"Pohl, Frederik - The Midas Plague (txt)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pohl Frederick)

УFine! Well, get started on the other things, Henry.Ф
УYes, sir,Ф said Henry, and assumed the curious absent look of a robot talking on its TBR circuitsЧthe УTalk Between RobotsФ radio
Чas it arranged the appointments for its master.
Morey finished his breakfast in silence, pleased with his own virtue, at peace with the world. It wasnТt so hard to be a proper, industrious consumer if you worked at it, he reflected. It was only the malcontents, the neТer-do-wells and the incompetents who simply could not adjust to the world around them. Well, he thought with distant pity, someone had to suffer; you couldnТt break eggs without making an omelet. And his proper duty was not to be some sort of wild-eyed crank, challenging the social order and beating his breast about injustice, but to take care of his wife and his home.
It was too bad he couldnТt really get right down to work on con-
suming today. But this was his one day a week to hold a jobЧfour of the other six days were devoted to solid consumingЧand, besides, he had a group therapy session scheduled as well. His analysis, Morey told himself, would certainly take a sharp turn ~for the better, now that he had faced up to his problems.
Morey was immersed in a glow of self-righteousness as he kissed Cherry good-by (she had finally got up, all in a confusion of delight at the new regime) and walked out the door to his car. He hardly noticed the little man in enormous floppy hat and garishly ruffled trousers who was standing almost hidden in the shrubs.
УHey, Mac.Ф The manТs voice was almost a whisper.
УHuh? OhЧwhat is it?Ф
The man looked around furtively. УListen, friend,Ф he said rapidly, Уyou look like an intelligent man who could use a little help. Times are tough; you help me, IТll help you. Want to make a deal on ration stamps? Six for one. One of yours for six of mine, the best deal youТll get anywhere in town. Naturally, my stamps arenТt exactly the real McCoy, but theyТll pass, friend, theyТll passЧФ
Morey blinked at him. УNo!Ф he said violently, and pushed the man aside. Now itТs racketeers, he thought bitterly. Slums and endless sordid preoccupation with rations werenТt enough to inflict on Cherry; now the neighborhood was becoming a hangout for people on the shady side of the law. It was not, of course, the first time he had ever been approached by a counterfeit ration-stamp hoodlum, but never at his own front door!
Morey thought briefly, as he climbed into his car, of calling the police. But certainly the man would be gone before they could get there; and, after all, he had handled it pretty well as it was.
Of course, it would be nice to get six stamps for one.
But very far from nice if he got caught.

УGood morning, Mr. Fry,Ф tinkled the robot receptionist. УWonТt you go right in?Ф With a steel-tipped finger, it pointed to the door marked GROUP THERAPY.

