"13 - Alien Invasion" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pike Christopher)


Unfortunately, at the end of the school day, when they did swing by Mr Snakol's class, there was no one there. The door was locked, in fact, and they had to peer in the windows to see anything. But all they found were empty rows of desks. Adam's disquiet continued.
'I think I'll try to find out where he lives,' he said. 'Make sure he got home OK.'
'But I thought we were going to the arcade,' Bryce said.
'You guys go without me,' Adam said. 'I don't have any extra quarters anyway.'
'If you donate a pint of blood at the door they give you ten quarters compliments of the house,' Sally said.
'If you donate a kidney you get to play all the games you want for a whole night,' Watch added. 'But personally I don't think the games are that good.'
'I can loan you some money,' Sally said. 'If you pay it back to me at a high rate of interest.'
'I can go with you,' Cindy said to Adam. 'I don't much like the arcade anyway. I hate how every game ends with screaming sound effects.'
'Those are real screams,' Sally said. 'They come from the previous owners that they keep chained at the back.'
On that note it was decided that Adam and Cindy would go their separate ways, at least for the afternoon. They planned to get together later that evening and see a movie. The local cinema Ч which showed only horror films Ч had a new feature running entitled The Meek and Mild Massacres. The popcorn was always free but the place charged an arm and a leg for the salt and butter.
On the way home, Adam got the Sanders' address from information. George lived not far from the beach, two blocks from Cindy, who could see the burnt-down lighthouse from her front porch. They were actually the ones who had burnt down the place, while fighting with a ghost. But looking back, after so many other adventures, that had just been another typical day in Spooksville.
A plump woman answered the door. Except for her large nose Ч which matched George's Ч she was a pleasant looking woman with short dark hair and large dark eyes that blinked every two seconds. She smiled when she saw him, somewhat innocently, probably not realising that they regularly saved the world from total destruction.
'Yes,' she said. 'May I help you?'
Adam nodded. 'Maybe, ma'am. My name is Adam Freeman and this is Cindy Makey. We are in your son's science class.'
Mrs Sanders beamed. 'That's nice, that George has made friends so quickly.'
'He seems like a cool guy,' Cindy offered.
Mrs Sanders laughed softly. 'I think so. But then, I might be prejudiced. What can I do for you two?'
Adam hesitated. 'Is George here by any chance?'
Mrs Sanders blinked. 'No, not yet. But I would think he would be home soon. How long ago did school finish?'
'Almost an hour ago,' Cindy said, glancing at Adam.
Mrs Sanders frowned. 'I wonder where he could be. I told him to come straight home today.'
Adam spoke quickly. 'I am sure he is fine. Being new here, he might have got lost while walking home. But when he does get here could you have him give me a call? The name Freeman is in the book.'
'I will have him call you as soon as he comes in.' But Mrs Sanders continued to look worried. 'Why did you two stop by?'
'Just to see George,' Cindy said vaguely. 'No other reason.'
'Did George enjoy his first day at school?' Mrs Sanders asked.
Adam forced a smile. 'Yeah. He was having a great time.' He began to turn away. 'Well, we'll be seeing you.'
'It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs Sanders,' Cindy added, going down the porch steps. But Mrs Sanders seemed distracted, no doubt wondering why it would take her son almost an hour to walk home from a school that was less than a mile away.
'Take care,' she mumbled, before closing the door on them.
As Adam walked Cindy back to her house, he continued to brood over the memory of George's anxious face. 'What an introduction to Spooksville,' he muttered.
'George having to meet alone with Mr Snakol?' Cindy said, but then she smiled unexpectedly. 'Were our introductions any easier? You had to take the Secret Path into an evil dimension and a ghost stole my kid brother right from under my nose.'
'Yeah. But you and I were psychologically prepared for this town. George Ч he just seems so timid and frail.'
'And you felt you had to protect him?'
Adam hesitated. 'I wouldn't use that word exactly.'
'But it's true. You feel you have to take care of everyone that is not as strong as you.'
Adam waved off her remark, embarrassed. 'I am not so strong.'
Cindy stopped him by touching his arm. She stared him straight in the eye, and Adam had forgotten just how sweet Cindy's eyes were. How large and green. She brushed aside her blonde hair and smiled at him.
'You are stronger than you know,' she said. 'You are a natural hero and a true leader. Remember how the witch said you have a great destiny? I believe it.'
'She was talking about all of us when she said it.'
'But she was talking to you at the time. She meant for you the most.'
Adam lowered his head. 'We're a team. We're all brave.'
Cindy shook her head. 'Watch may be as brave as you. He is as smart. Bryce is awfully smart too. And Sally is Ч well, Sally is Sally. But it is you that holds us together.' Cindy paused and squeezed his arm. 'That's why I like you so much.'
Now Adam could actually feel the blood in his face, warming his freckles. He continued to look down.
'I like you too,' he mumbled.
Cindy's tone brightened. 'Do you really?'
Adam glanced up easily. 'Yeah. Of course. You're my friend.'
Cindy smiled again. 'Am I your special friend?'
'Well. I suppose. All my friends are special.'
Cindy lost her smile. 'But . . . you know what I mean?'