"Mike Resnick - Ivory" - читать интересную книгу автора (Resnick Mike)

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Copyright (C)1988 by Mike Resnick. Cover photo by Camerapix of Nairobi.
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by Mike Resnick

To Carol, as always

And to Perry Mason,

the best damned guide in East Africa

The author wishes to express his gratitude to the following people:

Dr. Juliet Jewell of the British Museum of Natural History's Department of Zoology, for allowing me into
the museum's security storage area to examine the tusks of the Kilimanjaro Elephant;

Peter Capstick, white hunter and literaryraconteur , for pointing out a couple of sources that I had

The directors of the East African Wildlife Society, and especially Shereen Karmali, editor ofSwara , for
their encouragement;

Stephen Kimmel and Dr. Dean R. Lambe, for the use of theirWorld Builder computer program;

Beth Meacham, my editor, for her enthusiasm and support from the very first moment I mentioned this

And, most of all, my good friend Perry Mason, for sharing his time, his knowledge, and his country with
me, and helping me retrace Jumbo's last journey from the banks of the Tana River to the slopes of

Table of Contents

1. The Gambler (3042 G.E.)

2. The Graverobber (4375 G.E.)