"Ruth Reichl - Tender at the Bone V1.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Reichl Ruth)

"No," she said. "No, no, no."
I went back to tell them. The sons were still sitting morosely in the limousine but this time a different one spoke. He had a solid, self-satisfied face and shining silvery hair. Handing a silver dollar out the window he said, "I'll give you five more if you can get her to just come out here."
When I showed Mrs. Peavey the money she looked down at her swollen ankles puffing out of her sensible shoes, looked at me, and said, "I see Palmer hasn't changed." Her face puckered as if she had eaten a lemon. "If I were you, I wouldn't take his money. Tell him that he should be ashamed of himself. Tell him I wouldn't come out for all the tea in China,"
I gave him the message, but I couldn't bring myself to give him the dollar back, I squeezed the coin hard, pressing it against the inside of my palm. Then the third son gave it a try. The best-looking of the three, he had rosy cheeks, black hair, and deep blue eyes that he fixed on me. "Is she in the kitchen?" he asked. I nodded solemnly. "Does she still make the world's best brownies?" I nodded again. "I used to be her best helper," he went on. "I bet you're her best helper now." He smiled, showing all his teeth, and said pleadingly, "Don't you think a mother ought to talk to her children? Tell my mother I miss her. Give her a kiss for me."
Mrs. Peavey looked sad when I planted the kiss on her papery white cheek. I threw my arms around her solid body and inhaled her powdery scent. "lell Potter I miss him too," she said. "Tell him I love him. And tell him I certainly won't see any of themV' Then she untied her apron, threw it on the counter, and went down to the basement.
The three sons murmured, "What do we do now?" when they heard her final message. Then the window rose, silently and majestically cutting off my view. The chauffeur turned the large black car around. I stood watching for a long time as it disappeared into the trees that edged our narrow, twisting driveway.
The next morning Mrs. Peavey left for her day off. Our house was less than fifty miles from New York but Mrs. Peavey always insisted on going "back to civilization," making her disdain for our shabby summer house in the Connecticut woods very clear. My mother drove Mrs. Peavey to the station and watched with a wor
ned look as she laboriously hauled herself up the steps of the New York Central train.
"I hope she's coming back," my mother said quietly as we climbed back into our old Ford station wagon.
"Did you have a fight?" I asked.
"No," said Mom.
"Then why are you worried?" I asked. My mother refused to say.
Mrs. Peavey didn't come back the next day, or the next, or the day after that. My mother banged around the kitchen, serving bloody roast beef, hard potatoes, and peas that were still frozen in the middle. As she vacuumed she murmured imprecations, swearing that this was absolutely it. But when a taxi pulled into the driveway my mother watched silently as Mrs. Peavey came through the living room and walked down the stairs to the rec room. When she came back up wearing her white uniform, Mrs. Peavey polished the candlesticks, made cold poached salmon with dill sauce for my mother and a Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte for my father. Then she read me four stories in French about Bщcassine, the foolish peasant. And nobody said anything about anyone being fired.
Summer ended and we went back to New York. I liked it better there. Mrs. Peavey and I shared a bedroom, our twin beds placed toe to toe. Some nights after the lights were out and the cars eleven stories below us were sending shadows racing across the pink ceiling Mrs. Peavey told me stories about her childhood in Baltimore. As I listened I imagined a miniature Mrs. Peavey with long golden ringlets visiting the stables and going to sea in her father's yacht. I could smell the entrance to the pillared house with its waxed wooden floors and bowls of roses. I could see the blue satin sash on Mrs. Peavey's pale dress as she danced around a candle-covered Christmas tree. And I could hear the string quartet that came every Sunday to play in the music room.
But I especially loved it when she talked about her wedding.
Mrs. Peavey wore a dress of pale white silk and a veil of lace made by silent French nuns. Her satin train was eight feet long, her carriage was drawn to church by six snow-white horses, and ten men with silver trumpets played as she walked down the aisle. Afterward the guests dined in pink tents on a green lawn and danced in a pavilion at the edge of the bay. "And then," said Mrs. Peavey, "we cruised off to visit England, France, and Germany."
Before that summer all the stories ended with the sun setting over a European sea, but in the fall Mrs. Peavey began including Carter, Palmer, and Potter Peavey in her stories. I liked Potter best:
he was the one who snuck into the kitchen to help Mrs. Peavey kick out the cook. "Mr. Peavey thought it was slightly eccentric when I started taking cooking lessons," said Mrs. Peavey. "But he wouldn't hear of my actually cooking. It just wasn't done. So Potter and I devised other methods."
I could see the two of them hustling the cook out the door and dancing around the huge tiled kitchen. "It was such fun!" said Mrs. Peavey. "Before long I became known for having the best cook in Baltimore, and people clamored for invitations."
When she talked about her kitchen escapades, Mrs. Peavey's voice always grew younger. "Once the British ambassador came from Washington to dinner," she said dreamily. "We were only twelve at dinner that night so we decided to honor him by cooking dishes from Queen Victoria's wedding dinner."
I watched jealously as she and Potter constructed complicated dishes. I loved the words: galantine, forcemeat, aspic, florentine.
