same
household, seeing each other daily, of equal birth, for he comes of a good
family, and as open to love as are most children. In fact,” said Cadfael,
kindling, “what I wonder at is that his suit should have been rejected out of
hand. He was an only son, there was a good manor would have been his if he had
not taken vows. And he was a very pleasing youth, as I recall, lettered and
gifted. Many a knight would have welcomed him as a match for his daughter.” “It may be her father already had other
plans for her,” said Radulfus. “He may have betrothed her to someone else in
childhood. And her mother would hardly venture to countenance a match in her
husband’s absence, if she went in such awe of him.” “She need not, however, have rejected the
boy utterly, if she had let him hope, he would have waited, surely, and not
tried to force her hand by forestalling marriage. Though it may be I do him
wrong there,” Cadfael relented. “It was not calculation, I fancy, that brought
him into the girl’s bed, but too rash affection. Haluin would never make a
schemer.” “Well, for better or worse,” said Radulfus
with a weary sigh, “it was done, and cannot be undone. He is not the first, and
will not be the last young man to fall into that error, nor she the first nor
the last poor child to suffer for it. At least she has kept her good name. Easy
to see why he feared to confide, for her sake, even under the seal of
confession. But it is long ago, eighteen years, his age when it befell. Let us
at least secure him a peaceful ending.” It was the general view that a peaceful
ending was the best that could be hoped for for Brother Haluin, and that
prayers for him ought not to presume to look towards any other outcome, all the
more as his brief return to his senses rapidly lapsed again into a deeper
unconsciousness, and for seven days, while the festival of the Nativity came
and passed, he lay oblivious of the comings and goings of his brethren round
his bed, ate nothing, uttered no sound but the hardly perceptible flutter of
his breath. Yet that breath, however faint, was steady and even, and as often
as drops of honeyed wine were presented to his lips, they were accepted, and
the cords of his throat moved of themselves, docilely swallowing, while the
broad, chilly brow and closed eyes never by the least quiver or contraction
revealed awareness of what his body did. “As if only his body is here,” said
Brother Edmund, soberly pondering, “and his spirit gone elsewhere until the
house is again furbished and clean and waiting to be lived in.” A sound biblical analogy, Cadfael
considered, for certainly Haluin had himself cast out the devils that inhabited
him, and the dwelling they vacated might well lie empty for a while, all the
more if there was to be that unlooked-for and improbable act of healing, after
all. For however this prolonged withdrawal might resemble dying, Brother Haluin
would not die. Then we had better keep a good watch, thought Cadfael, taking
the parable to its fitting close, and make sure seven devils worse than the
first never manage to get a foot in the door while he’s absent. And prayers for
Haluin continued with unremitting fervor throughout the festivities of
Christmas and the solemn opening of the new year. The thaw was beginning by that time, and
even then it was a slow thaw, wearing away each day, by slow degrees, the heavy
wastes of snow from the great fall. The work on the roof was finished without
further mishap, the scaffolding taken down, and the guest hall once again
weatherproof. All that remained of the great upheaval was this still and silent
witness in his isolated bed in the infirmary, declining either to live or die. Then, in the night of the Epiphany,
Brother Haluin opened his eyes and drew a long, slow breath like any other man
awaking without alarm, and cast his wondering gaze round the narrow room until
it rested upon Brother Cadfael, mute and attentive on the stool beside him. “I am thirsty,” said Haluin trustingly,
like a child, and lay passive on Cadfael’s arm to drink. They half expected him to sink again into
his unconscious state, but he remained languid but aware all that day, and in
the night his sleep was natural sleep, shallow but tranquil. After that he
turned his face to life, and did not again look over his shoulder. Once risen
from the semblance of death he came back to the territory of pain, and its
signature was on his drawn brow and set lips, but he bore it without complaint.
His broken arm had knitted while he lay ignorant of his injuries, and caused
him only the irritating aches of healing wounds, and it seemed both to Cadfael
and Edmund, after a day or two of keeping close watch on him, that whatever had
been shaken out of place within his head had healed as the outer wound had
healed, medicined by stillness and repose. For his mind was clear. He
remembered the icy roof, he remembered his fall, and once when he was alone
with Cadfael he showed that he recalled very clearly his confession, for he
said after a long while of silent thought: “I did shamefully by you, long ago, now
you tend and medicine me, and I have made no amends.” “I’ve asked none,” said Cadfael equably,
and began with patient care to unfold the wrappings from one maimed foot, to
renew the dressings he had been replacing night and morning all this time. “But I need to pay all that is due. How
else can I be clean?” “You have made full confession,” said
Cadfael reasonably. “You have received absolution from Father Abbot himself,
beware of asking more.” “But I have done no penance. Absolution so
cheaply won leaves me still a debtor,” said Haluin heavily. Cadfael had laid bare the left foot, the
worse mangled of the pair. The surface cuts and wounds had healed over, but
what had happened to the labyrinth of small bones within could never be put
right. They had fused into a misshapen clot, twisted and scarred, discolored in
angry dark reds and purples. Yet the seamed skin had knitted and covered all. “If you have debts,” said Cadfael bluntly,
“they bid fair to be paid in pain to the day you die. You see this? You will
never set this firmly to ground again. I doubt if you will ever walk again.” “Yes.” said Haluin, staring out through
the narrow chink of the window at the darkening wintry sky, “yes, I shall walk.
I will walk. If God allows, I will go on my own feet again, though I must
borrow crutches to help them bear me. And if Father Abbot gives me his
countenance, when I have learned to use what props are left to me I will go
myself to Hales, to beg forgiveness of Adelais de Clary, and keep a night’s
vigil at Bertrade’s tomb.” In his own mind Cadfael doubted if either
the dead or the living would take any great comfort from Haluin’s fondly
resolved atonement, or still be nursing any profound recollection of him, after
eighteen years. But if the pious intent gave the lad courage and determination
to live and labor and be fruitful again, why discourage him? So all he said
was: “Well, let’s first mend all that can be
mended, and put back some of that lost blood into you, for you’ll get no leave
to go anywhere as you are now.” And contemplating the right foot, which at
least still bore some resemblance to a human foot, and had a perceptible and
undamaged ankle-bone, he went on thoughtfully: “We might make some sort of
thick felt boots for you, well padded within. You might get one foot to the
ground yet, though you’ll need the crutches. Not yet—not yet, nor for weeks
yet, more likely months. But we’ll take your measure, and see what we can
fashion between us.” On reflection, Cadfael felt that it might
be wise to warn Abbot Radulfus of the expiation Brother Haluin had in mind, and
did so after chapter, in the privacy of the abbot’s parlor. “Once he had heaved the load off his
heart,” said Cadfael simply, “he would have died content if it had been his
fortune to die. But he is going to live. His mind is clear, his will is strong,
and if his body is meager it’s wiry enough, and now that he sees a life ahead
of him he’ll not be content to creep out of his sins by way of absolution
without penance. If he was of a lighter mind, and could be coaxed to forget
this resolve as he gets well, for my part I would not blame him, I’d be glad of
it. But penitence without penance will never be enough for Haluin. I’ll hold
him back as long as I can, but trust me, we shall hear of this again, as soon
as he feels able to attempt it.” “I can hardly frown upon so fitting a
wish,” said the abbot reasonably, “but I can forbid it until he is fit to
undertake it. If it will give him peace of mind I have no right to stand in his
way. It may also be of some belated comfort to this unhappy lady whose daughter
died so wretchedly. I am not familiar,” said Radulfus, pondering the proposed
pilgrimage warily, “with this manor of Hales, though I have heard the name of
de Clary. Do you know where it lies?” “Towards the eastern edge of the shire,
Father, it must be a matter of twenty-five miles or so from Shrewsbury.” “And this lord who was absent in the Holy
Land—he can have been told nothing of the true manner of his daughter’s death,
if his lady went in such awe of him. It is many years past, but if he is still
living this visit must not take place. It would be a very ill thing for Brother
Haluin to salve his own soul by bringing further trouble and danger upon the
lady of Hales. Whatever her errors, she has suffered for them.” “For all I know, Father,” Cadfael
admitted, “they may both be dead some years since. I saw the place once, on the
way from Lichfield on an errand for Abbot Heribert, but I know nothing of the
household of de Clary.” “Hugh Beringar will know,” said the abbot
confidently. “He has all the nobility of the shire at his finger ends. When he
returns from Winchester we may ask him. There’s no haste. Even if Haluin must
have his penance, it cannot be yet. He is not yet out of his bed.” Chapter Three HUGH AND HIS ESCORT CAME HOME four days
after Epiphany. Much of the snow was gone by then, the weather grey, the days
short and somber, the nights hovering on the edge of frost, so that the thaw
continued its gradual way, and there was no flooding. After such a heavy fall a
rapid thaw would have seen a great mass of water coming down the river and
draining from every drift, and the Severn would have backed up the Meole Brook
and flooded the lower part of the fields, even if the enclave itself escaped
inundation. This year they were spared that trouble, and Hugh, kicking off his
boots and shrugging off his cloak in his own house by Saint Mary’s Church, with
his wife bringing him his furred shoes and his son clinging to his sword belt
and clamoring to have his new, painted wooden knight duly admired, was able to
report an easy journey for the time of year, and a satisfactory reception at
court for his stewardship. “Though I doubt if this Christmas truce
will last long,” he said to Cadfael later, after acquainting the abbot with all
the news from Winchester. “He’s swallowed the failure at Oxford gallantly
enough, but for all that, he’s on his mettle for vengeance, he’ll not sit still
for long, winter or no. He wants Wareham back, but it’s well stocked, and manned
to the battlements, and Stephen never did have the patience for a siege. He’d
like a fortress more to the west, to carry the war to Robert’s country. There’s
no guessing what he’ll try first. But he wants none of me or my men there in
the south, he’s far too wary of the earl of Chester to keep me long out of my
shire. Thank God, for I’m of the same mind myself,” said Hugh blithely. “And
how have you been faring? Sorry I am to hear your best illuminator had a fall
that all but ended him. Father Abbot told me of it. I can hardly have left you
an hour, that day, when it happened. Is it true he’s mending well?” “Better than any of us ever expected,”
said Cadfael, “least of all the man himself, for he was certainly bent on
clearing his soul for death. But he’s out of the shadow, and in a day or two
we’ll have him out of his bed. But his feet are crippled for life, the slates
chopped them piecemeal. Brother Luke is cutting some crutches to his measure.
Hugh,” said Cadfael directly, “what do you know of the de Clarys who hold the
manor of Hales? There was one of them was a Crusader nearly twenty years back.
I never knew him, he was after my time in the east. Is he still living?” “Bertrand de Clary,” said Hugh promptly,
and looked up at his friend with quickening interest. “What of him? He died
years back, ten or more it must be. His son holds the honor now. I’ve had no
dealings with them, Hales is the only manor they hold in this shire, the caput
and most of their lands are in Staffordshire. Why, what’s put de Clary in your
mind?” “Why, Haluin has. He was in their service
before he took the cowl. It seems he feels he has left unpaid some debt he
still owes in that direction. It came to mind when he made what he took to be
his deathbed confession. In something he feels he offended, and has it on his
conscience still.” That was all that could be told, even to
Hugh, the confessional being sacred, and if nothing more was offered, Hugh
would ask for nothing more, however he might speculate on what had not been
said. “He’s set on making the journey to set the
account straight, when he’s fit to undertake it. I was wondering… If this
Bertrand’s widow is no longer in the land of the living, either, as well Haluin
should know it at once, and put it out of his mind.” Hugh was eyeing his friend with steady
interest and a tolerant smile. “And you want him to have nothing to trouble
about, body or mind, but getting back into the way of living as soon as may be.
I’m no help, Cadfael. The widow’s living still. She’s there at Hales, she paid
her dues last Michaelmas. Her son’s married to a Staffordshire wife, and has a
young son to succeed him, and from all accounts his mother is not of a nature
to share another woman’s household without meddling. Hales is her favorite
home, she keeps there from choice and leaves her son to rule his own roost,
while she makes sure of ruling hers. No doubt it suits them both very well. I
should not be even so well informed, “ he said by way of explanation, “if we
had not ridden some miles of the way from Winchester with a company of de
Clary’s men, dispersing from the siege of Oxford. The man himself I never saw,
he was still delayed at court when we left. He’ll be on his way home by now,
unless Stephen keeps him for whatever move he has next in mind.” Cadfael received this news philosophically
but without pleasure. So she was still living, this woman who had sought to
help her daughter to an abortion, and succeeded only in helping her to her
death. Not the first nor the last to come by such a death. But what must the
mother’s despair and guilt have been then, and what bitter memories must remain
even now, beneath the ashes of eighteen years? Better, surely, to let them lie
buried still. But Haluin’s self-torturing conscience and salvation-hungry soul
had their rights, too. And after all, he had been just eighteen years old! The
woman who had forbidden him any aspiration to her daughter’s affection must
have been double his age. She might, thought Cadfael almost indignantly, have
had the wisdom to see how things began to be between those two, and taken steps
to separate them in time. “Did you ever feel, Hugh, that it might be
better to let even ill alone,” wondered Cadfael ruefully, “rather than let
loose worse? Ah, well! He has not even tried his crutches yet. Who knows what
changes a few weeks may bring?” They lifted Brother Haluin out of his bed
in the middle of January, found him a corner near the infirmary fire, since he
could not move about freely like the others to combat the cold, and treated his
body, stiff from long lying, with oil and massage to get the sinews working
again. To occupy his hands and mind they brought him his colors and a little
desk to work on, and gave him a simpler page to adorn until his fingers should
regain their deftness and steadiness. His mangled feet had healed and fused
into misshapen forms, and there was no question as yet of letting him attempt
to stand on them, but Cadfael allowed him to try the crutches Brother Luke had
made for him, with support on either side, to get accustomed to the heft and
balance of them, and the shaped and padded props under his armpits. If neither
foot could ever be brought to support him again, even the crutches would not be
of any use, but both Cadfael and Edmund agreed that there was every hope of the
right foot being restored to use in time, and even the left might eventually
provide a grain of assistance, with a little ingenuity in shoeing the invalid. To that end Cadfael called in, at the end
of the month, young Philip Corviser, the provost’s son, and they put their
heads together over the problem, and between them produced a pair of boots as
ill-matched in appearance as were the feet for which they were intended, but
adapted as best they could devise to give strong support. They were of thick felt
with a leather sole, built up well above the ankles and laced close with
leather thongs to support and protect the damaged flesh and make full use of
the shinbones, which were intact. Philip was pleased with his work, but wary of
praise until the boots were tried on, and found to be wearable without pain,
and blessedly warm in this wintry weather. And all that was done for him Brother
Haluin accepted gratefully and humbly, and went on doggedly refreshing eye and
hand with his reds and blues and delicately laid gold. But as often as the
hours of leisure came round he would be precariously hoisting himself out of
his corner bench with shoulders braced upon his crutches, poised to reach for
the support of wall or bench if his balance was shaken. It took some time for
the sinews to recover their toughness in his wasted legs, but early in February
he could set his right foot firmly to the ground, and even stand on it briefly
without other support, and from that time on he began to use his crutches in
earnest, and to master them. He was seen again, dutiful and punctual, in his
stall at chapel, and in the choir at every office. By the end of February he
could even set the blocked toe of his left boot to the ground, to help hold him
steady and secure on his crutches, though never again would that foot be able
to support his weight, light though he was. In one thing he was fortunate, that the
winter, once that first early snowfall had thawed and vanished, was not a hard
one. There were occasional spells of frost, but none that lasted long, and
after January such snow showers as there were, were fitful and slight, and did
not lie long. When he had his balance and was used to his new gait he could
exercise his skills outdoors as well as in, and grew expert, fearful only of
the cobbles of the court when they were glazed with frost. At the beginning of March, with the days
lengthening, and the first cautious and reluctant signs of spring in the air,
Brother Haluin rose in chapter, when all the urgent business of the day was
over, and meekly but resolutely made a plea which only Abbot Radulfus and
Brother Cadfael could fully understand. “Father,” he said, his dark eyes fixed
unwaveringly on the abbot’s face, “you know that in my trouble I conceived a
desire to make a certain pilgrimage, if I should by God’s grace be restored.
Great mercy has been shown to me, and if you will give me leave, I wish now to
register my vow in heaven. I beg your sanction and the prayers of my brothers
that I may fulfill what I promise, and return in peace.” Radulfus regarded the petitioner in
silence for a disturbingly long time, his face revealing neither approval nor
disapproval, though the fixity of his gaze brought a surge of blood into
Haluin’s hollow cheeks. “Come to me after chapter,” said the abbot
then, “and I will hear what you intend, and judge whether you are yet fit to
undertake it.” In the abbot’s parlor Haluin repeated his
request in open terms, as to men before whom his spirit was naked and known.
Cadfael knew why he himself had been summoned to attend. Two reasons, indeed,
stood clear: he was the only other witness of Haluin’s confession, and might
therefore be admitted into his counsels; and he could speak as to Haluin’s
fitness to set out on such a journey. He had not yet guessed at a third reason,
but he was not quite easy in his mind as he listened. “I must not and will not hold you back,”
said the abbot, “from what is needful for your soul’s health. But I think you
ask too soon. You cannot yet have regained your strength. And it is not yet
spring, however well we happen to have fared these last weeks. There may still
be bitter weather to come. Think how recently you have been close to death, and
spare putting yourself in such hardship until you are fitter to bear it.” “Father,” said Haluin ardently, “it is
because I have been close to death that I must not delay. How if death should
reach for me again before I can expiate my sin? I have seen how it can lay its
hand on a man in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. I have had my warning. I
must heed it. If I die in paying the penance due from me, that I will embrace
as fitting. But to die and not have made any amend, that would be endless
reproach to me. Father,” he said, burning up like a stirred fire, “I truly
loved her, I loved her according to the way of marriage, I would have loved her
lifelong. And I destroyed her. I have hidden my sins too long. Now that I have
confessed them I long to complete the atonement.” “And have you thought of the miles you
must go and return? Are you in any case to ride?” Haluin shook his head vigorously at that.
“Father, I have vowed already in my heart and will repeat the vow on the altar,
to go on foot to the place where she is buried, and on foot return—on these
feet that brought me to the earth and made me to face the truth of my unshriven
offenses. I can go, I have learned how the innocent lame must go. Why should
not I, who am guilty of so much, suffer the same labors? I can endure it.
Brother Cadfael knows!” Brother Cadfael was none too pleased at
being called in witness, and none too happy about saying anything which could
promote this obsessed enterprise, but neither could he see any genuine peace of
mind for this tormented creature until the expiation was completed. “I do know he has the will and the
courage,” he said. “Whether he has the strength is another matter. And whether
he has the right to force his body to the death in order to cleanse his soul is
something on which I will not judge.” Radulfus pondered for some minutes in
somber silence, eyeing the petitioner with fixity which should have caused him
to stir uneasily and lower his gaze had there been anything false or
pretentious in his purpose, but Haluin’s wide, earnest eyes sustained the
encounter ardently. “Well, I acknowledge your desire to atone,
late though it comes,” said the abbot at last, “and I understand the better
since the delay of years has not been for your own sake. Go, then, make the
attempt. But I will not permit you to go alone. There must be someone with you
in case you founder, and should that happen, you must allow him to make such
dispositions for your safety as he sees fit. If you endure the journey well, he
need not do anything to impair your sacrifice, but if you fall by the wayside,
then he stands as my representative, and you must obey him as you obey me.” “Father,” said Haluin in anxious protest,
“my sin is mine alone, my confession sealed and sacred. How can I let another
man come so close, without myself breaking that seal? It would be a violation
even to cause wonder and question concerning this penance of mine.” “You shall have a companion who need
neither wonder nor question,” said the abbot, “since he already knows, at your
own telling. Brother Cadfael shall come with you. His company and his prayers
can only be of comfort and benefit to you. Your confidence and the lady’s
memory will be in no danger, and he is well qualified to care for you along the
way.” And to Cadfael, turning, he said, “Will you undertake this charge? I do
not believe he is fit to go alone.” Small choice, thought Cadfael, but not
altogether displeased at the instruction, either. There was still, somewhere
deep within him, a morsel of the vagus who had roamed the world from Wales to
Jerusalem and back to Normandy for forty years before committing himself to
stability within the cloister, and an expedition sanctioned, even ordered, by
authority could be welcomed as blessed, instead of evaded as a temptation. “If you so wish, Father,” he said, “I
will.” “This journey will take several days. I
take it that Brother Winfrid will be competent to dispense whatever may be
needed, with Edmund to guide him?” “For a few days,” agreed Cadfael, “they
should manage well enough. I have stocked the infirmary cupboard only
yesterday, and in the workshop there’s a good supply of all the common remedies
usually called for in the winter. Should something unforeseen be needed.
Brother Oswin could come back from Saint Giles to help for a while.” “Good! Then, son Haluin, you may prepare
for this journey, and set out when you are ready, tomorrow if you will. But you
will submit yourself to Brother Cadfael if your strength fails you, and do his
bidding as faithfully as within these walls you have always done mine.” “Father,” said Haluin fervently, “I will.” At the altar of Saint Winifred, Brother
Haluin recorded his solemn vow that same evening after Vespers, to leave
himself no way out, with a white-faced vehemence which indicated to Cadfael,
who witnessed it at Haluin’s own wish, that this implacable penitent in his
deepest heart knew and feared the labor and pain he was imposing on himself,
and embraced it with a passion and resolution Cadfael would rather have seen
devoted to a more practical and fruitful enterprise. For who would benefit by
this journey, even though it passed successfully, except the penitent himself,
at least partially restored to his self-respect? Certainly not the poor girl
who had committed no worse sin than to venture too much for love, and who
surely was long since in a state of grace. Nor the mother who must long ago
have put this evil dream behind her, and must now be confronted by it once
again after years. And Cadfael was not of the opinion that a man’s main
business in this world was to save his own soul. There are other ailing souls,
as there are ailing bodies, in need of a hoist towards health. But Haluin’s needs were not his needs.
Haluin’s bitter years of silent self-blame certainly called for a remedy. “On these most holy relics,” said Brother
Haluin, with his palm pressed against the drapings that covered the reliquary,
“I record my penitential vow: that I will not rest until I have gone on foot to
the tomb in which Bertrade de Clary lies, and there passed a night’s vigil in
prayer for her soul, and again on foot returned here to the place of my due
service. And if I fail of this, may I live forsworn and die unforgiven.” They set out after Prime, on the fourth
morning of March, out at the gate and along the Foregate towards Saint Giles
and the highroad due east. The day was cloudy and still, the air chill but not
wintry cold. Cadfael viewed the way ahead in his mind, and found it not too
intimidating. They would be leaving the western hills behind them, and with
every mile eastward the country about them would subside peaceably into a green
level. The road was dry, for there had been no recent rain, and the cloud cover
above was high and pale, and threatened none, and there was a grassy verge such
as could be found only on the king’s highways, wide on either side the track,
easy walking even for a crippled man. The first mile or two might pass without
grief, but after that the constant labor would begin to tell. He would have to
be the judge of when to call a halt, for Haluin was likely to grit his teeth
and press on until he dropped. Somewhere under the Wrekin they would find a
hospitable refuge for the night, for there were abbey tenants there among the
cottagers, and any hut along the way would willingly give them a place by the
fire for a midday rest. Food they had with them in the scrip Cadfael carried. In the brisk hopefulness of morning, with
Haluin’s energy and eagerness at their best, they made good speed, and rested
at noon very pleasurably with the parish priest at Attingham. But in the
afternoon the pace slowed somewhat, and the strain began to tell upon Haluin’s
hardworking shoulders, aching from the constant weight and endlessly repeated
stress, and the cold as evening approached numbed his hands on the grips of his
crutches, in spite of their mufflings of woolen cloth. Cadfael called a halt as
soon as the light began to fade into the windless March dusk, grey and without
distances, and turned aside into the village of Uppington, to beg a bed for the
night at the manor. Haluin had been understandably silent
along the road, needing all his breath and all his resolution for the effort of
walking. Fed and at ease in the evening, he sat watching Cadfael in accepting
silence still for a while. “Brother,” he said at last, “I take it
very kindly that you’ve come with me on this journey. With no other but you
could I speak without conceal of that old grief, and before ever we see
Shrewsbury again I may sorely need to speak of it. The worst of me you already
know, and I will never say word in excuse. But in eighteen years I have never until
now spoken her name aloud, and now to utter it is like food after starvation.” “Speak or be silent as the need takes
you,” said Cadfael, “and I’ll hear or be deaf according to your wish. But as
for tonight you should take your rest, for you’ve come a good third part of the
way, and tomorrow, I warn you, you’ll find some aches and pains you knew
nothing of, from laboring so hard and so long.” “I am tired,” admitted Haluin, with a
sudden and singularly touching smile, as brief as it was sweet. “You think we
cannot reach Hales tomorrow, then?” “Don’t think of it! No, we’ll get as far
as the Augustinian canons at Wombridge, and spend another night there. And
you’ll have done well to get so far in the time, so don’t grudge the one day
more.” “As you think best,” said Haluin
submissively, and lay down to sleep with the confiding simplicity of a child
charmed and protected by his prayers. The next day was less kind, for there was
a thin, spasmodic rain that stung at times with sleet, and a colder wind from
the northeast, from which the long, green, craggy bulk of the Wrekin gave them
no shelter as the road skirted it to the north. But they reached the priory
before dusk, though Haluin’s lips were fast clenched in determination by then,
and the skin drawn tight and livid over his cheekbones with exhaustion, and
Cadfael was glad to get him into the warmth, and go to work with oiled hands on
the sinews of his arms and shoulders, and the thighs that had carried him so
bravely all day long. And the third day, early in the afternoon,
they came to the manor of Hales. The manor house lay a little aside from
the village and the church, timber-built on the stone undercroft, in level,
well-drained fields, with gentle wooded slopes beyond. Within its wooden fence,
stable and barn and bakehouse were ranged along the pale, well maintained and
neat. Brother Haluin stood in the open gateway, and looked at the place of his
old service with a face fixed and still, only his eyes alive and full of pain. “Four years,” he said, “I kept the manor
roll here. Bertrand de Clary was my father’s overlord. I was sent here before I
was fourteen, to be page to his lady. Will you believe, the man himself I never
saw. Before I came here he was already in the Holy Land. This is but one of his
manors, the only one in these parts, but his son was already installed in his
place, and ruled the honor from Staffordshire. She always liked Hales best, she
left her son to his lordship and settled here, and it was here I came. Better
for her if I had never entered this house. Better far for Bertrade!” “It’s too late,” said Cadfael mildly, “to
do right whatever was done amiss then. This day is for doing aright what you
have pledged yourself to do now, and for that it is not too late. You’ll be
freer with her, maybe, if I wait for you without.” “No,” said Haluin. “Come with me! I need
your witness, I know it will be just.” A tow-haired youth came out of the stable
with a pitchfork in his hands, steaming gently in the chill air. At sight of
two black Benedictine habits in the gateway he turned and came towards them,
leisurely and amiable. “If you’re wanting a bed and a meal,
Brothers, come in, your cloth’s always welcome here. There’s good lying in the
loft, and they’ll feed you in the kitchen if you’ll please to walk through.” “I do remember,” said Haluin, his eyes
still fixed upon a distant past, “your lady kept always a hospitable house for
travelers. But I shall need no bed this night. I have an errand to the lady
Adelais de Clary herself, if she will give me audience. A few minutes of her
time is all I ask.” The boy shrugged, staring them over with
grey, unreadable Saxon eyes, and waved them towards the stone steps that led up
to the hall door. “Go in and ask for her woman Gerta, she’ll
see if the lady’ll speak with you.” And he stood to watch them as they crossed
the yard, before turning back to his labors among the horses. A manservant was just coming up the steps
from the kitchen into the passage as they entered the great doorway. He came to
ask their business, and being told, sent off a kitchen boy to carry word to the
lady’s woman of the chamber, who presently came out from the hall to see who
these monastic guests might be. A woman of about forty years, very brisk and
neat, plain in her dress and plain in her face, for she was pockmarked. But of
her confidence in office there was no question. She looked them over somewhat
superciliously, and listened to Haluin’s meekly uttered request without a
responsive smile, in no hurry to open a door of which she clearly felt herself
the privileged custodian. “From the abbey at Shrewsbury, you come?
And on the lord abbot’s business, I suppose?” “On an errand the lord abbot has
sanctioned,” said Haluin. “It is not the same,” said Gerta sharply.
“What other than abbey business can send a monk of Shrewsbury here? If this is
some matter of your own, let my lady know with whom she is dealing.” “Tell her,” said Haluin patiently, leaning
heavily on his crutches, and with eyes lowered from the woman’s unwelcoming
face, “that Brother Haluin, a Benedictine monk of Shrewsbury abbey, humbly begs
of her grace to receive him.” The name meant nothing to her. Clearly she
had not been in Adelais de Clary’s service, or certainly not in her confidence
or even close enough to guess at her preoccupations, eighteen years ago. Some
other woman, perhaps nearer her mistress’s years, had filled this intimate
office then. Close body servants, grown into their mistress’s trust and into
their own blood loyalty, carry a great treasury of secrets, often to their
deaths. There must somewhere, Cadfael thought, watching in silence, be a woman
who would have stiffened and opened her eyes wide at that name, even if she had
not instantly known the changed and time-worn face. “I will ask,” said the tirewoman, with a
touch of condescension still, and went away through the hall to a
leather-curtained doorway at the far end. Some minutes passed before she
appeared again, drawing back the hangings, and without troubling to approach
them, called from the doorway: “My lady says you may come.” The solar they entered was small and dim,
for the windward of the two windows was shuttered fast against the weather, and
the tapestries that draped the walls were old, and in rich dark colors. There
was no fireplace, but a stone hearth laid close to the most sheltered corner
carried a charcoal brazier, and between that and the one window that gave light
a woman was sitting at a little embroidery frame, on a cushioned stool. Against
the light from the window she showed as a tall, erect shape, dark-clothed,
while the glow of the brazier shone in copper highlights on her shadowed face.
