"28th Degree - Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pike Albert)

Ans.'. The twelve Articles of Faith; the twelve Apostles, foundation of the Holy City, who preached throughout the whole world, for our happiness and spiritual joy. The twelve operations of nature. The twelve signs of the Zodiac, foundation of the Primum Mobile, extending it throughout the Universe for our temporal felicity.

[The Rabbi (President of the Sanhedrim) adds: "From all that you have said, it results that the unit develops itself in 2, is completed in three internally, and so produces 4 externally; whence, through 6, 7, 8, 9, it arrives at 5, half of the spherical number 10, to ascend, passing through
11, to 12, and to raise itself, by the number 4 times 10, to the number 6 times 12, the final term and summit of our eternal happiness".]

Qu.'. What is the generative number?
Ans.'. In the Divinity, it is the unit; in created things, the number 2: Because the Divinity, 1, engenders 2, and in created things 2 engenders 1.
Qu.'. What is the most majestic number?
Ans.'. 3, because it denotes the triple divine essence.
Qu.'. What is the most mysterious number?
Ans.'. 4, because it contains all the mysteries of nature.
Qu.'. What is the most occult number?
Ans.'. 5, because it is inclosed in the centre of the series.
Qu.'. What is the most salutary number?
Ans.'. 6, because it contains the source of our spiritual and corporeal happiness.
Qu.'. What is the most fortunate number?
Ans.'. 7, because it leads us to the decade, the perfect number.
Qu.'. Which is the number most to be desired?
Ans.'. 8, because he who possesses it, is of the number of the Elus and Sages.
Qu.'. Which is the most sublime number?
Ans.'. 9, because by it religion and nature are exalted.
Qu.'. Which is the most perfect number?
Ans.'. 10, because it includes unity, which created everything, and zero, symbol of matter and
chaos, whence everything emerged.

In its figures it comprehends the created and uncreated, the commencement and the end, power and force, life and annihilation. By the study of this number, we find the relations of all things; the power of the Creator, the faculties of the creature, the Alpha and Omega of divine knowledge.

Qu.'. Which is the most multiplying number?
Ans.'. 11, because with the possession of two units, we arrive at the multiplication of things. Qu.'. Which is the most solid number?
Ans.'. 12, because it is the foundation of our spiritual and temporal happiness.
Qu.'. Which is the favorite number of religion and nature?
Ans.'. 4 times 10, because it enables us, rejecting everything impure, eternally to enjoy the number 6 times 12, term and summit of our felicity.
Qu.'. What is the meaning of the square?
Ans.'. It is the symbol of the four elements contained in the triangle, or the emblem of the three chemical principles; these things united form absolute unity in the primal matter.
Qu.'. What is the meaning of the centre of the circumference?
Ans.'. It signifies the universal spirit, vivifying centre of nature.
Qu.'. What do you mean by the quadrature of the circle?
Ans.'. The investigation of the quadrature of the circle indicates the knowledge of the four vulgar elements, which are themselves composed of elementary spirits or chief principles; as the
circle, though round, is composed of lines, which escape the sight, and are seen only by the mind.
Qu.'. What is the profoundest meaning of the figure 3?
Ans.'. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. From the action of these three results the triangle within the square; and from the seven angles, the decade or perfect number.
Qu.'. Which is the most confused figure?
Ans.'. Zero, the emblem of chaos, formless mixture of the elements.
Qu.'. What do the four devices of the Degree signify?
Ans.'. That we are to hear, see, be silent, and enjoy our happiness.

The unit is the symbol of identity, equality, existence, conservation and general harmony; the Central Fire, the Point within the Circle.

Two, or the duad, is the symbol of diversity, inequality, division, separation, and vicissitudes.