"Mike Resnick - Frankie the Spook (2)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Resnick Mike)"You brought the reviews with you?" asked Bacon. "Yes," said Hauer. "They didn't compare my writing to Shakespeare this time?" "No." "Finally!" "Uh...Frankie..." "I can hardly wait. Let me hear them." "You're sure?" "Of course I'm sure," said Bacon. "I've waited 500 years to be acknowledged as my own man." "Okay," said Hauer. "Start with the _New York Times_." "_The Green Bay Massacre_, Fritz Hauer's latest novel, begins with a brilliant conceit, but soon degenerates into a slavish imitation of our foremost American writer, the incomparable Marvin Piltch." "_What?_" "Well, at least they're not accusing you of being Shakespeare any more." "Do you want to hear the rest of it or not?" "No. Read me the _New York Review of Books_." "_The Green Bay Massacre_, Fritz Hauer's heavy-handed homage to the works of Marvin Piltch..." "_This can't be happening!_" cried Bacon. Hauer stared at Bacon's image with some compassion, then shrugged. "What the hell -- once a hack, always a hack," he said as he walked to the door. Bacon's last plaintive scream seemed to linger in the dusty air of the room long after Hauer had left to sign a new contract with his publisher. -end- file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/D...ike%20Resnick%20-%20Frankie%20the%20Spook.txt (10 of 10) [2/24/2004 10:54:47 PM] |