"13 - Alien Invasion" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pike Christopher)'No,' Cindy disagreed. 'There was someone in there.'
'Let's just open the door and go in,' Watch said. 'What do we have to be afraid of?' Many things, they all thought. But Adam let the door slowly open, into a place of blackness, and they stepped inside together, once more afraid to turn on the light, afraid not to. But a few moments of stumbling around in the dark left them no choice Ч they had to reach for the light switch. Thankfully the light came on and the place was empty. Except for several cages of frogs and hamsters. And a pile of bloody clothes in the corner. Adam knelt with Cindy beside the clothes. There was a brown sweater, and long-sleeved white shirt. Both were stained dark red, but judging from the dryness of the marks, they had been bled on earlier in the day. Adam looked at Cindy Ч who was ashen faced Ч and then turned to stare up at the others.' 'We're too late,' he said sadly. 'It doesn't look good,' Sally agreed. But Watch shook his head. 'A little blood doesn't mean he's dead.' He came and knelt beside them, picking up the stained shirt. 'I am assuming these are the clothes George had on this morning?' 'Yes,' Adam said, still overcome with grief. He kept thinking if only he had checked on George at lunch, the guy would be all right. But for all he knew Mr Snakol had killed George instantly. 'He must be dead. There is no other way to explain how these clothes got here, with these stains.' But Watch was uncertain. 'What reason would Mr Snakol have for killing George?' 'He doesn't need a reason,' Sally said, and there was anger in her voice now. 'He's just a weird teacher from a weird place.' Cindy continued to touch George's sweater. 'We have to go to the police.' 'Huh,' Sally snorted. 'What good would that do?' 'Well, we have to do something,' Cindy said desperately. 'Don't panic,' Bryce said. 'Maybe things are not as bad as they seem.' Just then the door to the classroom slammed shut Sally stepped over to it, and tried the doorknob. 'Locked,' she gasped. Overhead the light went out. The dark was very deep. 'Nobody move!' Adam ordered, standing up and bumping into someone he assumed to be Watch. 'Don't panic!' 'I will panic if I want to!' Sally snapped in an agitated voice. 'I can't get the door open.' It was pitch black. They could not see a thing. 'Does anyone have a flashlight?' Watch asked. 'I don't,' Bryce said. 'Where's your Bic lighter?' Bryce shot back. 'I don't have it,' Sally said. 'Why not?' Cindy demanded. 'I was going to a movie tonight,' Sally said. 'Not to the scene of a murder.' 'Shh,' Adam cautioned. 'Whoever locked us in here must be nearby. We must assume they're listening.' 'It must be that snake-faced Mr Snakol,' Sally hissed. 'But what does he want with us?' Cindy asked. 'He wants our blood,' Sally said. 'He wants our dead bodies.' 'I am glad somebody is keeping a positive attitude,' Watch said. 'We are in no danger as long as we are in here and he is out there,' Adam said. 'Unless he sets the place on fire,' Watch said. 'Please don't give him any ideas,' Sally said. 'Let's stop arguing and figure out a way to get out of here,' Adam said. 'Watch, before the light went off, didn't you see a vent on the ceiling?' 'Yes,' Watch said. 'There is a ventilation duct directly above us. If you guys can help me up, I should be able to crawl through it to the roof.' 'That's a good plan,' Adam said. 'But I'll go through the duct. I'm smaller than you Ч I won't get stuck as easily.' 'You're so brave, Adam,' Cindy gushed. 'What's there to fear in the duct?' Sally wanted to know. 'I think it's more dangerous to stay here.' 'It is when Adam climbs out of the duct that he will be in danger,' Watch said. 'But let's stop talking and pull a table over beneath the vent. Bryce and I can stand on it beside you, Adam, and lift you up.' Working in the dark was difficult. Adam felt as if he struggled in a bad dream. The thought of crawling into a tight place Ч in the dark Ч made him feel claustrophobic. But he knew someone had to do it. As Bryce and Watch made flexible steps with their clenched fingers, and Adam was hoisted into the air, he just hoped he didn't get stuck in the vent. Watch had a good sense of the room, even in the dark. The moment Adam was lifted towards the ceiling, he felt the vent directly overhead. He told the others as much. 'Is the grid hard to get off?' Watch asked. Adam poked at the covering grid and it lifted right up. 'No, it's just pressed on,' Adam said. 'But you're going to have to lift me higher if I am to crawl inside.' 'Be careful, Adam,' Cindy whispered. 'Hey,' Sally said. 'I just thought of something. What if George's dead body is crammed in the ventilation duct?' |