She had left her needle thrust into the stretched cloth. Her hands were
clenched fast on the raised arms of the stool, and her eyes were on the doorway,
into which Brother Haluin lurched painfully on his crutches, his one
serviceable foot sore with use and bearing him wincingly at every step, the
blocked toe of his left foot barely touching the floor as a meager aid to
balance. Constant leaning into the crutches had hunched his shoulders and bent
his straight back. Having heard his name, she must surely have expected
something nearer to the lively, comely young man she had cast out all those
years ago. What could she make now of this mangled wreckage? He was barely within the room when she
rose abruptly to her feet, stiff as a lance. Over their heads she spoke first
to the waiting-woman, who had made to follow them in. “Leave us!” said Adelais de Clary, and to
Haluin, as the leather curtain swung heavily into place between solar and hall:
“What is this? What have they done to you?” Chapter Four SHE MUST, CADFAEL RECKONED, growing used
to the play of light and shadow within the room, be within ten years of his own
age, but she looked younger. The dark hair that was coiled in heavy braids on
either side of her head was bareiy touched with grey, and the imperious, fine
bones of her face had kept their imperishable elegance, though the flesh that
covered them was a little shrunken and sapless now, and her body had grown
angular and lean as the juices of youth dried up. Her hands, though shapely
still, betrayed her with swollen knuckles and seamed veins, and there was a
languor upon her pale skin at throat and wrist where once the rounded gloss of
youth had been. But for all that, in the oval face, the long, resolute lips,
and large eyes in their deep settings Cadfael saw the ashes of great beauty.
No, not ashes, embers, still alive and as hot at least as the coals burning in
the heart of the brazier. “Come nearer!” she said. And when Haluin
stood before her with the light upon his face, pale and cold light from the
window, flushed from the fire: “It is you!” she said. “I wondered. How have you
come to this?” Her voice was low-pitched, full and
authoritative, but the first implication of dismay and concern was gone. She
looked at him neither compassionately nor coldly, but with a kind of detached
indifference, a curiosity of no deep root. “This is no man’s blame but mine,” said
Haluin. “Don’t regard it! I have what I earned. I came by a great fall, but by
the grace of God I am alive, who by this time had thought to be dead. And as I
have eased my soul to God and my confessor for old sins, so I come to beg
forgiveness of you.” “Was that needful?” she said, marveling. “After
so many years, and all this way?” “Yes, it was needful. I do greatly need to
hear you say that you forgive me the wrong I did, and the grief I brought upon
you. There can be no rest for me now until the leaf is washed clear of every
last stain.” “And you have told over all the old
writing,” said Adelais with some bitterness, “all that was secret and shameful,
have you? To your confessor? And how many more? This good brother who bears you
company? The whole household at chapter? Could you not bear to be still a
sinner unshriven, rather than betray my daughter’s name to the world, and she
so long in her grave? I would have gone sinful into purgatory rather!” “And so would I!” cried Haluin, wrung.
“But no, it is not so. Brother Cadfael bears me company because he is the only
one who knows, excepting only Abbot Radulfus, who heard my confession. No other
will ever know from us. Brother Cadfael was also grossly wronged in what I did,
he had a right to give or withhold forgiveness. It was from his store and after
his teaching that I stole those medicines I gave to you.” She turned her gaze upon Cadfael in a
long, steady stare, and her face, for once seen clearly, was intent and still.
“Well,” she said, again turning away into indifference, “it was very long ago.
Who would remember now? And I am not dying yet. What do I know! I shall need a
priest myself someday, I could better have answered you then. Well, to put an
end to it… Have what you ask! I do forgive you. I would not add to what you
suffer. Go back in peace to your cloister. I forgive you as I hope for
forgiveness.” It was said without passion; the brief
spurt of anger was already gone. It cost her no effort to absolve him; she did
it as neutrally, it seemed, and with as little feeling as she would have handed
out food to a beggar. Of gentlewomen of her nobility alms could properly be
asked, and granting was a form of largesse, the due fulfillment of a rite of
lordship. But what she gave lightly came as relieving grace to Haluin. The
braced tension went out of his leaning shoulders and stiffly clenched hands. He
bent his head humbly before her, and uttered his thanks in a low and halting
voice, like a man momentarily dazed. “Madam, your mercy lifts a load from me,
and from my heart I am grateful.” “Go back to the life you have chosen and
the duties you have undertaken,” she said, again seating herself, though she
did not yet reach for her needle. “Think no more of what happened long ago. You
say you have a life spared. Use it as best you can, and so will I mine.” It was a dismissal, and as such Haluin
accepted it. He made her a deep reverence, and turned carefully upon his
crutches, and Cadfael reached a hand to steady him in the movement. She had not
so much as bidden them be seated, perhaps too shaken by so sudden and startling
a visit, but as they reached the doorway she called after them suddenly: “Stay if you will, take rest and meat in
my house. My servants will provide you everything you need.” “I thank you,” said Haluin, “but our leave
of absence enjoins a return as soon as my pilgrimage here is done.” “God hasten your way home, then,” said
Adelais de Clary, and with a steady hand took up her needle again. The church lay a short distance from the
manor, where two tracks crossed, and the huddle of village house plots gathered
close about the churchyard wall. “The tomb is within,” said Haluin, as they
entered at the gate. “It was never opened when I was here, but Bertrand’s
father is buried here, and surely it must have been opened for Bertrade. She
died here. I am sorry, Cadfael, that I refused hospitality also for you. I had
not thought in time. I shall need no bed tonight.” “You said no word of that to the lady,”
Cadfael observed. “No. I hardly know why. When I saw her
again my heart misgave me that I did ill to bring before her again that old
pain, that the very sight of me was an offense to her. Yet she did forgive. I
am the better for that, and she surely none the worse. But you could have slept
easy tonight. No need for two to watch.” “I’m better fitted for a night on my knees
than you,” said Cadfael. “And I am not sure the welcome there would have been
very warm. She wished us gone. No, it’s very well as it is. Most likely she
thinks we’re on the homeward way already, off her land and out of her life.” Haluin halted for a second with his hand
on the heavy iron ring latch of the church door, his face in shadow. The door
swung open, creaking, and he gripped his crutches to ease himself down the two
wide, shallow steps into the nave. It was dim and stonily chilly within.
Cadfael waited a moment on the steps till his eyes grew accustomed to the
changed light, but Haluin set off at once up the nave towards the altar.
Nothing here was greatly changed in eighteen years, and nothing had been
forgotten. Even the rough edges of the floor tiles were known to him. He turned
aside towards the right-hand wall, his crutches ringing hollowly, and Cadfael,
following, found him standing beside a stone table-tomb fitted between the
pillars. The carved image recumbent there was in crude chain mail, and had one
leg crossed over the other, and a hand on his sword hilt. Another Crusader,
surely the father of Bertrand, who in his turn had followed him to the Holy
Land. This one, Cadfael calculated, might well have been with Robert of
Normandy’s army in my time, at the taking of Jerusalem. Clearly the de Clary
men were proud of their warfare in the east. A man came through from the sacristy, and
seeing two unmistakable Benedictine habits, turned amicably to come towards
them. A man of middle age, in a rusty black cassock, advancing upon them with a
mildly inquiring expression and a welcoming smile, Haluin heard his steps, soft
as they were, and swung about gladly to greet a remembered neighbor, only to
recoil on the instant at seeing a stranger. “Good day, Brothers! God be with you!”
said the priest of Hales. “To travelers of your cloth my house is always open,
like this house of God. Have you come far?” “From Shrewsbury,” said Haluin, strongly
recovering himself. “Forgive me, Father, if I was taken aback. I had expected
to see Father Wulfnoth. Foolish of me, indeed, for I have not been here for
many years, and he was growing grey when I knew him, but to me in youth it
seemed he would be here forever. Now I dare hardly ask!” “Father Wulfnoth is gone to his rest,”
said the priest, “seven years ago now it must be. Ten years back I came here,
after he was brought to his bed by a seizure, and three years I looked after
him until he died. I was newly priest then, I learned much from Wulfnoth, his
mind was clear and bright if the flesh had failed him.” His good-natured round
face offered sympathetic curiosity. “You know this church and this manor, then?
Were you born in Hales?” “No, not that. But for some years I served
with the lady Adelais at the manor. Church and village I knew well, before I
took the cowl at Shrewsbury. Now,” said Haluin earnestly, observing how
brightly he was studied, and feeling the need to account for his return, “I
have good need to give thanks for escaping alive from a mishap that might have
caused my death, and I have taken thought to discharge, while I may, every debt
I have on my conscience. Of which number, one brings me here to this tomb.
There was a lady of the de Clary family whom I reverenced, and she died
untimely. I should like to spend the night here at her burial place, in prayers
for her. It was long before your time, eighteen years ago now. It will not
disturb you if I spend the night here within?” “Why, as to that, you’d be welcome,” said
the priest heartily, “and I could light a cresset for you. It gives some help
against the cold. But surely, Brother, you’re under some mistake. True, what
you say puts this before my time, but Father Wulfnoth told me much concerning
the church and the manor, he’d been in the service of the lords of Hales all
his life. It was they helped him to his studies and set him up here as priest.
There has been no burial here in this tomb since the old lord died, this one
who’s carved here on the stone. And that was more than thirty years back. It’s
his grandson rules now. A lady of the family, you say? And died young?” “A kinswoman,” said Haluin, low-voiced and
shaken, his eyes lowered to the stone which had not been raised for thirty
years. “She died here at Hales. I had thought she must be buried here.” He
would not name her, or betray more than he must of himself and what moved him,
even to this kindly man. And Cadfael stood back from them, watched, and held
his peace. “And only eighteen years ago? Then be
certain. Brother, she is not here. If you knew Father Wulfnoth, you know you
can rely upon what he told me. And I know his wits were sharp until the day he
died.” “I do believe it, “ said Haluin, quivering
with the chill of disappointment. “He would not be mistaken. So—she is not
here!” “But this is not the chief seat of the de
Clary honor,” the priest pointed out gently, “for that’s Elford, in
Staffordshire. The present lord, Audemar, took his father there for burial; the
family has a great vault there. If there are any close kin dead these last
years, that’s where they’ll be. No doubt the lady you speak of was also taken
there to lie among her kinsfolk.” Haluin seized upon the hope hungrily.
“Yes… yes, it could well be so, it must be so. There I shall find her.” “I have no doubt of it,” said the priest.
“But it’s a long way to go afoot.” He had sensed an urgency that was very
unlikely to listen to reason, but he did his best to temper it. “You’d be well
advised to go mounted, if you must go now, or put it off for longer days and
better weather. At least come inside, to my house, and take meat with me, and
rest overnight.” But that Haluin would not do, so much was
already clear to Brother Cadfael. Not while there was still an hour or more of
daylight left at the windows, and he had still the strength to go a mile
further. He excused himself with slightly guilty thanks, and took a restrained
leave of the good man, who watched them in wondering speculation until they had
climbed the steps to the porch, and closed the door after them. “No!” said Cadfael firmly, as soon as they
were clear of the churchyard, and passing along the track between the village
houses to reach the highroad. “That you cannot do!” “I can, I must!” Brother Haluin responded
with no less determination. “Why should I not?” “Because, in the first place, you do not
know how far it is to Etford. As far again as we have come, and half as far
after that. And you know very well how hard you have pushed yourself already.
And in the second place, because you were given leave to attempt this journey
in the belief that it would end here, and we two return from here. And so we
should. No, never shake your head at me, you know very well Father Abbot never
envisaged more than that, and would never have given you leave for more. We
should turn back here.” “How can I?” Haluin’s voice was implacably
reasonable, even tranquil. His way was perfectly clear to him, and he was
patient with dissent. “If I turn back, I am forsworn. I have not yet done what
I vowed to do, I should go back self-condemned and contemptible. Father Abbot
would not wish that, however little either he or I expected so long a penance.
He gave me leave until I had accomplished what I swore to do. If he were here
to be asked, he would tell me to go on. I said I would not rest until I had
gone on foot to the tomb where Bertrade lies buried, and there passed a night
in prayer and vigil, and that I have not done.” “Through no fault of yours,” said Cadfael
strenuously. “Does that excuse me? It is a just
judgment on me that I must go double the way. If I fail of this, I said, may I
live forsworn and die unforgiven! On the blessed relics of Saint Winifred, who
has been so good to us all, I swore it. How can I turn back? I would rather die
on the road, at least still faithfully trying to redeem my vow, than abandon my
faith and honor, and go back shamed.” And who was that speaking, Cadfael
wondered, the dutiful monk, or the son of a good Norman house, from a line at
least as old as King William’s when he came reaching for the crown of England,
and without the irregularity of bastardy, at that. No doubt but pride is a sin,
and unbecoming a Benedictine brother, but not so easily shed with the spurs and
title of nobility. Haluin, too, had caught the fleeting
implication of arrogance, and flushed at the recognition, but would not draw
back from it. He halted abruptly, swaying on his crutches, and detached a hand
in haste to take Cadfael by the wrist. “Don’t chide me! Well I know you could,
and your face shows me I deserve it, but spare to condemn. I can do no other.
Oh, Cadfael, I do know every argument you could justly use against me. I have
thought of them, I think of them still, but still I am bound. Bound by vows I
will not, dare not break. Though my abbot judge me rebellious and disobedient,
though my abbey cast me out, that I must bear. But to take back what I have
pledged to Bertrade that I will not bear.” The flush of blood mantling in his pale
cheeks became him, warmed away the faded look of emaciation from illness, and
even stripped some years from him. In stillness he stood upright, stretching
his bent back upward between the braced crutches. No persuasion was going to
move him. As well accept it. “But you, Cadfael,” he said, gripping the
wrist he held, “you have made no such vow, you are not bound. No need for you
to go further, you have done all that was expected of you. Go back now, and
speak for me to the lord abbot.” “Son,” said Cadfael, between sympathy and
exasperation, “I am fettered as fast as you, and you should know it. My orders
are to go with you in case you founder, and to take care of you if you do. You
are on your own business, I am on the abbot’s. If I cannot take you back with
me I cannot go back.” “But your work,” protested Haluin,
dismayed but unwavering. “Mine can well wait, but you’ll be missed. How will
they manage without you for so long?” “As best they can. There’s no man living
who cannot be done without,” said Cadfael sturdily, “and just as well, since
there’s a term to life for every man. No, say no more. If your mind’s made up,
so is mine. Where you go, I go. And since we have barely an hour of daylight
left to us, and I fancy you have no wish to seek a bed here in Hales, we had
better move gently on, and look for a shelter along the way.” Adelais de Clary rose in the morning and
went to Mass, as was her regular habit. She was meticulous in her religious
observances and in almsgiving, keeping up the old custom of her husband’s
household. And if her charity seemed sometimes a little cold and distant, at
least it was constant and reliable. Whenever the parish priest had a special
case in need of relief, he brought it to her for remedy. He walked with her to the gate after the
office, dutiful in attendance. “I had two Benedictines come visiting yesterday,
“ he said as she was drawing her cloak about her against a freshening March
wind. “Two brothers from Shrewsbury.” “Indeed!” said Adelais. “What did they
want with you?” “The one of them was crippled, and went on
crutches. He said he was once in your service, before he took the cowl. He
remembered Father Wulfnoth. I thought they would have come to pay their
respects to you. Did they not?” She did not answer that, but only observed
idly, gazing into distance as though only half her mind was on what was said,
“I remember, I did have a clerk once who entered the monastery at Shrewsbury.
What was his business here at the church?” “He said he had been spared by death, and
was about making up all his accounts, to be better prepared. I found them
beside the tomb of your lord’s father. They were in some error that a woman of
your house was buried there, eighteen years ago. The lame one had it in mind to
spend a night’s vigil there in prayers for her.” “A strange mistake,” said Adelais with the
same tolerant disinterest. “No doubt you undeceived him?” “I told him it was not so. I was not here
then, of course, but I knew from Father Wulfnoth that the tomb had not been
opened for many years, and what the young brother supposed could not be true. I
told him that all of your house now are buried at Elford, where the head of the
manor lies.” “A long, hard journey that would be, for a
lame man afoot,” said Adelais with easy sympathy. “I hope he did not intend to
continue his travels so far?” “I think, madam, he did. For they declined
to rest and eat with me, and sleep the night over, but set off again at once.
‘There I shall find her,’ the young one said. Yes, I am sure they will have
turned eastward when they reached the highroad. A long, hard journey, indeed,
but his will was good to perform it.” His relationship with his patroness was a
comfortable and easy one, and he did not hesitate to ask directly, “Will he
indeed find the gentlewoman he’s seeking at Elford?” “He well may,” said Adelais, pacing evenly
and serenely beside him. “Eighteen years is a long time, and I cannot enter
into his mind. I was younger then, I kept a bigger household. There were
cousins, some left without fortune. My lord kept a father’s hand on all of his
blood. In his absence and as his regent, so did I.” They had reached the churchyard gate, and
halted there. The morning was soft and green, but very still, and the cloud
cover hung heavy and low. “There will be more snow yet,” said the
priest, “if it does not turn to rain.” And he went on inconsequently: “Eighteen
years! It may be that this monk in his time with you was drawn to one of these
young cousins, after the way of the young, and her early death was greater
grief to him than ever he ventured to let you know.” “It may be so,” said Adelais distantly,
and drew up the hood of her cloak against a few infinitely fine spears of sleet
that drifted on the still air and stung her cheek. “Good day, Father!” “I will pray,” said the priest after her,
“that his pilgrimage to her grave may bring comfort and benefit to him living,
and to the lady dead.” “Do so, Father,” said Adelais without
turning her head. “And do not fail to add a prayer for me and all the women of
my house, that time may lie lightly on us when our day comes.” Cadfael lay awake in the hayloft of the
forester’s holding in the royal forest of Chenet, listening to the measured
breathing of his companion, too constant and too tense for sleep. It was the
second night since they had left Hales. The first they had spent with a
solitary cottar and his wife a mile or so beyond the hamlet of Weston, and the
day between had been long, and this second-shelter in the early reaches of the
forest came very warmiy and gratefully. They had gone early to their beds in
the loft, for Haluin, at whose insistence they had continued so far into the
evening, was close to exhaustion. Sleep, Cadfael noted, came to him readily and
peacefully, a restoring mercy to a soul very troubled and wrung when awake.
There are many ways by which God tempers the burden. Haluin rose every morning
refreshed and resolute. It was not yet light, there might still be
an hour to dawn. There was no movement, no rustling of the dry hay from the
corner where Haluin lay, but Cadfael knew he was awake now, and the stillness
was good, for it meant that he lay in the languor of ease of body, wherever the
wakeful mind within might have strayed. “Cadfael?” said a still, remote voice out
of the darkness. “Are you awake?” “I am,” he said as softly. “You have never asked me anything. Of the
thing I did. Of her…” “There is no need,” said Cadfael. “What
you wish to tell will be told without asking.” “I was never free to speak of her,” said
Haluin, “until now. And now only to you, who know.” There was a silence. He
bled words slowly and arduously, as the shy and solitary do. After a while he
resumed softly; “She was not beautiful, as her mother was. She had not that
dark radiance, but something more kindly. There was nothing dark or secret in
her, but everything open and sunlit, like a flower. She was not afraid of
anything, not then. She trusted everyone. She had never been betrayed—not then.
Only once, and she died of it.” Another and longer silence, and this time
the hay stirred briefly, like a sigh. Then he asked almost timidly: “Cadfael,
you were half your life in the world—did you ever love a woman?” “Yes,” said Cadfael, “I have loved.” “Then you know how it was with us. For we
did love, she and I. It hurts most of all,” said Brother Haluin, looking back
in resigned and wondering pain, “when you are young. There is nowhere to hide
from it, no shield you can raise between. To see her every day… and to know
that it was with her as it was with me…” Even if he had put it from him all these
years, and tried to turn hands and mind and spirit to the service he had
undertaken, of his own will, in his extremity, he had forgotten nothing; it was
there within him ready to quicken at a breath, like a sleeping fire when a door
is opened. Now at least it could escape into air, into the world of other men,
where it could touch other men’s sufferings and receive and give compassion.
From Cadfael there were no words needed, only the simple acknowledgment of
companionship, the assurance of a listening ear. Haluin fell asleep with a last lingering
word on his lips, murmured almost inaudibly after lengthening silences. It
might have been her name, Bertrade, or it might have been “buried.” No matter!
What mattered was that he had uttered it on the edge of sleep, and now would
blessedly sleep again after all his harsh labor along the way, perhaps long
past the coming of the light. So much the better! One day more spent on this
pilgrimage might grieve his impatient spirit, but it would certainly benefit
his harshly driven body. Cadfael arose very quietly, and left his
companion deeply asleep and virtually a prisoner in the loft, since he would
need help to get to his feet and descend the ladder. With the trapdoor left
open, a listener below would hear when the sleeper stirred, but by the look of
his relaxed body and the thin face smoothed of its tensions he would sleep for
some time. Cadfael went out into the clear, sharp
morning, to sniff the still air, redolent of the lingering winter scents of
forestland still half asleep. From the forester’s small assart among the trees
it was possible to see the cleared grey of the track in broken glimpses between
the old trunks, for the growth was close enough to keep the ground almost clear
of underbrush. A handcart trundled along the road, laden with kindling from the
fallen deadwood of the autumn, and the chattering flight of disturbed birds
accompanied it in a shimmer of fluttered branches and drifting leaves. The
forester was already up and about his morning tasks, his cow lumbering in to be
milked, his dog weaving busily about his heels. A dry day, the sky overcast but
lofty, the light good. A fine day for the road. By night they could be in
Chenet itself, and the manor, in the king’s holding, would take them in.
Tomorrow to Lichfield, and there Cadfael was determined they should halt for another
long night’s rest, however ardently Haluin might argue for pressing on the
remaining few miles to Elford. After a proper sleep in Lichfield Haluin should
be in better condition to endure the next night’s vigil pledged in Bertrade’s
memory, and face the beginning of the return journey, during which, God be
praised, there need be no haste at all, and no cause to drive himself to the
limits of endurance. Sounds came muffled and soft along the
beaten earth of the track, but Cadfael caught rather the vibration of hooves
than the impact. Horses coming briskly from the west, two horses, for their
gaits quivered in counterpoint, coming at a brisk trot, fresh from a night’s
rest and ready for the day. Travelers heading, perhaps, for Lichfield, after
spending the night at the manor of Stretton, two miles back along the road.
Cadfael stood to watch them pass. Two men in dun-colored gear,
leather-coated, easy in the saddle, their seats and the handling of their
mounts so strongly alike that either they had learned from childhood together
or the one had taught the other. And indeed, the one was double the bulk of the
other and clearly a generation the elder, and though they were too distant and
too briefly seen to have features, the whole shape of them indicated that they
were kin. Two privileged grooms to some noble house, each with a woman pillion
behind him. Women warmly cloaked for traveling look all much alike, and yet
Cadfael stared after the first of these with roused attention, and kept his
eyes on her until the horses and their riders had vanished along the road, and
the soft drumming of hooves faded into distance. She was still within his eyelids as he
turned back into the hay hut, pricking uneasily at his memory, urging, against
all his dismissal of the possibility as folly, that he had seen her before, and
further, that if he would but admit it he knew very well where. But whether that was true or not, and
whatever it augured if it was, there was nothing he could do about it. He
shrugged it into the back of his mind, and went in, to listen for the moment
when Haluin should awake and have need of him. They came through groves of trees into an
expanse of level meadows, a little bleached and grey as yet in the cold air,
but fertile and well cultivated, a rich little island in a shire otherwise
somewhat derelict still after the harsh pacification of fifty years back. There
before them lay the sleek curves of the River Tame, the steep-pitched roof of a
mill, and the close cluster of the houses of Elford, beyond the water. In the warm and welcoming hospitality of
the clerics of Lichfield they had spent a restful night, and received full
directions as to the best road to Elford, and with the first light of dawn they
had set off on the last four miles or so of this penitential journey. And here
before them lay the goal of Haluin’s pilgrimage, almost within reach, only an
expanse of peaceful fields and a wooden footbridge between him and his
absolution. A fortunate place, prosperous where much was impoverished, with not
one mill by the waterside, but two, for they could see the second one upstream,
with ample meadowland, and rich soil where the arable fields showed. A place
that might well promise blessing and peace of mind after labor and pain. The pale thread of the path led them
forward, and the roofs of Elford rose before them, circled with trees and
bushes still naked and dark at this distant view, not yet so far advanced in
bud as to show the first faint, elusive smoke of green. They crossed the
bridge, the uneven planks causing Haluin to watch carefully how he placed his
crutches, and came into the track between the houses. A neat village, with
housewives and husbandmen going cheerfully and confidently about their daily
business, alert to strangers but civil and welcoming to the Benedictine habit.
They exchanged greetings along the way, and Haluin, cheered and vindicated at
the successful completion of his journey, began to flush and brighten with
pleasure at being offered this spontaneous omen of acceptance and release. No need to ask how to reach the church,
they had seen its low tower before they crossed the bridge. It had been built
since the Normans came, sturdy in grey stone, with spacious churchyard very
well stockaded for sanctuary at need, and full of old and handsome trees. They
entered under the round-arched portico, and came into the familiar cool,
echoing gloom of all stone-built churches, smelling faintly of dust, and wax
candles, and strongly and reassuringly of home, the chosen abiding-place. Haluin had halted in the tiled silence of
the nave to get his bearings. Here there was no Lady Chapel to accommodate a
patron’s tomb between the altars. The lords of Elford must lie aside, built
into the stones of the walls they had raised. The red eye of light from the
altar lamp showed them where the tomb lay, a great table slab filling a niche
in the right-hand wall. Some dead de Clary, perhaps the first who came over
with King William, and got his reward later, showed as a sleeping figure in
relief on the sealing stone. Haluin had started forward towards it, only to
check and draw back after the first echoing step, for there was a woman on her
knees beside the tomb. They saw her only as a shadowy figure, for
the cloak she wore was dark grey like the stone in this dim light, and they
knew her for a woman and not a man because the hood of the cloak was thrown
back from her head, uncovering a white linen coif and a gauze veil over it.
They would have retired into the porch to let her complete her prayers in
peace, but she had heard the impact of the crutches on the tiled floor, and
turned her head sharply to look towards them. In a single graceful, abrupt
movement she rose to her feet, and coming towards them, stepped into the light
from a window, and showed them the proud, aging, beautiful face of Adelais de
Clary. Chapter Five “YOU?” SHE SAID, staring, and turning her
startled gaze from one face to the other, seeking, it seemed, some logic in
this unexpected visitation. Her voice was neutral, neither welcoming nor repelling
them. “I had not thought to see you again so soon. Is there something more you
have to ask of me, Haluin, that you have followed me here? You have only to
ask. I have said I forgive.” “Madam,” said Haluin, shaken and quivering
from the apparition of his former mistress in this unexpected place, “we have
not followed you. Indeed I never thought to find you here. For your forbearance
I’m grateful, and I would not for the world trouble you further. I have come
here only in fulfillment of a vow I made. I thought to spend a night in prayer
at Hales, believing that my lady your daughter must be buried there. But we
heard from the priest that it is not so. It’s here at Elford she lies, in the
tomb of her grandsires. So I have continued this far. And all I have to beg of
you is your leave to keep my vigil here through this coming night, in
deliverance of what I have sworn. Then we will depart, and trouble you no
more.” “I will not deny,” she said, but with a
softening voice, “that I shall be glad to have you gone. No ill will! But this
wound you have opened again for me I would willingly swathe away out of sight
until it heals. Your face is a contagion that makes it open and bleed afresh.
Do you think I should have taken horse and ridden here so fast if you had not
put that old grief in my mind?” “I trust,” said Haluin in a low and shaken
voice, “you may find, madam, as I hope to find, the wound cleansed of all its
rancors by this atonement. It is my prayer that for you this time the healing
may be sweet and wholesome.” “And for you?” she said sharply, and
turned a little away from him, with a motion of her hand that forbade any
answer. “Sweet and wholesome! You ask much of God, and more of me.” In the
sidelong light from the window her face was fierce and sad. “You have learned a
monk’s way with words,” she said. “Well, it is a long time! Your voice was
lighter once, so was your step. This at least I grant you, you are here at a
very heavy cost. Do not deny me the grace of offering you rest and meat this
time. I have a dwelling of my own here, within my son’s manor pale. Come within
and rest at least until Vespers, if you must punish your flesh on the stones
here through the night.” “Then I may have my night of prayer?”
asked Haluin hungrily. “Why not? Have you not just seen me
entreating God in the same cause?” she said. “I see you broken. I would not
have you forsworn. Yes, have your penitential vigil, but take food in my house
first. I’ll send my grooms to fetch you,” she said, “when you have made your
devotions here.” She was almost at the door, paying no
attention to Haluin’s hesitant thanks, and affording him no opportunity to
refuse her hospitality, when she suddenly halted and swung round to them again. “But say no word,” she said earnestly, “to
any other about your purpose here. My daughter’s name and fame are safe enough
under the stone, let them lie quiet there. I would not have any other reminded
as I have been reminded. Let it be only between us two, and this good brother
who bears you company.” “Madam,” said Haluin devoutly, “there
shall be no word said to any other soul but between us three, neither now nor
at any other time, neither here nor in any other place.” “You ease my mind,” she said, and in a
moment she was gone, and the door drawn quietly to after her. Haluin could not kneel without something
firm before him to which to cling, and Cadfael’s arm about him to ease his
weight down gently, sharing the burden with his companion’s one serviceable
foot. They offered their dutiful prayer at the altar side by side, and Cadfael,
open-eyed as Haluin kneeled long, traced with measured concern the worn lines
of the young man’s face. He had survived the hard journey afoot, but not
without a heavy cost. The night on the stones here would be cold, cramping, and
long, but Haluin would insist on the last extreme of self-punishment. And after
that, the long road back. As well, indeed, if the lady could persuade him to
remain for at least a second night, if only as a concession and grace to her
now that they had, in a fashion, come to terms with their shared and haunted
past. For it could certainly be true that
Haluin’s sudden visit had sent her on her own pilgrimage, hotfoot here to
confront her own part in that old tragedy. Passing by at a smart trot the
forester’s assart near Chenet, with only a maidservant and two grooms in her
train, and striking an elusive spark in Cadfael’s memory. It could well be
true. Or would such a seed have borne fruit so fast? The implication of haste
was there. Cadfael saw again the two double-laden horses passing in the early
morning, going steadily and with purpose. In haste to pay a half-forgotten debt
of affection and remorse? Or to arrive before someone else, and be ready and
armed to receive him? She wanted them satisfied and gone, but that was natural
enough. They had trespassed on her peace, and held up an old, flawed mirror
before her beautiful face. “Help me up!” said Haluin, and raised his
arms like a child to be lifted to his feet; and that was the first time that he
had asked for help, always before it had been proffered, and his acceptance
humble and resigned rather than grateful. “You did not speak one word throughout,”
he said suddenly, marveling, as they turned towards the church door. “I had not one word to speak,” said Cadfael.
