"Pike, Christopher - Weekend" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pike Christopher)

"I don't think he's a wimp."

"Give me a break, would ya?"

Sol patted his cheek lightly. Up close, Sol's features were thick and fearsome; however Park had to admit he was probably handsome. Strangely enough, he looked part Slavic Ч his mouth especially, which was large and sensual. Also, his dark hair had a hint of red, and fine curls that girls loved to run their fingers through. But his sharp black eyes, his calculating expressions, and swollen, tattooed biceps were clearly from the wrong side of the tracks.

"Okay, Preppy," he said. "I don't know nothing about him. He hardly talks. And besides, who cares?"

"I sometimes wonder about him. He looks Ч it's weird - he looks familiar."

"Yeah, now that you mention it," Sol said thoughtfully, then shrugging. "But who cares?"

"I can see that you don't. I wonder why he came to Santa Barbara."

"Probably for the climate."

"You're a hopeless degenerate. I don't know why I associate with you."

"Because hanging around me makes you look more interesting to the chicks than you really are."

Park thought that was pretty funny, if not true. "How's Lena been treating you?"

Sol groaned, but before he could elaborate, his eyes narrowed. "Someone's coming."

Park turned. Approaching from the weed-choked desolation of a nearby eastern hill was a tall Indian, clothed in a tan tunic tied at the waist with an orange sash. His long stringy hair was the same colour as his robe, bordering a deep red beardless face that disallowed an accurate age guess. He seemed to have come out of nowhere. The uneven ground and dry shrubs at his dusty, sandaled feet did little to slow his floating gait. A hundred feet directly over his head, a blackbird circled. A minute, and he would reach them.

"Who is he?" Park whispered.

"He's Indian, maybeЕ He has that look. Maybe he's a holy man."

"A what?"

"Not like at church. A sorcerer."

"Like Don Juan?"

"Yes. Treat him with respect. I'll do the talking."

"Good. I don't speak Spanish."

Sol threw away his cigarette. The man was fifty yards away and the next moment he was standing before them. The blackbird had vanished. Their visitor's eyes seemed to focus through them, or rather, they appeared turned inward, as though he saw them from an unusual perspective. Park felt as though he was being subjected to a thorough scrutiny. However, it was not an uncomfortable feeling.

"Puedo ayudarle, senor?" Sol said.

"Has traido ayuda y odio contigo," the man answered. Park had expected a dry rasp but the voice was smooth and melodious. A closer inspection of his face revealed lines from long years, yet his skin retained a surprisingly soft sheen. A flawlessly straight, but at ease, posture contributed to his youthful bearing.

"What's going on?" Park muttered.

"I asked if we could help him," Sol replied. He seemed unable to break away from the man's eyes. They were strangely fascinating.