"Nora Roberts - Christmas at Ardmore" - читать интересную книгу автора (Roberts Nora)

down there for this, we'll settle for here, outside the house, where we
can hear the sea. Stop stomping your boots, Brenna, this is a

"Then get on with it. I'm freezing my ass off."

Ignoring her, Darcy took Trevor's hand. "There are presents for you
inside, wrapped in pretty paper. You'll like them, for I know you, and
what pleases you. And there best be plenty of those boxes for me as
well. With nice glittery items tucked inside."

"You can count on it," he said with a grin. "For I know you, and what
pleases you."

"I have one for you that will please us both more. It's wrapped as
well, and if I do say so myself in a very attractive package." With her
eyes on his she brought her hand to her belly.

She heard Jude's quiet sob an instant before she saw understanding
come into Trevor's eyes. And an instant later, the joy that rushed
over his face. Then she was caught in his arms, laughing as tears
slid down her cheeks. "I think he likes it."
"When?" He could barely get the single word out as emotion
swamped him.

"End of summer. I'll have your child at summer's end. God, I'm so
happy. We'll go in and tell the others, but I had to tell you this
way--with the six of us."

"Give her over," Shawn demanded and pulled her away for a hug.
The tears and laughter continued as she let herself be passed from
embrace to embrace. Then it was Aidan's arms around her.

"My girl," he murmured. "Oh, that tears it. Someone give me a damn

"Look," Jude said quietly and gestured to the sky as the village
church bells rang out midnight.

There, across that black and glittery glass was a streak of silver. The
winged horse flew, the man and woman astride its broad back. Over
the beat of the sea came the joyous sounds of pipes. They watched
as the woman turned her head, as the man bent to her. When they
kissed a shower of jewels--diamonds, pearls, sapphires--rained
down into the dark sea and sent it to sparkling.

As they flew over the cliffs in a night that had turned brilliant, Aidan
felt the last piece slide into place. "There now, it's perfect, isn't it?"
He took Jude's hand, brought it to his lips. "Happy Christmas. To all
of us."