“But I heard many words. And even the silences between them were not altogether
inarticulate.” Adelais de Clary’s groom was waiting for
them in the porch, as she had promised, leaning indolently with one shoulder
propped against the jamb of the door, as though he had been waiting for some
time, but with immovable patience. His appearance confirmed everything Brother
Cadfael had elaborated, in his own mind, from the few glimpses he had had of
the riders between the trees. The younger of the pair, this, a brawny young man
of perhaps thirty years, thickset, bullnecked, unmistakably in the Norman mold.
Perhaps the third or fourth generation from a progenitor who had come over as a
man at arms with the first de Clary. The strong original stock still prevailed,
though intermarriage with Englishwomen had tempered the fairness of his hair
into a straw brown, and somewhat moderated the brutal bones of his face. He
still wore his hair cropped into a close cap in the Norman manner, and his
strong jaw clean-shaven, and he still had the bright, light, impenetrable eyes
of the north. At their coming he sprang erect, more at ease in movement than in
repose. “My lady sends me to show you the way.” His voice was flat and clipped, and he
waited for no reply, but set off out of the churchyard before them, at a pace
Haluin could not well maintain. The groom looked back at the gate and waited,
and thereafter abated his speed, though it obviously chafed him to move slowly.
He said nothing of his own volition, and replied to question or simple civility
cordially enough, but briefly. Yes, Elford was a very fine property, good land
and a good lord. Audemar’s competent management of his honor was acknowledged
indifferently; this young man’s allegiance was to Adelais rather than to her
son. Yes, his father was in the same service, and so had his father been before
him. About these monastic guests he showed no curiosity at all, though he might
have felt some. Those pale grey alien eyes concealed all thought, or perhaps
suggested thought’s total absence. He brought them by a grassy way to the
gate of the manor enclosure, which was walled and spacious. Audemar de Clary’s
house sat squarely in the midst, the living floor raised well above a stone
undercroft, and to judge by the small windows above, there, were at least two
more chambers over the solar. And his ample courtyard was built round with
other habitable rooms, as well as the customary and necessary stables, armory,
bakehouse and brewhouse, stores and workshops, and was populous with the
activities of a large and busy household. The groom led them to a small timber
lodging under the curtain wall. “My lady has had this chamber made ready
for you. Use it as your own, she says, and the gateman will see to it you can
come and go freely, to go to the church.” Her hospitality, as they found, was
meticulous but remote and impersonal. She had provided them with water for
washing, comfortable pallets to rest on, sent them food from her own table, and
given orders to tell them to ask for anything they might need or want that had
been forgotten, but she did not receive them into her own presence. Perhaps
forgiveness did not reach so far as to render Haluin’s remorseful presence
agreeable to her. Nor was it her house servants who waited on them, but the two
grooms who had ridden with her from Hales. It was the elder of the two who
brought them meat and bread and cheese, and small ale from the pantry. Cadfael
had not been deceived in their relationship, for this one was clearly father to
the other, a tough, square-set man in his fifties, close-mouthed like his son,
broader in the shoulders, more bowed in the legs from years spent as much on
horseback as on his own two feet. The same cold, unconfiding eyes, the same
bold and powerful shaven jaws, but this one was tanned to a lasting bronze that
Cadfael recognized from his own past as having its origin very far from
England. His lord had been a crusader. This man had surely been with him there
in Holy Land, and got his burnished gloss there under the fierce, remembered
sun. The elder groom came again later in the
afternoon, with a message not for Haluin but for Cadfael. It so happened that
Haluin had fallen asleep on his pallet, and the man’s entrance, light and soft
as a cat for all his bulk, did not disturb his rest, for which Cadfael was
grateful. There was a long and unrestful night to come. He motioned to the
groom to wait, and went out into the courtyard to him, closing the door softly
after him. “Let him lie. He’ll need to be wakeful
later.” “My lady told us how he means to spend the
night,” said the groom. “It’s you she bids to her, if you’ll come with me now.
Let the other brother rest, she says, for he’s been mortal sick. I grant him a
man’s guts, or he’d never have come so far on those feet. This way, Brother!” Her dower dwelling was built into a corner
of the curtain wall, sheltered from the prevailing winds, small, but enough for
such occasional visits as she chose to make to her son’s court. A narrow hall
and chamber, and a kitchen built lean-to against the wall outside. The groom
strode in and through the hall with simple authority, as one having privilege
here, and entered his mistress’s presence much as a son or brother of hers
might have done, trusting and trusted. Adelais de Clary was well served, but
without subservience. “Here is Brother Cadfael from Shrewsbury,
my lady. The other one’s asleep.” Adelais was sitting at a distaff loaded
with deep blue wool, spinning the spindle with her left hand, but at their
entrance she ceased to turn it, and lodged it carefully against the foot of the
distaff to prevent the yarn from uncoiling. “Good! It’s what he needs. Leave us now,
Lothair, our guest will find his own way back. Is my son home yet?” “Not yet. I’ll be looking out for him when
he comes.” “He has Roscelin with him,” she said, “and
the hounds. When they’re all home and kenneled and stalled, take your ease,
it’s well earned.” He merely nodded by way of acknowledgment,
and departed, taciturn and uneffusive as ever, and yet there was a tone in
their exchange of invulnerable assurance, secure as rooted rock. Adelais said
no word until the door of her chamber had closed after her servant. She was
eyeing Cadfael with silent attention, and the faint shadow of a smile. “Yes,” she said, as if he had spoken.
“More than an old servant. He was with my lord all the years he fought in
Palestine. More than once he did Bertrand that small service, to keep him man
alive. It is another manner of allegiance, not a servant’s. As bound in fealty
as ever lord is to his overlord. I inherited what was my lord’s before me.
Lothair, he’s called. His son is Luc. Born and bred in the some mold. You’ll
have seen the likeness, God knows it can hardly be missed.” “I have seen it,” said Cadfael. “And I
knew where Lothair got that copper skin he wears.” “Indeed?” She was studying him with
concentrated interest now, having gone to the trouble to see him for the first
time. “I was some years in the east myself,
before his time. If he lives long enough his brown will fade as mine has faded,
but it takes a long while.” “Ah! So you were not given to the monks in
childhood? I thought you had not the look of such virgin innocents,” said
Adelais. “I entered of my own will,” said Cadfael,
“when it was time.” “So did he—of his own will, though I think
it was not time.” She stirred and sighed. “I sent for you only to ask if you
have everything you need—if my men have taken proper care of you.” “Excellent care. And for their kindness
and yours we are devoutly grateful.” “And to ask you of him—of Haluin. I have
seen in what sad case he is. Will it ever be better for him?” “He will never walk as he did before,”
said Cadfael, “but as his sinews gain time and strength he will improve. He
believed he was dying, so did we all, but he lives and will yet find much good
in life—once his mind is at peace.” “And will it be at peace after tonight? Is
this what he needs?” “I believe he will. I believe it is.” “Then it has my blessing. And then you
will take him back to Shrewsbury? I can provide you horses,” she said, “for the
way back. Lothair can fetch them to Hales when we return.” “That kindness he will surely refuse,”
said Cadfael. “He has sworn to complete this penance on foot.” She nodded understanding. “I will ask him,
nonetheless. Well—that is all, Brother. If he will not, I can do no more. Yes,
one thing I can! I am coming to Vespers tonight. I will speak to the priest,
and make certain that no one—no one!—shall question or trouble his vigil. You
understand, nothing must be let slip to any soul but us who already know all
too well. Tell him so. What remains is between him and God.” The master of the house was just riding in
at the gate as Cadfael walked back to the lodging where Haluin lay sleeping.
The ring of harness and hooves and voices entered ahead of the cavalcade, a
lively sound, bringing out grooms and servants like bees from a disturbed hive
to attend on their lord’s arrival. And here he came, Audemar de Clary, on a
tall chestnut horse, a big man in dark, plain, workmanlike riding clothes,
without ornament, and needing none to mark him out as having authority here. He
rode in with head uncovered, the hood of his short cloak flung back on his
shoulders, and his shock of crisp hair was as dark as his mother’s, but the
powerful bones of his face, high-bridged nose, thrusting cheekbones, and lofty
forehead he surely had from his Crusader father. He could not, Cadfael thought, be yet
forty years old. The vigor of his movements as he dismounted, the spring of his
step on the ground, the very gestures of his hands as he stripped off his
gloves, all were young. But the formidable features of his face and the mastery
that was manifest all about him, in the efficiency of his management here and
the prompt and competent service he expected and got, made him seem older in
dominance than he was in years. He had been master, Cadfael recalled, in his
father’s long absence, beginning early, probably before he was twenty, and the
de Clary honor was large and scattered. He had learned his business well. Not a
man to be crossed lightly, but no one here feared him. They approached him
cheerfully and spoke with him boldly. His anger, when justified, might be
withering, even perilous, but it would be just. He had a young fellow, page or squire,
riding close at his elbow, a youth of seventeen or eighteen, fresh-faced and
flushed with open air and exercise, and after them came two kennelmen on foot
with the hounds on leash after their run. Audemar handed over his bridle to the
groom who came running, and stood stamping his booted feet as he shed his cloak
into the young man’s ready hands. The brief flurry of activity was over in a
few minutes, the horses on their way across the court to the stables, the
hounds away to the kennels. The young groom Luc came out of the stableyard and
spoke to Audemar, apparently to deliver a message from Adelais, for Audemar at
once looked round toward the lady’s lodging, nodded understanding, and came
striding towards her door. His eyes fell on Cadfael, standing discreetly aside
from his path, and for an instant he checked as though to stop and speak, but
then changed his mind and went on, to vanish into the deep doorway. Judging by the time that she and her
grooms and her maid had passed by in the forest, Cadfael reckoned, Adelais must
have arrived here that same day, two days previously. They would have no need
to halt for a night between Chenet and Elford, for on horseback the distance
was easy. Therefore she must already have seen and talked with her son. What
she had to communicate to him now, as soon as he returned from riding, might
well have to do with whatever was news this day at the manor of Elford. And
what was new but the arrival of the two monks from Shrewsbury, and their reason
for being here, a reason she would interpret with discretion for his ears. For
he had been here at Elford when his sister died in Hales, for the world’s
ears—and her brother’s also?—of a fever. That must be all he had ever known of
it, a simple, sad death, such as may happen in any household, even to one in
the bloom of youth. No, that strong and resolute woman would never have let her
son into the secret. An old, trusted, confidential maidservant, maybe. She must
have needed such a one, now perhaps dead. But her young son, no, never. And if that was true, no wonder Adelais
was taking every precaution to smooth Haluin’s way to his atonement, and be rid
of him as quickly as possible, warding off all inquiry, even from the priest,
offering horses to hasten the departure, and pledging the two pilgrims not to
reveal anything of the past to any other being, not to say one word of the
import of their errand, or mention the name of Bertrade. Something, at least, I begin to
understand, thought Cadfael. Wherever we turn, there is Adelais between us and
all others. She houses us, she feeds us, it is her most loyal servants who
approach and wait on us, not any from her son’s household. My daughter’s name
and fame are safe enough under the stone, she had said, let them lie quiet
there. Small blame to her for making sure, and no wonder she had ridden in
haste to reach Elford beforehand and be ready for them. And go we will, he thought, tomorrow
morning if Haluin is fit to set out, and she can set her mind at rest. We can
find another halting place a mile or two from here, if we must, but at all
costs we’ll quit these walls, and she need never see or think of Haluin again. The young squire had remained standing to
watch his lord cross to the lady’s door, Audemar’s cloak flung over his
shoulder, his bare head almost flaxen against the dark cloth. He had still the
coltish, angular grace of youth. In a year or two his slenderness would fill
out into solid and shapely manhood, with every movement under smooth control,
but as yet he retained the vulnerable uncertainty of a boy. He looked after
Audemar with surprised speculation, stared at Cadfael in candid curiosity, and
turned slowly towards the door of Audemar’s hall. So this must be the Roscelin to whom
Adelais had referred, thought Cadfael, watching him go. Not a son of the house,
by the cut of him and the coloring, but not a servant, either. Doubtless a
youngster from the family of one of Audemar’s tenants, sent here to his
overlord to get his training in arms, and acquire the skills and practices of a
small court, in preparation for the wider world. Such apprentice lordlings
proliferated in every great barony, the de Clary honor might well be patron to
one or two of the same kind. The early evening had turned cold, and
there was a biting wind rising, with a few fine needles of sleet stinging in
its touch. The hour of Vespers was not far away. Cadfael went in thankfully
from the chill, to find Brother Haluin awake and waiting, silent and tense, for
his hour of fulfillment. Adelais had evidently made her
dispositions well. No one intruded upon their privacy, no one asked any
question or showed any curiosity. The young groom Luc brought them food before
Vespers, and at the end of the office they were left alone in the church to
conduct their vigil as they pleased. Doubtful if any among the household
wondered about them at all, being accustomed to random visitors of all kinds,
with differing needs, and the devotions of a pair of itinerant Benedictines
surprised no one. If monks of the abbey of Saint Peter elected to spend a night
in prayer in a church of Saint Peter, that was no special wonder, and concerned
no one else. So Brother Haluin had his will, and
redeemed his vow. He would have no softening of the stone, no extra cloak to
ward off the cold of the night, nothing to abate the rigors of his penance.
Cadfael helped him to his knees, within reach of the solid support of the tomb,
so that if faintness or dizziness came over him he could at least hold fast by
it to break his fall. The crutches were laid at the foot of the stone. There
was no more he would permit anyone to do for him. But Cadfael kneeled with him,
withdrawn into shadow to leave him solitary with his dead Bertrade and a God
doubtless inclining a compassionate ear. It was a long night, and cold. The altar
lamp made an eye of brightness in the gloom, at least ruddy like fire if it
gave no warmth. The silence carried hour by hour, like an infinitesimal ripple
vibrating through it, the gradual heave of Haluin’s breathing and the constant
whisper of his moving lips, felt in the blood and the bowels rather than
audible with the ear. From somewhere within him he drew an inexhaustible wealth
of words to be spent for his dead Bertrade. Their tension and passion kept him
erect and oblivious to pain, though pain took fast hold of him before midnight,
and never left him until his rapture and his ordeal ended together with the
coming of light. When he opened his eyes at last to the
full light of a frosty morning, and laboriously unlocked his cold, clasped
hands, the sounds of the customary early activity were already audible from the
outside world. Haluin stared dazedly upon the waking day, returning from some
place very far off, very deep within. He essayed to move, to grip the rim of
the stone, and his fingers were so numbed they could not feel, and his arms so
stiff they could give him no help to raise himself. Cadfael wound an arm about
him to lift him, but Haluin could not straighten his stiff knees to set his
better foot to the ground, but hung a dead weight on the encircling arm. And
suddenly there was a flurry of light footsteps, and another arm, young and
strong, embraced the helpless body from the other side, a fair head stooped to
Haluin’s shoulder, and between his two supporters he was hauled upright, and
held so as the blood flowed back achingly into his numbed legs. “In God’s name, man,” said the young man
Roscelin impatiently, “must you use yourself so hardly when you have already
enough for any sane man to carry?” Haluin was too startled, and his mind
still too far away, to be capable of grasping that, much less answering it. And
if Cadfael privately considered it a perfectly sensible reaction, aloud he said
practically, “Keep firm hold of him so, while I pick up his crutches. And God
bless you for appearing so aptly. Spare to scold him, you’d be wasting your
breath. He’s under vow.” “A foolish vow!” said the boy with the
arrogant certainty of his years. “Who’s the better for this?” But for all his
disapproval he held Haluin warmly and firmly, and looked at him sidelong with a
frown at least as anxious as it was exasperated, “He is,” said Cadfael, propping the
crutches under Haluin’s armpits, and setting to work to chafe life back into
the cold hands that could not yet grip the staves. “Hard to believe, but you
had better credit it. There, you can let him lean on his props now, but hold
him steady. Well for you at your years, you can sleep easy, with nothing to
regret and nothing to ask pardon for. How did you come to look in here so
timely?” he asked, eyeing the young man with fresh interest, thus at close
quarters. “Were you sent?” For this boy seemed an unlikely instrument
for Adeiais to use in shepherding her inconvenient guests in and out of
Elford—too young, too blunt, too innocent. “No,” said Roscelin shortly, and relented
to add with better grace, “I was plain curious.” “Well, that’s human,” admitted Cadfael,
recognizing his own besetting sin. “And this morning Audemar has no immediate
work for me, he’s busy with his steward. Had we not better get this brother of
yours back to his lodging, where it’s warmer? How shall we do? I can fetch a
horse for him if we can get him mounted.” Haluin had come back from his distant
place to find himself being discussed and handled as if he had no mind of his
own, and no awareness of his surroundings. He stiffened instinctively against
the indignity. “No,” he said, “I thank you, but I can go now. I need not
trespass on your kindness further.” And he flexed his hands and gripped the
staves of his crutches, and took the first cautious steps away from the tomb. They followed closely, one at either elbow
in case he faltered, Roscelin going before up the shallow steps and through the
doorway to prevent a possible stumble, Cadfael coming close behind to support
him if he reeled backward. But Haluin had gathered to his aid a will refreshed
and strengthened by achievement, and was resolute to manage this walk alone, at
whatever cost. And there was no haste. When he felt the need he could rest on
his crutches to draw breath, and so he did three times before they reached
Audemar’s courtyard, already populous and busy about bakery and mews and
wellhead. It said much for young Roscelin’s quickness and delicacy of mind,
Cadfael reflected, that he waited without comment or impatience at every pause,
and refrained from offering a hand in help until help should be invited. So
Haluin came back to the lodging in Audemar’s courtyard as he would have wished,
on his own misshapen feet, and could feel that he had earned the ease of his
bed. Roscelin followed them in, still curious,
in no haste to go in search of whatever duties awaited him. “Is that all,
then?” he said, watching Haluin stretch out his still-numbed limbs gratefully,
and draw the brychan over them. “Then where do you go when you leave us? And when?
You’ll not set out today?” “We go back to Shrewsbury,” said Cadfael.
“Today—that I doubt. A day’s rest would be wisdom.” By the weary ease of
Haluin’s face, and the softened gaze turned inward, it would not be long before
he fell asleep, the best and best-earned sleep since he had made confession. “I saw you ride in with the lord Audemar
yesterday,” said Cadfael, studying the youthful face before him. “The lady
mentioned your name. Are you kin to the de Clarys?” The boy shook his head. “No. My father is
tenant and vassal to him, they’ve always been good friends, and there’s a
marriage tie, a while back now. No, I’m sent here to Audemar’s service at my
father’s order.” “But not at your wish,” said Cadfael,
interpreting the tone rather than the words, “No! Much against my wish!” said Roscelin
abruptly, and scowled at the floorboards between his booted feet. “Yet to all appearances as good a lord as
you could hope for,” suggested Cadfael mildly, “and better than most.” “He’s well enough,” the boy owned fairly.
“I’ve no complaint of him. But I grudge it that my father has sent me away here
to be rid of me out of the house, and that’s the truth of it.” “Now, why,” wondered Cadfael, curious but
not quite asking, “why should any father want to be rid of you?” For here was
undoubtedly the very picture of a presentable son, upstanding, well formed,
well conducted, and decidedly engaging in his fair-haired, smooth-cheeked
comeliness, a son any father would be glad to parade before his peers. Even in
sullenness his face was pleasing, but it was certainly true that he had not the
look of one happy in his service. “He has his reasons,” said Roscelin
moodily. “You’d say good reasons, too, I know that. And I’m not so estranged
from him that I could refuse him the obedience due. So I’m here, and pledged to
stay here unless lord and father both give me leave to go. And I’m not such a
fool as not to admit I could be in far worse places. So I may as well get all
the good I can out of it while I’m here.” It seemed that his mind had veered into
another and graver quarter, for he sat for some moments silent, staring down
into his clasped hands with a frowning brow, and looked up only to measure
Cadfael earnestly, his eyes dwelling long upon the black habit and the tonsure. “Brother,” he said abruptly, “I wondered,
now and then—about the monkish life. Some men have taken to it, have they not,
because what they most wanted was forever impossible—forbidden them! Is that
true? Can it provide a life, if… if the life a man wants is out of reach?” “Yes,” said Brother Haluin’s voice, gently
and quietly out of a waking dream now very close to sleep. “Yes, it can!” “I would not recommend entering it as a
second-best,” said Cadfael stoutly. Yet that was what Haluin had done, long
ago, and he spoke now as one recording a revelation, the opening of his inward
eyes just as they were heavy and closing with sleep. “The time might be long, and the cost
high,” said Haluin with gentle certainty, “but in the end it would not be
second-best.” He drew in a long breath, and spent it in
a great healing sigh, turning his head away from them on the pillow. They were
both so intent on him, doubting and wondering, that neither of them had noted
the approach of brisk footsteps without, and they started round in surprise as
the door was thrown wide open to admit Lothair, carrying a basket of food and a
pitcher of small ale for the guests. At sight of Roscelin seated familiarly
upon Cadfael’s pallet, and apparently on good terms with the brothers, the
groom’s weathered face tightened perceptibly, almost ominously, and for an
instant a deeper spark flashed and vanished again in his pale eyes. “What are you doing here?” he demanded
with the bluntness of an equal, and the uncompromising authority of an elder.
“Master Roger’s looking for you, and my lord wants you in attendance as soon as
he’s broken his fast. You’d best be off, and sharp about it, too.” It could not be said that Roscelin showed
any alarm at this intelligence, or resentment at the manner in which it was
delivered; rather the man’s assurance seemed to afford him a little tolerant
amusement. But he rose at once, and with a nod and a word by way of farewell
went off obediently but without haste to his duty. Lothair stood narrow-eyed in
the doorway to watch him go, and did not come fully into the room with his
burdens until the boy had reached the steps to the hall door. Our guard dog, thought Cadfael, has his
orders to ward off any others who come too close, but he had not reckoned with
having to do as much for young Roscelin. Now, could there, I wonder, be some
reason why that contact in particular should cause him consternation? For
that’s the first spark I’ve seen struck from his steel! Chapter Six ADELAIS HERSELF PAID A GRACIOUS VISIT to
her monastic guests after Mass, with solicitous inquiries after their health
and well-being. It was possible, Cadfael reflected, that Lothair had reported
back to her the inconvenient and undesirable incursion of the young man
Roscelin into a preserve she clearly wished to keep private. She appeared in
the doorway of their small chamber, prayer book in hand, alone, having sent her
maid on ahead to her dower house. Haluin was awake, and made to rise from his
pallet in respectful acknowledgment of her coming, reaching in haste for his
crutches, but she motioned him back with a wave of her hand. “No, be still! No ceremony is needed
between us. How do you find yourself now—now that your vow is accomplished? I
hope you have experienced grace, and can return to your cloister in peace. I
wish you that mercy. An easy journey and a safe arrival!” And above all, thought Cadfael, an early
departure. And small blame to her. It’s what I want, too, and so must Haluin.
To have this matter finished, neatly and cleanly, with no more harm to any creature,
with mutual forgiveness, once spoken, and thereafter silence. “You have had little rest,” she said, “and
have a long journey back to Shrewsbury. My kitchen shall supply you with food
for the first stages of the way. But I think you should also accept horses. I
have said so to Brother Cadfael already. The stables here can spare you mounts,
and I will send for them to Hales when I return there. You should not attempt
to go back all that way on foot.” “For the offer, and for all your kindness,
we are grateful,” said Haluin in instant and hasty protest. “But this I cannot
accept. I undertook both to go and to return on foot, and I must make good what
I vowed. It is a pledge of faith that I am not so crippled as to be utterly
useless and unprofitable hereafter, to God and man. You would not wish me to go
home shamed and forsworn.” She shook her head over his obstinacy with
apparent resignation. “So your fellow here warned me you would argue, when I
spoke of it to him, but I hoped you would see better reason. Surely you are
also pledged to return to your duty at the abbey as soon as may be. Has that no
force? If you insist on going afoot you cannot set out at least until tomorrow,
after so hard a night on the stones.” To Haluin, no doubt, that sounded like
true solicitude, and an invitation to delay until he was fully rested. To
Cadfael it had the sound of a subtle dismissal. “I never thought that it would be easy,”
said Haluin, “to perform what I swore. Nor should it be. The whole virtue, if
there is any virtue in it at all, is to endure the hardship and complete the
penance. And so I can and shall. You are right, I owe it to my abbot and my
brothers to get back to my duty as soon as I may. We must set out today. There
are still hours of daylight left, we must not waste them.” To do her justice, she did seem to be
taken aback at such ready compliance with what she wished, even if she had not
expressed the wish. She urged, though without warmth, the necessity of rest,
but gave way pliantly before Haluin’s stubborn insistence. Things had gone as
she wished, and at the last moment she could afford one brief convulsion of
pity and regret. “It must be as you wish,” she said. “Very
well, Luc shall bring you food and drink before you go, and fill your scrip for
you. As for me, I part from you in goodwill; Now and hereafter, I wish you
well.” When she was gone, Haluin sat silent for a
while, shivering a little in the recoil from the finality of this ending. It
was as he had hoped, and yet it left him shaken. “I have made things needlessly hard for
you,” he said ruefully. “You must be weary as I am, and I have committed you to
leaving thus, without sleep. She wanted us gone, and for my part I heartily
wish to be gone. The sooner severed, the better for us all.” “You did right,” said Cadfael. “Once out
of here we need not go far. You are in no case to attempt it today. But to be
out of here is all we need. They left Audemar de Clary’s manor gates
in midafternoon, under a sky heavy with grey cloud, and turned westward along
the track through Elford village, with a chill, insidious wind in their faces.
It was over. From this point on, with every step taken they were returning to
normality and safety, to the monastic hours and the blessed daily round of
work, worship, and prayer. From the highroad Cadfael looked back
once, and saw the two grooms standing in the gateway to watch the guests
depart. Two solid, sturdy figures, taciturn and inscrutable, following the
withdrawal of the interlopers with light, fierce northern eyes. Making sure,
thought Cadfael, that the disquiet we brought to that lady departs with us, and
leaves no shadow behind. They did not look back a second time. The
need now was to put at least one safe, alienating mile between themselves and
the dower house of Elford, and after that they could look for a night’s shelter
early, for in spite of his resolution it was clear that Haluin was haggard and
grey with exhaustion, and would not get far without danger of collapse. His
face was set to endure, he went steadily but heavily on his crutches, his eyes
dilated and dark in their deep hollows. Doubtful if even now he enjoyed the
peace he should have found at Bertrade’s tomb, but perhaps it was not Bertrade
who still haunted his thoughts. “I shall never see her again,” said
Haluin, to God, himself, and the gathering dusk rather than to Cadfael. And it
was hard to say whether he spoke in relief or regret, as at leaving something
unfinished. The first snow of a capricious March burst
upon them suddenly out of the lowering sky when they were some two miles from
Elford. The air was on the edge of frost, there would be no great or prolonged
fall, but while it lasted it was thick and blinding, stinging their faces and
confusing the path before them. The premature dusk closed down on them almost
abruptly, a murky darkness out of which whirling clouds of white flakes wound
about them bewilderingly, veiling even what landmarks they had on a stretch of
track open, windswept, and treeless. Haluin had begun to stumble, troubled by the
driven flakes filling his eyes, and unable to free a hand to draw the folds of
his cowl together against the assault. Twice he planted a crutch aside from the
trodden path, and all but fell. Cadfael halted and stood close, his back to the
wind, to give his companion breathing space and shelter for some moments, while
he considered where they were, and what he could recall of the surrounding
country from their outward journey. Any dwelling, however mean, would be
welcome until this squall blew over. Somewhere here, he calculated, there had
been a side path bearing north, and leading to what seemed to be a cluster of
small houses and the long pale of a manor fence, the only sign of occupation
within view of the road. His recollection was accurate. Going cautiously
before, with Haluin close at his back, he came to an isolated clump of bushes
and low trees which he remembered clearly in this sparsely treed plain, and a
little beyond these the path opened. There was even a flickering spark of
torchlight, seen fitfully through the whirling snowfall, to keep them in the
direct way towards the distant dwelling. Where the lord of the house showed a
beacon for benighted travelers there should be a warm welcome waiting. It took them longer to reach the hamlet
than Cadfael had expected, since Haluin was flagging badly, and it was
necessary to go very slowly, reaching back constantly to keep him close. Here
and there a solitary tree loomed suddenly out of the spinning whiteness on the
left hand or the right, only to be veiled again as abruptly. The flakes had
grown larger and wetter, the hint of frost was receding, and this fall would
not lie beyond the morning. Overhead the clouds were broken and torn in a
rising wind, with a scattering of stars showing through. The spark of torchlight had vanished,
hidden behind the manor fence. A solid timber gatepost heaved out of the dark,
the tall palisade running away from it on the left hand, the broad open gateway
on the right, and suddenly there was the torch again, across a wide courtyard
in a sconce jutting from under the eaves, to light the stair that climbed to
the hall door. The usual encrustation of service buildings lined the stockade.
Cadfael launched a shout ahead of their lurching entrance, and a man came
butting his way through the falling snow from a stable door, shouting to others
as he came. At the head of the steps the hall door opened on a welcome glimpse
of firelight. Cadfael brought Haluin stumbling in
through the open gate in his arm, and another willing arm took him about the
body on the other side, hoisting him vigorously into the comparative shelter
within the pale. A voice bellowed heartily through the snowfall: “Brothers, you
chose a bad night to be out on the roads. Hold up now, your troubles are over.
We never shut the gates on your cloth.” There were others coming forth by then to
bring in the benighted travelers, a young fellow darting out from the
undercroft with a sacking hood over head and shoulders, a bearded and gowned
elder emerging from the hall and coming halfway down the steps to meet them.
Haluin was lifted rather than led up the steep flight and into the hall, where
the master of the house came striding out of his solar to meet these unexpected
arrivals. A fair man, long-boned and sparsely fleshed,
with a short trimmed beard the color of wheat straw, and thick cap of hair of
the same shade. Perhaps in his late thirties, Cadfael thought, of a ruddy, open
countenance in which the blue Saxon eyes shone almost startlingly bright,
candid, and concerned. “Come in, come in, Brothers! Well that
you’ve found us! Here, bring him through here, close to the fire.” He had taken
in at once the Benedictine habits, the flurries of snow lodged in the folds,
and shaken off now hissing into the steady fire in the central hearth of the
hall, the crippled feet of his younger visitor, the drawn grey exhaustion of
his face. “Edgytha, have beds prepared in the end chamber, and tell Edwin to
mull more wine.” His voice was loud, solicitous, and warm.
