"Mike Resnick - Frankie the Spook (2)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Resnick Mike)things that have never been done with erotica before. The few who
don't mention Shakespeare" -- Bacon's image winced -- "keep comparing me to Voltaire!" "A decidedly minor talent," sniffed Bacon. "Still, what do critics know?" "We're Number One on the bestseller list, and we've gone back to press six times in two weeks." "Only six?" said Bacon. "I overestimated the intelligence of the American reading public." "Yeah?" retorted Marvin. "Well, almost three million members of that public have forked over six bucks apiece to read a paperback original by Marvin Piltch!" Suddenly he shifted his weight uncomfortably. "With some slight assistance by Sir Francis Bacon, of course." "_Some slight assistance?_" roared Bacon. "Why, you self- centered, egotistical--" "Watch your blood pressure," said Marvin. "I don't have any blood pressure, you imbecile!" raged Bacon. "I'm a computer simulacron!" He paused for electronic breath. "Such ingratitude! At least it took Shakespeare five or six plays before he convinced himself that he was the author!" "I apologize." "You had bloody well better apologize!" "I do." "Humbly," demanded Bacon. "That's better." "We're friends again?" "We were never friends." "But at least we're not enemies?" "I suppose not," said Bacon. "Good," said Marvin. "Because we've got work to do." "_I_ have work to do." "That's what I meant." "I will require no help whatsoever with my autobiography." Marvin shifted his weight again. "Uh..." "Yes?" "I'm afraid you're going to have to put your autobiography on the back burner for a few weeks." "Back burner?" "On hold." "English is an elastic language, but it does have its limitations," said Bacon. "Do try to remain within them." "What I'm saying is that we owe another book." "What are you talking about?" "The contract had an option clause. My wife's cousin decided to exercise it." "Nonsense. He cannot force you to write another book." "Well," said Marvin hesitantly, "it wasn't exactly a matter |