I saw them building the iced sweet pudding that was the dessert for the evening, holding my breath as the cherry- and almondfilled creation came tumbling precariously out of its old-fashioned mold. "I was so worried that the cook would spoil it," Mrs. Peavey admitted, "that I asked the governess to feed the children in the kitchen. I knew Potter could fix anything that went wrong."
"The cook," she added darkly, "was always the problem. But the night of the British ambassador went very smoothly. The truth is, she wasn't much of a cook. She even asked me to teach her French cuisine. I tried," said Mrs. Peavey, sadly shaking her head, "but she just didn't have much imagination."
Watching Mrs. Peavey making gougшre in the kitchen, I wondered what imagination had to do with it. Cooking, it seemed to me, was mostly a matter of organization. "Ah," she said, "it is only because you have imagination that you say that."
She stirred eggs and cheese into the batter and bent to light the oven. "Be careful!" I called, remembering the time my mother set her hair on fire. Mrs. Peavey straightened up and looked directly at me. "I am not your mother," she said succinctly. "I do not turn on the gas and then go into the living room looking for matches. Normal people do not set themselves on fire."
And then, as she leaned into the oven to put the gougшre on the rack, she added, "And normal people do not allow eight-year-olds to baby-sit for themselves."
Mrs. Peavey did not approve of the way my mother had solved her baby-sitter problem. "I just pay Ruthie to take care of herself on the maid's nights off," my mother bragged to her friends. "She's so grown-up."
I certainly didn't want to disappoint my mother. So I never said a word as I watched my mother and father dressing for dinner, just held my breath and listened to their usual going-out-to-dinner ritual, wishing that just this once Mom would win.
The ritual went like this. As she looked at the black dress hanging in the closet, Mom would say, "You know, dear, I don't really feel very well. Why don't you go without me?"
And Dad would look concerned and tell her how dreary the evening would be without her. "It won't be any fun without you, darling," he'd say, urging her to come, for him. I would hang on
every word, willing them not to leave. But in the end, no matter how hard I hoped, my mother always allowed herself to be persuaded.
"Don't go to bed too late, Pussycat," she'd say gaily, walking out the door in a cloud of perfume. As soon as they were gone I would begin running frantically around the house, much too scared to go to sleep, looking nervously in all the closets and underneath the beds.
One night the doorbell rang as I was doing this and I jumped as if someone had snuck up and touched my shoulder. Who could it be? Walking stealthily to the door, I shouted, "Who's there?" in a very deep voice; I didn't want the person on the other side to think I was a kid.
"It's me, Ruthie," said a voice I didn't recognize.
"Who's me?" I asked, wondering how to handle this. It would be embarrassing to turn the person away, frightening to let her in.
"Mrs. Peavey!" she replied in a buoyant tone,
I wasn't tall enough to reach the peephole so I opened the door a crack. Sure enough, it was Mrs. Peavey, with a tall gaunt man dressed entirely in black who was "My friend Mr. Holly."
I was relieved to see a familiar grown-up. Mrs. Peavey and Mr. Holly settled themselves in the living room. Mr. Holly admired my mother's tree and peered at the fading fall leaves my mother had wired to its branches. I listened to them making small talk, happy to have their company and too young to wonder what they were doing there. But even I could tell that Mrs. Peavey was not quite herself. Her pale skin was flushed and she was talking more animatedly than usual. Then she asked if I would like to come out with them for a little while.
I instantly understood that my parents were not to know about this excursion. It was a school night. More than that, I knew that wherever we were going was not a place my parents would approve of. As we were walking to the door Mrs. Peavey stopped and asked,
as if it were an afterthought, "Do you have any money in your piggy bank?"
I checked; there was $7.27 in dimes, pennies, and quarters, and the silver dollar I had gotten from Palmer.
"Bring it along," said Mrs. Peavey gaily. As I handed her the money she said, "I'll pay you back next week." She smelled like peppermint LifeSavers.
It was a dark, chilly night. We walked west on Tenth Street to Sixth Avenue and made a left. Just across from the Women's House of Detention was a sign that said GOOGIE'S beneath a huge pair of red neon spectacles.
"We're going to a bar?" I asked.
"Why not?" asked Mrs. Peavey. I could have offered any number of reasons, but decided not to. We went in and Mr. Holly lifted me up to one of the tall, Naugahyde-covered barstools. He ordered Perfect Manhattans for them and a Shirley Temple for me.
The air was cool, smoky, and dusty blue. Mrs. Peavey was so jolly it seemed as if she had put on a new personality. When she excused herself to go to the bathroom she went down the length of the bar with a word and a smile for everybody along the way. Watching her, Mr. Holly leaned over and said, "What a wonderful woman!"
I could smell the sweet liquor on his breath, mingled faintly with aftershave and cigarettes. I nodded. "I tell her that I'm not good enough for her," he said mournfully, looking more skeletal than ever, "but she says that she has had enough of being rich to last her a lifetime."
I kept very still, thinking that perhaps if I didn't say anything he might keep talking.
"Imagine that husband of hers leaving all the money to the boys!" mused Mr. Holly, almost to himself. "He was going to be so smart, avoiding the taxes. And then those little pricks thought they could tell her how to live! Why-"
He stopped abruptly as Mrs. Peavey returned. "One more drink," she said cheerfully, "and then I think it's time to take Ruthie home. She has school tomorrow."