Without seeming haste he had his servants running here and there on his
benevolent errands, and himself saw Haluin installed on a bench against the
wall, where the warmth of the fire could reach him. “This young brother of yours is in very
sad case,” said the host, aside to Cadfael, “to be traveling the roads so far
from home. There are none of your order round here—barring the sisters at
Farewell, the bishop’s new foundation. From which house do you come?” “From Shrewsbury,” said Cadfael, setting
Haluin’s crutches to lean against the bench, where he could reach them at will.
Haluin sat back with closed eyes, his grey cheeks slowly gaining a little color
in the warmth and ease. “So far? Could not your abbot have sent a
hale man on his errands, if he had business in another shire?” “This was Haluin’s own errand,” said
Cadfael. “No other could have done it. Now it’s done, and we’re on our way
home, and by stages we shall get there. Always with the help of hospitable
souls like you. Can I ask, what is this place? These are parts I hardly know. “My name is Cenred Vivers. From this manor
I take that name. This brother is called Haluin, you say? And yourself?” “Cadfael is my name. Born Welsh, and bred
up on the borders with a foot either side. I’ve been a brother of Shrewsbury
now more than twenty years. My business on this journey is simply to keep
Haluin company and see that he gets safely to where he’s going, and safely back
again.” “No easy matter,” agreed Cenred,
low-voiced, and eyeing Haluin’s deformed feet ruefully, “the state he’s in. But
if the work’s done and only the way home to venture, no doubt you’ll do it. How
did he come by such injuries?” “He fell from a roof. We had repairs to
do, in the hard weather before Christmas. It was the slates falling after him
that cut his feet to ribbons. Well that we kept him alive.” They were speaking of him softly, a little
aside, though he lay back as eased and still as if he had fallen asleep, his
eyes closed, the long dark lashes shadowing his hollow cheeks. The hall had
emptied about them, all the bustle of activity withdrawn elsewhere, busy with
pillows and brychans and the hospitable business of the kitchen. “They’re slow with the wine,” said Cenred,
“and you must both need some warmth inside you. If you’ll hold me excused.
Brother, I’ll go and hasten things in the pantry.” And he was off, the flurry and wind of his
passing causing Haluin’s closed eyelids to quiver. In a moment he opened his
eyes and looked slowly and dazedly about him, taking in the warm, high-roofed
dimness of the hall, the glow of the fire, the heavy hangings that screened two
alcoves withdrawn from the public domain, and the half-open door of the solar
from which Cenred had emerged. The pale, steady gleam of candlelight showed
from within. “Have I dreamed?” wondered Haluin, gazing.
“How did we come here? What place is this?” “Never fear,” said Cadfael. “On your own
feet you came here, only an arm to help you up the steps into the house. The
manor is called Vivers, and the lord of it is Cenred. We’ve fallen into good
hands.” Haluin drew deep breath. “I am not so
strong as I believed I was,” he said sadly. “No matter, you can rest now. We have left
Elford behind.” They were both speaking in low voices, a
little awed by the enfolding silence presiding even in the center of this
populous household. When both ceased speaking, the quietness seemed almost
expectant. And in the hush the half-open door of the solar opened fully upon
the pale gold candlelight within, and a woman stepped into the doorway. For
that one instant she was sharply outlined as a shadow against the soft light
within, a slender, erect figure, mature and dignified in movement, surely the
lady of the house and Cenred’s wife. The next moment she had taken two or three
light, swift steps into the hall, and the light of the nearest torch fell upon
her shadowy face and advancing form, and conjured out of the dim shape a very
different person. Everything about her was changed. Not a gracious chatelaine
of more than thirty years, but a rounded, fresh-faced girl, no more than
seventeen or eighteen, half her oval countenance two great startled eyes and
the wide, high forehead above them, white and smooth as pearl. Haluin uttered a strange, soft sound in
his throat, between gasp and sigh, clutched at his crutches, and heaved himself
to his feet, staring at this sudden glowing apparition as she, brought up
abruptly against the intrusion of strangers, had drawn back in haste, starring
at him. For one moment they hung so, mute and still, then the girl whirled
about and retreated into the solar, drawing the door to almost stealthily after
her. Haluin’s hands slackened their hold,
dangling inertly, the crutches slid and fell from under him, and he went down
on his face in a gradual, crumpled fall, and lay senseless in the rushes of the
floor. They carried him to a bed prepared for him
in a quiet chamber withdrawn from the hall, and bedded him there, still in a
deep swoon. “This is simple exhaustion,” said Cadfael
in reassurance to Cenred’s solicitous anxiety. “I knew he was driving himself
too hard, but that’s done with now. From this on we can take our time. Leave
him to sleep through this night, and he’ll do well enough. See, he’s coming
round. His eyes are opening.” Haluin stirred, his eyelids quivering
before they rose on the dark, sharply conscious eyes within, that looked up
into a circle of vague, concerned faces. He was aware of his surroundings, and
knew what had happened to him before he was carried here, for the first words
he spoke were in meek apology for troubling them, and thanks for their care. “My fault!” he said. “It was presumptuous
to attempt too much. But now all is well with me. All is very well!” Since his chief need was clearly of rest,
they were left to make themselves comfortable in their small chamber, though
the evening brought them a number of visits. The bearded steward brought them
hot, spiced wine, and sent in to them the old woman Edgytha, who brought them
water for their hands, food, and a lamp, and offered whatever more they might
need for their comfort. She was a tall, wiry, active woman
probably sixty years old, with the free manner and air of authority habitual in
servants who have spent many years in the confidence of lord or lady, and
earned a degree of trust that brings with it acknowledged privilege. The
younger maidservants deferred to her, if they did not actually go in awe of
her, and her neat black gown and stiff white wimple, and the keys jingling at
her waist bore witness to her status. Late in the evening she came again, in
attendance on a plump and pleasant lady, soft-voiced and gracious, who came to
inquire kindly whether the reverend brothers had all that they needed for the
night, and whether the one who had swooned was now comfortably recovered from
his faintness. Cenred’s wife was rosily pretty, brown-haired and brown-eyed, a
very different creature from the tall, slender, vulnerable young thing who had
stepped out of the solar, to be startled into recoil from the unexpected
apparition of strangers. “And have the lord Cenred and his lady any
children?” Cadfael asked when their hostess was gone. Edgytha was close-lipped, possessively
protective of her family and all that was theirs, to the point of rendering
every such inquiry suspect, but after a moment’s hesitation she answered
civilly enough: “They have a son, a grown son.” And she added, unexpectedly
reconsidering her reluctance to satisfy such uncalled-for curiosity: “He’s
away, in service with my lord Cenred’s overlord.” There was a curious undertone of reserve,
even of disapproval, in her voice, though she would never have acknowledged it.
It almost distracted Cadfael’s mind from his own preoccupation, but he pursued
delicately: “And no daughter? There was a young girl
looked into the hall for a moment, while we were waiting. Is she not a child of
the house?” She gave him a long, steady, searching
look, with raised brows and tight lips, plainly disapproving of such interest
in young women, coming from a monastic. But guests in the house must be treated
with unfailing courtesy, even when they fall short of deserving it. “That lady is the lord Cenred’s sister,”
she said. “The old lord Edric, his father, married a second time in his later
years. More like a daughter to him than a sister, with the difference in years.
I doubt you’ll see her again. She would not wish to disturb the retirement of
men of your habit. She has been well brought up,” concluded Edgytha with
evident personal pride in the product of her own devotion, and a plain warning
that black monks cast by chance into the household should deep their eyes
lowered in a young virgin’s presence. “If you had her in charge,” said Cadfael
amiably, “I make no doubt she does credit to her upbringing. Had you Cenred’s
boy in your care too?” “My lady would not have dreamed of
trusting her chick to any other.” The old woman had warmed into fond fervor in
thinking of the children she had nursed. “No one ever had the care of better
babes,” she said, “and I love them both like my own.” When she was gone Haluin lay silent for a
while, but his eyes were open and clear, and the lines of his face alert and
aware. “Was there indeed a girl who came in?” he
said at last, frowning in the effort to recall a moment which had become hazy
and uncertain in his mind. “I have been lying here trying to recall why I so
started up. I remember the crutches dropping away from under me, but yery
little besides. Coming into the warmth made my head go round.” “Yes,” said Cadfael, “there was a girl.
Half sister, it seems, to Cenred, but younger by some twenty years. If you were
thinking you dreamed her, no, she was no dream. She came into the hall from the
solar, all unaware of us, and perhaps not liking the look of us, she drew back
again in haste and closed the door between. Do you not remember that?” No, he did not remember it, or only as an
unconnected snatch of vision comes back out of a dream, and is gone again as
soon as glimpsed. He frowned after it anxiously, and shook his head as if to
clear eyes misted by weariness. “No… there’s nothing clear to me. I do recall
the door opening, I take your word for it she came in… but I can recall
nothing, no face… Tomorrow, perhaps.” “We shall see no more of her,” said
Cadfael, “if that devoted dragon of hers has any say in the matter. I think she
has no very high opinion of monks, Mistress Edgytha. Well, are you minded for
sleep? Shall I put out the lamp?” But if Haluin had no clear recollection of
the daughter of the house, no image left from that brief glimpse of her, first
a dark outline against candlelight, then lit from before by the ruddy glow of
the torch, Cadfael had a very clear image, one that grew even clearer when the
lamp was quenched and he lay in the dark beside his sleeping companion. And
beyond the remembrance he had a strange, disquieting sense that it bore for him
a special significance, if he could but put his finger on it. Why that should
be so was a mystery to him. Wakeful in the dark, he called up the features of
her face, the motion of her body as she stepped into the light, and could find
nothing there that should have been meaningful to him, no likeness to any woman
he had ever seen before, except as all women are sisters. Yet the sense of some
elusive familiarity about her persisted. A tall girl, though perhaps not so tall as
she gave the impression of being, for her slenderness contributed to the image,
but above the middle height for a girl just becoming woman. Her bearing was
erect and graceful, but still with the tentative and vulnerable springiness of
the child, the suddenness of a lamb or a fawn, alert to every sound and motion.
Startled, she had sprung back from them, and yet she had closed the door with
measured softness, not to startle in return. And her face—she was not
beautiful, except as youth and innocence and gallantry are always beautiful. An
oval face she had, tapered from broad brow and wide and wide-set eyes to the
firm, rounded chin. Her head was uncovered, her brown hair drawn back and
braided, still further emphasizing the high white brow and the great eyes under
their level dark brows and long lashes. The eyes consumed half the face. Not
pure brown, Cadfael thought, for in spite of their darkness they had a clarity
and depth and brightness perceptible even in that one glimpse of her. Rather a
dark hazel shot with green, and so clear and deep it seemed possible to plunge
into them and drown. Eyes utterly candid and vulnerable, and quite fearless.
Young, wild, mettlesome creatures of the woods never yet hunted or harmed, may
have that look. And the pure, fine lines of her cheekbones Cadfael remembered,
elegant and strong, after the eyes her chief distinction. And in all of this, sharply defined in his
mind’s eye, what was there to trouble him, to pierce him like an elusive memory
of some other woman? He found himself summoning up, one by one, the faces of
women he had known, half the population of a long and varied life, in case some
cast of features or carriage of head or gesture of hand should strike the chord
that would vibrate and sing for him. But there was no match, and no echo. Cenred’s
sister remained unique and apart, haunting him thus only because she had
appeared and vanished in a moment, and he would probably never see her again. Nevertheless, the last fleeting vision
within his eyelids as he fell asleep was of her startled face. By morning the air had lost its frosty
bite, and most of the snow that had fallen had already thawed and vanished,
leaving its tattered laces along the foot of every wall and under the bole of
every tree. Cadfael looked out from the hall door, and was inclined to wish
that the fall had persisted, to prevent Haluin from insisting on taking to the
road again immediately. As it turned out he need not have worried, for as soon
as the manor was up and about its daily business Cenred’s steward came looking
for them, with the request that they would come to his lord in the solar after
they had broken their fast, for he had something to ask of them. Cenred was alone in the room when they
entered, Haluin’s crutches sounding hollowly on the boards of the floor. The
room was lit by two deep, narrow windows with cushioned seats built into them,
and furnished with handsome bench-chests along one wall, a carved table, and
one princely chair for the lord’s use. Evidently the lady Emma ran a
well-regulated household, for hangings and cushions were of fine embroidery,
and the tapestry frame in one corner, with its half-finished web of bright
colors, showed that they were of home production. “I hope you have slept well, Brothers,”
said Cenred, rising to greet them, “Are you recovered fully from last night’s
indispostion? If there is anything my house has failed to offer you, you have
but to ask for it. Use my manor as you would your own dwelling. And you will, I
hope, consent to stay yet a day or two before you need set out again.” Cadfael shared the hope, but was all too
afraid that Haluin would rouse his overanxious conscience to find objections.
But he had no time to do more than open his mouth, for Cenred went on at once: “For I have something to ask of you… Is
either of you ordained a priest?” Chapter Seven “YES,” SAID HALUIN, after a moment of
blank silence. “I am a priest. I studied for minor orders
from the I time I entered the abbey, and became full priest when I reached
thirty years. We are encouraged to do so now, those who enter young and are
already lettered. As a priest, what is there I can do to serve you?” “I want you to conduct a marriage,” said
Cenred. This time the silence was longer, and
their concentration on him more wary and thoughtful. For if a marriage was
contemplated in this house, surely provision would already have been made for a
priest, and one who knew the circumstances and the parties, not a chance
Benedictine benighted here by a fall of snow. Cenred saw their doubts reflected
in Haluin’s attentive face. “I know what you would say. This must
surely be the proper business of my own parish priest. There is no church here
in Vivers, though I intend to build and endow one. And it so happens that our
nearest parish church is at this moment without a priest until it pleases the
bishop to name his choice, for the advowson is with him. I had meant to send
for a cousin of our house who is in orders, but if you are willing we may spare
him a wintry journey. I promise you there is nothing underhand in this matter,
and if it is being arranged in some haste, there are sound reasons. Sit down
with me, at least, and I’ll tell you freely all you need to know, and you shall
judge.” With the impulsive and generous vehemence
that seemed to be natural to him, he strode forward himself to support Haluin
by the forearms as he lowered himself to the cushioned bench built against the
paneled wall. Cadfael sat down beside his friend, content to watch and listen,
since he was no priest, and here had no hard decision to consider, and the
delay came gratefully to him for Haluin’s sake. “In his old age,” said Cenred, coming
bluntly to the business in hand, “my father married a second time, a wife
thirty years younger than he was. I was already married, with a son a year old,
when my sister Helisende was born. Those two children grew up in this house,
boy and girl together, like brother and sister, and close at that. And we,
their elders, have taken them for granted and been glad they should have each
other’s company. I have been much to blame. I never noticed when they began to
be more than playmates. I never thought how childish companionship and
affection could change so after years, into something more perilous by far. I
do not blink away facts, Brothers, once I have seen them, and been forced to
see them. Those two were left alone to play too long and too lovingly. They
have slipped into an inordinate affection under my very nose, and I stone-blind
to it until almost too late. They love each other in a fashion and to a degree
that is anathema between two so closely kin. Thanks be to God, they have not
sinned in the flesh, not yet. I hope I have awakened in time. God knows I want
what is best for them both, I would have them happy, but what happiness can
there be in a love which is an abomination? Better by far to tear them apart
now, and trust to time to take away the pain. I have sent my son away to serve
his apprenticeship to arms with my overlord, who is a good friend, and knows
the reason and the need. And sore as he is at being banished so, my son has
pledged himself not to return until I give him leave. Have I done right?” “I think,” said Haluin slowly, “you could
have done no other. But it is a pity it went so far unchecked.” “So it is. But when two grow up from babes
together as brother and sister, that in itself is commonly enough to put away
from them without grief all thought of affection after the way of marriage. I
have wondered sometimes how much Edgytha noticed that I did not. She indulged
them always. But never, never did she say word to me or to my wife, and whether
I have done well or not, I must go on.” “Tell me,” said Cadfael, speaking for the
first time “is not your son’s name Roscelin?” Cenred’s eyes flashed to Cadfael’s face,
astonished. “So it is. But how can you know that?” “And your overlord is Audemar de Clary.
Sir, we came hither directly from Elford, we have spoken with your son there,
he lent Brother Haluin here a strong arm to lean on when he needed it.” “You have talked with him! And what did my
son have to say, there at Elford? What had he to say of me?” He was alert and
ready to hear bitter rumor of complaint and estrangement, and to swallow that
grief if he must. “Very little, and certainly nothing you
could not have heard with a quiet mind. No word of your sister. He mentioned
that he had left home at his father’s wish, and that he could not refuse you
the obedience due. We had no more than a few minutes talk with him, by pure
chance. But I saw nothing there of which you should not be glad and proud.
Consider, he is barely three miles away, and against his own wish, but he keeps
true to his word. There is but one thing I remember him saying,” pursued
Cadfael with sudden probing intent, “that perhaps you have a father’s right to
hear. He asked us, very solemnly, whether our order could provide a worthwhile
life for a man—if the life he most longed for was forbidden to him.” “No!” cried Cenred in sharp protest. “Not
that! I would not for the world he should turn his back on arms and reputation
and hide himself away in the cloister. He is not made for that! A youth of such
promise! Brother, this does but confirm me in what I am asking. There is no
putting off what must be done. Once done, he will accept it. As long as the
loss is not final he will go on hoping and hankering after the impossible. It
is why I want her married, married and out of this house, before ever Roscelin
enters it again.” “I understand your reasons very well,”
said Haluin, opening his hollow eyes challengingly wide, “but it would not be
right to make them reasons for a marriage, if the lady is unwilling. However
hard your plight, you cannot sacrifice the one to preserve the other.” “You mistake the case,” said Cenred
without heat. “I love my young sister, I have talked with her openly and
fairly. She knows, she acknowledges, the enormity of what threatened them both,
the impossibility of such a love ever coming to fruit. She wants this terrible
knot severed, as truly as I do. She wants a career of honor for Roscelin
because she loves him, and rather than see it blighted through her she agrees
to seek refuge in marriage with another man. This has been no forced surrender.
And no wanton choice, either. I have done the best I could for her, it is a
match any family would welcome. Jean de Perronet is a well-endowed,
well-conditioned young man of good estate. He is due here today, so you may see
him for yourself. Helisende already knows him, and likes if she cannot yet love
him. That may come, for he is greatly drawn to her. She has fully consented to
this marriage. And de Perronet has this one inestimable advantage,” he added
grimly. “His seat is far away. He will take her home to Buckingham, out of
Roscelin’s sight. Out of sight, out of mind, I will not say, but at least the
lines of a remembered face may fade gradually over the years, as even stubborn
wounds heal.” He had become eloquent by reason of his
own deep disquiet and distress, a good man concerned for the best interests of
all his household. He had not remarked, as Cadfael did, the gradual blanching
of Haluin’s thin face, the tight and painful set of his lips, or the way his
linked hands gripped together in the lap of his habit until the bones shone
white through the flesh. The words Cenred had not deliberately chosen to pierce
or move had their own inspired force to reopen the old wound he had come all
this way to try and heal. The lines of a remembered face, surely somewhat
dimmed in eighteen years, were burning into vivid life again for him. And
wounds that have not ceased to fester within cannot heal until they have again
broken out and been cleansed, by fire if need be. “And you need not fear, and neither need
I,” said Cenred, “that she will not be cherished and held in high regard with
de Perronet. Two years back he asked for her, and for all she would have none
of him or any suitor then, he has waited his time.” “Your lady is in agreement in this
matter?” asked Cadfael. “We have all three talked of it together.
And we are agreed. Will you do it? I felt it a kind of blessing on what we
intend,” said Cenred simply, “when a priest came to my door unsummoned on the
eve of the bridegroom’s coming. Stay over tomorrow, Brother—Father!—and marry
them.” Haluin unlocked his contorted hands
slowly, and drew breath like a man awaking in pain. In low voice he said, “I
will stay. And I will marry them.” “I trust I have done right,” said Haluin
when they were back in their own quarters. But it did not seem that he was
asking to be confirmed in his decision, rather setting it squarely before his
own eyes as a responsibility he had no intention of hedging or sharing. “I know
only too well,” he said, “the perils of proximity, and their case is more
desperate than ever was mine. Cadfael, I feel myself listening to echoes I
thought had died out long ago. It is all for a purpose. Nothing is without
purpose. How if I fell only to show me how far I was already fallen, and force
me to make the assay to rise afresh? How if I came to life again as a cripple,
to make me undertake those journeys of body and spirit that I dreaded when I
was strong and whole? How if God put it into my mind to go on pilgrimage in
order to become some other needy soul’s miracle? Were we led to this place?” “Driven, rather,” said Cadfael
practically, remembering the blinding snow, and the small beckoning spark of
the torch in the drifting dark. “It’s true, to arrive on the eve of the
bridegroom’s coming is very apt timing. I can but go with the burden of the
day,” said Haluin, “and hope to be led aright. These second marriages in old age,
Cadfael, have sorry tangles to answer for. How can two babes playing together
in the rushes of the floor know that they are aunt and nephew, and fruit
forbidden? A pity that love should be spent to no end.” “I am not sure,” said Cadfael, “that love
is ever spent for no end. Well, at least now you can be still and rest for a
day or so, and all the better for it. That, at any rate, comes timely.” And that was plainly the best use Haluin
could make of this halt on the way home, since he had already tried himself
very near the end of his endurance. Cadfael left him in peace, and went out to
take a daylight look at this manor of Vivers. A cloudy day with a fitful wind,
the air free of frost, and occasional fine drifts of rain in the air, but none
that lasted long. He walked the width of the enclave to the
gate, to see the full extent of the house. There were windows in the steep roof
above the solar, probably two retiring rooms were available there. Haluin and
companion had been accommodated considerately on the living floor. No doubt one
of those upper chambers was being prepared at this moment for the expected
bridegroom. The daily bustle about the courtyard seemed everywhere to be in
hand without haste or confusion; things were well ordered here. Beyond the pale of the stockade the soft,
undulating landscape extended in field and copse and sparsely treed upland, all
the greens still bleached and dried with winter, but the black branches showed
here and there the first nodules of the leaf buds of spring. Faint frills of
snow outlined all the hollows and sheltered places, but a gleam of sun was
breaking through the low cloud, and by noon all the remnant of last night’s
fall would be gone. Cadfael looked into the stables and the
mews, and found both well supplied and proudly kept by servitors ready and
willing to show them off to an interested visitor. In a separate stall in the
kennels a hound bitch lay curled in clean straw with her six pups around her,
perhaps five weeks old. He could not resist going into the dim shed to take up
one of the young ones, and the dam was complacent, and welcomed admiration of
her brood. The soft warmth of the small body in his arms had a smell like new
bread. He was just stooping to lay the pup back among its siblings when a clear,
cool voice behind him said: “Are you the priest who is to marry me?” And there she was in the doorway, again a
shadowy form against the light, so composed, so assured that she might easily
be taken for a mature and stately woman of thirty, though the fresh, light
voice belonged to her proper age. The girl Helisende Vivers, not yet decked
out to receive her bridegroom, but in a plain housewifely gown of dark blue
wool, and with a gently steaming pail of meat and meal for the hounds in one
hand. “Are you the priest who is to marry me?” “No,” said Cadfael, slowly straightening
up from the wriggling litter and the crooning bitch. “That is Brother Haluin. I
never studied for orders. I know myself better.” “It’s the lame man, then,” she said with
detached sympathy. “I am sorry he suffers such hardship. I hope they have made
him comfortable, here in our house. You do know about my marriage—that Jean
comes here today?” “Your brother has told us,” said Cadfael,
watching the features of her oval face emerge softly from shadow, every
plaintive, ingenuous line testifying to her youth. “But there are things he
could not tell us,” he said, watching her intently, “except by hearsay. Only
you can tell us whether this match has your consent, freely given, or no.” Her brief silence at that did not suggest
hesitation so much as a grave consideration of the man who raised the question.
Her large eyes, dauntlessly honest, embraced and penetrated, quite unafraid of
being penetrated in return. If she had judged him so alien to her needs and
predicament as to be unacceptable, she would have closed the encounter there
and then, civilly but without satisfying what would then have been there
intrusive curiosity. But she did not. “If we do anything freely, once we are
grown,” she said, “then yes, this I do freely. There are rules that must be
kept. There are others in the world with us who have rights and needs, and we
are all bound. You may tell Brother Haluin—Father Haluin I must call him—that
he need have no qualms for me. I know what I am doing. No one is forcing my
hand.” “I will tell him so,” said Cadfael. “But I
think you do it for others, not for yourself.” “Then say to him that I choose—freely—to
do it for others.” “And what of Jean de Perronet?” said
Cadfael. For one instant her firm, full lips shook.
It was the one thing that still disrupted her resolute composure, that she was
not being fair to the man who was to be her husband. Cenred would certainly not
have told him that he was getting only a sad remainder after the heart was gone.
Nor could she tell him so. The secret belonged only to the family. The only
hope for this hapless pair was that love might come with time, a kind of love,
better, perhaps, than many marriages ever achieve, but still far short of the
crown. “I will try,” she said steadily, “to give
him all that he is asking, all that he wants and expects. He deserves well, he
shall have the best I can do.” There was no point in saying to her that
it might not be enough, she already knew that, and was uneasy about a degree of
deception she could not evade. It might even be that what had already been said
here in the dimness of the kennels had reopened a deep abyss of doubt which she
had almost succeeded in sealing over. Better let well alone, where there was no
possibility of rendering the load she carried any lighter. “Well, I pray you may be blessed in all
you do,” said Cadfael, and drew back out of her way. The bitch had uncoiled
herself from among her puppies and was nuzzling the pail, and waving a
feathered tail in hungry expectation. The ordinary business of the day goes on
through births, marriages, deaths, and festivals. When he looked back from the
doorway the girl Helisende was stooping to fill the bitch’s bowl, the heavy
braid of her brown hair swinging among the scrambling litter. She did not look
up, but for all that, he had the feeling that she was deeply and vulnerably
aware of him until he turned and walked softly away. “You’ll miss your nurseling,” said Cadfael
when Edgytha came at noon to serve food and drink for them. “Or will you be
going south with her when she’s married?” The old woman lingered, taciturn by nature
but visibly in need of unburdening a heart by no means reconciled to losing her
darling. Within the stiff folds of her wimple her withered cheek trembled. “What should I do at my age, in a strange
place? I am too old to be of much value now, I shall stay here. At least I know
the way of things here, and everyone knows me. What respect should I have in a
strange household? But she’ll go, I know that! She’ll go, I suppose, as go she
must. And the young man’s well enough—if my lamb had not another in her eye and
in her heart.” “And one placed so far out of reach,”
Haluin reminded her gently, but his face was pale, and when she turned and
looked at him in silence for a long moment he averted his eyes and turned away
his head. Her eyes were the pale, washed blue of
fading harebells. Once, shadowed by lashes now grown thin and meager, they
might have resembled more the color of periwinkles. “So my lord will have told
you,” she said. “So they all say. And if there’s no help, she might do much
worse, I know! I came here in attendance on her mother, all those years ago,
and that was no lovers’ match, her so young, and him nigh on three times her
age. A decent, kind man he was, but old, old! She had good need, poor lady, of
someone from home, someone she knew well and could trust. At least they’re
marrying my girl to somebody young.” Cadfael asked what had been preoccupying
his mind for some little while, since no word had been said on the matter: “Is
Helisende’s mother dead?” “No, not dead. But she took the veil at
Polesworth, it must be eight years ago now, after the old lord died. She’s
within your own order, a Benedictine nun. She had always a leaning towards it,
and when her husband died, and she began to be talked about and bargained about
as widow ladies are, and urged to marry again, rather than that she left the
world. It’s one way of escape,” said Edgytha, and set her lips grimly. “And left her daughter motherless?” said
Haluin, with more reproof in his voice than he had intended. “She left her daughter very well mothered!
She left her to the lady Emma and to me!” Edgytha smoldered for a moment, and
subdued the brief fire within lowered eyelids. “Three mothers that child has
had, and all fond. My lady Emma could never be harsh to any young thing. Too
soft, indeed, the pair of them could always get their will of her. But my own
lady was given to solitude and melancholy, and when it came to a new marriage,
no, she would not, she took the veil gladly rather than marry again.” “Helisende has never considered that
refuge?” asked Cadfael. “Not she, God forbid she ever should! My
girl was never of that mind. For those who take to it kindly it may be bliss,
but for those who are pressed into it, it must be a hell on earth! If you’ll
pardon my tongue, Brothers! You know your own vocation best, and no doubt you
took the cowl for the best of reasons, but Helisende… No, I would not want that
for her. Better by far this Perronet lad, if there has to be a second-best,”
She had begun to gather up the platters and dishes they had emptied, and took
up the pitcher to refill their cups. “I did hear say that you’ve been at
Elford, and seen Roscelin there. Is that true?” “Yes,” said Cadfael, “we left Elford only
yesterday. We did, by chance, have some brief talk with the young man, but
never knew until this morning that he came from this neighboring manor of
Vivers.” “And how did he look?” she asked
longingly. “Is he well? Was he down in spirits? I have not seen him for a month
or more, and I know how ill he took it that he should be sent away like some
offending page from his own home, when he had done no wrong, nor thought none.
As good a lad as ever stepped! What had he to say?” “Why, he was in excellent health at any
rate,” said Cadfael cautiously, “and very fair spirits, considering all. It’s
true he did complain of being banished, and was very ill-content where he is.
Naturally he said little about the circumstances, seeing we were chance comers
and unknown to him, and I daresay he would have said no more to anyone else who
had as little business in the matter. But he did say he had given his word to
abide by his father’s orders, and wait for leave before he’d venture home.” “But he does not know,” she said, between
anger and helplessness, “what’s being planned here. Oh, he’ll get leave to come
home fast enough as soon as Helisende is out of the house, and far away south
on her way to that young man’s manor. And what a homecoming that will be for
the poor lad! Shame to deal so behind his back!” “They think it for the best,” said Haluin,
pale and moved. “Even for his best interests, they believe. And this matter is
hard even for them. If they are mistaken in hiding this marriage from him until
it is over, surely they may be forgiven.” “There are those,” said Edgytha darkly,
“who never will be.” She picked up her wooden tray, and the keys at her girdle
chimed faintly as she moved towards the door. “I wish this had been honestly
done. I wish he had been told. Whether he could ever have her or not, he had a
right to know, and to give his blessing or his ban. How was it you were brought
in touch with him there, to know the half of his name but not the whole?” “It was the lady mentioned his name,” said
Cadfael, “when de Clary came in from riding, and the young man was with him.
