"Pierce, Tamora - The Circle Opens 01 - Magic Steps" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pierce Tamora)just reviewing what's been done on the repairs to the harbor wall."
Sandry walked over to him, kissed his forehead, and drew the papers from his fingers. "The harbormaster is an expert on this sort of thing. You told me so yourself. And you know what Dedicate Comfrey saidЧwhy pay these people if you have to watch them all the time?" "I'm not watching. I'm keeping myself up-to-date." The duke carefully got to his feet. Sandry did not try to help. Too many people did that, and it upset him far more than did the loss of his former strength. "You and Dedicate Comfrey should understand that sooner or later I must begin to oversee my realm once more." "I can't wait until you do," she told him pertly. "You're getting awfully hard to handle." He laughed at that. I'm going to miss you when you return to Winding Circle," he remarked, going to the door."You're the only one who is completely frank with me. As he left the: room, Sandry put the papers she had taken on, his desk. For a moment she stayed there, star ing blindly at the curtained, windows. As much as she wanted to return home, she worried about him.. Over and over she had, heard tales of the way he lived, skipping meals and going without sleep to complete some piece of work, His household was in awe of Duke Vedris, and feared, to balk him. Without her there to keep an, eye on things, he would probably return to his; old bad habits. She didn't like that thought. Emelan's best healer-mages had warned her that while they had. done all they could to strengthen his heart and veins, he was vulnera ble to another attack, A second one might well kill him; a third He managed, without a meddling fourteen-year-old for years, one voice said in her mind. He was younger then, argued a second. Sandry growled with impatienceЧshe had been, listening to this internal argument for weeksЧand flung her hands wide. The heavy draperies on the windows flew apart to bare expensive glass panes. The thick gold ropes that held the curtains open wrapped around the lengths of cloth and tied themselves, then let their tas seled ends dangle neatly. Getting her worries under control, Sandry followed her uncle to the main door. It was open already, offering a view of the stone courtyard, a score of burning torches, and a squad of the Duke's Guardsmen and their horses. Duke Vedris waited for her to reach him and offered his arm. His dark eyes searched her face intently. "Did I say anything to distress you, my dear?" he asked quietly. Sandry shook her head and made herself smile. "The only thing that distresses me is the thought that you got up early this morning to read papers," she informed him. "You're supposed to rest, Uncle!" As they walked down the stair to their mounts, she thought, And what will Lark say if I stay with him? * * * "Pasco. Pasco, wake up."' He rolled over and moaned. A hand grabbed his shoulder. "Pasco, you chuff, get ting up was your idea. Now do itЧI want to go to bed." Pasco Acalon sat up, blinking. His sister Halmaedy knelt by the bed, her dark eyes amused. She was still dressed for the watch that had just ended, the brown leather of her jerkin stark against her dark blue shirt and breeches. |