"Alastair Reynolds - Pushing Ice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Reynolds Alastair)

Pushing Ice

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Pushing Ice

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Pushing Ice


тАЬA believable and interesting cast of characters, and the political intrigue both on
board the Rockhopper and among the various forms of alien intelligence they
eventually meet will keep readers guessing.тАЭ
тАФThe Rocky Mountain News

тАЬA fantastic tale of survival and adaptation to strange surroundings. Wow!тАЭ
тАФThe Weekly Press (Philadelphia, PA)

тАЬSpectacularтАж [Reynolds] has a genius for big-concept SF and fans of Arthur C.
ClarkeтАЩs Rendezvous with Rama and Larry NivenтАЩs Ringworld will love this novel.тАЭ
тАФPublishers Weekly

тАЬItтАЩs often possible to guess at what lies ahead, but such guesses only flesh out so
much of the story. As a result, thereтАЩs still a wonderful sense of exploration that
echoes the experience of the RockhopperтАЩs crew. In any case, the story is so well-
paced that itтАЩs preferable to just put your feet up and go along for the ride than to
try and second-guess the author. Pushing Ice is a brilliant read and demonstrates
that Reynolds is continuing to travel from strength to strength. It comes highly
recommended to all readers of SF, no matter their individual predilections.тАЭ