Roscelin, she called him. It was later we spoke with him. He saw my friend here
stiff from a night on his knees, and came to lend him an arm to lean on.” “So he would!” she said, warming. “To any
one he saw in need. The lady, you say? Audemar’s lady?” “No, our errand was not to him, we never
saw his wife and children. No, this was his mother, Adelais de Clary.” The dishes jangled momentarily on
Edgytha’s tray. With care she balanced it on one hand, and reached to the latch
of the door. “She is there? There at Elford?” “She is. Or she was when we left,
yesterday, and with the snow coming so shortly after, she is surely there
still.” “She visits very rarely,” said Edgytha,
shrugging. “They say there’s small love lost between her and her son’s wife.
That’s no uncommon thing, either, I suppose, so they’re just as well apart.”
She nudged the door open expertly with an elbow, and swung the large tray
through the doorway edgewise. “Do you hear the horses, outside there? That will
be Jean de Perronet’s party riding in.” There was nothing clandestine or
secretive, certainly, about Jean de Perronet’s arrival, though nothing
ceremonious or showy, either. He came with one body servant and two grooms, and
with two led horses for the bride and her attendant, and packhorses for the
baggage. The entire entourage was practical and efficient, and de Perronet
himself went very plainly, without flourishes in his dress or his manner, though
Cadfael noted with appreciation the quality of his horseflesh and harness. This
young man knew where to spend his money, and where to spare. They had gone out, Haluin and Cadfael
together, to watch the guests dismount and unload. The afternoon air was again
clearing towards a night frost, but there were scudding clouds in the upper
air, and might be further flurries of snow in the dark hours. The travelers
would be well content to be under a sound roof and out of the chilly wind. De Perronet dismounted from his flecked
roan horse before the door of the hall, and Cenred came striding down the steps
to meet him and embrace him, and lead him by the hand up to the doorway, where
the lady Emma waited to welcome him as warmly. Helisende, Cadfael noted, did not
appear. At supper at the high table she would have no choice but to attend, but
at this stage it was fitting that the honors of the house should rest with her
brother and his wife, the guardians of her person and the disposers of her
marriage. Host, hostess, and guest vanished within the great hall. Cenred’s
servants and de Perronet’s grooms unloaded baggage and stabled horses, and went
about the business so practically that within a matter of minutes the courtyard
was empty. So that was the bridegroom! Cadfael stood
considering what he had seen, and so far could find no fault in it except that
it was, as Edgytha had said, a second-best. And a second-best was all that boy
would gain. A young man of perhaps twenty-five or twenty-six, already
accustomed to authority and responsibility by his bearing, and well capable of
handling them. His men, these favored ones at least, were easy with him. He
knew his business as they knew theirs, and there was an air of mutual respect
between them. Moreover, he was a good-looking young man, tall and shapely, of
open, amiable countenance, and, by the look of him, in the happiest possible
humor on the eve of his marriage. Cenred had done his best for his young
sister, and his best promised to turn out very well. A pity it could not have
been what her heart desired. “But what else could he have done?” said
Haluin, betraying in few words the depth of his own dismay and doubt. Chapter Eight IN THE LATE AFTERNOON Cenred sent his
steward to ask the two Benedictine brothers if they felt able to join his
household at supper in hall, or if Father Haluin preferred to continue his rest
in retirement, and be waited on in his own chamber. Haluin, who had withdrawn
into a dark, inward meditation, would certainly rather have remained apart, but
felt it discourteous to absent himself any longer, and made the effort to
emerge from his anxious silence, and do honor to the company at the high table.
They had given him a place close to the bridal pair, by virtue of his office as
the priest who was to marry them. Cadfael, seated a little apart, had them all
in view. And below, in the body of the hall, the whole household assembled in
its due ranks, under the glow of the torches. It occurred to Cadfael, watching Haluin’s
grave face, that this would be the first time his friend had ever been called
upon to be go-between for God. It was true that the young brothers were being
encouraged to aim at orders, more now than ever in the past, but many of them
would be, as Haluin was, priests without pastoral cares, who in a long life
would probably never christen, never marry, never bury, never ordain others to
follow them in the same sheltered paths. It is a terrible responsibility,
thought Cadfael, who had never aspired to ordination, to have the grace of God
committed to a man’s hands, to be privileged and burdened to play a part in
other people’s lives, to promise them salvation in baptism, to lock their lives
together in matrimony, to hold the key to purgatory at their departing. If I
have meddled, he thought devoutly, and God knows I have, when need was and
there was no better man to attempt it, at least I have meddled only as a fellow
sinner, tramping the same road, not as a viscount of heaven, stooping to raise
up. Now Haluin faces this same terrible demand, and no wonder if he is afraid. He looked along the array of faces which
Haluin, being so close beside them, could see only as overlapping profiles,
each briefly seen as the ripple of movement flowed along the high table, and
lit deceptively by the falling glow of the torches. Cenred’s broad, open,
blunt-featured countenance a little drawn and taut with strain, but resolutely
jovial, his wife presiding over the table with determined amiability and a
somewhat anxious smile, de Perronet in happy innocence, shining with evident
pleasure at having Helisende seated beside him and all but his already. And the
girl, pale and quiet and resolutely gracious at his side, doing her gallant
best to respond to his brightness, since this grief was no fault of his, and
she had acknowledged that he deserved better. Seeing them thus together, there
was no question of the man’s attachment, and if he missed the like radiance in
her, perhaps he accepted that as the common ground on which marriages begin,
and was ready and willing to be patient until the bud came to flower. This was the first time Haluin had seen
the girl since she had startled him to his feet here in the hall, and brought
him down in that crashing fall, half dazed as he already was by the stinging
wind and the blinding snow. And this stiff young figure in her best, gilded by
the torchlight, might have been a stranger, never before seen. He looked at
her, when chance brought her profile into clear view, with doubt and
bewilderment, burdened by a responsibility new to him, and heavy to bear. It was late when the women withdrew from
the high table, leaving the men to their wine, though they would not sit here
in the hall much longer. Haluin looked round to catch Cadfael’s eye, agreeing
in a glance that it was time for them to leave host and guest together, and
Haluin was already reaching for his crutches and bracing himself for the effort
of rising when Emma came in again from the solar with a flustered step and an
anxious face, a young maidservant at her heels. “Cenred, here’s something strange
happened! Edgytha is gone out and has not returned, and now it’s beginning to
snow again, and where should she be going, thus in the night? I sent for her to
attend me to bed, as always, and she’s nowhere to be found, and now Madlyn here
says that she went out hours ago, as soon as it was dusk.” Cenred was slow to turn his mind from his
hospitable duty towards his guest to an apparently small domestic problem,
surely the women’s business rather than his. “Why, Edgytha may surely go out if she so
chooses,” he said good-humoredly,” and will come back when she chooses no less.
She’s a free woman, knows her own mind, and can be trusted to mind her duties.
If she’s once missing when she’s called for, that’s no great matter. Why should
you worry over it?” “But when does she ever do so without
saying? Never! And now it’s snowing again, and she’s been gone four hours or
more, if Madlyn says true. How if she’s come to harm? She would not stay away
so long of her own will. And you know how I value her. I would not for the
world that any harm should come to her.” “No more would I,” said Cenred warmly,
“nor to any of my people. If she’s gone astray we’ll look for her. But no need
to fret before we know of any mishap. Here, girl, speak up, what is it you know
of the matter? You say she went out some hours ago?” “Sir, so she did!” Madlyn came forward
willingly, wide-eyed with half-pleasurable excitement. “It was after we’d made
all ready. I was coming in from the dairy, and I saw her come forth from the
kitchen with her cloak about her, and I said to her that this was like to be a
busy night, and she’d be missed, and she said she would be back before she was
called for. It was just beginning to get dark then. I never thought she’d be
gone so long.” “And did you not ask her where she was
going?” demanded Cenred. “I did,” said the girl, “though it was
little enough she was ever likely to tell about her own business, and I should
have known she’d make a sour answer if she made any at all. But there’s no
sense to be made of it. She said she was going to find a cat,” said Madlyn in
baffled innocence, “to put among the pigeons.” If it meant nothing to her, it had meaning
for Cenred and for his wife, who plainly heard it now for the first time.
Emma’s startled gaze flew to her husband’s face as he came abruptly to his
feet. The look they exchanged Cadfael could read as if he had the words ringing
in his ears. He had been given clues enough to make the reading easy. Edgytha
was nurse to them both, indulged them, loved them like her own, resents even
their separation, whatever the church and the ties of blood may say, and much
more this marriage that makes the separation final. She is gone to enlist help
to prevent what she deplores, even at this last moment. She is gone to tell
Roscelin what is being done behind his back. She is gone to Elford. None of which could be said aloud, here in
front of Jean de Perronet, who stood now at Cenred’s side, looking from face to
face round the circle, puzzled and sympathetic in a domestic trouble which was
none of his business. An old servant gone missing in the evening, with night
coming on and snow falling, called for at least a token search. He made the
suggestion ingenuously, filling a silence which at any moment might have caused
him to look more narrowly at what was happening here. “Should we not look for her, if she’s been
gone so long? The ways are not always safe at night, and for a woman venturing
alone…” The diversion came as a blessing, and
Cenred seized on it gratefully. “So we will. I’ll send out a party by the most
likely way. It may be she’s only been delayed by the snow, if she intended a
visit in the village. But this need not give you any concern, Jean. I would not
wish your stay to be marred. Leave this matter to my men, we have enough in the
household. And rest assured she cannot be far, we shall soon find her and see
her safe home.” “I will gladly come out with you,” de
Perronet offered. “No, no, I will not have it. Let all
things here go as we have planned them, and nothing spoil the occasion. Use my
house as your own, and take your night’s rest with a quiet mind, for tomorrow
this small flurry will be over and done.” It was not difficult to persuade the
helpful guest to abandon his generous intention. Perhaps it had been made only
as a courteous gesture. A man’s household affairs are his, and best left to
him. It is civil to offer help, but wise to give way gracefully. Cenred knew
very well now where Edgytha had set out to go, there would be no question of
which road to take in hunting for her. Moreover, there was some genuine call
for concern, for in four hours she could have been there and back even in snow.
Cenred quit his supper table purposefully, driving the men of his following
before him to muster within the hall door. He bade de Perronet an emphatic
good-night, which was accepted plainly as dismissal even from this domestic
conference, and issued brisk orders to those of his servants whom he chose to
go with the search party, six of the young and vigorous and his steward with
them. “What must we do?” Brother Haluin wondered
half aloud, standing with Cadfael a little apart. “You,” said Cadfael, “must go to your bed,
like a sensible man, and sleep if you can. And a prayer or two will not come
amiss. I am going with them.” “Along the nearest road to Elford,” said
Haluin heavily. “To find a cat to put among the pigeons.
Yes, where else? But you stay here. There is nothing you could do or say, if
there has to be speech, that I cannot.” The hall door was opened, the party
tramped down the steps into the courtyard, two of them carrying torches.
Cadfael, following last, looked out upon a glittering, frosty night. The ground
was covered but meagerly, small, needle-sharp flakes out of an almost clear
sky, brittle with stars and too cold for a heavy fall. He looked back from the
doorway, and saw the women of the house, gentlefolk and servants alike, drawn
together in mutual uneasiness in the far corner of the hall, all eyes following
their departing menfolk, the maids huddling close, Emma with her smooth, gentle
face wrung in distress, and pulling nervously at her plump fingers. And Helisende standing a pace apart, the
only one not clinging to her kind for comfort. She was far enough back from one
of the sconces for the torchlight to show her face fully, without exaggerated
shadows. All that Emma had reported to her husband, all that Madlyn had told,
Helisende surely knew now. She knew where Edgytha was gone, she knew for what
purpose. She was staring wide-eyed into a future she could no longer foretell,
where the results of this night’s work hid themselves in bewilderment and
dismay and possible catastrophe. She had prepared herself for a willing
sacrifice, but she found herself utterly unprepared for whatever threatened
now. Her face seemed as still and composed as ever, yet it had lost all its
calm and certainty, her resolution had become helplessness, and her resignation
changed to desperation. She had arrived at an embattled ground she believed she
could hold, at whatever cost to herself, and now that ground shook and parted
under her feet, and she was no longer in control of her own fate. The image of
her shattered gallantry, disarmed and vulnerable, was the last glimpse Cadfael
carried out with him into the darkness and the frost. Cenred drew his cloak close about his face
against the wind, and set out from the gate of the manor on a path that was
strange to Cadfael. With Haluin he had turned in from the distant highway,
straight towards the gleam of light from the manor torches, but this way
slanted back to strike the road much nearer to Elford, and would probably cut
off at least half a mile of the distance. The night had its own lambent light,
partly from the stars, partly from the thin covering of snow, so that they were
able to go quickly, spread out in a line centered upon the path. The country
here was open, at first bare of trees, then threading a belt of woods and
scrubland. They heard nothing but their own footsteps and breath, and the soft
whining of the wind among the bushes. Twice Cenred halted them to have silence,
and called aloud to the night, but got no answer. For one who knew this path well, Cadfael
calculated, the distance to Elford would be roughly two miles. Edgytha could
have been back in Vivers long ago, and by what she had said to the maid Madlyn
she had intended to return in ample time to be at her mistress’s disposal after
supper. Nor could she have strayed from a known way on so bright a night, and
in barely more than a sprinkling of snow. It began to seem clear to him that
something had happened to prevent either her errand or her safe return from it.
Not the rigors of nature nor the caprice of chance, but the hand of man. And on
such a night those outcast creatures who preyed upon travelers, even if any
such existed here in this open country, were unlikely to be out and about their
dark business, since their prey would hardly be eager to venture out in such a
frost. No, if any man had intervened to prevent Edgytha from reaching her goal,
it was with deliberate intent. There was, perhaps, one better possibility, that
if she had reached Roscelin with her news, he had persuaded her not to return,
but to remain at Elford in safety and leave the rest to him. But Cadfael was
not sure that he believed in that. If it had happened so, Roscelin would
already have been striding indignantly into the hall at Vivers before ever
Edgytha had been missed from her place. Cadfael had drawn close alongside Cenred,
pressing forward in haste in the center of his line of hunters, and one dark,
sidelong glance saluted and recognized him, without great surprise. “There was
no need, Brother,” said Cenred shortly. “We are enough for the work.” “One more will do no harm,” said Cadfael. No harm, but possibly none too welcome. As
well if this matter could be kept strictly private to the Vivers household. Yet
it seemed that Cenred was not greatly troubled by the presence of a chance
Benedictine monk among his search party. He was intent on finding Edgytha, and
preferably before she reached Elford, or failing that, in time to negate
whatever mischief she had set afoot. Perhaps he expected to meet his son
somewhere along the way, coming in haste to prevent that marriage that would
destroy his last vain hopes. But they had gone somewhat more than a mile, and
the night remained empty about them. They were moving through thin, open
woodland, over tufted, uneven grass, where the frozen snow lay too lightly to
flatten the blades to earth, and they might have passed by the slight hummock
beside the path on the right hand but for the dark ground that showed through
the covering of white lace, darker than the bleached brown of the wintry turf.
Cenred had passed it by, but checked sharply when Cadfael halted, and stared
down as he was staring. “Quickly, bring the torch here close!” The yellow light outlined clearly the
shape of a human body lying sprawled, head away from the path, whitened over
with a crust of snow. Cadfael stooped and brushed away the crystalline veil
from an upturned face, open-eyed and contorted in astonished fright, and head
of grey hair from which the hood had fallen back as she fell. She lay on her
back but inclined towards her right side, her arms flung up and wide as if to
ward off a blow. Her black cloak showed darkly through the filigree of white.
Over her breast a small patch marred the veil, where her blood, in a meager
flow, had thawed the flakes as they fell. There was no telling immediately,
from the way she lay, whether she had been on her way outward or homeward when
she was struck down, but it seemed to Cadfael that at the last moment she had
heard someone stealing close behind her, and whirled about with hands flung up
to protect her head. The dagger her attacker had meant to slip between her ribs
from behind had missed its stroke, and been plunged into her breast instead.
She was dead and cold, the frost confounding all conjecture as to when she must
have died. “God’s pity!” said Cenred on a whispering
breath. “This I never thought to see! Whatever she intended, why this?” “Wolves hunt even in frost,” said his
steward heavily, “Though what rich traffic there can be for them here heaven
knows! And see, there’s nothing taken, not even her cloak. Masterless men would
have stripped her.” Cenred shook his head. “There are none
such in these parts, I swear. No, this is a different matter. I wonder, I
wonder which way she was bound when she was struck dead!” “When we move her,” said Cadfael, “we may
find out. What now? There’s nothing now can be done for her. Whoever used the
knife knew his grim business, it needed no second stroke. And whatever
footprints he left behind, the ground’s too hard to show, even where the snow
has not covered them.” “We must carry her home,” said Cenred
somberly. “And a sorry matter that will be for my wife and sister. They set
great store by the old woman. She was always loyal and trustworthy, all these
years since my young stepmother brought her into the household. This must not
pass without requital! We’ll send ahead to see if she ever came to Elford, and
what’s known of her there, and whether they have any word of chance marauders
haunting these ways, perhaps on the run from other regions. Though that’s hard
to believe. Audemar keeps a firm hand on his lands.” “Shall we send back and fetch a litter, my
lord?” asked the steward. “She’s but a light weight, we could make shift to
carry her back in her cloak.” “No, no need to make another journey. But
you, Edred, you take Jehan here with you, and go on to Elford, and find out
what’s known of her there, if anyone has met and spoken with her. No, take two
men with you. I would not have you in any danger on the road, if there are
masterless men abroad.” The steward accepted his orders, and took
one of the torches to light him the rest of the way. The small, resiny spark
dwindled along the pathway towards Elford, and vanished gradually into the
night. Those remaining turned to the body, and lifted it aside to unfasten and
spread out on the path the cloak she wore. As soon as she was raised one thing
at least was made plain. “There’s snow under her,” said Cadfael.
The shrunken shape of her was dark and moist where contact had been close
enough for her body’s lingering warmth to melt the flakes, but all round the
rim where the folds of her clothing had lain only lightly, a worn border of
lace remained, “It was after the snow began that she fell. She was on her way
home.” She was light and limp in their hands. The
chill of her body was from frost, not rigor. They wound her closely in her
cloak, and bound her safely with two or three belts and Cadfael’s rope girdle,
to give handholds for the servants who carried her, and so they bore her back
the mile or so they had come, to Vivers. The household was still awake and aware,
unable to rest until they knew what was happening. One of the maids saw the
lamentable little procession entering at the gate, and ran wailing to tell
Emma. By the time they brought Edgytha’s body up into the hall the whole
fluttered dovecote of maids was again assembled, huddled together for comfort.
Emma took charge with more resolution than might have been expected from her
soft and gentle person, and swept the girls into service with a briskness that
kept them from tears, preparing a trestle table in one of the small chambers for
a bier, composing the disordered limbs, heating water, bringing scented linen
from the chests in the hall to drape and cover the dead. The funereal
ceremonies do as much for the living as for the dead, in occupying their hands
and minds, and consoling them for things left undone or badly done during life.
Very shortly the murmur of subdued voices from the death chamber had softened
from distress and dismay into a gentle, almost soothing elegiac crooning. Emma came out into the hall, where her
husband and his men were warming their chilled feet at the fire, and rubbing
the sense back into their numbed hands. “Cenred, how is this possible? Who could
have done such a thing?” No one attempted to answer that, nor had
she looked for an answer. “Where did you find her?” That her husband did answer, scrubbing
wearily at his furrowed forehead. “Past the halfway to Elford by the short
road, lying beside the path. And she’d been there no long time, for there was
snow under her. It was on her way back here that someone struck her down.” “You think,” said Emma in a low voice,
“she had been to Elford?” “Where else by that path? I’ve sent Edred
on there, to find out if she came, and who has spoken with her. In an hour or
so they should be back, but whether with any news, God alone knows.” They were both of them moving delicately
about and about the heart of the matter, avoiding the mention of Roscelin’s
name, or any word of the reason why Edgytha should go rushing out alone in a
wintry night. True, word had gone round even in the kennels and mews by then,
and the entire household of Vivers was gathering uneasily, the indoor servants
hovering in an anxious group in the corners of the hall, those from without
prowling and peering over their shoulders, unable to withdraw to their own
proper business or their normal rest until something should happen within here
to scatter them. Few of all these, if any, could be in their lord’s confidence
in the matter of Roscelin’s outlawed love, but many of them might have guessed
at the undercurrents sweeping Helisende into this hasty marriage. Some reserve
in speech would have to be observed in front of all this clan. And here, to complicate matters further,
came Jean de Perronet from the chamber above, where he had retired out of
courtesy, but not to sleep, for he was still in his supper-table finery. And
here, too, was Brother Haluin from his bed, anxious and silent. All those under
the roof of Vivers that night had been drawn gradually and almost stealthily
into the hall. No, not quite all. Cadfael looked round
the assembly, and missed one face. Where all others forgathered, Helisende
absented herself. By the look on his face de Perronet had
been doing some serious thinking since he bowed to his host’s wish, and let the
search party go out into the night without him. He came into the hall with a
face composed and grave, revealing nothing of what went on in his mind, took
his time about looking all round the mute and dour circle of them, and looked
last and longest at Cenred, who stood with his boots steaming in the ashes of
the hearth, and his head bent to stare blankly into the embers of the fire. “I think,” said de Penonet with
deliberation, “this has not ended well. You have found your maidservant?” “We have found her,” said Cenred. “Misused? Dead? Do you tell me you have
found her dead?” “And not of cold! Stabbed to death,” said
Cenred bluntly, “and left by the wayside. And no sign of another soul have we
seen or heard along the road, though this befell no long time ago, after the
snow began to fall.” “Eighteen years she has been with us,”
said Emma, wringing her hands together wretchedly under her breast. “Poor soul,
poor soul, to end like this—struck down by some outlaw vagabond to die in the
cold. I would not for the world have had this happen!” “I am sorry,” said de Perronet, “that such
a thing should be, and at such a time as this. Can there be some link between
the occasion that brought me here and this woman’s death?” “No!” cried husband and wife together,
rather resisting the thought already in their minds than lying to deceive the
guest. “No,” said Cenred more softly, “I pray
there is not, I trust there is not. It is of all chances the most unhappy, yet
surely no more than chance.” “There are such unblessed chances,”
admitted de Perronet, but with evident reserve. “And they do not spare to mar
festivals, even marriages. You do not wish to put off this one beyond
tomorrow?” “No, why so? It is our grief, not yours.
But it is murder, and I must send to the sheriff, and loose a hunt for the
murderer. She has no living kin that I know of, it is for us to bury her.
What’s needful we shall do. It need not cast a shadow upon you.” “I fear it already has,” said de Perronet,
“upon Helisende. The woman, I believe, was her nurse, and dear to her.” “The more reason you should take her away
from here, to a new home and a new life.” He looked round for her then for the
first time, startled not to find her there among the women, but relieved that
she was not there to complicate a matter already vexed enough. If she had
indeed been able to fall asleep, so much the better, let her sleep on, and know
nothing worse until morning. The maidservants were drifting back from the room
where they had been busy making Edgytha’s body seemly. There was nothing more they
could now do here, and their uneasy presence, mute and fearful in hovering
groups, became oppressive. Cenred stirred himself with an effort to be rid of
them. “Emma, send the women to their beds.
There’s no more to be done here, and they need not wait. And you, fellows, be
off and get your sleep. All’s done that can be done till Edred gets back from
Elford, no need for the whole household to wait up for him.” And to de Perronet
he said, “I sent him on with two others of my men to inform my overlord of this
death. Murder in these parts is within his writ, this will be his business no
less than mine. Come, Jean, with your leave we’ll withdraw to the solar, and
leave the hall to the sleepers.” Doubtless, thought Cadfael, watching the
harassed lines of Cenred’s face, he would be happier if de Perronet chose to
draw off once again from all involvement, and stand apart, but there’s no
chance of that now. And however he hedges round the truth of why his steward
has pushed on to Elford, the very name of that place has now assumed a
significance there’s no evading. And this is not a man who likes deception, or
practices it with pleasure or skill. The women had accepted their orders at
once, and dispersed, still whispering and fearful, to their quarters. The
menservants quenched the torches, leaving only two by the great door to light
the way in, and fed and damped down the fire to burn slowly through the night.
De Perronet followed his host to the door of the solar, and there Cenred,
turning, waved Cadfael to join them within. “Brother, you were a witness, you can
testify to how we found her. It was you showed how the snow had begun to fall
before she was struck down. Will you wait with us, and see what word my steward
brings back with him?” There was no word said as to whether
Brother Haluin should consider this invitation as applying equally to him, but
he caught Cadfael’s eye, deprecating rather than recommending such a move, and
chose rather to ignore it. Enough had already happened to exercise his mind, if
he was to join two people whose imminent marriage was at least suspect of
bringing about a death. He needed to know what lay behind these nocturnal
wanderings, and followed the company into the solar, his crutches heavy and
slow in the rushes, and starting a dull echo as he stepped onto the floorboards
within. He took his seat on a bench in the dimmest corner, an unobtrusive
listener, as Cenred sat down wearily at the table, and spread his elbows on the
board, propping his head between muscular hands. “Your men are on foot?” asked de Perronet. “Yes.” “Then we may have a long wait yet before
they can be here again. Had you other parties out on other roads?” Cenred said starkly, “No,” and offered no
further words by way of explanation or excuse. Not a quarter of an hour ago,
thought Cadfael, watching, he would have evaded that, or left it unanswered.
Now he is gone beyond caring for discretion. Murder brings out into the open
many matters no less painful, while itself still lurking in the dark. De Perronet shut his lips and clenched his
teeth on any further questioning, and set himself to wait in uncommitted
patience. The night had closed in on the manor of Vivers in hushed stillness,
ominous and oppressive. Doubtful if anyone in the hall slept, but if any of
them moved it was furtively, and if any spoke it was in whispers. Nevertheless, the wait was not to be as
long as de Perronet had prophesied. The silence was abruptly shivered by the
thudding of galloping hooves on the hard-frozen earth of the courtyard, a
furious young voice yelling peremptorily for service, the frantic running of
grooms without, and the hasty stirring of all the wakeful retainers within.
Feet ran blindly in the dark, stumbling and rustling in the rushes, flint and
steel spat sparks too brief and hasty to catch the tinder, the first torch was
plunged into the turfed-down fire, and carried in haste to kindle others.
Before the listeners in the solar could burst out into the hall a fist was
thumping at the outer door, and an angry voice demanding entry. Two or three ran to unbar, knowing the
voice, and were sent reeling as the heavy door was flung back to the wall, and
into the brightening flurry of torchlight burst the figure of Roscelin, head
uncovered, flaxen hair on end from the speed of his ride, blue eyes blazing.
The cold of the night blew in with him, and all the torches guttered and
smoked, as Cenred, erupting out of the solar, was halted as abruptly on the
threshold of the hall by his son’s fiery glare. “What is this Edred tells me of you?” demanded
Roscelin. “What have you done behind my back?” Chapter Nine FOR ONCE
PATERNAL AUTHORITY WAS CAUGHT at a disadvantage, and Cenred was all too aware
of it. Nor had he the past reputation of a family tyrant to fall back on, but
he did his best to wrest back the lost initiative. “What are you doing here?” he demanded
sternly. “Did I send for you? Did your lord dismiss you? Has either of us
released you from your bond?” “No,” said Roscelin, glittering. “I have
no leave from any man, and have not asked for any. And as for my bond, you
loosed me from it when you played me false. It’s not I who have broken faith.
And as for the duty I owe to Audemar de Clary, I’ll return to it if I must, and
abide whatever his displeasure visits on me, but not until you render me
account here openly of what you intended in the dark behind my back. I listened
to you, I owned you right, I obeyed you. Did you owe me nothing in return? Not
even honesty?” Another father might well have felled him
for such insolence, but Cenred had no such option. Emma was plucking anxiously
at his sleeve, troubled for both her menfolk. De Perronet, alert and grim,
loomed at his shoulder, eyeing the enraged boy confronting them, and already
apprised of an inevitable threat to his own plans. What else could have brought
this youngster haring through the night? And by all the signs he had come by
the shortest road, dangerous in the dark, or he could not have arrived so soon.
Nothing that had happened this night was accident or chance. The marriage of Helisende
Vivers had brought about all this coil of murder and search and pursuit, and
what more was to come of it there was as yet no knowing. “I have done nothing,” said Cenred, “of
which I need to be ashamed, and nothing for which I need account to you. Well
you know what your own part must be, you have agreed to it, do not complain
now. I am the master in my own house, I have both rights and duties towards my
family. I will discharge them as I see fit. And for the best!” “Without the courtesy of a word to me!”
flared Roscelin, burning up like a stirred fire. “No, I must hear it only from
Edred, after the damage has already begun, after a death that can surely be
laid at your own door. Was that for the best? Or dare you tell me Edgytha is
dead for some other cause, by some stranger’s hand? That’s mischief enough,
even if it’s no worse than that. But whose plans sent her out into the night?
