"Mike Resnick - Frankie the Spook (2)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Resnick Mike)of _force_..."
"Explain yourself," demanded Bacon coldly. "He offered me a million-dollar advance for a hard/soft deal, 15% straight royalties, 60% of all subsidiary rights, and--" "You've accepted payment for another book?" Marvin nodded. "Well, I certainly hope you enjoy writing it." "I...ah...thought we might collaborate again." "We didn't collaborate the first time." "You know what I mean." "I know precisely what you mean," said Bacon distastefully. file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/D...ike%20Resnick%20-%20Frankie%20the%20Spook.txt (4 of 10) [2/24/2004 10:54:47 PM] file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Mike%20Resnick%20-%20Frankie%20the%20Spook.txt "You want me to write _Girl Scouts in Leather_." "Great title," said Marvin admiringly. "But no, that wasn't what I had in mind." "What you had in mind is of no interest to me." "Come on," said Marvin. "A deal's a deal." "What are you talking about?" demanded Bacon. "I fulfilled my end of the bargain." "Well, not officially." "I wrote the book." Marvin. "Well, the contract now calls for another book." "You mentioned nothing about a contract," protested Bacon. "You asked me to write a book. I wrote it -- and with the absolute brilliance of which only I am capable. My obligation to you is finished." "I was afraid you were going to become an attitude case," said Marvin with a sigh. "And I was certain that you would break your word. It appears that each of us shall have his expectations fulfilled," retorted Bacon. "Well," said Marvin with a sign of resignation, "it was probably beyond you anyway." "What was?" "The book I signed for." "Don't be insulting. If _Meter Maids in Bondage_ proves anything, it proves that no form of erotica is beyond my talents to attack and upgrade." "Yeah, but this one's for his science fiction line." "Science fiction?" "Well, fantasy, anyway. It's an alternate universe story." "What is an alternate universe?" "One in which history happened differently," explained Marvin. "It might be about a world in which Germany won World War II, or where Shakespeare is credited with ghosting all _your_ |