"Reichs, Kathy - Temperance Brennan 02 - Death Du Jour" - читать интересную книгу автора (Reichs Kathy)

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ISBN 0 09 925519 7

To all who survived the Great Quebec Ice Storm of 1998.

Nous nous souvenons.

The characters and events in this book are fictional and created out of
the imagination of the author. The setting is in Montreal, Canada;
Charlotte, North Carolina; and other locations. Certain real locations
and institutions are mentioned, but the characters and events depicted
are entirely fictional.


Gratefril thanks are extended to Dr. Ronald Coulombe, specialiste en
incendies; to Ms. Carole Peclet, specialiste en chimie; and to Dr.
Robert Dorion, Responsable d'Odontologie, Laboratoire de Sciences
Judiciaires et de Medecine Legale; and to Mr. Louis Metivier, Bureau
du Coroner de la Province de Quebec, for sharing their knowledge with