Dare you tell me she was on some other errand? Edred says she was on her way to
Elford when someone cut her off. I am here to prevent the rest.” “Your son refers, as I suppose,” said de
Perronet, loudly and coldly, “to the marriage arranged between the lady
Helisende and me. In that matter, I think, I too have a say.” Roscelin’s wide blue stare swung from his
father’s face to the guest’s. It was the first time he had looked at him, and
the encounter held him silent for a long moment. They were not strangers to
each other, Cadfael recalled. The two families were acquainted, perhaps even
distant kin, and two years ago de Perronet had made a formal offer for He
lisende’s hand. There was no personal animosity in Roscelin’s glare, rather a
baffled and frustrated rage against circumstance than against this favored
suitor, to whom he could not and must not be a rival. “You are the bridegroom?” he said bluntly. “I am, and will maintain my claim. And
what have you to urge against it?” Animosity or not, they had begun to
bristle like fighting cocks, but Cenred laid a restraining hand on de
Perronet’s arm, and frowned his son back with a forbidding gesture. “Wait, wait! This has gone too far now to
be left in the dark. Do you tell me, boy, that you heard of this marriage, as
you heard of Edgytha’s death, only from Edred?” “How else?” demanded Roscelin. “He came
puffing in with his news and roused the household, Audemar and all. Whether he
meant me to hear when he blurted out word of this marriage I doubt, but I did
hear it, and here am I to find out for myself what you never meant me to
question. And we shall see if all is being done for the best!” “Then you had not seen Edgytha? She never
reached you?” “How could she if she was lying dead a
mile or more from Elford?” demanded Roscelin impatiently. “It was after the snow began that she
died. She had been some hours gone, long enough to have reached Elford and been
on her way back. Somewhere she had been, from somewhere she was certainly
returning. Where else could it have been?” “So you thought she had indeed reached
Elford,” said Roscelin slowly. “I never heard but that she was dead. I thought
it was on her way. On her way to me! Is that what you had in mind? To warn me
of what was being done here in my absence?” Cenred’s silence and Emma’s unhappy face
were answer enough. “No,” he said slowly, “I never saw hide or
hair of her. Nor did anyone in Audemar’s household as far as I know. If she
ever was there at all, I don’t know to whom she came. Certainly not to me.” “Yet it could have been so,” said Cenred. “It was not so. She did not come.
Nevertheless,” said Roscelin relentlessly, “here am I as if she had, having
heard it from another mouth. God knows I am grieved for Edgytha, but what is
there now to be done for her but bury her with reverence, and after, if we can,
find and bury her murderer? But it is not too late to reconsider what was intended
here for tomorrow, it is not too late to change it.” “I marvel,” said Cenred harshly, “that you
do not charge me outright with this death.” Roscelin was brought up short against an
idea so monstrous, and stood open-mouthed with shock, his unclenched hands
dangling childishly. Plainly such a notion had never entered his ingenuous
head. He stammered a furious, half-inarticulate disclaimer, and abandoned it
halfway to turn again upon de Perronet. “But you—you had cause enough to want her
stopped, if you knew she was on her way to warn me. You had good cause to want
her silenced, so that no voice should be raised against your marriage, as now I
raise mine. Was it you who did her to death on the way?” “This is foolery,” said de Perronet with
disdain. “Everyone here knows that I have been here in plain view all the
evening.” “So you may have been, but you have men
who may be used to do your work for you.” “Every man of whom can be vouched for by
your father’s household. Also, you have been told already it was not on the
outward way this woman was killed, but returning. What purpose would that have
served for me? And now may I ask of you, father and son both,” he demanded
sharply, “what interest has this boy in his close kinswoman’s marriage, that he
dares to challenge either her brother’s rights or her husband’s?” Now, thought Cadfael, it is all as good as
out, though no one will say it plainly. For de Perronet has wits sharp enough
to have grasped already what particular and forbidden passion really drives this
unhappy boy. And now it depends on Roscelin whether a decent face is kept on
the affair or not. Which is asking a lot of a young man torn as he is, and
outraged by what he feels as a betrayal. Now we shall see his mettle. Roscelin had blanched into a fixed and
steely whiteness, his fine bones of cheek and jaw outlined starkly in the
torchlight. Before Cenred could draw breath to assert his dominance, his son
had done it for him. “My interest is that of a kinsman close as
a brother lifelong, and desiring Helisende’s happiness beyond anything else in
the world. My father’s right I never have disputed, nor do I doubt he wishes
her well as truly as I do. But when I hear of a marriage planned in haste and
in my absence, how can I be easy in mind? I will not stand by and see her
hustled into a marriage that may not be to her liking. I will not have her
forced or persuaded against her will.” “This is no such matter,” protested Cenred
hotly. “She is not being forced, she has consented willingly.” “Then why was I to be kept in ignorance?
Until the thing was done? How can I believe what your own proceedings deny?” He
swung round upon de Perronet, his blanched face arduously controlled. “Sir,
against you I have no malice. I did not even know who was to be her husband.
But you must see how hard it is to believe that all has been done fairly, when
it has not been done openly. “It is in the open now,” said de Perronet
shortly. “What hinders but you should hear it from the lady’s own lips? Will
that content you?” Roscelin’s white face tightened yet more
painfully, and for a moment he struggled visibly against his fear of inevitable
rejection and loss. But he had no choice but to agree. “If she tells me this is her choice, then
I am silenced.” He did not say that he would therefore be content. Cenred turned to his wife, who all this
while had clung loyally to her husband’s side, while her troubled eyes never
left her son’s tormented face. “Go and call Helisende. She shall speak
for herself.” In the heavy and uneasy silence after Emma
had departed it was not clear to Cadfael whether any or all of this disturbed
household had found it as strange as he did that Helisende should not long ago
have come down, to discover for herself the meaning of all these nocturnal
comings and goings. He could not get out of his mind the last glimpse he had
had of her, standing solitary among so many, suddenly lost and confounded on a
road she had believed she could walk to the end with resolute dignity. In a
situation so grimly changed she had lost her bearings. A wonder, though, that
she had not, in defense of her own integrity, come down with the rest to
discover the best or the worst when the searchers returned. Did she even know
yet that Edgytha was dead? Cenred had advanced into the half-lit hall,
abandoning even the seclusion of the solar, since there was no longer any
privacy to be found behind a closed door. A woman of the household had been
killed. A lady of the family found her marriage the occasion of conflict and
death. There was no possibility here of any separation between master and man,
or mistress and maid. They waited with equal disquiet. All but Helisende, who
absented herself still. Brother Haluin had drawn back into the
shadows, and sat mute and still on a bench against the wall, hunched stiffly
between the crutches he hugged to his sides. His hollow dark eyes passed
intently from face to face, reading and wondering. If he felt weariness, he
gave no sign. Cadfael would have liked to send him away to his bed, but there
hung on everyone here a compulsion so strong that there could be no departure.
Only one had resisted the pull. Only one had escaped. “What keeps the women?” fretted Cenred as
the moments dragged by. “Does it take so long to pull on a gown?” But it was long minutes more before Emma
reappeared in the doorway, her round, gentle face full of consternation and
dismay, her linked hands plying agitatedly at her girdle. Behind her the maid
Madlyn peered warily, round-eyed. But of Helisende there was no sign. “She is gone,” said Emma, too shaken and
bewildered to make many words of it. “She is not in her bed, not in her
chamber, nowhere to be found in all this house. Her cloak is gone. Jehan has
been out to the stables. Her saddle horse and harness are gone with her. While
you were absent she has saddled up for herself and ridden away secretly,
alone.” For once they were all alike silenced,
brother, bridegroom, frustrated lover, and all. While they schemed and agonized
and wrangled over her fate she had taken action and fled them all. Yes, even
Roscelin, for he stood stricken and amazed, utterly at a loss like all the
rest. Cenred might stiffen and frown at his son, de Perronet swing round upon
him, in black suspicion, but plainly Roscelin had had no part in this panic
flight. Even before Edgytha’s death, thought Cadfael, her secret errand and
failure to return had shattered all Helisende’s arduously assembled certainty.
Yes, de Perronet was a decent man and an honorable match, and she had pledged
herself to him to remove herself from Roscelin’s path, and deliver herself and
him from an unbearable situation. But if that sacrifice was to bring only
anger, danger, and conflict, even short of death, then all was changed.
Helisende had drawn back from the brink, and cut herself free. “She has run!” said Cenred on a gusty
breath, not questioning, accepting. “How could she do it, all unseen? And when
can she have set out? Where were her maids? Was there never a groom about the
stable to question her going, or at least give us warning?” He passed a
helpless hand over his face, and looked round darkly at his son, “And where
would she run but to you?” It was out now, and there was no taking it
back. “Have you hidden her away somewhere in
secret, and ridden here with your false indignation to cover up the sin?” “You cannot believe that!” said Roscelin,
outraged. “I have not seen her, nor had any word from her, nor sent her any,
and you know it. I’m newly ridden from Elford by that same way your men came
there, and if she had been on that path we should have met. Do you think I
would then have let her go anywhere alone in the night, whether on to Elford or
back here? If we had met we should have been together now—wherever that might
be.” “There is a safer way by the highroad,”
said de Perronet. “Longer, but as fast on horseback, and safer going. If she
did indeed set out for Elford, she may have ridden that way. She would hardly
risk the same path your men had taken.” His voice was dry and cold, and his face
set in forbidding lines, but he was a practical man, and intended wasting no
energy or passion on a green boy’s mistaken affections. They did not threaten
his position. The match he desired was arranged and accepted, and need not and
would not be abandoned. What mattered now was to recover the girl unharmed. “So she may,” agreed Cenred, encouraged.
“So most likely she would. If she reaches Elford she’ll be safe enough there.
But we’ll send after her by the highroad, and leave nothing to chance.” “I’ll ride back by that way,” offered
Roscelin eagerly, and was off towards the door of the hall with a bound, if de
Perronet had not plucked him back sharply by the sleeve. “No, not you! What we might see of either
of you again, if once you met, I much mistrust. Let Cenred seek his sister, and
I’m content she’ll come back to speak her own mind when all this coil is over.
And when she does, boy, you had best abide it, and keep your tongue within your
teeth.” Roscelin did not like being handled, nor
much savor being called “boy” by a man whose height and reach he could match,
if not his years and assurance. He wrenched his arm free strongly, and stood
off further affront with a blackly lowering brow. “So Helisende be found safe and well, and
let alone in very truth to speak her own mind, and not yours, sir, nor my
father’s, nor any other man’s, overlord or priest or king or whatever he may
be, I am content. And first,” he said, turning on his father between defiance
and pleading, “find her, let me see her whole and well and used with
gentleness. What else matters now?” “I am going myself,” said Cenred with
reviving authority, and strode back into the solar to reclaim the cloak he had
discarded. But there was to be no more riding out
from Vivers that night. Cenred had scarcely pulled on his boots again, and his
grooms were no more than hoisting down saddle and harness in the stables, when
there arose the purposeful stir of half a dozen horsemen riding into the
courtyard, the ring of challenge and answer at the gate, the jingle of harness
and dull tramping of hooves on the frozen earth. All those within came surging to open the
door and see what company this might be, so late in the night. Edred and his
companions had gone on foot, and might be expected to return on foot, and here
was a well-mounted troop arriving. Out went the torches into the darkness,
out went Cenred, with Roscelin and de Perronet hard on his heels, and several
of his menservants following. In the yard the flickering torchlight
flared and guttered and flared again on the strongly boned countenance and
massive body of Audemar de Clary, as he swung himself down from the saddle and
tossed his bridle to a scurrying groom. Behind him came Edred the steward and
the grooms who had been sent on with him to Elford, mounted now at de Clary’s
charge, along with three of Audemar’s own men. Cenred came hurrying down the steps to
welcome them. “My lord,” he said, for once formal with his friend and overlord,
“I never looked to see you tonight, but you come very timely and are more than
welcome. God knows we’re like to be causing you trouble enough, for we have
murder here, as Edred will have told you. Murder within your writ is hard to
believe, but so it is.” “So I’ve heard,” said Audemar. “Come
within, and let me hear the whole tale from you. There’s nothing to be done now
before morning.” As he entered the hall, his eye fell on the truant Roscelin,
recorded the boy’s grim and unrepentant countenance, and acknowledged
tolerantly: “You here, lad? That at least I expected.” Clearly the deeper
reason for Roscelin’s banishment was no secret from Audemar, and he had a
certain easy sympathy for the boy, short of indulging his folly. He clouted him
hard on the shoulder as he passed, and drew him with him into the solar.
Roscelin resisted the urging, gripping his lord’s sleeve urgently. “My lord, there’s more to be told. Sir,”
he appealed to his father passionately, “tell him! If she did make for Elford,
where can she be now? My lord, Helisende is gone, she has ridden out alone, my
father believes she must have set out for Elford—because of me! But I rode here
by the rough track and saw nothing of her. Has she indeed come safely to you?
Put me out of this anxiety—did she go by the highroad? Is she safe at Elford
now?” “She is not!” Brought up short against
this new vexation, Audemar looked sharply from son to father and back again,
well aware of the tensions that plagued them. “We have just come by the
highroad and never a sign of her or any woman have we seen. One road or the
other, one of us would have met with her. Come, now!” he said, sweeping Cenred
along with him in his free arm. “Let’s within, the few of us, and see what
knowledge we can put together, to be used with good sense tomorrow by daylight.
Madam, you should take some rest, all’s done that you can do before morning,
and I will make myself accountable from this on. No need for you to watch out
the night.” There was no question now as to who was
master here. At his bidding Emma folded her hands thankfully, shared a glance
of harried affection between her husband and her son, and departed docilely to
such rest as she could hope to get before dawn. Audemar looked round once from
within the solar, a sweeping glance amiable enough but unmistakable in its
dominance, that dismissed all further attendance. His eye lit upon the two
Benedictines, waiting unobtrusively on the edge of the scene, recognized them
with a nod of easy reverence for their habit, and smiled. “Good night, Brothers!” said Audemar, and
drew the solar door firmly closed at his back, shutting himself in with the
troubled Vivers household and their aspiring kinsman. Chapter Ten “HE IS RIGHT!” SAID BROTHER HALUIN,
stretched on his bed in the predawn twilight, wakeful still and loosed now from
his long silence on the fringe of other men’s chaos. “Good night. Brothers, and
goodbye! There will be no marriage. There can be no marriage, there is now no
bride. And even if she should come back, this match cannot now go forward as if
nothing had happened to cast it into such bitter doubt. When I accepted the burden—for
even so it was burdensome—there was no call to question that it was for the
best, grievous though it might be. There is good reason to question now.” “I think,” said Cadfael, listening to the
muted, deliberate voice, as Haluin felt his way towards a resolution, “you are
not sorry to be delivered from your promise.” “No, I am not sorry. Sorry enough, God
knows, that a woman has died, sorry that these children should suffer
unhappiness without remedy. But I could not now be answerable to God for joining
the girl to any man unless I could recover the certainty I have lost. As well
that she is gone, and I pray into some safe refuge. And now it only remains,”
said Brother Haluin, “for us to take our leave. We no longer have any part to
play here. De Clary has plainly told us so. And Cenred will be glad to see us
go.” “And you have a vow to complete, and no
further cause to delay. True!” said Cadfael, torn between relief and regret. “I have delayed too long already. It is
time I acknowledged,” said Haluin inflexibly, “how small are my own griefs, and
how great the part I have chosen. I made the choice for my own craven sake. Now
with what life I have left I will make it good for a worthier reason.” So this journey, thought Cadfael, has not
been in vain. For the first time since his flight from the world, sick with his
guilt and loss, he has ventured back into the world, and found it full of pain,
into which his own pain has fallen and been lost, like a raindrop in the sea.
All these years he has been outwardly dutiful, keeping every scruple of the
Rule, and agonized in solitude within. His true vocation begins now. Once
enlightened, Haluin may well prove the stuff of which saints are made. As for
me, I am unregenerate man. For in his heart he did not want to leave
Vivers thus, with nothing resolved. Everything Haluin said was true. The bride
was gone, there could be no marriage, they had no excuse for remaining here any
longer, nor had Cenred any further use for them. He would indeed be glad to see
them go. But Cadfael would not go gladly, turning his back upon a murder
unavenged, justice out of kilter, a wrong that might never be set right. True also, Audemar de Clary was overlord
here, a man of force and decision, and with such crimes as fell within his writ
he must deal. There was nothing Cadfael could tell him that Cenred would not
already have told him. And what, after all, did Cadfael really
know in this matter? That Edgytha had been absent several hours before she
died, since there was already snow on the ground when she fell. That she must
have been on her way back to Vivers, as she had intended. That she had had
ample time to go as far as Elford. That she had not been robbed. The murderer
had simply killed and left her, not the way of footpads living wild. If not to
stop her from warning Roscelin—for that would have been credible only on the
outward journey—then to stop her mouth for another reason, before ever she
could get back to Vivers. Yet what connection was there between Elford and
Vivers except young Roscelin’s banishment to Audemar’s service? What other
secret to fear betrayal but that of the planned marriage? But Edgytha had never reached Roscelin,
never had speech with him, nor had she gone to Audemar or any of his household.
So if she had been to Elford, why had no one there seen her? And if she had not
been to Elford, where had she been? So if it was not what he along with his
host and hostess had supposed, what was the cat Edgytha had gone to find, to
put among Cenred’s pigeons? And in all probability he would never
learn the answers to these questions, or learn what fortune awaited the lost
girl and the unhappy boy, and the elders distressed and torn with concern for
both of them. A pity! But no help for it, they could no longer trespass on Cenred’s
disrupted family and burdened hospitality. As soon as the household was astir
they must take their leave and set out for Shrewsbury. No one would miss them.
And it was high time they went home. The morning came greyly, under a sky
lightly clouded over but lofty, and threatening no further falls of snow. Only
a few threads and traceries of white lingered along the bases of walls and
under the trees and bushes, and the frost was yielding. It would not be a bad
day for travelers. The household was up and in ferment early.
Cenred’s servants rolled out of their brief sleep bleary-eyed and grim, well
aware that there would be no rest for them that day. Whatever else had been
decided in the solemn conference in the solar overnight, whatever possible
asylums had been suggested as safe havens for Helisende, it was certain that
Audemar would have patrols working every road in the countryside, and inquiring
at every cottage, in case someone, somewhere, had seen and spoken with Edgytha,
or seen anything of a solitary and furtive figure lurking along the path she
had taken. They were already gathering in the courtyard, saddling up,
tightening girths and waiting stoically for their orders, when Cadfael and
Haluin, booted and girded for the road, presented themselves before Cenred. He was deep in colloquy with his steward
in the middle of the bustle in the hall, when they approached him, and he
turned to them courteously but blankly for a moment, as if in these graver
preoccupations he had forgotten he had ever before set eyes on them.
Recollection came at once, but brought him no pleasure, only a gesture of
hospitable compunction. “Brothers, I ask your pardon, you have
been neglected. If we have troubles here to deal with, don’t let that disturb
you. Use my home as your own.” “My lord,” said Haluin, “we owe you thanks
for all your kindness, but we must be on our way. There is now no way I can
serve you. There is no more haste, since there is no more secrecy. And we have
duties waiting for us at home. We are come to take our leave.” Cenred was too honest to pretend any
reluctance to part with them, and made no demur. “I have delayed your return
for my own ends,” he said ruefully, “and all to no purpose. I am sorry I ever
drew you into so vexed a business. Believe me, at least, that my intent was
good. And go with my goodwill, I wish you a peaceful journey.” “And to you, sir, the safe recovery of the
lady, and the guidance of God through all perplexities,” said Haluin. Cenred did not offer horses for the first
stage of the journey, as Adelais had done for the whole of it. He had need here
of all the horses at his disposal. But he watched the two habited figures, the
hale and the lame, make their way slowly down the steps from the hall door,
Cadfael’s hand at Haluin’s elbow ready to support him at need, Haluin’s hands,
calloused now from gripping the staves of his crutches, braced and careful at
every tread. In the courtyard they threaded the bustle of preparation, and drew
near to the gate. Cenred took his eyes from them with relief at being rid of
one complication, and turned his face doggedly if wearily upon those remaining. Roscelin, chafing at delay, stood bridle
in hand at the gate, shifting restlessly from foot to foot, and peering
impatiently back for his father or Audemar to give the word to mount. He gave
the two monks a preoccupied glance as they drew near, and then, warming, bade
them a good-morning, and even smiled through the grey, distorting mask of his
own anxiety. “You’re away for Shrewsbury? It’s a good
step. I hope you’ll have easy traveling.” “And you a blessed end to your search,”
said Cadfael. “Blessed for me?” said the boy, again
clouding over. “I don’t look for it.” “If you find her safe and well, and no
man’s wife until she so pleases, that’s a fair measure of blessing. I doubt if
you may ask for more. Not yet,” said Cadfael cautiously. “Take the day’s
measure of good, and be thankful, and who knows but more may be added?” “You talk of impossibilities,” said
Roscelin implacably, “But you mean me well, and I take it as you mean it.” “Where will you ride first, to look for
Helisende?” asked Brother Haluin. “Some of us back to Elford, to make sure
she has not slipped between us and made her way there, after all. And to every
manor around, for any word of her, or of Edgytha. She cannot have gone far.” He
had truly grieved and been angry for Edgytha, but the “she” that drove all
others from his mind was Helisende. They left him chafing and agonizing, more
restless than the horse that shifted and stamped to be off. When they looked
back from outside the gate his foot was already in the stirrup, and behind him
the rest of the hunters were gathering the reins and mounting. Back to Elford
first, in case Helisende had slipped through their fingers, eluding the riders on
both tracks, and come safe to shelter. Cadfael and Haluin must go in the
opposite direction, towards the west. They had turned some way north from the
highroad to reach the lights of the manor. They did not return that way, but
turned due west at once, on a trodden path that skirted the manor fence. From
the limit of the enclave they heard Audemar’s hunters ride forth, and turned to
watch them stream out from the gate and lengthen out into a long, many-colored
thread, dwindling into the east and vanishing among the trees of the first belt
of woodland. “And is that the end of it?” wondered
Haluin, suddenly grieved. “And we shall never know what comes of it all! Poor
lad, and his own case beyond hope. All his comfort in this world must be to see
her happy, if that will ever be possible without him. I know,” said Brother
Haluin, in compassion untainted by any lingering self-pity, “what they suffer.” But it seemed that it was indeed over for
them, and there was no sense in looking back. They set their faces towards the
west, and went forward steadily on this untested path, with the rising sun
behind them, casting their elongated shadows along the moist grass. “By this way,” said Cadfael, taking his
bearings thoughtfully when they halted to eat their midday bread and cheese and
strip of salt bacon in the lee of a bushy bank, “I think we shall miss
Lichfield. I judge we’re already passing to the north of it. No matter, we
shall find a bed somewhere before nightfall.” Meantime, the day was clear and dry, and
the country through which they made their way was pleasant, but sparsely
populated, and afforded them fewer human encounters than they had met with on
the direct highway through Lichfield. Having had so little sleep they made no
haste, but went steadily, and took whatever rests offered along the way,
wherever a solitary assart provided the hospitality of a bench by the hearth,
and a few minutes of neighborly gossip in passing. A light wind sprang up with the approach
of evening, warning them it was time to look for a night’s shelter. They were
in country still wasted from harsh usage fifty years past. The people of these
parts had not taken kindly to the coming of the Normans, and had paid the price
for their obduracy. There were the relics of deserted holdings to be seen here
and there, collapsing into grass and brambles, and the ruins of a mill rotting
gently into its own overgrown stream. Hamlets were few and far between. Cadfael
began to scan the landscape round for any sign of an inhabited roof. An elderly man gathering firewood in a
stand of old trees straightened his bent back to answer their greeting, and
peered at them curiously from within his sacking hood. “Not half a mile on, Brothers, you’ll see
to your right the pale of a nunnery. They’re still building, it’s mostly timber
yet, but the church and the cloister are in stone, you can’t miss it. There’s
but two or three holdings in the hamlet, but the sisters take in travelers.
You’ll get a bed there.” And he added, eyeing their black habits: “They’re of your
own persuasion, it’s a Benedictine house.” “I knew of none in these parts,” said
Cadfael. “What is this house called?” “It’s like the hamlet, called Farewell.
It’s no more than three years old. Bishop de Clinton set it up. You’ll be made
welcome there.” They thanked him, and left him to bind up
and hoist his great bundle of wood, and make off for home in the opposite
direction, while they went on, encouraged, towards the west. “I remember,” said Haluin, “hearing
something of this place, or at least of the bishop’s plans for a new foundation
somewhere here, close to his cathedral. But I never heard the name Farewell
until—do you recall?—Cenred spoke of it, that night we first came to Vivers.
The only Benedictine house in these parts, he said, when he asked where we were
from. We’re fortunate, it’s well we came this way.” By this time, with the twilight closing
in, he was beginning to flag, in spite of the easy pace they had set. They were
both glad when the path brought them to a small open green flanked by three or
four cottages, and they saw beyond these the long pale fence of the new abbey,
and the roof of the church above it. The track led them to a modest timber
gatehouse. Both the stout gate and the grille set in it were closed, but a pull
at the bell sent a succession of echoes flying away into distance within, and
after a few moments brought light, flying footsteps skipping towards them from
within the gate. The grille slid open, and revealed a
round, rosy youthful face beaming through at them. Wide blue eyes surveyed
their habits and tonsures, and recognized kindred. “Good even, Brothers,” said a high,
girlish voice, joyously self-important. “You’re late on the road tonight. Can
we offer you a roof and a rest?” “We were about to ask it,” said Cadfael heartily.
“Can you lodge us overnight?” “And longer if you need,” she said
cheerfully. “Men of the Order will always be welcome here. We’re off the beaten
track, and not yet well known, and with the place still building we offer less
comfort, I daresay, than some older houses, but we have room for such guests as
you. Wait till I unbar the doors.” She was about it already, they heard the
bolt shot back and the latch of the wicket lifted, and then the door opened
wide in exuberant welcome, and the portress waved them in. She could not, Cadfael thought, be more
than seventeen, and new in her novitiate, one of those superfluous daughters of
poorly endowed small nobility for whom there was little to spare by way of
dowry, and little prospect of an advantageous marriage. She was small and
softly rounded, plain of face but fresh and wholesome as new bread, and
blessedly she glowed with enthusiasm in her new life, with no apparent regret
for the world she had left behind. The satisfaction of trusted office became her,
and so did the white wimple and black cowl framing her bright and candid face. “Have you traveled far?” she asked,
viewing Haluin’s labored gait with wide-eyed concern. “From Vivers,” said Haluin, quick in
reassurance, “It is not so far, and we have taken it gently.” “And have you very far still to go?” “To Shrewsbury,” said Cadfael, “where we
belong to the abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.” “It’s a long way,” she said, shaking her
head over them. “You’ll be needing your rest. Will you wait here in the lodge
for me, till I tell Sister Ursula she has guests? Sister Ursula is our
hospitaler. The lord bishop asked for two experienced elder sisters to come to
us from Polesworth for a season, to instruct the novices. We are all so new,
and there’s so much to learn, besides all the work we have to do in the
building and the garden. And they sent us Sister Ursula and Sister Benedicta.
Sit and warm yourselves but a few minutes, and I’ll be back.” And she was off,
with her light, dancing step, as blithe in her cloistered calling as any of her
secular sisters could have been in approaching a more worldly marriage. “She is truly happy,” said Brother Haluin,
wondering and pleased. “No, it is not a second-best. So I have found it in the
end, but she from the beginning. The sisters from Polesworth must be women of
wisdom and grace, if this is their work. Sister Ursula the hospitaler was a tall,
thin woman perhaps fifty years old, with a lined, experienced face at once
serene, resigned, and even mildly amused, as if she had seen and come to terms
with all the vagaries of human behavior, and nothing could now surprise or
disconcert her. If the other borrowed instructress measures up to this one,
Cadfael thought, these green girls of Farewell have been fortunate. “You’re warmly welcome,” said Sister
Ursula, sailing briskly into the lodge with the young portress beaming at her
elbow. “The lady abbess will be happy to receive you in the morning, but you
must be most in need now of food and rest and a bed, all the more if you have
such a long journey before you. Come with me, there’s a chamber prepared for
chance comers always, and our own brothers are all the more welcome.” She led them out from the lodge into a
narrow outer court, where the church lay before them, a modest building of
stone, with the traces of the continuing work, ashlar and timber, cords and
scaffolding boards, stacked neatly under its walls, in token that nothing here
was finished. But in only three years they had raised the church and the entire
frame of the cloister, but for the south range, where only the lower floor
which housed the refectory was completed. “The bishop has provided us the labor and
a generous endowment,” said Sister Ursula, “but we shall be building for some
years yet. Meantime we live simply. We want for nothing that’s needful, and
hanker after nothing beyond our needs. I suppose when all these timber housings
are replaced in stone my work here will be done, and I should be returning to
Polesworth, where I took my vows years ago, but I don’t know but I’d rather
stay here, if I’m offered a choice. There’s something about bringing a new
foundation to birth, you feel towards it as towards a child of your own body.” The enclave fence, doubtless, would
eventually be replaced by a stone wall, the wooden buildings that lined it,
infirmary, domestic offices, guest hall and storehouses, gradually rebuilt one
by one. But already the glimpse they had into the cloister in passing showed
that the garth had been grassed, and a shallow stone basin in the center held
water to attract the birds. “By next year,” said Sister Ursula, “we
shall have flowers. Sister Benedicta, our best gardener at Polesworth, came
here with me, the garth is her preserve. Things grow for her, birds come to her
hand. That gift I never had.” “And has Polesworth also provided you your
abbess?” asked Cadfael. “No, Bishop de Clinton brought Mother
Patrice from Coventry. We two must go back to our own house when we’re no
longer needed here, unless, as I say, they let us remain for life. We should
need the bishop’s dispensation, but who knows, he may see fit to grant it.” Beyond the cloister a small private court
opened, and the guest hall stood on the further side of it, close to the pale
fence. The small room that awaited the first travelers was dim and full of the
warmth and fragrance of wood, furnished simply with two beds and a little
table, with a crucifix on the wall and a prayer desk below it. “Use it as your domain,” said Sister
Ursula cheerfully, “and I’ll have supper brought to you here. You come too late
for Vespers, but if you please to join us at Compline later, you’ll hear the
bell. Use our church for prayer as you wish. It is but young yet, the more good
souls it harbors under its roof, the better. And now, if you have all you need,
I’ll leave you to your rest.” In the blessed virginal quiet of this new
abbey of Farewell, Brother Haluin fell rapturously asleep as soon as he
returned from Compline, and slept like a child all through the night and deep
into the dawn of a soft, clear morning, free of any touch of frost. He awoke to
find Cadfael already up, and preparing to go and recite the morning office and
offer his private prayers in the church. “Has the bell sounded for Prime?” asked
Haluin, rising in haste. “No, nor will for half an hour yet, by the
light. We can have the church to ourselves for a while, if you’re so minded.” “A good thought,” said Haluin, and went
with him gladly, out into the small court, and across it to the south door into
the cloister. The turf in the garth was moist and green, the bleached pallor of
winter vanished overnight. The shy mists of buds that had barely showed a few
days ago along the branches of the trees now had a positive color, grown into a
tender green veil. It wanted only a few more such mild days and a glimpse of
the sun, and suddenly it would be spring. In the clear shallow water in the
stone bowl small birds were fluttering and shrilling, aware of change. Brother
Haluin approached the little church of Farewell through evidences of hope. Certainly
this first church would be enlarged or replaced later, when the abbey’s
immediate building needs were met, its endowment assured, and its prestige
established. Yet this first edifice, small and plain as it was, would always be
remembered with affection, and its supplanting a matter of regret to those,
like Sister Ursula and Sister Benedicta, who had been present and served at its
birth. They said the office together in the dim,
stony quietness, kneeling before the small spark of the altar lamp, and made
their private prayers in silence afterward. The light softened and brightened
over them, the first veiled ray of the rising sun stole through the pales of
the enclave and touched the upper stones of the eastern wall into pale rose,
and still Brother Haluin kneeled, his crutches laid beside him. Cadfael was the first to rise. It could
not be long now to Prime, and it might be an inconvenient distraction to new
young sisters to have two men in evidence at their morning service, even two
monks of the same order. He crossed to the south door, and stood there looking
out into the garth, waiting until Haluin should need his help to rise. There was one of the sisters standing
beside the stone bowl in the center, very slender and erect and composed,
feeding the birds. She crumbled bread on the broad rim of the bowl, and held
fragments of it out on her open palm, and the flurry and vibration of hovering
wings span fearlessly about her. The black habit became her slenderness, and
her bearing had a youthful grace that stabbed piercingly into Cadfael’s memory.