Someday, Morey vowed to himself as he nodded and complied, he would be in a position to afford a private analyst of his own. Group therapy helped relieve the infinite stresses of modern living, and without it he might find himself as badly off as the hysterical mobs in the ration riots, or as dangerously anti-social as the counterfeiters. But it lacked the personal touch. It was, he thought, too public a performance of what should be a private affair, like trying to live a happy mar-
ned life with an interfering, ever-present crowd of robots in the houseЧ Morey brought himself up in panic. How had that thought crept
in? He was shaken visibly as he entered the room and greeted the group to which he was assigned.
There were eleven of them: four Freudians, two Reichians, two Jungians, a Gestalter, a shock therapist and the elderly and rather quiet Sullivanite. Even the members of the majority groups had their own individual differences in technique and creed, but, despite four years with this particular group of analysts, Morey hadnТt quite been able to keep them separate in his mind. Their names, though, he knew well enough.
УMorning, Doctors,Ф he said. УWhat is it today?Ф
УMorning,Ф said Semmelweiss morosely. УToday you come into the room for the first time looking as if something is really bothering you, and yet the schedule calls for psychodrama. Dr. Fairless,Ф he appealed, УcanТt we change the schedule a little bit? Fry here is obviously under a strain; thatТs the time to start digging and see what he can find. We can do your psychodrama next time, canТt we?Ф
Fairless shook his gracefully bald old head. УSorry, Doctor. If it were up to me, of courseЧbut you know the rules.Ф
УRules, rules,Ф jeered Semmeiweiss. УAh, whatТs the use? HereТs
a patient in an acute anxiety state if I ever saw oneЧand believe me,
I saw plentyЧand we ignore it because the rules say ignore it. Is that
professional? Is that how to cure a patient?Ф
Little Blame said frostily, УIf I may say so, Dr. Semmeiweiss, there have been a great many cures made without the necessity of departing from the rules. I myself, in factЧФ
УYou yourself!Ф mimicked Semmeiweiss. УYou yourself never handled a patient alone in your life. When you going to get out of a group, Blame?Ф
Blame said furiously, УDr. Fairless, I donТt think I have to stand for this sort of personal attack. Just because Semmeiweiss has seniority and a couple of private patients one day a week, he thinksЧФ
УGentlemen,Ф said Fairless mildly. УPlease, letТs get on with the work. Mr. Fry has come to us for help, not to listen to us losing our tempers.Ф
УSorry,Ф said Semmelweiss curtly. УAll the same, I appeal from the arbitrary and mechanistic ruling of the chair.Ф
Fairless inclined his head. УAll in favor of the ruling of the chair? Nine, I count. That leaves only you opposed, Dr. Semmelweiss. WeТll
proceed with the psychodrama, if the recorder will read us the notes and comments of the last session.Ф
The recorder, a pudgy, low-ranking youngster named Sprogue, flipped back the pages of his notebook and read ~in a chanting voice, УSession of twenty-fourth May, subject, Morey Fry; in attendance, Doctors Fairless, Bileck, Semmelweiss, Carrado, WeberЧФ
Fairless interrupted kindly, УJust the last page, if you please, Dr. Sprogue.Ф
УUrnЧoh, yes. After a ten-minute recess for additional Rorschachs and an electro-encephalogram, the group convened and conducted rapid-fire word association. Results were tabulated and compared with standard deviation patterns, and it was determined that subjectТs major traumas derived from, respectivelyЧФ
Morey found his attention waning. Therapy was good; everybody knew that, but every once in a while he found it a little dull. If it werenТt for therapy, though, there was no telling what might happen. Certainly, Morey told himself, he had been helped considerablyЧat least he hadnТt set fire to his house and shrieked at the firerobots, like Newell down the block when his eldest daughter divorced her husband and came back to live with him, bringing her ration quota- along, of course. Morey hadnТt even been tempted to do anything as outrageously, frighteningly immoral as destroy things or waste themЧwell, he admitted to himself honestly, perhaps a little tempted, once in a great while. But never anything important enough to worry about; he was sound, perfectly sound.
He looked up, startled. All the doctors were staring at him. УMr. Fry,Ф Fairless repeated, Уwill you take your place?Ф
УCertainly,Ф Morey said hastily. УUhЧwhere?Ф
Semmelweiss guffawed. УTold you. Never mind, Morey; you didnТt miss much. WeТre going to run through one of the big scenes in your life, the one you told us about last time. Remember? You were fourteen years old, you said. Christmas time. Your mother had made you a promise.Ф
Morey swallowed. УI remember,Ф he said unhappily. УWell, all right. Where do I stand?Ф
УRight here,Ф said Fairless. УYouТre you, Carrado is your mother, IТm your father. Will the doctors not participating mind moving back? Fine. Now, Morey, here we are on Christmas morning. Merry Christmas, Morey!Ф
УMerry Christmas,Ф Morey said half-heartedly. УUhЧFather dear, whereТs myЧuhЧmy puppy that Mother promised me?Ф
УPuppy!Ф said Fairless heartily. УYour mother and I have some-
thing much better than a puppy for you. Just take a look under the tree thereЧitТs a robot! Yes, Morey, your very own robotЧa full-size thirty-eight-tube fully automatic companion robot for you! Go ahead, Morey, go right up and speak to it. Its name is Henry. Go on, boy.Ф
Morey felt a sudden, incomprehensible tingle inside the bridge of his nose. He said shakily, УBut IЧI didnТt want a robot.Ф
УOf course you want a robot,Ф Carrado interrupted. УGo on, child, play with your nice robot.Ф
Morey said violently, УI hate robots!Ф He looked around him at the doctors, at the gray-paneled consulting room. He added defiantly, УYou hear me, all of you? I still hate robots!Ф