The poise of the head on its long neck and straight shoulders, the narrow waist
and elegant, long hand offering alms to the birds, these he had surely seen
before, in another place, by another and deceptive light. Now she stood in open
air, with the soft morning light upon her, and he could not believe that he was
mistaken. Helisende was here at Farewell, Helisende
in a nun’s habit. The bride had fled her unbearable dilemma to take the veil
rather than marry anyone but her unfortunate lover Roscelin. True, she could
not have taken any vows as yet, but the sisters might well see fit, in her
stressful circumstances, to give her the instant protection of the habit, even
before she entered on her novitiate. She had quick hearing, or perhaps she had
been expecting and listening for a light footstep in the western range of the
cloister, where the sisters’ dortoir lay. For plainly she caught the sound of
someone approaching from that direction, and turned to meet the newcomer,
smiling. The very movement, measured and tranquil, in itself cast doubt on the
youth he had seen in her but a moment earlier, and showed him fully a face he
had never seen before. Not a young, unpracticed girl, but a
serene, worn, mature woman. The revelation in the hall at Vivers came about
full circle, from illusion to reality, from the girl to the woman, as then it
had spun headily backward from the woman to the girl. Not Helisende, not even
very like Helisende, but for the tall white ivory brow, and the sweet and
plaintive oval shape of the face, and wide-set, candid, gallant, and vulnerable
eyes. In figure and bearing, yes, the very same. If she had turned her back
again, she would again have become the image of her daughter. For who else could this be but the widowed
mother who had taken the veil at Polesworth rather than be harried into a
second marriage? Who else but Sister Benedicta, sent here to the bishop’s new
foundation to help to establish a secure tradition and a blessed example for the
fledgling nuns of Farewell? Sister Benedicta who could charm flowers to grow
and birds to come to her hand? Helisende must have known of her move, if the
rest of the household at Vivers had not. Helisende had known where to look for
refuge in her need. Where should she go but to her mother? He had been concentrating so intensely
upon the woman in the garth that he had heard nothing from within the church,
until he caught the tapping of crutches on the flagstones within the doorway,
and swung about almost guiltily to return to his bounden duty. Haluin had
somehow got to his feet unaided, and emerged now at Cadfael’s side, gazing out
with pleasure into the garth, where misty sunlight and moist shadow mingled. His eyes fell upon the nun, and he halted
abruptly, swaying on his crutches. Cadfael saw the dark eyes fix and widen,
their arrested stare burning hollowly into the glowing stillness of vision or
trance, and the sensitive lips move almost soundlessly, forming the slow
syllables of a name. Almost soundlessly, but not quite, for Cadfael heard it. In wonder and joy and pain, and all in
extremes, as one driven and wracked by religious ecstasy: “Bertrade!” whispered
Brother Haluin. Chapter Eleven THERE WAS NO MISTAKING THE NAME, and no
questioning the absolute certainty with which it was uttered. If Cadfael clung
to sane, sensible disbelief for one moment, he discarded it the next, and it
was swept away once for all in a great flood of enlightenment. In Haluin there
was no doubt or question at all. He knew what he saw, he gave it its true, its
unforgotten name, and stood lost in wonder, trembling with the intensity of his
knowledge. Bertrade! The first glimpse of her daughter had
struck him to the heart, the dimly seen copy outlined against the light was so
true to the original. But as soon as Helisende had stepped forward into the
torchlight the likeness had faded, the vision dissolved. This was a girl he did
not know. Now she came again, and turned towards him the remembered and
lamented face, and there was no more questioning. So she had not died. Cadfael grappled
silently with enlightenment. The tomb Haluin had sought was an illusion. She
had not died of the draught that robbed her of her child, she had survived that
peril and grief, to be married off to an elderly husband, vassal and friend to
her mother’s family, and to bear him a daughter the image of herself in build
and bearing. And she had done her best to be a faithful wife and mother as long
as her old lord lived, but after his death she had turned her back on the world
and followed her first lover into the cloister, choosing the same order, taking
to herself the name of the founder, binding herself once for all to the same
discipline into which Haluin had been driven. Then why, argued a persistent imp in
Cadfael’s mind, why did you—you, not Haluin!—find in the face of the girl at
Vivers something inexplicably familiar? Who was it hiding from you deep in the
caverns of memory, refusing to be recognized? You had never seen the girl
before, never in life set eyes on this mother of hers. Whoever looked out at
you from Helisende’s eyes, and then drew down a veil between, it was not
Bertrade de Clary. All this came seething through his mind in
the instant of revelation, the brief moment before Helisende herself emerged
from the shadows of the west range and came out into the garth to join her
mother. She had not donned the habit, she wore the same gown she had worn the
previous evening at her brother’s table. She was pale and grave, but had the
calm of the cloister about her, safe here from any compulsion, with time for
thought and for taking counsel. The two women met, the hems of their
skirts tracing two darker paths in the silver-green of the moist grass. They
turned back together at leisure towards the doorway from which Helisende had
come, to go in and join the rest of the sisterhood for Prime. They were going
away, they would vanish, and nothing be answered, nothing resolved, nothing
made plain! And still Haluin hung swaying on his crutches, stricken motionless
and mute. He would lose her again, she was all but lost already. The two women
had almost reached the west walk, the cords of deprivation were drawn out to
breaking point. “Bertrade!” cried Haluin, in a great shout
of terror and despair. That cry reached them, echoing startlingly
from every wall, and brought them about to stare in alarm and astonishment
towards the door of the church. Haluin tore himself out of his daze with a
great heave, and went hurtling forward recklessly into the garth, his crutches
goring the soft turf. At sight of an unknown man lurching
towards them the women had instinctively recoiled, but seeing at second glance
his habit, and how sadly he was crippled, in pure compassion they halted their
flight to permit his approach, and even came a few impulsive steps to meet him.
For a moment there was no more in it than that, pity for a lame man. Then
abruptly everything changed. He had been in too much haste to reach
them, he stumbled, and swayed out of balance for a moment, on the edge of a
fall, and the girl, quick to sympathy, sprang forward to support him in her
arms. His weight falling into her embrace swung them both about, to steady and
recover almost cheek to cheek, and Cadfael saw the two faces for a long moment
side by side, startled, bright, dazzled into wonder. So now at last he had his answer. Now he
knew everything there was to be known, everything except what fury of
bitterness could drive one human creature to do so base and cruel a thing to
another. And even that answer would not be far to seek. It was at that moment of total
enlightenment that Bertrade de Clary, staring earnestly into the stranger’s
face, knew him for no stranger, and called him by his name: “Haluin!” There was nothing more, not then, only the
meeting of eyes and the mutual recognition, and the understanding, on either
part, of past wrongs and agonies never before fully understood, bitter and
terrible for a moment, then erased by a great flood of gratitude and joy. For
in the moment when the three of them hung mute and still, staring at one
another, they all heard the little bell for Prime ringing in the dortoir, and
knew that the sisters would be filing down the night stairs to walk in
procession into the church. So there was nothing more, not then. The
women drew back, with lingering glances still wide with wonder, and turned to
answer the summons and join their sisters. And Cadfael went forward from the
porch to take Brother Haluin by the arm, and lead him gently, like a
sleepwalking child, back to the guest hall. “She is not dead,” said Haluin, rigidly
erect on the edge of his bed. Over and over, recording the miracle in a
repetition nearer incantation than prayer: “She is not dead! It was false,
false, false! She did not die!” Cadfael said never a word. It was not yet
time to speak of all that lay behind this revelation. For the moment Haluin’s
shocked mind looked no further than the fact, joy that she should be alive and
well and in safe haven whom he had lamented so long as dead, and dead by his
grievous fault, the bewilderment and hurt that he should have been left so long
mourning her. “I must speak with her,” said Haluin. “I
cannot go without having speech with her.” “You shall not,” Cadfael assured him. It was inevitable now, all must come out.
They had met, they had beheld each other, no one now could undo that, the
sealed coffer was sprung open, the secrets were tumbling out of it, no one now
could close the lid upon them ever again. “We cannot leave today,” said Haluin. “We shall not. Wait here in patience,”
said Cadfael. “I am going to seek an audience with the lady abbess.” The abbess of Farewell, brought by Bishop
de Clinton from Coventry to direct his new foundation, was a dumpy round loaf
of a woman, perhaps in her middle forties, with a plump russet face and shrewd
brown eyes that weighed and measured in a glance, and were confident of their
judgment. She sat uncompromisingly erect on an uncushioned bench in a small and
spartan parlor, and closed the book on the desk before her as Cadfael came in. “You’re very welcome. Brother, to whatever
service our house can offer you. Ursula tells me you are from the abbey of
Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury. I intended to invite you and your
companion to join me for dinner, and I cordially extend that invitation now.
But I hear you have asked for this interview, forestalling any move of mine. I
take it there is a reason. Sit down, Brother, and tell me what more you have to
ask of me.” Cadfael sat down with her, debating in his
mind how much he might tell, or how little. She was a woman quite capable of
filling in gaps for herself, but also, he judged, a woman of scrupulous
discretion, who would keep to herself whatever she read between the lines. “I come, Reverend Mother, to ask you to
countenance a meeting, in private, between my brother Haluin and Sister
Benedicta.” He saw her brows raised, but the small
bright eyes beneath them remained unperturbed and sharp with intelligence. “In youth,” he said, “they were well
acquainted. He was in her mother’s service, and being so close in the one
house, and of an age, boy and girl together, they fell into loving. But
Haluin’s suit was not at all to the mother’s mind, and she took pains to
separate them. Haluin was dismissed from her service, and forbidden all ado
with the girl, who was persuaded into a marriage more pleasing to her family.
No doubt you know her history since then. Haluin entered our house, admittedly
for a wrong reason. It is not good to turn to the spiritual life out of
despair, but many have done it, as you and I know, and lived to become faithful
and honorable ornaments to their houses. So has Haluin. So, I make no doubt,
has Bertrade de Clary.” He caught the glint of her eyes at hearing
that name. There was not much she did not know about her flock, but if she knew
more than he had said of this woman she showed no sign and made no comment,
accepting all as he had told it. “It seems to me,” she said, “that the
story you tell me bids fair to be repeated in another generation. The
circumstances are not quite the same, but the end well could be. It’s as well
we should consider in time how to deal with it.” “I have that in mind,” said Cadfael. “And
how have you dealt with it thus far? Since the girl came running to you by
night? For the whole household of Vivers is out by now for the second day,
scouring the roads for her.” “I think not,” said the abbess. “For I
sent yesterday to let her brother know that she is here and safe, and prays him
to be left in peace here for a while for thought and prayer. I think he will
respect her wish, in the circumstances.” “Circumstances which she has told you,”
said Cadfael with conviction, “in full. So far, that is, as she knows them.” “She has.” “Then you know of a woman’s death, and of
the marriage arranged for Helisende. And the reason for that marriage, you know
that, too?” “I know she is too close kin to the young
man she would liefer have. Yes, she has told me. More, I fancy, than she tells
her confessor. You need not fear for Helisende. As long as she remains here she
is safe from all harassment, and has the company and comfort of her mother.” “She could not be in a better place,” said
Cadfael fervently. “Then, as to these two who most concern us now—I must tell
you that Haluin was told that Bertrade was dead, and has believed her so all
these years, and moreover, taken her death to himself as blame. This morning by
God’s grace he has seen her before him alive and well. They have exchanged no
words but their names. But I think it would be well that they should, if you so
grant. They will serve better in their separate vocations if they have peace of
mind. Also they have a right to know, each one, that the other is whole,
blessed and content.” “And you think,” said the abbess with
deliberation, “that they will be blessed and content? After as before?” “More and better than before,” he said
with certainty. “I can speak for the man, if you know as much of the woman. And
if they part thus without a word, they will be tormented to the end of their
days.” “I would as soon not be answerable to God
for that,” said the abbess with a brief, bleak smile. “Well, they shall have
their hour and make their peace. It can do no harm, and may do much good. Do
you purpose to remain here some days longer?” “This one day at least,” said Cadfael.
“For I have one more prayer to make to you. Brother Haluin I leave to you. But
there is a thing I must do, before we set off for home. Not here! Will you let
me borrow a horse from your stable?” She sat studying him for a long moment,
and it seemed that she was guardedly satisfied with what she saw, for at length
she said, “On one condition.” “And that is?” “That when time serves, and all harm is
spent, you will tell me the other half of the story.” Brother Cadfael led out his borrowed horse
into the stableyard, and mounted without haste. The bishop had seen fit to
provide stabling adequate for his own visitations, and two stout cobs for
remounts should any of his envoys travel this way and make use of the abbey’s
hospitality. Having been given a free hand, Cadfael had naturally chosen the
more likely-looking of the two, and the younger, a lively, solid bay. It was no
very long ride he had in mind, but he might as well get out of it what pleasure
he could along the way. There would be little pleasure at the end of it. The sun was already high when he rode out
at the gate, a pale sun growing brighter and clearer as the air of the day
warmed into palpable spring. The fatal snow at Vivers would be the last snow of
the winter, appropriately completing Haluin’s pilgrimage, as the first snow had
begun it. The filigree green gauze of buds along the
branches of bush and tree had burst into the tender plumage of young leaves.
The moist grass shimmered, and gave off a faint, fragrant steam as the sun
reached it. So much beauty, and behind him as he rode lay a great mercy, a just
deliverance, and the renewal of hope. And before him a solitary soul to be
saved or lost. He did not take the road to Vivers. It was
not there he had urgent business, though he might well return that way. Once he
halted to look back, and the long line of the abbey fence had disappeared in
the folds of land, and the hamlet with it. Haluin would be waiting and
wondering, groping his way through a confused dream, beset with questions to which
he could have no answer, torn between belief and disbelief, fearful joy and
recollected anguish, until the abbess should send to summon him to the meeting
which would make all things plain at last. Cadfael rode on slowly until he should
encounter someone from whom he could ask directions. A woman leading sheep and
lambs out to pasture at the edge of the village stopped willingly to point him
to the most direct road. He need not go near Vivers, and that was well, for he
had no wish to meet Cenred or his men as yet. He had nothing at this moment to
tell them, and indeed it was not he who must tell what finally had to be told. Once on the track his informant had
indicated, he rode fast and purposefully, until he dismounted at the gate of
the manor of Elford. It was the young portress who tapped at
the door and entered Brother Haluin’s haunted solitude, later in the morning,
when the sun had shed its veil, and the grass of the garth was drying. He
looked round as she came in, expecting Cadfael, and gazed at her with eyes
still wide and blank with wonder. “I am sent by the lady abbess,” said the
girl, with solicitous gentleness, since it seemed he might be almost beyond
understanding, “to bid you to her parlor. If you will come with me, I’ll show,
you the way.” Obediently he reached for his crutches.
“Brother Cadfael went forth and has not returned,” he said slowly, looking
about him like a man awaking from sleep. “Is this bidding to him also? Should I
not wait for him?” “There is no need,” she said. “Brother Cadfael
has already spoken with Mother Patrice, and has an errand he says he must do
now. You should wait for his return here, and be easy. Will you come?” Haluin thrust himself to his feet and went
with her, across the rear court to the abbess’s lodging, confiding like a child
though half his mind was still absent. The little portress tempered her flying
steps to his labored gait, bringing him with considerate gentleness to the door
of the parlor, and turning upon him on the threshold a bright, encouraging
smile. “Go in, you are expected.” She held the door open for him, since he
had need of both hands for his crutches. He limped across the threshold into
the wood-scented, dimly lit room, and halted just within to make his reverence
to the mother superior, only to stand motionless and quivering as his eyes
adjusted to the subdued light. For the woman who stood waiting for him, braced
and still and wonderfully smiling in the center of the room, her hands extended
instinctively to aid his approach, was not the abbess, but Bertrade de Clary. Chapter Twelve THE GROOM WHO CAME UNHURRIEDLY ACROSS THE
COURTYARD to greet the visitor and inquire his business was neither Lothair nor
Luc, but a lanky lad not yet twenty, with a shock of dark hair. At his back the
courtyard seemed emptied of its usual lively activity, only a few maids and
manservants going back and forth about their work in a casual fashion, as if
all constraints were slackened. By the look of things, the master of the house
and most of his men were still out and about on the hunt for any word that
might lead to the murderer of Edgytha. “If you’re wanting the lord Audemar,” said
the boy at once, “you’re out of luck. He’s still away to Vivers about this
woman who was killed a couple of nights back. But his steward’s here. If you
want lodging you’d best see him.” “I thank you,” said Cadfael, surrendering
his bridle, “but it’s not the lord Audemar I’ve come to see. My errand is to
his mother. I know where her dower apartments are. If you’ll see to the horse I’ll
go myself and ask her woman to inquire if the lady will be good enough to see
me.” “As you please, then. You were here
afore,” said the lad, narrowing his eyes curiously at this vaguely familiar
visitor. “Only a few days back, with another black monk, one that went on
crutches and very lame.” “True,” said Cadfael. “And I had speech
with the lady then, and she will not have forgotten either me or that lame
brother. If she refuses me a hearing now, I will let her be—but I think she
will not refuse.” “Try for yourself, then,” agreed the groom
indifferently. “She’s still here with her maid, and I know she’s within. She
keeps within, these last days.” “She had two grooms with her,” said
Cadfael, “father and son. We were acquainted, when we stayed here, they had
come from Shropshire with her. I’d willingly pass the time of day with them,
afterward, if they’re not away to Vivers with the lord Audemar’s people.” “Oh, them! No, they’re her fellows, none
of his. But they’re not here, neither. They went off yesterday on some errand
of hers, very early. Where? How should I know where? Back to Hales, likely.
That’s where the old dame keeps, most of her time.” I wonder, thought Cadfael, as he turned
towards Adelais’s dwelling in the corner of the enclave wall, and the groom led
the cob away to the stable, truly I wonder how it would suit Adelais de Clary
to know that her son’s grooms speak of her as “the old dame.” Doubtless to that
raw boy she seemed ancient as the hills, but resolutely she cherished and
conserved what had once been great beauty, and from that excellence nothing and
no one must be allowed to detract. Not for nothing did she choose for her
intimate maid someone plain and pockmarked, surrounding herself with dull and
ordinary faces that caused her own luster to glow more brightly. At the door of Adelais’s hall he asked for
audience, and the woman Gerta came out to him haughtily, protective of her
mistress’s privacy and assertive of her own office. He had sent in no name, and
at sight of him she checked, none too pleased to see one of the Benedictines
from Shrewsbury back again so soon, and so unaccountably. “My lady is not disposed to see visitors.
What’s your business, that you need trouble her with it? If you need lodging
and food, my lord Audemar’s steward will take care of it.” “My business,” said Cadfael, “is with the
lady Adelais only, and concerns no one beside. Tell her that Brother Cadfael is
here again, and that he comes from the abbey of Farewell, and asks to have some
talk with her. That she shuns visitors I believe. But I think she will not
refuse me.” She was not so bold that she dared take it
upon herself to deny him, though she went with a toss of her head and a
disdainful glance, and would have been glad to bring back a dismissive answer.
It was plain by the sour look on her face when she emerged from the solar that
she was denied that pleasure. “My lady bids you in,” she said coldly,
and opened the door wide for him to pass by her and enter the chamber. And no
doubt she hoped to linger and be privy to whatever passed, but favor did not
extend so far. “Leave us,” said the voice of Adelais de
Clary, from deep shadow under a shuttered window. “And close the door between.” She had no seemly woman’s occupation for
her hands this time, no pretense at embroidering or spinning, she merely sat in
her great chair in semidarkness, motionless, her hands spread along the arms
and gripping the carved lion heads in which they terminated. She did not move
as Cadfael came in, she was neither surprised nor disturbed. Her deep eyes
burned upon him without wonder and, he thought, without regret. It was almost
as though she had been waiting for him. “Where have you left Haluin?” she asked. “At the abbey of Farewell,” said Cadfael. She was silent for a moment, brooding upon
him with a still face and glowing eyes, with an intensity he felt as a
vibration upon the air, before ever his eyes had grown accustomed to the dim
light, and watched her lineaments grow gradually out of darkness, the chosen
darkness in which she had incarcerated herself. Then she said with harsh
deliberation, “I shall never see him again.” “No, you will never see him again. When
this is done, we are going home.” “But you,” she said, “yes, I have had it
in mind all this time that you would be back. Sooner or later, you would be
back. As well, perhaps! Things have gone far beyond my reckoning now. Well, say
what you have come to say. I would as lief be silent.” “That you cannot do,” said Cadfael. “It is
your story.” “Then be my chronicler. Tell it! Remind
me! Let me hear how it will sound in my confessor’s ears, if any priest takes
my confession ever again.” She stretched out one long hand suddenly, waving him
imperiously to a seat, but he remained standing where he could see her most
clearly, and she made no move to evade his eyes, and no concessions to the
fixity of his regard. Her beautiful, proud face was composed and mute,
admitting nothing, denying nothing. Only the burning of her dark eyes in their
deep settings was eloquent, and even that in a language he could not quite
translate. “You know all too well what you did, all
those years ago,” said Cadfael. “You executed a fearful punishment upon Haluin
for daring to love your daughter and getting her with child. You pursued him
even into the cloister where your enmity had driven him—all too soon, but the
young are quick to despair. You forced him to provide you with the means of
abortion, and you sent him word, afterward, that it had killed both mother and
child. That awful guilt you have visited upon him all these years, to be his
torment lifelong. Did you speak?” “No,” she said. “Go on! You have barely
begun.” “True, I have barely begun. That draught
of hyssop and fleur-de-lis that you got from him—it never was used. Its purpose
was only to poison him, it did no harm to any other. What did you do with it?
Pour it away into the ground? No, long before ever you demanded the herbs of
him, as soon as you had driven him out of your house, I daresay, you had
hustled Bertrade away here to Elford, and married her to Edric Vivers. It must
have been so certainly it was done in time to give her child, when it was born,
a credible if unlikely father. No doubt the old man prided himself on still
being potent enough to get a child. Why should anyone question the birth date,
since you had acted so quickly?” She had not stirred or flinched, her eyes
never left his face, admitting nothing, denying nothing. “Were you never afraid,” he asked, “that
someone, somehow, should let fall within reach even of the cloister that Bertrade
de Clary was wife to Edric Vivers, and not safely in her grave? That she had
borne her old husband a daughter? It needed only a chance traveler with a
gossiping tongue.” “There was no such risk,” she said simply.
“What contact was there ever between Shrewsbury and Hales? None, until he
suffered his fall and conceived his pilgrimage. Much less likely there should
ever be dealings with manors in another shire. There was no such risk.” “Well, let us continue. You took her away
and gave her to a husband. The child was born. So much mercy at least you had
on the girl—why none for him? Why such bitter and vindictive hate, that you
should conceive so terrible a revenge? Not for your daughter’s wrongs, no! Why
should he not have been considered a suitable match for her in the first place?
He came of good family, he was heir to a fine manor, if he had not taken the
cowl. What was it you held so much against him? You were a beautiful woman,
accustomed to admiration and homage. Your lord was in Palestine. And I well
remember Haluin as he first came to me, eighteen years old, not yet tonsured. I
saw him as you had been seeing him for some few years in your celibate
solitude—he was comely…” He let it rest there, for her long,
resolute tips had parted on deliberate affirmation at last. She had listened to
him unwaveringly, making no effort to halt him, and no complaint. Now she
responded. “Too comely!” she said. “I was not used to
being denied, I did not even know how to sue. And he was too innocent to read
me aright. How such children offend without offense! So if I could not have
him,” she said starkly, “she should not. No woman ever should, but not she of
all women.” It was said, she let it stand, adding
nothing in extenuation, and having said it, she sat contemplating it, seeing
again as in another woman what she could now no longer feel with the same
intensity, the longing and the anger. “There is more,” said Cadfael, “much more.
There is the matter of your woman Edgytha. Edgytha was the one trusted
confidante you needed, the one who knew the truth. It was she who was sent to
Vivers with Bertrade. Utterly loyal and devoted to you, she kept your secret
and abetted your revenge all these years. And you trusted in her to keep it
forever. So all was well for you, until Roscelin and Helisende grew up, and
came to love each other no longer as playmates, but as man and woman. Knowing
but forgetting that the world would hold such a love as poisoned, guilty,
forbidden by the church. When the secret became a barrier between them, where
no barrier need have been, when Roscelin was banished to Elford, and marriage
with de Perronet threatened a final separation, then Edgytha could bear it no
longer. She came running here in the night—not to Roscelin, but to you! To beg
you to tell the truth at last, or to give her leave to tell it for you.” “I have wondered,” said Adelais, “how she
knew that I was here within her reach.” “She knew because I told her. All
unwitting I sent her out that night to plead with you to lift the shadow from
two innocent children. By merest chance it was mentioned that here in Elford we
had spoken with you. I sent her running to you and to her death, as it was
Haluin who caused you to come here, in haste to ward him off from any dangerous
discovery. We have been the instruments of your undoing, who never wished you
anything but well. Now you had better consider what is left to you that can be
saved.” “Go on!” she said harshly. “You have not
finished yet.” “No, not yet. So Edgytha came to plead
with you to do right. And you refused her! You sent her running back to Vivers
in despair. And what befell her on the way you know.” She did not deny it. Her face was bleak
and set, but her eyes never wavered. “Would she have come out with the truth,
even against your prohibition? Neither you nor I will ever know the answer to
that. But someone equally loyal to you overheard enough to understand the
threat to you if she did. Someone feared her, followed and silenced her. Oh,
not you! You had other tools to use. But did you speak a word in their ears?” “No!” said Adelais. “That I never did!
Unless my face spoke for me. And if it did, it lied. I never would have harmed
her.” “I believe you. But there are those who
made certain she should never say a word that could harm you. Your lord’s men
once, yours now, yours to the heart, yours to the death, father and son alike.
Which of them was it followed her? Lothair or Luc? Either one of them would die
for you without question, and without question one of them has killed for you. And
they are gone from here. Yesterday, on some errand of yours, very early! Back
to Hales? No, I doubt that, it is not far enough. How distant is your son’s
remotest manor?” “You will not find them,” said Adelais
with certainty. “As for which of them did the thing I might have prevented, I
do not know, I want never to know. I stopped their mouths when they would have
spoken. To what end? That guilt, like all the rest, is mine alone, I will not
cede any scruple of it. Yes. I sent them away. They will not pay my debts for
me. Burying Edgytha with reverence is poor atonement. Confession, penance, even
absolution cannot restore a life.” “There is one amend that can still be
made,” said Cadfael. “Moreover, I think a price has been exacted from you, no
less than from Haluin, all these years. Do not forget that I saw your face when
he presented his ruined body before you. I heard your voice as you cried out to
him: ‘What have they done to you!’ All that you did to him you did also to
yourself, and once done, it could not be undone. Now you may be free of it, if
you choose to deliver yourself.” “Go on!” said Adelais, though she knew
well enough what was to come. He recognized it by the composure with which she
had borne herself throughout. Surely she had been waiting here in her half-lit
room for the finger of God to point. “Helisende is not Edric’s daughter, but
Haluin’s. There is not a drop of Vivers blood in her veins. There is nothing to
stand in the way if she wishes to marry Roscelin. Whether those two would do well
to marry, who knows? But at least the shadow of incestuous affection can and
must be lifted from them. The truth must come out, since it is out already at
Farewell. Haluin and Bertrade are there together, making their peace, making
each the other’s peace, and Helisende their child is with them, and the truth
is already out of its grave.” She knew, she had known ever since the old
woman’s death, that it must come to that at last, and if she had deliberately
averted her eyes and refused to acknowledge it, she could no longer do so. Nor
was she the woman to delegate a hard thing to others, once her mind was made
up, nor to do things by halves, whether for good or ill. He would not prompt her. He drew back from
her to leave her space and time, and stood apart, watching her disciplined
stillness, and measuring in his mind the bitter toll of eighteen years of
silence, of pitilessly contained hate and love. The first words he had heard
from her now, even at this extreme, had been of Haluin, and still he heard the
vibration of pain in her voice as she cried aloud: “What have they done to
you?” Adelais got up abruptly from her chair and
crossed with long, fierce steps to the window, to fling back the shutter and
let in air and light and cold. She stood for a while looking out at the quiet
court, and the pale sky dappled with little clouds, and the green gauze veiling
the branches of the trees beyond the enclave wall. When she turned to him again
he saw her face in full, clear light, and saw as in a dual vision both her
imperishable beauty and the dust time had cast upon it, the taut lines of her
long throat fallen slack, the grey of ashes in her coiled black hair, the lines
that had gathered about mouth and eyes, the net of fine veins marring cheeks
which had once been smooth ivory. And she was strong, she would not lightly
relinquish her hold of the world and go gently out of it. She would live long,
and rage against the relentless assault of old age until death at once defeated
and released her. By her very nature Adelais’s penance was assured. “No!” she said with abrupt, imperious
authority, as though he had advanced some suggestion with which she was in
absolute disagreement. “No, I want no advocate, there shall no man rid me of
any part of what is mine. What now needs to be told, I will tell. No other!
Whether it ever would have been told, if you had never come near me—you with
your hand forever at Haluin’s elbow, and your temperate eyes that I could never
read—do I know? Do you? That is of no account now. What is left to be done, I
will do.” “Command me to go,” said Cadfael, “and I
will go. You do not need me.” “Not as advocate, no. As witness, perhaps!
Why should you be cheated of the ending? Yes!” she said, glittering, “you shall
ride with me, and see it ended. I owe you a fulfillment as I owe God a death.” He rode with her, as she had decreed. Why
not? He had to return to Farewell, and by way of Vivers was as good a road as
any. And once she had resolved upon action there could be no delay and no
denial. She rode astride, booted and spurred like
a man, she who in the common progressions of her recent years had been content
to go decorously pillion behind a groom, as was fitting for a dame of her age
and dignity. She rode with the lordly confidence of a man, erect and easy in
the saddle, her bridle hand held low. And she rode fast but steadily, advancing
upon her losses as vigorously as upon her gains. Cadfael, riding at her side, could not but
wonder whether she still felt tempted to hold back some part of the truth, to
cover herself from the last betrayal. But the smoldering calm of her face spoke
against it. There was no evasion, no appeal, no excuse. What she had done she
had done, and would as starkly declare. And if she repented of it, only God
would ever know. Chapter Thirteen THEY RODE IN AT THE GATE of Vivers an hour
after noon. The gate stood open, and the turmoil within had subsided, there was
no more than the normal to-and-froing in the court. Evidently the abbess’s
messenger had been received and believed, and whether gladly or reluctantly,
Cenred had fallen in with Helisende’s wish to be let alone for a while in her
sanctuary. With one search abandoned, Audemar’s men would be free to pursue a
murderer. One they would never find! In the night and the snow, who could have
been abroad to witness that knife stroke in the woods, and put a name or a face
to the slayer? Even if there had been a witness, who in these parts, apart from
Audemar’s own household, would recognize a groom from distant Hales? Cenred’s steward was crossing the court
when Adelais reined in, and he came in haste, recognizing the mother of his
lord’s overlord, to help her down, but she was out of the saddle before he
could reach her. She let down her kilted skirts, and looked about her for any
of her son’s people. Cadfael had seen for himself that the hunters had not
returned to Elford, nor were they in evidence here. For a moment she frowned,
impatient at the prospect of having to wait and contain still all that she had
to say. Once resolved, it displeased her to be balked. She looked beyond the
steward’s deep reverence towards the hall. “Is your lord within?” “He is, madam. Will you be pleased to
enter?” “And my son?” “He, too, my lady. He came back only some
minutes since. His men are still out with ours, questioning in every house for
miles around.” “Waste of time!” she said, rather to
herself than to him, and shut her lips grimly on the reason. “Well, so much the
better! They are both here. No, you need not tell them I have come. That I’ll
do for myself. As for Brother Cadfael, this time he comes in attendance on me,
not as a guest.” Doubtful if the steward had even cast a
glance at the second rider until this moment, but he did so now, speculating,
Cadfael supposed, what had brought one Benedictine visitor back so soon, and in
particular without his companion. But there was no time for inquiry. Adelais
had set off vigorously towards the steps that led up to the hall, and Cadfael
followed dutifully, as if he were indeed her domestic chaplain, leaving the
steward staring after them in doubt and wonder. In the hall the midday meal was past, and
the servants busy clearing away the dishes and stacking the tables aside.
Adelais walked through them without a word or a glance, straight to the curtained
door of the inner chamber. A murmur of voices, dulled by the hangings, came
from within, Cenred’s deep tones distinguishable beneath the lighter, younger
voice of Jean de Perronet. The suitor had not withdrawn, but intended to wait
out his time doggedly if not patiently. Just as well, Cadfael reflected. He had
a right to know how formidable an obstacle was now placed in his way. Fair is
fair. De Perronet had done nothing dishonorable; fair dealing was his due. Adelais swept the curtain aside and flung open
the door. They were all there, in muted conference over a situation which left
them frustrated and helpless, trapped in inaction, since even the gesture of
sending out men to try and trace Edgytha’s murderer was by this time foredoomed
to be fruitless. Had any man in the region known anything, it would have been
told already. And if Audemar ever thought to number over his mother’s household
servants, and level a suspicious finger at the missing, she would stand
immovably between him and them. Wherever Lothair and Luc might now be, however
confounded and chastened by her revulsion from what they had mistakenly done
for her, she would not let the price be charged against them which she held to
be her debt. At the sound of the door opening they had
all turned their heads sharply to see who came in, for her entrance was too
abrupt and confident by far for any of the servants. Her gaze swept round the
circle of surprised faces, Audemar and Cenred at the table with wine before
them, Emma apart at her embroidery frame, but paying no attention to the work,
rather waiting with strung nerves for events to unfold in some more comfortable
form, and life to return to its level course. And the stranger—Cadfael saw that
Adelais could never before have set eyes on Jean de Perronet. On him her glance
halted, considering and identifying the bridegroom. Very faintly and briefly
her long lips contorted in a dour smile, before her eyes passed to Roscelin. The boy sat withdrawn into a corner where
he could hold all the assembled company in his eye, as if he contemplated
imminent battle, and sat prepared and armed, stiff and erect on the bench
against the tapestried wall, head reared and lips tightly set. He had accepted,
it seemed, however much against his will, Helisende’s wish to be left in peace
at Farewell, but he had not forgiven any of these conspirators who had planned
to match her in secret, and cheat him of even the perverse hope he had to
sustain him. His grievance against his parents extended by contagion to de
Perronet, even to Audemar de Clary, to whose house he had been banished to
remove the obstacle to their plans. How could he be sure Audemar had not been a
party to more than that banishment? A face by nature open, good-humored, and
bright now stared upon them all closed, suspicious and inimical. Adelais looked
at him longer than at any. Another youth too comely for his own good,
attracting unfortunate love as the flower draws the bee. The moment of blank surprise was over.
Cenred was on his feet in hospitable haste, advancing with hand outstretched to
take the visitor by the hand, and lead her to a seat at the table. “Madam, welcome to my house! You do me
honor!” And Audemar, less pleased, half frowning:
“Madam, what brings you here? And unattended!” It suited him better that a
mother of so formidable a character should exile herself to the distant manor
of Hales, and keep her own court there. Seeing them thus face-to-face, Cadfael
found a strong likeness between the two. Doubtless there was affection between
them, but once the son was grown it would be hard for these two to live
together in one household. “There was no need,” said Audemar, “for you to ride
over here, there is nothing you can do that is not already being done.” Adelais had let Cenred’s attentive hand
persuade her into the center of the room, but there she resisted further
movement and stood to be seen clearly and alone, with an authoritative gesture
freeing her hand. “Yes,” she said, “there is need,” and
again cast a long glance round all the watching faces. “And I am not
unattended. Brother Cadfael is my escort. He comes from the abbey of Farewell,
and will be returning there when he leaves us.” She looked from one young man
to the other, from the favored bridegroom to the frustrated lover, both of them
eyeing her warily, conscious of impending revelations, but unable to hazard at
what might be coming. “I am glad,” said Adelais, “to find you
all assembled thus. I have that to say that I will say only once.” It could never have been a problem for
her, thought Cadfael, watching, to hold the attention of everyone about her,
wherever she went. In every room she entered she was at once the focal point,
the dominant in every company. Now they were silent every one, waiting on her
word. “As I have heard, Cenred,” she said, “you
intended, two days ago, to marry your sister—your half sister, I should say—to
this young gentleman. For reason enough, the church and the world would agree,
seeing she had become all too dear to your son Roscelin, and he to her, and a marriage
that would take her far away removed also the shadow of such an unholy
attachment from your house and from your heir. Pardon me if I use too plain
words, it’s late for any others. No blame to you, knowing only what you knew.” “What more was there to know?” said
Cenred, bewildered. “Plain words will do very well. They are close blood kin,
as you know well! Would not you have taken the same measures to ward off such
an evil from your grandchild, as I intended from my sister? She is as close a
charge to me as my own son, and as dear. She is your grandchild. I well
remember my father’s second marriage. I recall the day you brought the bride
here, and my father’s pride in the child she bore him. Since he is long gone, I
owe Helisende a father’s care no less than a brother’s. Certainly I sought to
protect both her and my son. I still desire the same. This is but a check on
the way. Messire de Perronet has not withdrawn his suit, nor I my sanction.” Audemar had risen from his place, and
stood eyeing his mother with close-drawn brows and an unrevealing face. “What
more is there to know?” he said levelly, and for all his voice was equable and
low, there was doubt and displeasure in it, and a woman of less implacable will
might have found it menacing. She stared back at him eye-to-eye, and was
unmoved. “This! That you trouble needless. There is
no barrier, Cenred, between your son and Helisende but the barrier you have
conjured up. There is no peril of incest if they were wedded and bedded this
very night. Helisende is not your sister, Cenred, she is not your father’s
daughter. There is no drop of Vivers blood in her veins.” “But this is foolishness!” protested
Cenred, shaking his head over so incredible a claim. “All this household has
known the child from birth. What you say is impossible. Why bring forth such a
story when all my people can bear witness she was born to my father’s lawful
wife, in their marriage bed, here in my house.” “And conceived in mine,” said Adelais. “I
can’t wonder if none of you thought to count the days, I had lost no time. My
daughter was already with child when I brought her here to her marriage.” Then they were all on their feet, all but
Emma, shrinking appalled behind her embroidery frame, shaken by the outcries of
anger and disbelief that clashed about her like contrary winds. Cenred was
stricken breathless, but de Perronet was clamoring that this was false, and the
lady out of her wits, and Roscelin had sprung to confront him, glittering, half
incoherent, swinging about from his rival to Adelais, pleading, demanding, that
what she said be truth. Until Audemar pounded the table thunderously with his
fist, and raised an imperious voice over all to demand silence. And throughout,
Adelais stood erect and unmoving as stone, and let the outcries whirl about her
unacknowledged. And then there was silence, no more
exclaiming, not a sound, hardly a breath, while they stared upon her intently
and long, as if the truth or falsity of what she said might be read in her face
if a man held still and unblinking long enough. “Do you fully know, madam, what you are
saying?” asked Audemar, his voice now measured and low. “Excellently well, my son! I know what I
am saying, I know it is truth. I know what I have done, I know it was foully
done. It needs none of you to say it, I say it. But I did it, and neither you
nor I can undo it. Yes, I deceived the lord Edric, yes, I compelled my
daughter, yes, I planted a bastard child in this house. Or, if you choose, I
took measures to protect my daughter’s good name and estate and ensure her
honorable status, as Cenred wills to do for a sister. Did Edric ever regret his
bargain? I think not. Did he get joy out of his supposed child? Surely he did.
All these years I have let well or ill alone, but now God has disposed
otherwise, and I am not sorry.” “If this is truth,” said Cenred, drawing
deep breath, “Edgytha knew of it. She came here with Bertrade, if you are
telling truth now, so late, then she must have known.” “She did know,” said Adelais. “And sorry
the day I refused her when she begged me to tell the truth earlier, and sorrier
still this day when she cannot stand here and bear me witness. But here is one
who can. Brother Cadfael is come from the abbey of Farewell, where Helisende
now is, and her mother is there with her. And by strange chance,” she said, “so
is her father. There is nowhere now to hide from the truth, I declare it in my
own despite.” “You have hidden from it long enough,
madam, it seems,” said Audemar grimly. “So I have, and make no virtue of revealing
it now, when it is already out of its grave.” There was a brief, profound silence before
Cenred asked slowly, “You say he is there now—her father? There at Farewell
with them both?” “From me,” she said, “it can only be
hearsay. Brother Cadfael will answer you.” “I have seen them there, all three,” said
Cadfael. “It is truth.” “Then who is he?” demanded Audemar. “Who
is her father?” Adelais took up her story, never lowering
her eyes. “He was once a young clerk in my household, of good birth, only a year
older than my daughter. He desired to be accepted as a suitor for her hand. I
refused him. They took measures to force my hand. No, perhaps I do them both
wrong. What they did may not have been calculated, but done in desperation, for
she was as lost in love as he. I dismissed him from my service, and brought her
away here in haste, to a match the lord Edric had mooted a year or more
earlier. And I lied, telling the lover that she was dead. Very blackly I lied
to him, saying both Bertrade and her child had died, when we tried to rid her
of her burden. He never knew until now that he had a daughter.” “Then how comes it,” demanded Cenred,
“that he has found her out now, and in so unlikely a place? This whole wild
story comes so strangely, thus out of nowhere, I cannot believe in it.” “You had better come to terms with it,”
she said, “for neither you nor I can escape the truth or amend it. He has found
her by the merciful dispensation of God. What more do you need?” Cenred swung upon Cadfael in irritated
appeal. “Brother, as you have been my guest in this house, tell what you know
of this matter. After so many years, is this indeed a true tale? And how came
these three to meet again now, at the end of all?” “It is a true tale,” said Cadfael. “And
truly they have met, by now they will have talked together. He has found them
both because, believing his love dead, and having touched hands with his own
death a few months ago, and been spared, he turned his thoughts to mortality,
and determined at least, since he could never see her again in this world, to
make a pilgrimage to her grave and pray for her peace in the next. And not
finding her at Hales, where he supposed she must be, he came here, my lord, to
your manor of Elford, where those of your line are buried. Now, on the way home
again, by the grace of God we asked lodging last night at the abbey of
Farewell. There the lady who was your sister is presently serving as
instructress to the novices of the bishop’s new foundation. And there Helisende
fled for sanctuary from too painful stresses. So they are all under one roof at
last.” After a moment of silence Audemar said
softly, “‘We asked lodging last night at the abbey of Farewell’—you have said
almost enough, yet add one thing more—name him!” “He entered the cloister long ago. He is a
brother with me in the abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury. You
have seen him, my lord, that same brother who came to Elford with me, on
crutches every step of the way. Monk and priest, the same, my lord Cenred, whom
you asked to marry Helisende to the man you had chosen for her. His name is
Haluin.” Now they had all begun dazedly to believe
what they could not yet fully grasp in all its implications. With glazed
glances they stared within at the slow realization of what this must mean to
them. To Roscelin, quivering and glowing like a newly lighted torch, the sudden
dizzy lightness and liberty of guilt and grief lifted from him, the very air of
the day intoxicating as wine, the world expanded into a vast brightness of hope
and joy that dazzled his eyes and muted his tongue. To de Perronet, the
stinging challenge of finding himself faced with a formidable rival where he
had looked for no conflict, and the instinctive stiffening of his pride and
determination to fight for the threatened prize with all his might. To Cenred
the overturning of all his family memories, a father made to seem belittled,
even senile, by his fond acceptance of such a deception, a sister abruptly
withdrawn into a stranger, an interloper without rights in his house. To Emma,
silent and fearful in her corner, the grief of an offense against her lord, and
the loss of one she had looked upon almost as her own daughter. “So she is no sister of mine,” said Cenred
heavily, rather to himself than to any other, and as quickly repeated it with
sudden anger to them all: “She is no sister of mine!” “None,” said Adelais. “But until now she
believed herself so. It is not her fault, never cast blame on her.” “She is no kin to me. I owe her nothing,
neither dowry nor lands. She has no claim on me.” He said it bitterly rather
than vengefully, lamenting the abrupt severance of a strong affection. “None. But she is kin to me,” said
Adelais. “Her mother’s dower lands went to Polesworth when she took the veil,
but Helisende is my granddaughter and my heiress. The lands I hold in my own
right will go to her. She will not be penniless.” She looked at de Perronet as
she spoke, and smiled, but wryly. No need to make the lovers’ path too smooth
by rendering the girl less profitable, and therefore less attractive in the
rival’s eyes. “Madam, you mistake me.” said Cenred with
muted fury. “This house has been her home, she will still think of it as home.
Where else is there for her? It is we here who are suddenly cut off, like topped
limbs. Her father and mother, both, are in the cloister, and what guidance,
what care has she ever had from you? Kin to us or not, she belongs here at
Vivers.” “But nothing prevents now,” cried Roscelin
triumphantly. “I may approach her, I may lawfully ask for her, there is no
barrier now. We’ve done no wrong, there’s no shadow over us, no ban between us.
I’ll go and bring her home. She’ll come, blithely she’ll come! I knew,” he
exulted, his blue eyes brilliant with vindicated joy, “I knew we did no wrong
in loving, never, never! It was you persuaded me I sinned. Sir, let me go and
fetch her home!” At that de Perronet took fire in his turn,
with a hiss like a sulphur match flaring, and took two rapid strides forward to
confront the boy. “You leap too soon and too far, my friend! Your rights are no
better than mine. I do not withdraw my suit, I urge it, I will pursue it with
my might.” “And so you may,” exulted Roscelin, too
drunk with relief and delight to be ungenerous or take easy offense. “I don’t
grudge any man his say, but on fair terms now, you and I and any who come, and
we shall see what Helisende replies.” But he knew what her reply would be, his
very certainty was offense, though it meant none, and de Perronet had his hand
on his dagger and hotter words mounting in his throat when Audemar smote the
table and bellowed them both into silence. “Hush your noise! Am I overlord here, or
no? The girl is not without kin, for she is niece to me. If there is anyone
here who has rights in her and a duty towards her—any who has not farmed out
both upon another man long since!—it is I, and I say that if Cenred so wishes,
then I place her here in his fosterage, with all the rights he has exercised as
her kinsman all these years. And in the matter of her marriage both he and I
will take good care what is best for her, but never against her will. But now,
let her be! She has asked for time untroubled, and she shall have it. When she
is ready to return, I will fetch her home.” “Content,” said Cenred, breathing deeply.
“I am content! I could ask no better.” “And, Brother…” Audemar turned to Cadfael.
He had the entire issue in his hands now, over all matters here his writ ran,
and what he ordained would be done. The least damage was his design, as his
mother’s had been the ultimate destruction. “Brother, if you are going back to
Farewell, tell them there what I have said. What’s done is done, all that waits
to be done shall be in daylight, openly. Roscelin,” he ordered sharply, turning
on the boy restless and glittering with the joy of his release, “have the
horses readied, we ride for Elford. You are still in my service until I please
to dismiss you, and I have not forgotten that you went forth without leave. Let
me have no further cause for displeasure.” But his voice was dry, and neither words
nor look cast the least shadow upon Roscelin’s exultant brightness. He bent his
knee in the briefest of reverences by way of acknowledging the order, and went
blithely to do his lord’s bidding. The wind of his flight swung the curtain at
the door, and sent a current of outer air floating across the chamber like a
sigh. Audemar looked last and longest at
Adelais, who stood with eyes steady and dark upon his face, waiting his
judgment. “Madam, you will ride back with me to
Elford. You have done what you came here to do.” Nevertheless, it was Cadfael who got to
horse first. No one was any longer in need of him here, and whatever natural
curiosity he might feel concerning the family adjustments still to be made, and
perhaps less easily accomplished than decreed, must be forever contained, since
he was unlikely to pass this way again. He reclaimed his horse without haste,
and mounted, and was ambling towards the gate when Roscelin broke away from the
grooms who were busy saddling Audemar’s horses, and came running to his
stirrup. “Brother Cadfael…”He was lost for a moment
for words, since his wonder and happiness were beyond words, and shook his head
and laughed over his own incoherence. “Tell her! Tell her we’re free, we need
not change, there’s no one can blacken us now…” “Son,” said Cadfael heartily, “by this she
knows it as well as you.” “And tell her soon, very soon, I shall
come for her. Oh, yes, I know,” he said confidently, seeing Cadfael’s raised
brows, “but it’s me he’ll send. I know him! He’d rather a kinsman he knows and
can rely on, his own man, with lands bordering his own, than any lordling from
distant parts. And my father won’t stand between us now. Why should he, when it
solves everything? What’s changed, except what needed changing?” And there was something in that, Cadfael
reflected, looking down from the saddle into the young, ardent face. What was
changed was the replacement of falsity by truth, and however hard the
assimilation might be, it must be for the better. Truth can be costly, but in
the end it never falls short of value for the price paid. “And tell him,” said Roscelin earnestly,
“the lame brother… her father…” His voice hung on the word with, wonder and
awe. “Tell him I’m glad, say I owe him more than ever can be repaid. And tell
him he need never fret for her happiness, for I’ll give my life to it.” Chapter Fourteen AT ABOUT THE SAME TIME that Cadfael
dismounted in the court of Farewell, Adelais de Clary sat with her son in his
private chamber at Elford. There had been a long and heavy silence between
them. The afternoon was drawing to its close, the light dimming, and he had
sent for no candles. “There is a matter,” he said at length,
stirring out of his moume stillness, “which has hardly been touched on yet. It
was to you, madam, that the old woman came. And you sent her away with a short
answer. To her death! Was that at your orders?” Without passion she said, “No.” “I will not ask what you know of it. To
what end? She is dead. But I do not like your manner of dealing, and I choose
to have no more ado with it. Tomorrow, madam, you shall return to Hales. Hales
you may have for your hermitage. But do not come back to this house, ever, for
you will not be admitted. The doors of every manor of mine except Hales are
henceforth closed to you.” Indifferently she said, “As you will, it
is all one to me. I need only a little space, and may not need it long. Hales
will do very well.” “Then, madam, take your leave when you
will. You shall have a safe escort on the road, seeing,” he said with bitter
meaning, “that you have parted with your own grooms. And a litter, if you
prefer to hide your face. Let it not be said that I left you to travel
defenseless, like an old woman venturing out alone by night.” Adelais rose from her stool and went out
from him without a word. In the hall the servants had begun to
kindle the first torches and set them in their sconces, but in every corner,
and in the smoky beams of the lofty roof, darkness gathered and clung, draped
cobwebs of shadow. Roscelin was standing over the central
fire on its flagged hearth, driving the heel of his boot into it to tease it
into life after the damped-down hours of the day. He still had Audemar’s cloak
over his arm, the capuchon dangling from one hand, The light from the reviving
flames gilded his stooping face into gold, smooth-cheeked, with elegant bones
and a brow as fair as a girl’s, and on his dreaming lips the softest and most
beguiling of smiles bore witness to his deep happiness. His flaxen hair swung against
his cheek, and parted above the suave nape of his neck, the most revealing
beauty of the young. For a moment she stood apart in the shadows to watch him,
herself unnoticed, for the pleasure and the pain of experiencing again the
irresistible attraction, the unbearable bliss and anguish of beholding beauty
and youth pass by and depart. Too sharp and sweet a reminder of things ended
long ago, and for years believed forgotten, only to burn up into new life, like
the phoenix, when a door opened, and confronted her with the ruin the years had
left of the beloved being. She passed by silently, so that he should
not hear, and turn upon her the too radiant, too exultant blue eyes. The dark
eyes that she remembered, deeply and delicately set beneath arched black brows,
had never looked so, never for her. Always dutiful, always wary, often lowered
in her presence. Adelais went out into the chill of the
evening, and turned towards her own apartments. Well, it was over. The fire was
ashes. She would never see him again. “Yes, I have seen her,” said Brother
Haluin. “Yes, I have spoken with her. I have touched her hand, it is warm
flesh, woman’s flesh, no illusion. The portress brought me into her presence
all unprepared, I could neither speak nor move. She had been so long dead to
me. Even that glimpse I had of her in the garth among the birds… Afterward,
when you were gone, I could not be sure I had not dreamed it. But to touch her,
to have her call me by my name… And she was glad… “Her case was not as mine, though God
knows I would not say her burden has been any lighter. But she knew I was man
alive, she knew where I was, and what I was, and for her there was no guilt,
she had done no wrong but in loving me. And she could speak. Such words she
offered me, Cadfael! ‘Here is one,’ she said, ‘who has already embraced you,
with good right. Now with good right embrace her. She is your daughter.’ Can
you conceive such a miracle? Giving the child to me by the hand, she said it.
Helisende, my daughter—not dead! Alive and young and kind and fresh as a
flower. And I thought I had destroyed her, destroyed them both! Of her own
sweet will the child kissed me. Even if it was only from pity—it must have been
pity, how could she love one she never knew?—but even if it was only from pity,
it was a gift beyond gold. “And she will be happy. She can love as it
best pleases her, and marry where her heart is. Once she called me, ‘Father,’
but I think it was as a priest, as first she knew me. Even so it was good to
hear and will be sweet to remember. “This hour we three have had together
repays all the eighteen years, even though there was so little said between us.
The heart could hold no more. She is gone to her duties now, Bertrade. So must
I to mine, soon… very soon… tomorrow…” Cadfael had sat silent through the long,
stumbling, eloquent monologue of his friend’s revelation, broken by long pauses
in which Haluin was rapt away again into a trance of wonder. Not one word of
the abominable thing that had been done to him, wantonly, cruelly, that was
washed clean away out of the mind by the joy of its undoing, without a
lingering thought of blame or forgiveness. And that was the last and most
ironic judgment on Adelais de Clary. “Shall we go to Vespers?” said Cadfael.
“The bell has gone, they’ll all be in their places by now, we can creep in
unnoticed.” From their chosen dim corner in the church
Cadfael scanned the young, clear faces of the sisters, and lingered long upon
Sister Benedicta, who had once been Bertrade de Clary. Beside him Haluin’s low,
happy voice intoned the responses and prayers, but what Cadfael was hearing in
his own mind was the same voice bleeding words slowly and haltingly, in the
darkness of the forester’s hayloft, before dawn. There in her stall, serene,
fulfilled, and content, stood the woman he had tried to describe. “She was not
beautiful, as her mother was. She had not that dark radiance, but something
more kindly. There was nothing dark or secret in her, but everything open and
sunlit, like a flower. She was not afraid of anything—not then. She trusted
everyone. She had never been betrayed—not then. Only once, and she died of it.” But no, she had not died. And certainly at
this moment, devout and dutiful, there was nothing dark or secret in her. The
oval face shone serene, as she celebrated with joy the mercy of God, after
years. Without any lingering regret; her contentment was without blemish. The
vocation she had undertaken unblessed, and labored at against the grain,
perhaps, all these years, surely reached its true wholeness only now, in the
revelation of grace. She would not have turned back now even for that first
love. There was no need. There are seasons of love. Theirs had passed beyond
the storms of spring and the heat of summer into the golden calm of the first
autumn days, before the leaves begin to fall. Bertrade de Clary looked as
Brother Haluin looked, confirmed and invulnerable in the peace of the spirit.
Henceforth presence was unnecessary, and passion irrelevant. They were eased of
the past, and both of them had work to do for the future, all the more eagerly
and thoroughly for knowing, each of them, that the other lived and labored in
the same vineyard. In the morning, after Prime, their
farewells made, they set out on the long journey home. The sisters were in chapter when Cadfael
and Haluin took scrip and crutches and went out from the guest hall, but the
girl Helisende went with them to the gate. It seemed to Cadfael that all these
faces about him had been washed clear of every shadow and every doubt; they had
all of them that stunned brightness, astonished by the good that had befallen
them. Now it could be seen more clearly how like were father and daughter, so
many of the marks of the years having been smoothed from Haluin’s face. Helisende embraced him without words at
parting, fervent but shy. However they had spent the previous day, whatever
confidences had been exchanged, she could not so quickly know him of her own
knowledge, only through her mother’s eyes, but she knew of him that he was gentle
and of pleasing person and address, and that his eruption into her life had
freed her from a nightmare of guilt and loss, and she would always remember and
think of him so, with pleasure and gratitude not so far distant from love.
Profit enough, even if he never saw her again. “God keep you, Father!” said Helisende. It was the first and the last time that
she gave him that title not as a priest but as a man, but it was a gift that
would last him a lifetime. They halted for the night at Hargedon,
where the canons of Hampton had a grange, in a countryside slowly being
recovered out of the waste that had followed the Norman settlement. Only now,
after sixty years, was ploughland being resurrected out of the scrub, and an
occasional hamlet being raised where tracks crossed, or rivers provided water
for a mill. The comparative security offered by the presence of the canons’
steward and servants had drawn others to settle close by, and there were now
assarts being hewn out of the neglected woods by enterprising younger sons. But
still it was sparsely populated territory, level, lonely, and in the evening
light melancholy. Yet with every labored step taken westward across this
mournful plain Brother Haluin’s brightness increased, his pace quickened, and
his color flushed into eagerness. From the narrow unshuttered window in the
loft he looked out westward into a night full of stars. Nearer to Shrewsbury,
where the hills began to heave their fleeces towards the mountains of Wales,
earth and sky balanced in harmony, but here the vault above looked immense, and
the earth of men suppressed and shadowy. The brilliance of the stars, the
blackness of the space between, spoke of a touch of frost in the air, but
promised a fine day for the morrow. “And you never feel,” said Cadfael
quietly, “any desire to look back over your shoulder?” “No,” said Haluin tranquilly. “No need.
There behind me all is well. All is very well. There is nothing now for me to
do there, everything where I am bound. We are sister and brother now. We ask nothing
more, we want nothing more. Now I can bring a whole heart to God. I’m glad
beyond measure that he cast me down, to raise me renewed to his service.” There was a long, untroubled silence,
while he continued to stare out into the clear night with a kind of bright
hunger in his face. “I left a leaf half finished when we set out for Hales,” he
said meditatively. “I thought to be back to complete it long before this. I
hope Anselm has not given it to someone else. It was a capital N for the Nunc
Dimittis, still wanting half of the colors.” “It will be waiting for you,” Cadfael
assured him. “Aelfric is good, but he doesn’t know my
intent, he might overdo the gold.” His voice was soft and practical and young. “Leave fretting,” said Cadfael. “Possess
your soul three days more in patience, and you’ll have brush and pen in hand
again, and get back to work. And so must I to my herbs, for the medicine
cupboards will be running low by this time. Lie down, lad, and get your rest.
There are more miles waiting for you tomorrow.” A soft wind from the west blew in through
the open window, and Haluin lifted his head and sniffed the air like a
high-bred horse scenting his stable. “How good it is,” he said, “to be going
home!” About
the Author ELLIS PETERS is
the nom-de-crime of English novelist Edith Pargeter, author of scores of
books under her own name. She is the recipient of the Silver Dagger Award,
conferred by the Crime Writers Association in Britain, as well as the coveted
Edgar, awarded by the Mystery Writers of America. Miss Pargeter is also well
known as a translator of poetry and prose from the Czech and has been awarded
the Gold Medal and Ribbon of the Czechoslovak Society for Foreign Relations for
her services to Czech literature. She passed away in 1995, at the age of 82, at
home in her beloved Shropshire. |